Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 927: Iron Rock City (1)

Chapter 927 Iron and Stone City (1)

Profound Sky Continent.

Ling Luochen and Situ Yao learned about the strangeness of this ancient well from Mu Tianjing's mouth, and they have been studying this ancient well, but after trying to throw a stone and hear no echo at all, they gave up tying it with a rope. With the plan to go down alone, I don't know how long the rope should be.

On this day, the two came to the ancient well again, and their faces were slightly serious.

"Have you decided?" Situ Yao looked at Ling Luochen and asked aloud, his eyes like a pond are unfathomable.

Hearing this, Ling Luochen looked up at him and said, "Do you still need to ask this question? Didn't you decide the same?"

"Okay! No matter what the result is, at least our two brothers can be a company!" Situ Yao smiled heartily. Once they entered the well, they didn't know what the result was, but for the obsession in their hearts, they The heart is decided!

Bai Mo Ling looked at Ling Luochen and the two with a worried look, and said: "Don't do this anymore. Tian Jing and I just think this well is a certain possibility. If it's not, you can't get out. How to do?"

At first she just wanted to tell them two of this possibility, but she didn't expect them to make this decision so persistently. Whether these two children understand it is very likely that they will die after they go on!

"Auntie, we have already decided. Think more optimistically, maybe we will enter another magical place." Ling Luochen smiled and said, he has only this obsession, no matter what it is. He did not regret the results.

Listening to Ling Luochen's words, Bai Moling shook his head helplessly. These two children are really...

"Uncle, take good care of Auntie in the future. Let's go down and find out!" Situ Yao smiled. He has explained everything in the school, and now everything is ready.

Ling Luochen and Situ Yao looked at each other and jumped into the ancient well together. Their expressions were full of determination, without any worry or hesitation. On the contrary, there was a smile of relief on the corners of their mouths.

"Brother Situ!" A sharp girl resounded.

Bai Moling and Mu Tianjing turned their heads in surprise and saw Liu Xueyan looking at the ancient well where Situ Yao had disappeared with tears on his face.

Recently, she had also heard about some things that happened to Yaozong. She knew that Situ Yao must be going to do something, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the sect affairs so clearly.

She had originally planned to ask him, when she happened to hear that Situ Yao had come to Tianyinmen, she rushed over immediately, unexpectedly seeing such a scene. She is the granddaughter of Elder Tianwu. It is not uncommon to know a little bit about the secrets of the martial arts, and she also knows the horror of this well.

"Xueyan..." Bai Moling's eyes were a little flustered. Why did this girl happen to be here?

She is also very clear about Liu Xueyan's feelings for Situ Yao. This girl seems to have determined the truth of death. Even if Situ Yao doesn't have her place in her heart, she doesn't care, she feels distressed when she sees it!

"Brother Situ" Liu Xueyan muttered, looking at the dark bottom of the well, a touch of determination appeared in his eyes, and said: "I'm here, you wait for me!"

Taking advantage of Bai Moling and Mu Tianjing not paying attention, he quickly jumped into the well. Mu Tianjing hurriedly reached out to pull her back when he noticed Liu Xueyan's movements. He didn't expect to only pull her clothes without holding her. people.

Looking at the half of silk in his hand, Mu Tianjing's complexion was very ugly: "How can this be good! Elder Tian Wu is just such a granddaughter, and now he has jumped down."

Situ Yao, who was on the way, frowned, "Brother Ling, did you hear someone calling me just now?"

After he jumped down, he faintly heard the voice calling his name, but the strong wind in his ears made him extremely unreal.

"I also heard a little bit, and thought I heard it wrong, so it seems that this should happen." Ling Luochen's indifferent face did not have the slightest ripple, but there was a trace of firm attachment in the depths of the bright black eyes.

"The only people present are Uncle and Auntie, who will call me?" A hint of doubt appeared in Situ Yao's eyes.

Listening to Situ Yao's words, the corner of Ling Luochen's mouth raised slightly, and said, "Who else can the entire Tianyinmen be besides the junior girl who loves you the most? You know her feelings for you better than anyone else."

Hearing the meaning of Ling Luochen's words, Situ Yao sighed quietly: "I understand what you mean, but as long as I don't see Zhili for a day, she will not leave my heart. I don't want to pretend to be someone else's heart. Stay with her."

Since Zhi Li got married, he knew that there was no possibility between them. Regardless of Han Rulie's excellence, Zhili is also a single-minded person, not to mention her heart has never been on him.

At the beginning, Zhi Li told him that she regarded him as a confidant and a blue face, so she hoped that he would be happy, and Liu Xueyan was a woman worthy of cherishment.

He couldn't understand what Zhili meant. Gradually, he also realized Liu Xueyan's sincerity towards him, and he couldn't even think about it to be with Liu Xueyan in the current situation.

Seeing Situ Yao's helpless appearance, Ling Luochen smiled with a little self-deprecating: "We are all the same."

Situ Yao patted Ling Luochen's shoulder with one hand: "Brother Difficult." It's because the loss of these days often lingers in their hearts, but they have never regretted it. Maybe others don't understand, but they can understand each other.

There were still tears in the corner of Liu Xueyan's eyes, but she did not hesitate to turn back. She would be with him no matter where Situ Yao went, even if he never had himself in his heart, she didn't care.

The corners of her mouth slowly opened up a curve. If this is a deep abyss, at least she can die with Brother Situ in the end, that's enough.

Ling Luochen didn't know how long they had stayed in the well, he only felt that there was a bottomless abyss under his feet, and when the light appeared, the eyes of the two of them were full of surprise!

"Hey, someone in the 16th world is here again." A disciple who inspected was slightly surprised.

No one came to the main world for many years in the 16th division world until the appearance of Dongfang Li and Dongfang Lie. With the fame that the two later developed, everyone paid a lot of attention to them, and they even knew a little more about the sub-world they appeared in.

When Ling Luochen and Situyao stood on the ground with their feet on the ground and watched the scene in front of them, the shock in their hearts could not be added.

"Excuse me, what is this place?" Situ Yao said in a stunned voice.

"This is the main world. You are from the sub-world. It has been a long time since no one has come to the 16th sub-world. I didn't expect two people to come a year ago, and someone will come a year later."

Listening to the man's words, Ling Luochen's heart tightened and asked hurriedly: "Who are the two you mentioned?"

"Dongfang Li and Dongfang Lie."

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