Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 1001: Mysterious Pearl (2)

Chapter 1001 Mysterious Pearl (2)

However, everyone was surprised to find that the pearls hanging on Tian'er's neck were all blooming with a little soft light. Under the shroud of this light, the coldness of the sea water intruding into the body gradually dissipated...

"This is..." Tian'er looked at the pearl on his neck in surprise. The rune engraved on the pearl seemed to have come to life, and it kept rotating around the pearl.

"It seems that this pearl is really a treasure." Mu Zhili smiled. She didn't expect the pearl to play a special role at this time. In this way, they undoubtedly have less trouble.

"Light attribute, I feel the rich light attribute from this pearl." Tian'er murmured, the soft brilliance of this pearl is composed of light attribute. She had never felt the existence of any attributes from the pearl before, and she did not expect that it was actually aroused in this seabed.

Mu Yichen chuckled, "It turns out to be a baby with a bright attribute, no wonder you saw it at a glance, it's a **** in the sky."

"I just don't know if this light will attract the monster beast?" Gong Junbin said slowly, in this gloomy seabed, this light is too conspicuous.

Mu Zhili looked at the white pearl thoughtfully, and said, "Try it first. If the monster is attracted, then put the pearl in the universe bag first." She had a faint feeling, this The light will not attract monsters, or it will bring them even greater surprises.

Under the lighting of this light, everyone's speed has accelerated a lot. The five people swept forward in a battle formation, which allowed them to make the best response when faced with danger.

However, after a long time, everyone discovered that instead of being approaching, all the beasts seemed to avoid them deliberately, and even half of the beast's shadow had not been seen.

After confirming this, everyone no longer had the slightest scruples, and proceeded at full speed. They could already smell the **** smell spreading in the sea water, and when they let go of their consciousness, they found that the large team was above them, and the original disciples of nearly a thousand had shrunk a lot at this moment.

"They are too crazy." Gong Junbin said helplessly, but nearly two hundred people died in one hour, which is really embarrassing.

A little smile appeared on Mu Yichen's face, "The harder they fight, the better it will be for us, otherwise it will take a lot of time to catch up with them."

"Haha, let's surpass them while they are fighting! At that time, look at Bei Minghai and their dumbfounded expressions!" Tian'er's eyes are full of sly colors, and she can clearly see the dissatisfaction in the eyes of the other disciples. , It is natural to be able to win back a breath now.

About two hours later, Mu Zhili and the others looked at the door in front of them in surprise. It was a little weird to have such a door in this endless sea. This magnificent gate seemed to divide the entire endless sea into two, and the white walls stretching for hundreds of miles beside it seemed to be another world as long as one stepped into this gate.

"There is no other way beside it, I just want us to enter this gate." Mu Zhili's dark pupils showed a hint of light, and said lightly.

Tian'er looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but sighed: "What kind of place is this Penglai Secret Realm? It would be hard to believe if such a large handwriting hadn't seen it with his own eyes."

Gong Junbin swallowed, and the construction of such a wall in this sea area is really appalling. However, he was even more happy in his heart, this endless sea is so magical, what will it be like in the Penglai secret realm?

"Let's go in!" Han Rulie's eyes showed a glare, and said: "The real danger and opportunity should be in this gate!"

Everyone looked at each other, then pushed the door open, and quickly swept into it!

In the stone room.

"A disciple has entered the first floor!" an elder said while looking at the scene in the light curtain

All the elders were attracted by the words one after another, and hurriedly looked at the ranking. At this sight, Xia Changqing and other elders were all a little startled.

"Before Mu Yichen and his party were clearly at the end, how could it suddenly become the first?" Gu Jingshan said in a stupefied manner.

Earlier, he had noticed that Mu Zhili's cultivation base could not catch up with other disciples in the endless sea. In his opinion, unless they enter the first level, it is impossible for their speed to catch up with other disciples, but what is the result in front of him?

A strange color also appeared on Xia Changqing's face, ripples appeared in her calm and unwavering eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly involuntarily, "What a group of interesting little guys."

Min Wushuang chuckled, his white eyebrows trembled, and said with a smile: "I was so slow before looking at the five little guys, I'm afraid I was deliberately trying to get rid of others."

"I don't know how the final result will be. There are countless dangers in the three-tier secret realm. Whether it will survive or not is unknown."

Xin Jiying looked at the people behind him and said with a smile: "Now that we are in the front, Na Mu Zhili and others can't even see the shadows. I don't think there is a big problem with our approach. It is said that the treasure in this endless sea Countless, if we are in the rear, wouldn't it be impossible to get any treasure?"

Bei Minghai glanced at Xin Jiying faintly, without saying a word. In his opinion, the results of Mu Zhili and others will never be bad. This is his intuition, an intuition that has never been missed for so many years.

Looking at the back of Bei Minghai leaving, Xin Jiying and the others looked at each other, and hurried to catch up. In fact, they really feel that there is nothing wrong with their approach. As the saying goes, the first is the best. What can they do in the end?

However, Bei Minghai did not agree with their views, but they were not in a hurry, anyway, in the end they would be able to prove that their approach was correct.

When Mu Zhili and the others stepped into the gate, there was a look of shock on their faces, because there was no sea water inside the gate, just like land. If they hadn't just come from outside, it would be hard to believe that a door could completely isolate the sea.

In front of me is a land of rugged rocks, with countless winding paths, and the sand on the ground is as soft as a beach. If you are not paying attention, you can step directly into the ground with one foot.

The green vegetation grows luxuriantly here, and the strangest thing is that they can see the sun here. It's just that the sun seems to be immersed in water, twists and turns looks quite strange.

In the next instant, Mu Zhili's shock turned into excitement, because the piece in front of him was a very precious medicinal material! The medicinal materials that are rarely seen in ordinary days actually existed here, but after the excitement, Mu Zhili discovered this unusual place.

The growth environment of these medicinal materials is completely different. It is incredible that they grow in one place here.

"Zhong Sunfeng said that this endless sea was completely created by people in the secret realm of Penglai, and now it seems to be true. It's just what kind of method is this..." Mu Zhili murmured

"Hurry up and pick these herbs before anyone else arrives. It's a little bit more!"

Hearing that, everyone quickly picked the herbs, and even Qiaoqiao, Junjun, and the little devil came out to help at this time. With the concerted efforts of the eight people, the original large amount of herbs quickly reduced.

In the process of picking the herbs, Mu Zhili found that there were a lot of herbs at the gate, but there were none inside. I think it should be specially prepared for the disciples who came first, and the disciples behind probably have nothing left.

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