Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 925: Jiang Wenting (2)

Chapter 925: Jiang Wenting (2)

Han Rulie and Mu Yichen also talked a lot about things, but many things revolved around Mu Zhili and Tian'er...

Early the next morning, everyone received the notice. The training officer of the seed training camp summoned everyone to announce the order, so everyone left for the square almost immediately after receiving the news.

Zhao Bo, Chen Tian and others did not go. They were not able to participate in the internal affairs of the seed training camp. Frankly speaking, they were just leading the way.

When she came to the square, Mu Zhili frowned. According to the ten people in each kingdom, there should be fifty people present, but it was obvious that there were far more than fifty people in this square.

The two of Tian'er went to the team of the Sky Screen Nation, while the two of Mu Zhili went to the team of the Lingyan Nation.

As soon as he saw the two of Han Rulie, Gong Junbin eagerly said hello: "Brother Han, Zhili, among the ten, you are the latest two to come."

"We came over immediately after receiving the notice. I didn't think your speed was so fast. But, why are there so many people here?" Han Rulie said his doubts.

"I also just learned that, in addition to the forty people from our four princes, the other sixty people are from the Chi Min country." Gong Junbin tutted out: "But it has nothing to do with us. Ten people eventually only ten people can participate in the seed war."

"It seems that the competition between them should be more cruel, but after more than a year of training in the seed training camp, their progress can not be underestimated." Han Rulie glanced at the disciples of Chi Wen country before saying.

Gong Junbin shrugged: "This is the gap between us and the host country. We can only come to ten, and they can come to sixty."

"Don't feel bad for your kid, we all came in anyway!" Han Rulie patted Gong Junbin on the shoulder.

"I'm just talking about it. If this main country doesn't have any privileges, it will be different from the princes country."

While the two were talking, a well-mannered young man walked onto the high platform under the gaze of everyone. The man's complexion was quite fair, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth. If he hadn't appeared here, anyone would think he was a man of literacy.

"I am your trainer, my name is Jiang Wenting. In the next year, if you have any questions, you can come to me." Jiang Wenting slowly said, his elegant appearance seemed to have no attack power, but Everyone knows this is just superficial.

"The trainer is just a title. I won't train you. How to cultivate and improve is your own business, so don't bother me if there is nothing big in the day."

Jiang Wenting's words made many people's minds startled. What the trainer said was really personal. Just let them not go to him if there is nothing to do. There are not many opportunities to see him in this year.

"If you can enter the seed training camp, it proves that you all have your own skills. The friction in the weekdays is definitely not small. Private fights are not allowed in the seed training camp. If you really want to compete, you can challenge each other and solve it in the ring. We will not interfere. We need to remind you that murder is not allowed in the arena. If someone kills in the arena, then he is the next dead person! Of course, if both parties agree, a life-and-death battle can be carried out, so life is death. never mind."

Everyone didn't doubt Jiang Wenting's words. They violated the rules in the seed training camp and were killed, and no one would stand up for them. For a while, everyone took the fluke away. Killing the opponent but paying for his own life would be a big loss!

"A major feature of the seed training camp is that you practice in the training room, and your training speed will be greatly improved. Because practicing in the training room is tantamount to using spars to practice, and the benefits can be imagined. However, Not everyone has such a good opportunity. There are only fifty training rooms in total. Each disciple can get the number of days used by receiving tasks, or get it from other disciples by other means such as betting, grabbing, etc. You see for yourself. It’s done. You just came, so everyone can get ten days of cultivation time, and then it’s up to you to earn it. Remember what I said, if there are no other problems, you will officially start at the seed Practice in the training camp!"

After Jiang Wenting left, the square suddenly became noisy. Many people walked in the direction of the training room, obviously wanting to see how effective the cultivation in this room is.

"Zhi Li, what are your plans?" Tian'er asked aloud

"I'm going to see what missions are available first. Now most people choose to go to the training room. We may not have them after we go. It's better to find a mission. When you come back, you don't have to worry about this problem." Li expressed her opinion.

"Yes, I think so too." Mu Yichen agreed.

Han Rulie turned his head to look at Gong Junbin beside him, and said, "Brother Gong, what are your plans?"

"Since you have all made this decision, I will naturally be with you, otherwise I will have any strength by myself."

Seeing that Shen Qing had a lot of interest in the training room, Ouyang Hao decided to go to the training room with Shen Qing. After greeted Mu Zhili and the others, he left first, and Mu Zhili and others went to pick him up together. task.

Various missions are a major feature of the seed training camp, so the mission hall is built quite gorgeously, which forms a huge contrast with the simple gate.

When Mu Zhili and the others came to the mission hall, they found a lot of people gathered in the hall, but compared to the situation in the training room, it was really insignificant.

The procedures for receiving tasks are not complicated. There are many tasks hanging on the walls of this hall, including individuals and teams, and the difficulty varies. The greater the difficulty, the more rewards naturally increase.

Mu Zhili and others looked at the task casually, looking for a task suitable for them to do now.

"How about this? The Tailang Mountains in the central part of Chiwen country attacked and killed a hundred **** night wolves." Gong Junbin said.

The **** night wolf is extremely tyrannical among the monsters in terms of speed and power. Generally, the strength of the **** night wolf is equivalent to the master of the spiritual silence state. With the habit of living in groups, even the master of the Nascent Soul Realm dare not easily fall. Into the **** night wolves.

If the five of them go in a team, there should be no problem. This reward is also pretty good. If they complete it, they will be able to get 50 days of training time, an average of 10 days for each of them.

In fact, when such a task is released, it is known that it cannot be completed by one person, so it seems that the reward is very high, but it is average if it is average.

"This is okay, but it takes more time to come and go. Only ten days of rewards seem to be less." Mu Zhili pointed her chin with emotion.

"Then let's look at it again." Gong Junbin didn't care either. After thinking about it, only ten days was indeed a bit shorter.

Han Rulie looked at another task and said, "How about this? Although it is dangerous, the reward is still good."

Following Han Rulie’s sight, this task is to allow them to go to the Ximin country bordering Chi Min to attack and kill the elders of one of the forces. The reward is 120 days, which is undoubtedly more profitable than killing the **** night wolf. Big.

"This reward is indeed good, but the risk is not small." Tian'er said.

It is not a simple matter to attack and kill an elder of a power, and regardless of the strength of the elder, the power of the other party alone cannot be underestimated.

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