Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 951: Call order (2)

Chapter 951 Convening Order (2)

The other disciples of the Northern Ring Kingdom naturally thought the same way. Although it was not them who participated in the arena, the previous challenge was obviously the war between the Northern Ring Kingdom and the Lingyan Kingdom. Now that they have lost, everyone has a face. Matt.

Just when Beihuan Guo and his group were about to leave, Mu Zhili slowly said, "You seem to have forgotten something."

Listening to Mu Zhili's words, the footsteps of He Jiguan and others stopped abruptly, a touch of anger surged on their faces, and immediately walked to the ears of other disciples in Beihuan Kingdom and said a few words. Pass it to He Jiguan.

He Jiguan turned his head, and he stretched out his hand and threw the qualifications for 200 days of cultivation time to them, saying, "This is the winning prize for this competition. The two are cleared, let's go!"

The disciples of Lingyan Kingdom cheered after the group of Beihuan Kingdom left. The arrogant and domineering appearance of Beihuan Kingdom made them feel very angry, but now they are happy.

"Junior Brother Lie, thank you!" Ouyang Hao walked to Han Rulie's side, his firm face was full of sincerity, and Han Rulie helped him a lot.

Han Rulie waved his hand and said, "We are fellow seniors. What's so polite about this little job, seniors are offended." Without this opportunity, sooner or later he would have to fight against the disciples of the North Ring Kingdom.

Gong Junbin put a hand on Han Rulie’s shoulder, and smiled and said, "Brother, it’s so cool for me to watch you play against each other. The only bad thing is that he should be beaten in a miserable way. It’s best to let him say no in the future. Come out, see how arrogant he is."

Listening to Gong Junbin's words, a touch of helplessness appeared on everyone's faces, speaking of which Gong Junbin is truly cruel!

After He Jiguan and He Jizhong returned to the resting room together, He Jizhong couldn't help but say: "Big Brother, I..."

"Needless to say, your skills are not as good as humans. Then Han Rulie hides it deeply. Although his cultivation is in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, his strength and responsiveness far exceed yours, even if I fight him. Be careful.

This time, we have missed our sight, so let's buy a lesson. "He Jiguan said, he analyzed the matter carefully along the way, and they were indeed fooled.

"Damn it, there is such a kid in Lingyan Country, and I will definitely make them pay the price soon!" A cold light appeared in He Jizhong's eyes.

He Jiguan said coldly: "Of course, no one has ever been able to take advantage of our brothers, and sooner or later he will not be able to eat."

"Brother, those two hundred days of cultivation time?"

"I asked other people to borrow it. I think we will have to do more tasks in the next time, otherwise we won't be able to pay them back." He Jiguan said with a sullen face. Today they are really in a loss.

Unexpectedly, He Jizhong said nonchalantly: "We took their cultivation time and took it, what else can we do if we don't return it?" No one of the disciples of Beihuan Kingdom is the opponent of their brothers.

"The nonsense, this must be paid back. Now we have offended the people of Lingyan Nation. If we offend the disciples of Beihuan Nation again, even with you and me, it will be miserable in the end." He Jiguan reprimanded himself. The younger brother's thinking is really too simple. If he hadn't been watching by the side, he didn't know how many words would have to come out.

Seeing He Jiguan's serious appearance, He Jizhong hurriedly said: "Everything depends on the big brother."

Suddenly, the battle between Han Rulie and He Jizhong became everyone’s talk, and He Jizhong and others have never reappeared since this incident happened. They must have deliberately avoided...

These did not have any impact on the lives of Han Rulie and others. Mu Zhili and others once again entered the training room to practice. According to Han Rulie and others, the two hundred days of cultivation days obtained this time were given to Mu Zhi. Li, after all, she doesn't have the strength right now, so she must improve as soon as possible.

Mu Zhili did not refuse the kindness of Han Rulie and others, which was actually very important to her.

Mu Zhili closed up in the practice room again. It seemed that her life was only about practicing and comprehending the Chaos Secret Art. However, she seemed to enjoy such a boring day, and two months passed quietly in a blink of an eye.

On this day, when the sky was just clear, I suddenly heard the sound of drums coming from outside. Mu Zhili couldn't help but a hint of doubt appeared in Mu Zhili's eyes: "What's the matter?"

This drum sound clearly came from the seed training camp, but what objection does this drum sound represent?

When Mu Zhili walked out of the room door, Han Rulie and others also walked out of the room door, they all looked suspiciously in the direction of the drums, but when everyone was puzzled, they suddenly heard someone shouting. : "Convening order, this is the convening order for the seed training camp, please go to the square soon!"

Mu Zhili and the others looked at each other and quickly walked towards the square. When the group of them arrived, they discovered that many disciples had gathered in the square, and Jiang Wenting was standing on the high platform.

After Mu Zhili and the others arrived, Jiang Wenting's gaze stayed on them for a while, without concealing the inquiring meaning in his eyes.

He was also surprised after knowing that Mu Zhili and others had come back safely. He went to inquire. The other people who were swallowed by the dark storm had no survivors, but the five of them came back without incident. He would never believe some things.

After thinking about it, in the end he still didn't ask them what means these disciples had used, and he wouldn't even tell him, as long as they came back, he was really satisfied with these disciples.

When all the disciples of the seed training camp arrived, Jiang Wenting cleared his throat, and the deep but serious words came to everyone's ears: "Today I issued a convening order. In fact, the seed training camp has no idea. How many years have not issued a summoning order."

Listening to Jiang Wenting's words, everyone was surprised. What kind of things would make Jiang Wenting issue a summoning order?

"I think everyone has a more or less understanding of the Iron Rock City. The previous Iron Rock City was covered by a mysterious dark power. Three months ago, this dark power suddenly disappeared, and Iron Rock City returned to calm again. "

Hearing the three words Tieshicheng, Mu Zhili and the others couldn't help but look at each other. Could it be that after they left, what happened to Tieshicheng? This inheritance has been accepted, there should be no more problems...

The other disciples unconsciously cast their sights on Han Rulie and the others, who had nearly lost their lives in Ironstone City before.

"Just a few days ago, the restored tranquility of the Iron Stone City changed again, because it was eroded by the power of darkness very severely. Some vegetation, monsters and even corpses were affected by the power of darkness, forming a death. Power, their crazy attacks on human beings have a great impact on everyone’s lives.

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