Godly Talented Doctor

Chapter 993: Contemplating Dafa (1)

Chapter 993

Hearing this, Mu Yichen snorted coldly and said, "Liang Liren, don't put on a polite appearance, you know what you have done! I will definitely take your first rank today to calm my anger!"

"Liang Liren, your death date is up, and I will let you go underground to confess today!" Tian'er cooperated, it seemed that he wanted to take Liang Liren alive.

In this way, everyone thought that this matter was a personal grievance between them, so naturally there would be no more associations, and it would undoubtedly reduce a lot of trouble.

Liang Liren opened his mouth and was about to say something, but Mu Yichen didn't give him a chance at all, and a series of powerful swords rushed towards him between the sword swings, and a big battle broke out!

At the same time, Ling Luochen also caught up with Liang Zheqian.

With a disdainful smile on Liang Zheqian's face, he said, "Dongfang Chen, what do you want? Is it possible that you want to do something with me?"

Ling Luochen's black pupils suddenly appeared sharp, and the immortal face was still indifferent, and he said coldly: "Liang Zheqian, you have repeatedly provoked, don't you think that Ling Luochen has no temper?"

"Why? Didn't you take the moment of Bihan, are you upset? Who makes you unable to afford that money!" Liang Zheqian sneered: "I tell you, Dongfang Chen, what I am most uncomfortable with is your self You look so high-minded, you have the ability to do it!"

As soon as Liang Zheqian's voice fell, Ling Luochen hit Liang Zheqian's abdomen with a punch. Liang Zheqian obviously didn't expect that Ling Luochen would suddenly start his hand. He was beaten upright for a while, his face flushed, clutching his stomach and looking at Ling Luochen in surprise.

The cold words came from Ling Luochen's thin, indifferent lips: "As you wish!"

Liang Zheqian, who was slowly standing upright, suddenly attacked Ling Luochen, Ling Luochen refused to give up, and greeted him! The tyrannical fluctuations of Tianli suddenly spread, and the two attacked their opponents ruthlessly.

Situ Yao and Liu Xueyan stood quietly aside, Ling Luochen could handle this by himself, and they didn't need them to act...

At this time, it undoubtedly became the talk of everyone. The Liang family elder and his disciple fought against their opponents at the same time.

Mu Zhili and Yichen had a long chat all the way. Yichen was a smart person, so it was easy to socialize. The two of them didn't reject him either, so they talked happily.

After Yimeng and Yichen left, Mu Zhili and Han Rulie's complexion changed, and they hurried away in two directions. When Mu Zhili rushed to the location of Mu Yichen, she was surprised to find that he was walking towards him.

"You... the battle is over?" Mu Zhili couldn't help asking aloud

Mu Yichen smiled faintly, "That Liang Liren's strength is a bit weaker than mine, so it won't be a problem to deal with it. Here, this is his Universe Bag, and that iron box is here."

After receiving the Universe Bag from Mu Yichen, Mu Zhili touched her spiritual consciousness, and as expected, the iron box was in it. The next moment, Mu Zhili frowned slightly, "There are so many people along the way, can you be recognized?"

"Don't worry, we are masked, no one will recognize it. What's more, everyone thinks that there is an enmity between us, who would think it was for the treasure?" Tian'er chuckled, thinking about Liang Liren's death before he died. She feels funny when she is willing.

"Where is Big Brother Han? Isn't he with you?"

"He went to Ling Luochen's place, let's go over soon. Presumably Liang Zheqian has also been resolved. If you want to say that your speed is really fast, I can't even take a look." Mu Zhili's eyes were slightly raised. , I was very happy, the Liang family was in a big loss this time.

Sure enough, when Mu Zhili and the others found Ling Luochen and them, they only saw Liang Zheqian's body. With their current status, they are also afraid of the Liang family. Conflicts between disciples are inevitable, and deaths and injuries are common.

The people in a good mood returned to Dongfang's house after eating up in the restaurant. At the same time, Han Rulie also handed the Moment of Bihan to Ling Luochen. Ling Luochen thanked him again and again, and the relationship between the people became more harmonious.

The news of Liang Liren’s death came back to Liang’s family almost immediately. When Liang’s family rushed to the place where the incident occurred, the other party was nowhere to be seen except for Liang Liren’s body. Liang Dingtian was furious and the order was certain. The murderer must be found.

For a while, the disciples of the Liang family were sent out to find the whereabouts of the murderer, but no matter what they asked, no one had seen the other side's appearance. They only knew that they were a male and a female, and their cultivation was very strong.

At this moment, Liang Dingtian and a group of elders gathered here in the discussion hall of the Liang family. The great conference hall seemed to be covered by frost, and standing in it could actually feel the cold air rushing in, making people feel chilly.

Liang Dingtian sat quietly on the main seat without saying a word, his gloomy face seemed to drip with water. The elders below didn't even dare to gasp, and they knew from Liang Dingtian's expression that he was really angry.


Liang Dingtian slapped the jade table with a palm. The jade table that was originally warm and glorious suddenly fell apart and turned into dust and fell on the ground...

The elders couldn't help but shrank their necks. That was Liang Dingtian's favorite jade table. He had always loved it on weekdays, but now it was ruined by a palm, which shows his anger!

"Elder Liang was beheaded by others not far from Liang's house. This action was simply a face slap!" The cold and gloomy words came from Liang Dingtian's mouth, and the gloomy eyes passed over a kind of elder, and everyone could see. Feeling guilty.

"The owner of the museum, in my opinion, the other party's purpose is not to seek revenge. According to the news from the auction house, the four elders photographed the secret skills of the ancients at the auction, and the other party may have gotten fortune!" Liang Buhuai Step forward, slowly speak out

"However, the four elders had been in retreat before, and they were able to go out today. How could they run into a revenge seeker!"

Liang Dingtian's eyes changed slightly, and he said, "Is it a man and a woman? Will it be Han Rulie and Mu Zhili?" These two people are his most scrupulous people. If they knew that they could stand out in the seed battle, they would never have been. Offend them, but unfortunately there is no regret medicine in the world.

"It is said that when the four elders had an accident, Mu Zhili and the others were talking to the prince Yichen in the auction house, and it is impossible to deal with the four elders by themselves." Liang Buhuai replied, the matter was really suspicious.

"In that case, anyone participating in the auction this time is likely to do it?" Liang Dingtian said slowly in a calm voice

The elders glanced at each other and then nodded, "The other party is afraid of coveting the secret technique. It is said that the four elders paid hundreds of millions of dollars to buy it back. There must be a good treasure in it, and now it has been taken away!"

"Check it out for me! Be sure to find it out for me!" Liang Dingtian yelled, and the sky-shaking sound like sea waves suddenly exploded in the conference hall, and everyone was shocked.

Oriental home, inside the house.

Mu Zhili quickly took out the mysterious iron box, a look of curiosity filled his clear black eyes, "Is there any martial skill here?"

The corners of Han Rulie's lips raised slightly and said, "Qiaoqiao and Junjun promised that there should be no fakes. Just open it and take a look. It's good to have a little more guarantee before heading to the endless sea."

Slowly opened the iron box in his hand, the surface of the iron box had already been corroded, and Mu Zhili's surface had fallen off as soon as Tianli was transported. Inside the iron box was a piece of kraft paper. This kraft paper was actually new. Mu Zhili was surprised to see it.

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