Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 945: Unexpected return (3)

Chapter 945 Unexpected Return (3)

Seeing Mu Yichen's behavior, Mu Zhili said: "Yichen, you are my brother. This thing is good for you but not useful for us. Is it possible that you and your sister have to be polite? Then I want angry."

Tian'er pulled La Mu Yichen's sleeve, and Mu Yichen also said with a smile: "Okay, then I will accept it."

He understands what Mu Zhili and Han Rulie mean. After all, they have known each other for so many years, and they are sincerely doing good for each other. He and Tian'er will do the same if they change positions.

Gong Junbin suddenly said: "This black spar is of no use to me, just give it to Brother Mu. Don't refuse, we are all brothers. Would we care about this? If you refuse, then you will not treat me as a brother!"

Hearing what Gong Junbin said, Mu Yichen hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Okay, I will keep all these things in my heart. Everyone will be good brothers in the future!"

"That's right!" Gong Junbin smiled, his eyes full of sincerity. At best, this black spar was sold to him for some money, and it was definitely not comparable to brotherhood.

"Let's go to the training room now. We have experienced so much thrills in Iron Rock City before, and we need to practice quietly." Han Rulie said.

When it comes to going to the training room, everyone has some expectations, especially after such a critical moment of life and death, everyone's desire for strength has risen to a peak.

Just as they expected, there are not so many people in the training room now. After all, the number of days of cultivation is not so easy to obtain. Most of the disciples have gone out to perform tasks, so they don’t need to wait here. After the receptionist said something, he could go in and practice directly.

Just as Mu Zhili and others were about to enter the training room, they happened to meet Ouyang Hao and others.

Ouyang Hao looked at Han Rulie and the others in disbelief with a deep surprise on his face, "You...you..."

"We're not dead, we're back." Han Rulie said with a smile, looking at the shocked expressions of Ouyang Hao and others, he knew their thoughts, but they did not expect that they would make such a misunderstanding when they went out.

But if it weren't for Mu Yichen's timely acceptance of the inheritance, they might have really lost their lives in the black storm.

A smile of joy spread across Shen Qing's cheeks, and she hurriedly walked to Mu Zhili's side and took her hand and said, "Zhili, it's great that you are all right! You don't know how to hear you fall. When we heard the news, how sad we were. The news was sent back to Lingyan Nation. The mood of the whole Lingyan Nation was quite depressed. I didn't expect to have an oolong!"

Mu Zhili smiled helplessly: "Yeah, we just learned about this news. It's a false alarm."

"Yeah! We must send this news back to Lingyan Nation soon. The museum owners must be very happy."

"Are you just coming out of the training room?" Han Rulie remembered that Ouyang Hao and the others had walked out of the training room before, and couldn't help asking.

Ouyang Hao nodded slightly: "Yes, we also performed a mission some time ago, and we have a reward of 15 days of cultivation time, but now the time has run out, so we are ready to do the mission again.

You probably won’t come out in the training room for a while this time. I have seen the rewards for the mission of exploring Ironstone City. They are rich and tight, and speaking of them, you are really amazing. "

"Where, good luck." Han Rulie smiled and said, "Then you should be careful when doing tasks, and we will go to practice."

"See you later!" After Ouyang Hao said hello, he left with Shen Qing and the others. It seems that Ouyang Hao got along well with other disciples from Lingyan Country during this period.

Each of the five people chose a training room to practice in it, and they all need to stay in seclusion for a period of time.

As soon as Mu Zhili entered the training room, she felt the unusually strong power of heaven, and a touch of surprise appeared in her eyes, and said: "This training room is really magical. It is different from the natural birth of Haotiandong. This man-made creation also has such a thing. The effect is tangible."

Qiaoqiao said indifferently: "It's nothing. Presumably, there should be a spar mine under this training room. This size and spar mine can only be regarded as average. You will have a chance to see a real large-scale one in the future."

Mu Zhili was secretly stunned. In her opinion, this range was already very large. In Qiaoqiao's eyes, it was just an ordinary item. This little girl's vision was really high.

"Don't tell me, I will practice first, and I must recover my strength as soon as possible!" Mu Zhili said, and immediately entered the cultivation state.

She can’t wait to improve her strength. These days, she feels so weak that she feels really uncomfortable. Now Yichen may encounter danger at any time. She hopes that she can help instead of becoming a burden, not only can’t help. Yichen still needs them to protect herself, which is not what she wants to see.

In addition, the sudden drop of strength she still has to worry about. The time for the seed battle is not far away. She only has about ten months. If her strength cannot be improved, what should be done in the seed battle. it is good?

She didn't want to break away from the steps of Han Rulie and others. When they passed the seed war, but she lost the election, then where should all this go? She knew what Dongfang Xiao and others expected of her, and she didn't want to disappoint them.

Since the disappearance of her strength, she has been under great pressure these days, but she does not want Han Rulie and others to worry that this has not been shown, but it is undeniable that her heart is full of eagerness.

In this practice, Mu Zhili discovered that the cultivation speed here is several times faster than the cultivation speed outside, and her own cultivation level is also rapidly improving. After discovering this, she has 24 hours a day. Cultivating without interruption, even wishing to turn 24 hours into forty-eight hours, greedily absorbing the power of the surrounding sky.

Qiaoqiao hid back into the Tiansha Ancient Ring. When Zhili was practicing in retreat, she played in the Tiansha Ancient Ring by herself. After all, the space here is much larger than the practice room, and the time is in Mu Zhili's intense practice. Constantly passing by.

Lingyan country.

Ling Luochen, Situ Yao, and Liu Xueyan learned about the magic of the main world after entering the Dongfang family. Only after such a classification did they realize that their strength is not the mirror of the universe, but the foundation of the building. In the world, they couldn't even tell the breakthrough. of

Here, they learned about the various things that happened to Mu Zhili and Han Rulie. According to everyone's description, they can be sure that Dongfang Li is Mu Zhili!

They are cultivating hard, in order to find Mu Zhili and the others as soon as possible. They also know that it is unrealistic to find them with their current strength. Such forces are the bottom of the main world.

However, just as they were fighting hard, they suddenly heard the bad news from Chi Min Country, and Mu Zhili and Han Rulie both fell?

The news was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. They were deeply shocked. They went from initial disbelief to slowly accepting it. After all, no one would make a joke about such a thing. They were like a frustrated ball. The mood suddenly became depressed.

"Brother Ling, do you think Li'er and the others are really dead?" Situ Yao said unwillingly

Ling Luochen shook his head: "I don't know, the news that came was only that they were involved in the black storm, and it was not certain that they had fallen. In my opinion, the result is not necessarily."

"Why?" Liu Xueyan asked suspiciously when he saw Ling Luochen's rather confident appearance.

"Because no matter it is Zhili or Han Rulie, miracles have happened to them. When Han Rulie disappeared, didn't we all think that he was dead and impossible to come back? In the end he did not come back? As long as it is not a certain result, I will Won't believe it."

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