Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 954: The weird tree and vine (1)

#954 weird tree and vine (1)

Mu Zhili glanced at Gong Junbin with deep meaning. Gong Junbin always showed a brave and intrepid look. But what he said just now was undoubtedly consolidating Han Rulie's position. It seems that Gong Junbin is not one of them. It seems so simple on the surface.

It's really good for Lie to have such a brother. They still have a long way to go in the future. With such a good brother, they can also have a companion on weekdays.

Along the way, Han Rulie has been holding Mu Zhili's hand, in order to protect Zhili as soon as possible when an emergency occurs. It is undoubtedly a good way for a couple to have an unusually good relationship in everyone's eyes. Couple.

Regarding the disappearance of Mu Zhili’s strength, Han Rulie only told it to Ouyang Hao and Shen Qing. After having known each other for so long, he still trusted them both, not to mention the only two of them in this team. Tao Lu.

Ouyang Hao has also been holding Shen Qing's hand all the time, and their purpose is to help Mu Zhili and Han Rulie cover. Both teams of Taoists did this, and everyone would not be surprised.

"Hey, there is such a big flower here. It's really peculiar." Wei Jianxuan looked at the flower in front of him and wondered. This is about 1.5 meters long. How can I see such a tall flower on weekdays?

Hearing Wei Jianxuan's emotional voice, everyone turned their heads to look around. Mu Zhili realized something was wrong and hurriedly said, "Get away!"

At the moment when Mu Zhili's voice fell, everyone suddenly discovered that the flower that had been budding had opened its petals strangely, just like a human mouth, trying to eat Wei Jianxuan's hand in!

Wei Jianxuan flashed away at the moment he heard Mu Zhili's voice, watching the weird scene, he felt lucky, but fortunately he retreated quickly, otherwise his move would be useless.

Bai Yao held the sword and directly shattered the flower, and said with emotion: "The creatures that have been eroded by the power of darkness are really terrifying."

"I have to thank Girl Mu for reminding me, otherwise, I am now..." Wei Jianxuan said with lingering fear

Mu Zhili waved his hand: "It's okay if you're okay. After everyone sees it, you should be more careful. It's best not to get too close to the vegetation." The place where they are now is a forest, and this vegetation is naturally inevitable. Yes, all they can do is avoid them as much as possible.

"There doesn't seem to be much vegetation in this forest." Ouyang Hao said after looking at the surrounding scenes. The forests they see on weekdays are generally dense with trees, but most of them here are dead trees. , Only a few evergreen plants remain.

"The power of darkness is linked to death. I think the plants that can survive are very special." Gong Junbin expressed his opinion that many vegetation here died under the influence of the power of darkness.

Bai Yao nodded: "I think what Gong Junbin said is correct. In short, we should pay more attention to it." In this Ironstone City, we really have to be on guard, otherwise their lives will be lost if they are not careful.

As everyone was moving forward, they suddenly heard a "Xixisuosuo" voice, and Mu Zhili's brows couldn't help but frowned. However, the next moment she heard someone scream.


Everyone turned their heads, and saw a thick tree vine actually encircled his feet and dragged him crazy toward the back!

Xiao Jin hurriedly took out his weapon to chop the vine and tried to cut the vine. However, the tenacity of the vine was beyond his imagination. After cutting several knives in a row, he cut the vine. Suddenly, he hurried back and said, "The tree and vine just now were too scary."

When Xiao Jin finished saying this, he realized that everyone was looking behind him with weird expressions and couldn't help turning their heads. The dense tree and vines were madly attacking them!

"Everyone, run!" Han Rulie yelled, and immediately pulled Mu Zhili to the front quickly. If there were only a few vines, they wouldn't be worried, but there are so many vines, once they are entangled. If you do, you will definitely be strangled to death in the end!

As Han Rulie's voice fell, everyone rushed towards the front frantically, who knew that the speed of the tree and vine was not slow, quietly encircling a person's foot and pulling it down, and immediately countless trees and vines Will quickly surround his body.

Even if he wanted to use a weapon to cut off the tree vine, it was impossible. He could only helplessly be taken off backwards. At the same time, the sharp teeth of the tree vine penetrated his skin and absorbed him. His heavenly power and vitality, it won’t be long before he loses his life.

Seeing the companions next to him being passed by one by one, Han Rulie said to Mu Zhili: "Li'er, you go ahead and wait for me, we will be back soon!"

Mu Zhili nodded, and did not refute. In such a situation where time is life, every word of her is a waste of time.

Needless to say, the tacit understanding between the two of them got along for so long. Han Rulie hurriedly turned around, rushed towards the back, and said, "Everyone, work hard to rescue them!"

Listening to Han Rulie’s words, Gong Junbin and others also turned their heads. At this time, three brothers have been dragged away. If they abandon them like this, it is really not their style. What's more, the power of the vine is not only that, once If everyone is entangled, it is impossible for everyone to escape.

Han Rulie and others took up their weapons and slashed towards the vines frantically. The sound of "ding ding dong dong" continued to rise. Wei Jianxuan and others, who had been desperate in their hearts, saw Han Rulie and others rushing back. There was a touch of emotion in my heart, and I struggled harder now.

A truncated root appeared at the feet of everyone, the injured tree vines quickly recovered, while the other speed continued to spread, and the two sides started a tug of war.

Everyone presents an unbreakable encircling circle approaching the vines little by little, in order to rescue Wei Jianxuan and the others back. Taking advantage of an opportunity, Han Rulie moved to Wei Jianxuan's side and kept cutting next to it. The tree and rattan finally rescued Wei Jianxuan.

However, no one has noticed that a tree vine that is several times stronger than other tree vines directly surrounds Han Rulie's body, and climbs up his body like a python in a circle!

Seeing this scene, Han Rulie madly attacked the tree vine, but it was a pity that the tree vine was too tough, and it would be impossible to cut it off for a while, but his strength was dissipating a little bit, even that The hand holding the weapon is a bit uncontrollable!

"Brother Han!" everyone shouted, and immediately everyone rushed up. The tree and vine seemed to have wisdom and no longer continued to fight with everyone, but quickly retreated!

Everyone followed the tree vine all the way. When everyone saw the main body of the tree vine, a look of horror appeared on everyone's face. The tree vine was full of thick, dense tree vines. Surrounded by it, it looks like a tree demon.

"Gudong" Gong Junbin swallowed his saliva and couldn't say anything: "I'm a god, what is this!"

"Even the tree demon who has lived for thousands of years is not so terrifying, the power of darkness is really..." Bai Yao couldn't think of what words to use to describe the shock of his heart.

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