Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 966: Visitors (1)

Chapter 966

"I'm fine, it's great to see you again." Han Rulie muttered, his eyes fixed on the delicate face in front of him, and the only thing he remembered in his mind when he was in a coma was this lingering face.

"It's all over, we're all right." Mu Zhili's smiling sunshine revealed her white teeth, and her curled eyebrows made her originally beautiful face more and more charming.

Jiang Wenting and Su Qin looked at the affectionate words of the two, unconsciously showing a trace of envy in their eyes. This is not the most beautiful love story they have ever heard, but it is the most touching love they have ever seen.

They have gone through too much since they have worked hard all the way to the present, but they have never encountered a relationship like theirs.

After letting Han Rulie rest well, Mu Zhili left the room with Jiang Wenting and Su Qin. She wanted to take good care of Han Rulie, but she should have a lot of questions about coming to Su Qin. It's better to solve her questions first, after all these days I really want to thank Su Qin.

Su Qin seemed to know what Mu Zhili meant by doing this. She felt embarrassed but couldn't resist the curiosity in her heart, so she could only brazenly acquiesce in what she did.

"It seems that the two of you should have a lot to talk about, so I'll go ahead. I can't understand this thing." Jiang Wenting said with a smile, his tone is much more relaxed than before, after all, Han Rulie has already All right.

"Miss Mu, I don't know what kind of treatment you used just now? Forgive me for being ignorant, I have never seen it before." Su Qin said slowly, very serious, like a student studying.

Hearing this, Mu Zhili smiled slightly: "This acupuncture method can be regarded as a combination of Huaxia Shen acupuncture and Tianxuan acupuncture. It is not surprising that Yao Master Su has never heard of it."

"Can you tell me something? Every year, many people are unable to practice because of the broken meridian. I have always wanted to cure it. After so many years of constant search for a method, I didn't expect to see it in Miss Mu.

I know this is really shameless, and if Girl Mu doesn't want to say it, I won't force it. After all, this is what it should be. "Su Qin pressed her lips tightly, her expression was a little complicated, she really wanted to know this cure.

Seeing Su Qin’s serious look, the arc of Mu Zhili’s mouth gradually widened, and said, “Of course it’s okay, but I have learned this knowledge for more than ten years before I learn it. If Su Yaoshi wants to learn, I’m afraid There is no time to teach you."

She has always been adhering to her grandfather’s belief and invented the Huaxia Magic Needle. Although she and Su Qin are only one side, she can see that she really hopes to help more people instead of utilitarianism. If you help others, why not do it?

Su Qin was very happy when she heard Mu Zhili's affirmative answer, but she felt bitter when she heard it later. She has forgotten the most important point. How could such a magical treatment method be learned in a short time?

Mu Zhili is not a disciple of Chiwen Kingdom. She has no time to teach herself when participating in the seed war. In addition, from Jiang Wenting's mouth, she already understands that both Mu Zhili and Han Rulie are among the top ten in the seed war. exist.

Once they became the top ten, she knew all about their follow-up. In other words, it was impossible to learn the silver needle technique.

"This medical book is for you. It contains a lot of knowledge about silver needles. I believe that Yakist Su's exquisite heart will definitely be able to learn it. The most important thing about this silver needle technique is practice. As long as you practice more, you will eventually find out. The road comes."

After receiving the medical book that Mu Zhili handed over, Su Qin's eyes showed a touch of excitement, and she was a little gloomy while holding Mu Zhili's hand, "Miss Mu, thank you, thank you for your generosity." They have only one side. , She gave such an important medical skill to herself, which she had never expected.

The corners of Mu Zhili's lips raised slightly, and her white face was as calm as the blooming orchid. "It is also my goal to carry forward this silver needle technique. I believe that after the Su Pharmacist learns, he will definitely be able to help more people. When a pharmacist meets someone who loves to study medicine, he can give it to others."

After Su Qin left, Mu Zhili turned and stepped into the house. At this time, Han Rulie was looking at the wall with his eyes open, and she smiled unconsciously when she heard the sound of Mu Zhili walking.

"Lie, how do you feel?" Mu Zhili asked quietly

Han Rulie turned his head, long black hair pouring on the pillow, his handsome face was a little pale, but his blue eyes were unusually bright, "I'm much better, but I don't have much strength yet. I can get up as long as I take a break. ."

"That's good. I didn't see you when I woke up. It really scared me." Mu Zhili's voice was a little sad. I don't know when she started to rely on Han Rulie, and when she found out , This dependence has been deeply rooted.

Hearing that, Han Rulie's hand touched Mu Zhili's face, a trace of distress flashed across the blue eyes, and said: "Little fool, I will not leave you." Because you are the driving force that supports me to live. Ah, how can I live without you.

Mu Zhili smiled and smiled brilliantly, but the corners of her eyes were overflowing with crystals unconsciously, and it fell into Han Rulie's palms across her cheeks, burning his heart.

"Lie, I'm really afraid of you leaving me." Mu Zhili murmured, a drop of tears could not stop falling. This time, Mu Zhili did not conceal her fragility. She has always been strong and forced to be strong. , Because she understands that no one except her can support the sky, but it is such a man who supports her for a sky, sheltering her from wind and rain.

"Li'er, lie beside me, okay?" Han Rulie said softly, looking at Li'er's fragile appearance, his heart hurts, but there is a hint of happiness in his heart, because in Li'er's heart he is indispensable of.

Mu Zhili nodded lightly, and slowly lay beside Han Rulie, feeling his familiar temperature, but her unstable heart instantly calmed down, as if everything were so unbreakable.

Rao still has no strength, but Han Rulie stubbornly embraced Mu Zhili in his arms and muttered in her ear: "I love you."

Three days later.

The monster beasts in Ironstone City have been cleaned up by the disciples in the seed training camp. Since Han Rulie and others had such a thing happen, Jiang Wenting brought a lot of people from Chiwen Kingdom in order to prevent such a thing from happening again.

Since then, let alone fighting like the Northern Ring Kingdom and the Lingyan Kingdom, there has been no minor troubles, and it is precisely because of the participation of many seniors that Ironstone City's affairs can be resolved so quickly.

Han Rulie's injury has been completely cured, and everyone who was worried about it is completely relieved. Wei Jianxuan and others have even threatened that Han Rulie will be their boss in the future. Without him, they would have been in a different place now. Now the disciples of Lingyan Kingdom are like a family, and the original barriers have disappeared.

It is worth mentioning that after this catastrophe, Mu Zhili's strength increased by leaps and bounds. From the time he recovered from her injury, she broke through several times on her face, making everyone horrified, but she gradually got used to it. They sighed.

If you survive a catastrophe, you will have a blessing. This sentence is extremely correct. Han Rulie also successfully stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm. The gains of the two were not small, which caused everyone to laugh and talk about being injured in the future. This breakthrough speed is comparable to practicing Much faster.

Compared to when they came, the return journey is undoubtedly much faster, but this time there are also many disciples in Ironstone City and his party. Everyone feels a little sad and heavy, so when they return to the seed training camp Can't help but feel a sense of excitement.

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