Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 941: No strength (1)

Chapter 941: No Strength (1)

Gong Junbin's injury is very serious, and his injury has improved a lot in the past one month, but he still needs a period of recovery. At this time, Han Rulie couldn't help thinking, if Li'er was there, Gong Junbin's injury would have been healed long ago.

"It's much better, and I will be alive and kicking in a few days. He said he will come and have a look later." Tian'er smiled. She didn't dare to recall the despair at the beginning, but fortunately, the situation is now better than before. It's a lot better, now I just hope that Zhi Li can wake up as soon as possible, then everything will be fine.

"Forget it, let him take care of it. I'm not happy to see his sickly appearance." Han Rulie smiled. After this life and death together, Gong Junbin has truly entered their group. It is completely different from the beginning.

"Haha, that's what I said, he still wouldn't believe it. Now I go back and say that he is desperate." Mu Yichen responded.

"The pharmacist said that Zhili's body has recovered, but if she has any sequelae, she won't know until she wakes up, but what is the reason for her not to wake up?" Tian'er frowned.

After knowing that Zhi Li would not die, she was very happy, but after so many days, Zhi Li's injuries have healed, but she never wakes up, which is too strange.

A touch of sadness appeared in Han Rulie's eyes: "I don't know, but I believe she will wake up soon, because she...cannot bear me."

On this day, Han Rulie sat beside Mu Zhili's bed as before, and whispered: "Li'er, Gong Junbin's injury has been healed today, and we can go back together without you."

"You still don't want to wake up? Then go to sleep for a while." Han Rulie's voice was gentle and caring, and the eyes of Mu Zhili were full of tenderness, like looking at a rare treasure.

Mu Zhili only felt that she was in a completely black world, she was hesitating, she was helpless, she wanted to escape from the darkness, but she could not escape it all the time, the darkness was like endless, no matter she runs How far I have been, and how tired I am running, everything around is still full of darkness.

However, when she was gradually disappointed in the darkness, Han Rulie’s voice came in her ears. Her voice was like a bright lamp illuminating her. She kept calling Han Rulie’s name, and the darkness before her A light appeared!

The bright and dazzling white light was like the light in her life, so she tried her best to run towards the light, hoping to escape from this darkness!

"Lie... Lie..."

Mu Zhili's subtle voice caught Han Rulie's attention, and he couldn't help but cling to his mouth. After realizing that all this was not a hallucination, Han Rulie's eyes were full of surprises, and he hurriedly took Mu Zhili's hand and said, "Li'er, I Here, I am here!"

Feeling the noise in the house, Tian'er and the others also ran over quickly, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Han, did Zhili wake up?"

"I don't know, but she spoke, and she called my name in her mouth!" Han Rulie's voice was full of excitement, and her eyes stared at Mu Zhili tightly.

"Zhi Li, wake up soon, we are all here!" Tian'er said

Mu Zhili only felt that she was getting closer and closer to the light, and the voices of Han Rulie and others gave her great encouragement. Finally, she arrived! The light in her eyes expelled the darkness and cold before, and a warm feeling poured into her heart and lungs.

With her eyes trembling slightly, Mu Zhili opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Han Rulie's face. Although it was very fuzzy, she could recognize him at a glance.

Gradually, everything in front of her became clear. Looking at Han Rulie, Tian'er, Mu Yichen and Gong Junbin in front of her, when she was happy, there was a trace of doubt in her eyes: "Am I dreaming?"

"No, no, Li'er, what you see is true, and we are all well here." Han Rulie said hurriedly, he naturally knew what Mu Zhili was thinking. After all, everyone thought that Gong Junbin is dead.

"But... Am I not dead?" Mu Zhili murmured, the doubts in his eyes did not dissipate, on the contrary, everything in front of him became more and more dreamy.

"Because of your great fate, the power of resuscitation in your body, plus the golden silk armor, your life will stay." Qiaoqiao muttered, all that had scared her little heart before, fortunately With these life-saving methods, she would simply find it difficult to accept otherwise.

After hearing Qiaoqiao’s words, Mu Zhili believed that everything in front of her was true. She slowly stretched out her white hand and covered Han Rulie’s face, “It’s great to be able to see you again.”

Han Rulie's heart felt soft and softly said, "You will be fine when you wake up. Although it was thrilling this time, everyone returned to their original positions in the end."

Mu Zhili nodded slightly, even though she was struggling to get up from the bed, she felt that her body was almost stiff with this movement, and there were bursts of crackling noises from her bones.

Han Rulie and others all knew that Mu Zhili's body had returned to normal, so they didn't stop Mu Zhili's actions. She had slept in bed for so long, and she was active.

However, the next moment Mu Zhili's complexion suddenly stiffened, she looked at her hands in astonishment, and her eyes were at a loss.

"Li'er, what's wrong with you?" Han Rulie asked for the first time seeing Mu Zhili unusually

"I...my strength is gone, there is no trace of heavenly power in my body, this..." A panic flashed in Mu Zhili's eyes, she hadn't experienced this kind of ordinary human feeling since she passed through, and now This lack of strength in her whole body made her very scared.

She didn't feel much when she had no strength, but now that she suddenly lost her strength, she only felt that her world had collapsed in an instant.

As Mu Zhili's voice fell, a touch of stunnedness appeared in the eyes of everyone present, just looking at Mu Zhili's appearance, it was obvious that all this was true.

"How can this be? Why is it like this?" Mu Zhili muttered to herself, her exquisite face was so full that she couldn't believe it.

"Li'er, don't be afraid, no matter what happens, you have me by your side!" Looking at Mu Zhili's flustered appearance, Han Rulie felt distressed. He opened his hands and hugged Mu Zhili directly in her ears. Bian whispered to appease her emotions.

The complexions of Tian'er and others were not good-looking. No one had expected such a sequelae, but they didn't know what was the cause.

Mu Zhili's emotions gradually calmed down, and she immediately said to the people: "You go back first, let me see why I have lost my strength, don't worry about me, isn't it okay for me to be a waste for so many years? ?"

Hearing Mu Zhili's words, everyone nodded, and now they can't help much. The most important thing is to figure out what the reason is.

After everyone left, Mu Zhili sat on the bed like a discouragement, and Wanwan Liuye frowned, "Why am I losing my strength?"

She checked her body for the first time. What was strange was that her body was not abnormal at all, except that all the power of the sky had disappeared, and there was no trace of power in the body.

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