Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 679: Dumbfounded Lei Xiaojun (1)

#679 dumbfounded Lei Xiaojun (1)

"Since you want to come back to find him, then take good care of yourself. Otherwise, even if he comes back, you won't see him." Qiu Wuji said again, he naturally saw Mu Zhili this The state was terrible.

This is the first time I have seen such a serious injury. Most people have fainted a long time ago with such a serious injury, but it is a miracle that she can persist until now!

I think it’s that the obsession in her heart has been supporting her, otherwise she will not be able to persist until now. This shows how important the man is in her mind.

Mu Zhili opened her mouth. However, before she could speak, Qiu Wuji stretched out her hand and said: "Get out!" In the blink of an eye, Mu Zhili only felt that the golden light flashed before her, and she was standing outside the Profound Sky Battlefield!

Mu Yichen, who has a heart-to-heart connection with Mu Zhili, naturally felt that Mu Zhili's current situation was terrible. After he returned to the Shenjue Palace, he learned the news that Mu Zhili and Tian'er had participated in the tournament. You can't enter the match-making arena through the teleportation array, you can only rush to the exit of the match-making arena quickly.

Feeling this bone pain, his speed is even more extreme. Something happened to sister Zhili! This is his only idea now!

When Mu Zhili appeared, the long-awaited Bai family finally saw Mu Zhili's figure!

Among the many teams that welcome the children of the family, the Bai family is definitely the most powerful one.

Originally, it was enough for Bai Mo to be cold on such occasions, but a large group of people came to the Bai family! Not only Bai Mo Leng, but even Bai Shengchao, the head of the Bai family, appeared!

The head of the family came to greet him personally. Could it be that the Bai family's unexplored prophet already knew that this time their Bai family won the second place? Just looking at the nervous and anxious look of the Bai family, they felt that things should be more than that.

The Bai family, a large family with profound background, would definitely not be so happy because it won the second place. So what was the reason for all this? A look of doubt appeared on everyone's faces.

When Lei Xiaojun came to the exit of the competition arena, he also saw a group of people from the Bai family, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes. Over the years, the Bai family had always kept things low-key, and the Patriarch of the Bai family hadn't appeared in the sight of everyone for a long time.

What is going on today? Based on his knowledge of the Bai family, it is obvious that something unusual is happening today. If there is only the Patriarch of the Bai family, that's all, but he saw that Bai Mo Ling was here too!

For so many years, Bai Moling stayed in the Bai family so as not to be completely stiff with the Lei family, and never took a half step out of the family. Is it possible that their move today is to show off with my Lei family?

Thinking of this possibility, Lei Xiaojun was surprised, and immediately showed disdain. With the current strength comparison between their two families, even if the Bai family's youth came out, it would not have much impact on their Lei family.

If that's the case, their Lei family doesn't need to worry about annexing the Bai family, just attack the Bai family in one fell swoop!

"Oh, Patriarch Bai, what wind brought you here today?" Lei Xiaojun said in an unyielding tone. In his words, he seemed to respect Bai Chengchao, but his actions did not mean respect.

Hearing Lei Xiaojun's words, Bai Shengchao didn't have any extra expressions on his face: "How come you can only come from the Lei family, can't my Bai family come?"

Since the start of the match, the Lei family's actions towards their Bai family have become more and more excessive. It can be said that they have completely torn their faces now, and after returning today, the situation between the two sides is afraid that they are truly hostile!

Therefore, the result of this time-to-top event is very important! Their main purpose here is to find Mu Zhili, who is the child of their Bai family. In addition, they also hope to know the result of this top-of-the-line match earlier.

"Heh... Patriarch Bai is really in a good mood. I think that the noble family will definitely not be able to get the rankings in this top-to-the-top event. Such a large lineup is a bit wasted. Why don't you come and congratulate my Lei family!" The team was full of pride. With their Lei family team this time, it is definitely not a problem to get the ranking!

They even believed in the hearts of their Lei family that the first place in the race to the top was definitely their Lei family!

Even after the end of the match, their next series of arrangements have already been planned. By that time, with the first place to build momentum, their Lei family's power and influence in the surrounding families will definitely rise to a higher level!

Until then, they have no daring to object to the Bai family! After all, it is absolutely unwise to offend such a powerful family as Lei's!

Lei Xiaojun's words caused a gloomy look in the eyes of everyone in the Bai family, and Lei Xiaojun's words were too unpleasant. What is the difference between such words in this large public and beating them in the face of the Bai family?

A sneer appeared on Bai Mo's cold face: "This result hasn't appeared yet, you are too happy too soon! If there is no ranking by then, it will be a joke!"

"Do you think my Lei family’s children are just like your Bai family’s waste? You really think you’re amazing.” Lei Xiaojun arrogantly said, without even looking at Bai Mo coldly, but instead earning her attention to Bai Mo Ling. On the body: "I think your Bai family's courage is really getting bigger and bigger, this kind of **** also let her come out, are you ready to exterminate the clan?"

As soon as this remark came out, the other families who were watching were all taken aback.

This Lei Xiaojun's attitude is very obvious. It seems that their guess is really not wrong. This Lei family is ready to attack the Bai family!

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes of sympathy or schadenfreude fell on the Bai family, and the eyes fell on Bai Mo Ling the most. Bai Mo Ling's fame is like a thunderous to everyone, and they are curious about what the woman who made Lei Family Patriarch looks like.

From this look, everyone also found that Bai Mo Ling was a real beauty! Even though he was not young, he still looked like a lotus flower in the water, especially the weak temperament that made people want to be affectionate.

However, such a beauty is the real source of harm to the Bai family! Had it not been for what Bai Mo Ling did that angered the Lei family, the Bai family wouldn't be in this situation now!

On the contrary, the two marriages, the Bai family is definitely more beautiful than ever! However, all this was completely destroyed in Bai Mo Ling's hands!

The Bai family's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and there was a trace of murder in the eyes of Lei Xiaojun. This Lei Xiaojun is too arrogant! Arrogantly want to trample on the dignity of everyone in their Bai family.

If they swallow this breath in the eyes of everyone today, their Bai family will truly become soft persimmons that anyone can knead in the future!

"Lei Xiaojun, don't go too far! Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!" Bai Mo's cold face was full of chill, and the murderous intent in his eyes could be clearly felt by anyone.

Lei Xiaojun didn't care about Bai Mo Leng's threat. He still had an arrogant smile on his face, and provocatively said: "You're welcome? What can you do to me? With the strength of my Lei family? Afraid that your Bai family won't succeed?"

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