Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 929: Black spar (1)

#929 black spar (1)

The power of darkness enveloped the iron stone city, and the scene of the black hole made people creepy.

The green trees that were full of vitality quickly withered under the erosion of the power of darkness, and the entire iron stone city became lifeless, and walking into it made everyone's hearts unconsciously heavy.

"Such a terrifying dark power is really rare." Tian'er looked at the scene in front of him and said with emotion, with deep surprise in his clear and bright eyes.

Mu Zhilidai frowned slightly, and her red lips lightly opened: "If we stay here forever, even we will be affected a lot."

"Everything is careful, try to get time to explore, no one of us can hold on to too much time except Yichen." Han Rulie said with a solemn expression, if they encounter some dark power on weekdays, it will not have any impact on them, but so The pure power of darkness is not something they can bear.

A gleam of light flashed in Mu Yichen's eyes, and he murmured: "Such pure dark power, if I practice here, its cultivation speed must be a thousand miles!"

His talent attribute is the dark attribute, so he doesn't have the slightest discomfort here. On the contrary, he only feels that every cell in his body is stretched out, greedily absorbing this pure dark power.

"This is indeed a treasure of cultivation for people with dark talents, but everything here is unusual. It is better to understand what is going on first." Han Rulie patted Mu Yichen on the shoulder.

If Tieshicheng was like this, Mu Yichen would be very good at practicing here, but now it seems that everything is not so simple.

When the five people walked to the center of Ironstone City, they discovered that there were a lot of people gathered here. Compared to the empty situation when they just entered the city, it was much better. At least there was a little more life, and everyone's heart was dignified. A little bit.

"A new group of people have arrived."

"It looks like a young man, it's really bold to come to Ironstone City."

Many middle-aged people sighed after seeing Mu Zhili and the others. They had already seen many young people who came to explore in Ironstone City, but few people were able to go out alive in the end.

Mu Zhili originally planned to find someone to ask about the current situation of Ironstone City, but she gave up this plan after seeing everyone's separate situation. Even if she asks, she can't ask why.

"Let's take a look at the situation first." Han Rulie whispered.

They don't know the situation in Iron Stone City, so they just rush to explore like a headless fly. It's better to see if you can get some useful news here.

Hearing Han Rulie's words, Mu Zhili and others nodded in agreement, and now the best way to adapt to changes is the same.

Just as several people were talking and listening to the conversations of others, they suddenly heard a heart-piercing scream.

Looking at the source of the sound, it was a young man. Looking at his facial profile, it is not difficult to see that he should be a very handsome man, but now his face is stained with black. The vitality in the body is almost dissipated.

Accompanied by his screams, Mu Zhili and others were surprised to find that the black on his body became more and more dense, and his body dried up at an extremely terrifying speed, and in a short time, it turned into a mummy.

"This...he is..." Gong Junbin looked at the mummy on the ground in amazement, unable to say a whole word.

He wasn't afraid, but the reality in front of him was so strange that he had to be surprised. What's going on in such a short period of time?

"He has invaded too much dark power, which can be seen from the black appearance on his face before, and when the dark power reaches a certain level, his vitality quickly dissipates, thus turning into a corpse. "Mu Zhili shook her head regretfully.

"He shouldn't continue to stay in the city of darkness before. If he leaves earlier, he will slowly purify the power of darkness in his body, and the ending will not be so bleak." Han Rulie sighed, this method of death is really true. A little bit too suffocated.

Although the death of this person gave them a little sigh, it seems that what the woman said before is not an exaggeration. There are many people who died in Ironstone City, but they did not care too much. After all, this person's behavior Somewhat overpowering.

On the other hand, the death of the other people around them did not even attract their attention. They had seen too many such things in these days in Ironstone City, and they were already numb.

At this moment, a strange scent suddenly came from the sky. When the scent came out, the eyes of the calm people suddenly widened, and a touch of surprise could not help being revealed from their eyes.

"Black spar! The black spar appears!"

I don't know who yelled excitedly, and then everyone rushed towards the same place. It seemed that no one was slow and the baby was gone.

Seeing this scene, Mu Zhili and the others looked at each other and quickly followed, but they kept thinking about what is black spar before, they had never heard of it before.

"Qiaoqiao, have you heard of black spar?" She has a certain understanding of spar. She used to practice with spar before, but black spar is a bit strange.

Qiaoqiao hesitated for a moment and said: "If I am not mistaken, the black spar they said is also a kind of spar, but this spar contains the power of darkness, and it has the power of darkness for practitioners. Great benefit."

"Not only can the cultivation level be improved, but it is also conducive to their understanding of the dark attribute, but the black spar rarely appears. I did not expect that there will be a black spar here." Junjun continued Tianer's words

"You guys should follow, it's not a bad thing to keep this thing." Qiaoqiao raised her eyebrows slightly, and her crystal eyes revealed a strong interest. She has always been interested in accumulating wealth.

"No problem!" Mu Zhili smiled. In her opinion, if she could get some black spar, it would be great for Yichen to practice.

Following the large army until they saw a forest, everyone looked around and it was obvious that the black spar should be scattered in the forest.

Mu Zhili and the others did not hesitate, and directly searched in the forest. This thing was originally by luck, so naturally there was no need to continue following other people.

"Unexpectedly, there is still a forest inside this iron and stone city. It is really peculiarly tight." Tian'er said in surprise. Aren't ordinary cities where everyone lives? There will be forests.

"This forest is not actually an Ironstone City anymore. It's just that the Ironstone City is very small and the planning is not detailed. This forest can be said to belong to the Ironstone City or not." Han Rulie explained that he had read the map so many times before. , I also have a certain understanding of the scope of this iron stone city.

Gong Junbin doesn't care about this location. He is very interested in the black spar, and hurriedly said: "Let's find the black spar quickly. Seeing how excited they are, it should be a good baby!"

Looking at the look of Gong Junbin's money fan, everyone was smiling and everyone was familiar with it, so he spoke so unscrupulously.

When they really searched, Mu Zhili and the others knew how difficult it is to find black spar. Looking for a small black spar in this huge forest is nothing more than finding a needle in a haystack.

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