Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 972: Ancient people, too stingy

They were very polite to each other, completely immersed in the world of books.

"What book? So attractive!"

Dabao Taoist master grabbed a copy, then glanced at it, and then his eyes were round, just like everyone else, looking with relish.

Li Zhen had experienced such a thing and felt no surprise.

Picked up a book casually.

"Ding, three talent formations (advanced version) are detected, do you understand it (requires 10,000 evolution points)?"

Li Zhen wondered, how is it possible?

The formation here is actually even more advanced than the forbidden land.

This should never be right!

Could it be that the King of Heaven has come back?

But is it possible?

Since he can be convinced by so many people, his character is definitely worthy of everyone to follow. How could such a person watch those old brothers suffer and leave alone?

Next, Li Zhen embarked on a journey to comprehend the formation. It took a day and a hundred million yuan of evolution points. Li Zhen yelled, "I'm finished again."

But at this time, everyone was reading the book intently, and no one paid any attention to him.

Li Zhen glanced at it. Dabao Dao Master, who claimed that he would never rebuild other avenues, was reading the book with gusto.

A little bored, he went outside the thatched cottage.

Li Zhen looked at it suspiciously, how did the King of Heaven do it like this scene?

Among other things, his father Li Shaobai couldn't do this anyway, and this alone was enough to prove that the King of Heaven was extraordinary.

Moreover, although there are a lot of books here, it is still a little bit too far to let people understand the great way. Li Zhen is a little puzzled. He shouldn't make this kind of mistake with the talent of the king.

Then, it can only prove that the true line of inheritance is not here, or that they have not found it yet.

In the house just now, he had secretly observed Wu Di, and Wu Di probably didn't know much.

Is the real inheritance still in the forbidden land?

Li Zhen still remembered that King Zhentian asked him to go to the top of the mountain to find that matter, but no matter it was there or here, there were traces of the Great Heavenly Lord.

What does Da Tianzun want to do, and why?

There are too many doubts in this, it is estimated that only two people, Jin Tian Wang and Da Tian Zun can know.

Even a strong like Xie Xiaofeng, the sword god, has no right to know.

Until now, Li Zhen hadn't seen the two people of Zhentianwang and Datianzun, which one is good and which is bad.

Li Zhen walked cautiously here, searching for clues.

He believes that even if the Great Tianzun is more powerful, since Jin Tianwang can arouse the jealousy of the Great Tianzun, then the Jin Tianwang must have its advantages. Even, in some respects, it is already strong enough to make the Great Tianzun feel scared. .

How could there be no successor to such a legacy left by a person.

Li Zhen is like a passer-by, walking slowly in it, carefully searching every corner.

At this time, those people are still reading books with gusto, and they read fast, and they have only read a few books at this time.

Li Zhen also didn't find a way to get out. Now it seems that if you want to get out, I'm afraid you have to understand the formation to get out.

Li Zhen was a little depressed. These old guys are all sick. Since you want the younger generation to learn your avenue, then you just put the avenue in the open, and concealed it like this. What's the matter?

Those ancient people are too petty.

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