Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 933: Surprised by Jiang Wenting (3)

Chapter 933

Now that he knew the identities of these people, Jiang Wenting gave up his previous plan. As their instructor, he naturally wanted to help.

During the conversation, he looked at the performance of several people in his eyes. He had to admit that these little guys were extremely good, with excellent combat experience and momentum, and obviously had a lot of previous combat experience.

Speaking of it, Gong Junbin is the one with relatively weak combat experience, but he also found that Gong Junbin is making a little progress. I believe he should make a lot of progress in one year.

"The strength of these disciples is pretty good. The strength of Xiao Junpu and others is considered superior among these teams in Ironstone City. Although these disciples are in a disadvantaged position, it is already extremely difficult to achieve such a situation. ."

A smile appeared in Jiang Wenting's eyes, and he said something that shocked Chu Mo.

"You didn't notice that among the five of them, four were fighting at a leapfrog level, and the only opponent of the disciple fighting at the same level was Xiao Junpu."

"Fighting leapfrog?" Chu Mo sucked in a cold breath, then chuckled lightly: "It seems that this time we are very hopeful of glory in Chi Min Country."

At this moment, a little change suddenly occurred in the field, Tian'er stepped back embarrassedly, and then stabilized his figure, but blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Mu Yichen was worried about seeing Tian'er injured because of his heart for Tian'er, so his moves were also affected to a certain extent, so that Xiao Junpu found the opportunity to attack him fiercely.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Wenting no longer continued to hide in the dark, his figure rushed out, and his big hand directly blocked Xiao Junpu's attack.

Xiao Junpu didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to come out halfway, but after seeing the person in front of him, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. He had heard of Jiang Wenting's name. Although Jiang Wenting looked like a weak scholar, they all knew that Jiang Wenting's strength was not the usual toughness, and people shouldn't describe him as appropriate.

"Jiang Wenting, there doesn't seem to be any contradiction between us." Xiao Junpu spoke out to test Jiang Wenting's tone. He didn't know why Jiang Wenting made the shot.

Han Rulie and others also noticed the sudden appearance of Jiang Wenting. Both parties who were fighting before stopped. When a third party intervenes, this situation will inevitably change a lot. Therefore, when everything is not clear, this It doesn't matter who does it.

Han Rulie and others recognized Jiang Wenting for the first time. It was naturally difficult for Jiang Wenting to remember so many of them, but they only had to remember Jiang Wenting alone.

Jiang Wenting slowly said: "There is indeed no contradiction between us, but these people are my disciples, you must understand what to do." The flat voice was full of faint threats.

His meaning couldn't be more obvious. If Xiao Junpu and the others left unconsciously, they wouldn't mind doing something to solve them.

Xiao Junpu was startled. They knew more or less about Jiang Wenting's identity. They didn't expect that they were so lucky to run into Jiang Wenting's disciples. The most unfortunate thing was that they attracted Jiang Wenting.

Now they have no choice but to leave. After all, these disciples of Jiang Wenting are enough to cause them trouble. Once Jiang Wenting and the others join, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

Thinking of this, Xiao Junpu glanced at Mu Yichen and the others unwillingly, and immediately said to Xiao Zilin and others behind him: "Let's go!"

Xiao Zilin and the others also knew that Jiang Wenting was powerful, so they didn't raise any objections. They were full of resentment but they could only leave aggrieved. Who made the opponent stronger than them.

Today, they are really stealing chickens to lose their rice. Not only Xiao Ziyin broke his arm, but the others were injured more or less, but in the end they were in vain. And after wasting such a long time, the black spar must have been found by others, and in the end nothing was obtained.

"It's hateful, how could this Jiang Wenting suddenly appear!" Xiao Zilin blasted an angry circle on the big tree, and the thick tree that needed a few people to hug directly appeared a big hole in the middle of his circle.

"If they don't come, it won't be long before we can solve these young people." Xiao Ziyi's heart is also extremely unhappy, originally considered victory is in sight, although it will waste a little more time, the final result is good. .

Listening to the complaints of a few people, Xiao Junpu sighed quietly: "The matter is over. It is useless to say more. It's better to find a place to recover." He is still more practical. Now he thinks about those things but makes himself more. Some chagrin.

After Xiao Junpu and others left, Han Rulie and the others were still full of surprise.

Meeting Jiang Wenting in this Iron Stone City is already very magical, and Jiang Wenting doesn't need to do anything at all, just say a word, Xiao Junpu and others are leaving obediently, this kind of courage is not something ordinary people can have.

Needless to say, I also know that Jiang Wenting's strength is extremely powerful, and he is very famous in Ironstone City, otherwise Xiao Junpu would not be able to directly name his name.

"Thank you instructor for your help." Mu Yichen took the lead. If Jiang Wenting hadn't taken the shot just now, he should have been injured now.

Jiang Wenting smiled slightly, the smile on his face full of scrolls was a bit shy, and no one could connect him with a powerful cultivator with this image.

"Don't thank you, since you are my disciples, I should take action when you see you in distress." Jiang Wenting waved his hand and said, "Your performance just now was very good. Work hard."

"Thank you instructor for your appreciation." Mu Zhili and the others responded together. They were not afraid of Jiang Wenting's identity, but admired his strength.

For them, the only person who can make them admire is the powerful cultivator, and although Jiang Wenting is eclectic, it is easy for people to feel good.

"The mission of the Iron Stone City is very dangerous. You are not safe here. I think you should return to the training camp earlier or take some other missions." Jiang Wenting thought for a moment.

He has been paying attention to the affairs of Iron Stone City these days. He himself is a dark attribute cultivator. Therefore, Iron Stone City is not dangerous to him. There will be no problems if he stays here for a long time. Other attributes are available. Cultivators stay here for a long time, but their lives will be in danger.

Listening to Jiang Wenting's words, Mu Zhili and the others looked at each other. They finally came here, and they were reluctant to leave like this, not to mention that Yichen himself is a dark attribute cultivator, even if he finds more black spar. It is also excellent.

"Instructor, we also know your kindness, but we don't plan to leave here." Han Rulie hesitated for a while and then said. They must be able to keep Jiang Wenting from staying here, so it's better to be honest and clear.

"Oh? What's the reason?" Jiang Wenting was a little surprised. It is reasonable to say that these little guys should know how dangerous this iron stone city is after they met Xiao Junpu and the others. They even chose to stay here even if they knew it was so dangerous. There is a certain reason.

"We are very interested in the anomaly in Ironstone City. This is also an experience for us. The most important thing is that Mu Yichen is a dark attribute, and maybe we will find some clues." Han Rulie explained, if you say the first two sentences directly Presumably Jiang Wenting would not believe it, so he said that.

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