Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 1329: Battle of Tianyin Gate (4)

Chapter 1329 The Battle of Tianyin Gate (4)

Min Wushuang also put away his previous expression and became cold and serious. Everything before seemed to have disappeared. The two of them were two enemies who had been grieving for a long time. They recruited ruthlessly, leaving no room for them. The opponent resolves it as quickly as possible.

Among all the heads, the most powerful is Ling Qiuhua. He is the head of the Yuntian Pavilion, so naturally there is no need to say more about his strength. Although Wu Jingxian and others are still developing in addition to their cultivation base, their forces are also extremely tyrannical. The two sides fought together, recruiting deadly and dangerous students.

A master's counter-attack, often a careless one may lose his life, so everyone's attention can be described as extremely concentrated. However, under such circumstances, Yun Qianmo didn't make a move, standing quietly behind him, presiding over the overall situation of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

It would be very difficult for him to make him attack Tianyinmen, let alone take his brother's life. The Heavenly Demon Sect didn't seem to have the intention of letting Yun Qianmo take action. When he completed this mission, he had already completed his merits.

In a short period of time, a lot of corpses had fallen on the ground, both sides had corpses, but the corpses of the Tianyinmen disciples were a bit more. In comparison, the elders are all at odds, and no one can subdue others in a short time.

boom! boom!

Two voices sounded, Xia Changqing and Min Wushuang both stepped back a few steps, Xia Changqing was holding his abdomen, and his figure could not help but bend, as if a shrimp. Prison Wusai clutched his chest, there was a red tide on his face, and he just suppressed the fresh blood pressure in his mouth.

However, the next moment the two of them burst out again and continued to fight together. The strength of the two was equal, and almost no one was pleased when fighting.

Wu Jingxian was a little struggling. He spent most of his time on refining the pill. Especially during this period, he was refining almost day and night, and even the practice was temporarily set aside. Compared with other elders, the strength is slightly inferior!

Wu Jingxian and Zhao Huangliu, one of the elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect, were fighting together. The two walked like the wind, and their movements were swift and swift. .

Looking at the battle between Wu Jingxian and Zhao Huangliu, Wu Jingxian and others were a little worried. From their eyesight, it can be seen that Zhao Huangliu's strength is a bit stronger than Wu Jingxian, and Wu Jingxian spends most of his time avoiding. The reason why he was able to support it up to now is due to the strength of his spiritual consciousness.

If this is not the case, I am afraid that I would have been defeated long ago, but if this continues, Wu Jingxian is afraid that he will not be able to hold on for long.

Boom boom boom!

The terrible power that shook the world spread across this world, and the energy fluctuations of the sharp scalp numbness of the two men fluctuated constantly. Such powerful attacks often affected the disciples below, with an extremely harsh sonic boom. , Followed by the screams of the disciple before he died.

The corpses were everywhere, piles of corpses like mountains, blood flowing into rivers, shocking.

This is the situation in Tianyinmen today. It was the Tianyinmen disciples who resisted the advance of the puppets, but the general trend was still retreating in the faint, and the puppets gradually attacked the inside of the Tianyinmen.

Although Tianyinmen gave birth to many disciples in the late stage of leaving the Aperture Realm, there is still a certain gap compared with the number of puppets. What's more, these puppets can't detect the slightest pain. They only know the crazy attack, which is unpredictable and makes people's minds. cold.

"Efforts to resist everyone! Never let the Tianyin Sect break into the Tianyin Sect!" Ling Qiuhua shouted, and immediately waked up some fearful Tianyin Sect disciples, "How do you train you on weekdays? The situation is common right now. Resistance, not a single battle!"

As Ling Qiuhua's voice fell, the disciples seemed to have found the backbone, and they united one after another to build a fortress once again, forcibly blocking the progress of the puppet, and the situation stabilized again.

Most of these cultivators are improving their own cultivation level on weekdays, and they also subconsciously do so when they are fighting, so that they forget the combat methods of sin.

Seeing the stable situation below, the head of Tianyin Sect was relieved, Ling Qiuhua once again said: "The elder of the Sky Demon Sect must be beheaded before we can resist this offensive, everyone speed up!"

The battle circle in the air determines the battle circle below. As long as the upper side wins, then the battle circle below is determined.

"I am still in the mood to deal with this. It seems that my offensive is not enough, so you can still get your mind." Yang Jilang snorted, and the current attack speeded up a bit, making Ling Qiuhua must do his best.


Wu Jingxian's figure suddenly flew back hundreds of meters away, and fell to the ground fiercely. In an instant, smoke and dust were everywhere, and a shallow hole was also smashed into the ground.

A black whirlwind followed closely, and Zhao Huangliu's spear in his hand stabs Wu Jingxian mercilessly. The smile on his face is expanding, and the viciousness and coldness set off his face extremely hideously.

Wu Jingxian turned over again, violently skimming several tens of meters, avoiding Zhao Huangliu's attack, but there was a little paleness on his face. However, Zhao Huangliu was not surprised, his hands kept moving, and he shot out fiercely, with Wu Jingxian's combat effectiveness, but he could completely die in his hands after a few more rounds.

Just as Zhao Huangliu had guessed, Wu Jingxian just kept dodge, even if he fought against him, he would retreat and he was injured more seriously. Suddenly, the corner of Zhao Huangliu's mouth raised a smile, his eyes condensed, this is the opportunity!

With the left hand restrained, he stabbed out with the spear in the right hand. Wu Jingxian was restrained, even if he wanted to avoid it, but couldn't do it. At this moment, his vision was extremely complicated, and his eyes flashed through reluctance, pain, resentment, and a trace of gratification of death. At least, his blood was spilled on the Tianyin Gate. On the ground, at least, his burial place is his favorite place.

"Jingxian!" Xia Changqing and the others shouted, seeing that the long gun was getting closer and closer to Wu Jingxian, and Wu Jingxian would be killed almost instantly. They felt extremely uncomfortable, but they couldn't tell.

Wu Jingxian’s closest rebuke happened to knock his opponent back a few steps. He looked at Wu Jingxian in danger, violently looting, and came to Wu Jingxian's side. The long sword blocked the spear and pulled Wu Jingxian behind him.

Seeing this scene, everyone was relieved. Fortunately, Wu Jingxian did not have an accident, let them rest a little bit. However, Wu scold and Wu Jingxian both had to endure the attack of the two elders, and suddenly the danger was all around. Wu scolded not only to resist the opponent, but also to protect Wu Jingxian.

"Wu rebuke, leave me alone, I no longer have the power to fight anymore, and it will be difficult for both of us to survive this way. I will take the first step and don't need to care!" Wu Jingxian immediately spoke out after being rebuked by rebuke again.

He had already seen life and death long before, and he could die without regrets, but if it was implicated in rebuke, that would be his biggest regret!

Hearing this, Wu scolded angrily: "What nonsense you old guy are talking about! As long as I scold you, I won't let you have anything!"

Wu Jingxian's eyes gradually changed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "It is the fortune of my life to know you old guys, Wu Jingxian! Let us fight with our lives in the last battle today!" As soon as the voice fell, Wu Jingxian's offensive changed. All the power left by oneself exploded out, even if you were to die, you had to pull back!

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