Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 990: Colorful Milan (1)

Chapter 990 Colorful Milan (1)

Tian'er curled his lips and said, "You pharmacist really costs money, but just blindly medicinal materials are so expensive. If you gather all the medicinal materials of Ruyi Pill, wouldn't it be a sky-high price?"

The corner of Mu Zhili's mouth was slightly raised, and a smile appeared in the deep black pupils, and said: "The pharmacist is originally a profession that burns money, but if the current auction is a Ruyi Dan, the price is probably higher. Ten times more. After all, who doesn't care about looks in this world?"

"That's right, Zhili, will you refine Ruyi Pill? If you can refine it, you can make one for me, and also my Yichen." Tian'er's eyes are full of kind little stars, obviously This Ruyidan is very attractive to her.

Mu Yichen and Han Rulie looked at each other and smiled. The attractiveness of a baby like Ruyidan to women is really not that big, and even Tian'er showed this expression.

Mu Zhili smiled helplessly, and her eyebrows were as graceful and elegant as a crescent. "I can refine the Ruyi Pill, but it's not that easy to take pictures of this colorful Milan."

Who knows that Tian'er didn't care at all when he heard what she said. She wrapped her hands around her chest, and said proudly: "What's the matter, it's not a big deal, it's a big deal!"

"Come on, I will take this colorful Milan. Offending too many enemies is not a good thing. Although we are going to the Endless Sea, the people of Profound Sky Continent have to come here." Mu Zhili chuckled. , The Liang family had a deep hatred with her before, and if you offend, you offend.

"Two hundred million!" A clear female voice suddenly came out, causing everyone to be surprised. It actually exported 200 million yuan directly. Such a price is obviously what many people look up to.

Looking in the direction of the sound, the person was actually in the blue box, and his identity must not be simple. There was a touch of understanding in Mu Zhili's eyes, this person should be Shuiliuzi, the master of the water house. She had heard Shui Liuzi's voice before and added the identity of the blue VIP box, who else could be besides her!

Han Rulie and Mu Zhili looked at each other and sighed secretly that this highlight has just begun! Of course, many people in the lobby also guessed the identity of Shuiliu Zi, after all, such enchanting voices are rare in Lingyan Country.

Shui Liuzi's enchanting face carries a deep joy, this Ruyi Dan has always been her dream, but she couldn't find the colorful Milan, and she came for this colorful Milan at this auction.

"Two hundred and fifty million!" Another majestic voice sounded, it was from the blue box next to Shui Liuzi, it was Ni Jingming, the owner of the Nijiaguan.

Shui Liuzi bit her red lips, narrowed her beautiful eyes, and muttered: "Even Ni Jingming is here. I haven't made a sound before, but it's better to hide it. Humph, this colorful Milan is what I am after, everyone Don't want to take it away!"

"Three hundred million!" Shui Liuzi then said, the clear and slightly charming voice made the men feel numb, but the number made them feel embarrassed.

"The Shui family and the Ni family of the four major forces have all taken action. It seems that we want to photograph them basically without much possibility."

"Indeed, how does our financial strength compare with the four major forces? Such a good treasure will not fall into our hands after all."

A series of sad emotions sounded, the price of 300 million is too high, not to mention this is a behemoth that cannot be provoked in Lingyan Country, it can be said that it is easy to find them with the other party's wrist, only to give up helplessly.

"Three hundred and twenty million." Ni Jingming's gaze swept across the blue box on the side, and then slowly said

"Three hundred and fifty million!"

There were only two blue boxes in the entire auction floor, and everyone fell into silence under the two strong practices.

, Who let them have neither the financial resources nor the strength of the other side.

A touch of loss appeared in Situ Yao's eyes, and this colorful Milan was what he had always wanted. Just as the old man in the black robe said, this medicinal material is unavailable. If you miss this time, you won't know when to wait next time.

Ling Luochen caught a glimpse of the loss in Situ Yao's eyes, and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pat his shoulder, the warmth of his palm passed to Situ Yao, and said lightly: "There will always be a chance. With your alchemy, brother Situ, I believe there will be many people in the future. Come to you for help with medicinal herbs."

Listening to Ling Luochen's comforting words, the loss in Situyao's eyes dissipated a little, and he nodded slightly: "Yes, not having that strength now does not mean that you will not have it in the future."

Liu Xueyan also said: "Brother Situ, I believe you." She didn't know what to say to comfort Situ Yao, the only thing she could do was stay with her. In her opinion, as long as Situ Yao was willing to let It's enough to follow him.

Seeing Liu Xueyan's bright and delicate face, Situ Yao's heart trembled slightly, and there was a wave of fluctuations in his eyes. This silly girl has been by her side since she was a child, calling her brother Situ stupidly, she has not changed for so many years.

I thought that Liu Xueyan was only dependent on himself as a child, but after experiencing so many things, he understood that the dependence as a child could not be so profound. He had to admit that Liu Xueyan's act of jumping into the well for himself deeply shocked him. It is a fake to say that such a woman gave up everything for him.

Over the years, Liu Xueyan has done everything in his eyes, but his heart has always been tied to another person. Since Zhi Li disappeared, he has focused all his attention on finding her. He has no time to think about other things, and he doesn't want to think about other things, but now he has to tell himself that he should accept reality.

Do you like Xueyan? He couldn't even give himself a definite answer. What did he use to promise Xueyan? So he can only ignore...

When the price reached 500 million, Shui Liuzi and Ni Jingming were also in a stalemate. The rate of price increase was obviously much smaller, and they were both concerned about gains and losses.

"Six hundred million!" A cold voice radiated from the golden box, and it was Mu Zhili who said this.

She has been waiting, and it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to wait until the two of them are deadlocked. The price is beyond her ability to bear, so she can only use other things as collateral. Fortunately, the golden VIP card has this privilege, otherwise I am afraid that she will have to cause a lot of trouble.


Everyone's eyes turned to the golden box again, who is here! The bids were higher every time, and the price of 600 million yuan even the owners of the Shui family and the Ni family hesitated. She did not hesitate to say it?

At this moment, everyone understands that the talents in this golden box are the real gold masters! Ling Luochen's gaze also looked towards the golden box. Although the voice changed a little, why did he feel that he was so familiar with it?

"Brother Situ, do you think this voice is very familiar?" Ling Luochen couldn't help but ask.

Upon hearing this, Situ Yao nodded thoughtfully, "This voice is somewhat imaginative with Zhili's voice, but isn't she and Brother Han in retreat? Isn't it possible to come here?"

Liu Xueyan also frowned, as if she didn't believe it, and said: "This golden box is not accessible to ordinary people. Even the owner of the museum only has a blue VIP card. How do they get in?"

"That's true." Ling Luochen said with emotion, but there was still a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Shui Liuzi was startled, others didn't know, but she knew the person in the golden box. Even a disciple of the Dongfang family can give out 600 million Jidan, if he loses like this, wouldn't he lose the face of the entire Shui family?

Thinking of this, Shui Liuzi's eyes showed a touch of coldness, and said: "650 million!"

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