Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 787: Promoted to the 9th heaven of Yuanshen Realm

"Gu Jianhe, the ancient sword sect, come to see you off!" Gu Jianhe smiled faintly, and took a step forward. The incomparably bright sword light with the light of thunder and lightning enveloped the meeting hall in an instant.

Within a dozen or so breaths, Gu Jianhe immediately walked out of the main hall of the Void Demon Fort. There was no one in the Void Demon Fort, only blood sprinkled the entire parliament hall.

Within the range of the Void Demon Castle, a swordsman named the Ancient Sword Sect struck out one after another, beheading the Primordial Spirit Realm master of the Void Demon Castle. Those Yuanshen Realm masters of Void Demon Fortress were no match for those talented swordsmen of the Ancient Sword Sect, and were easily beheaded immediately.

Luo Yan walked through the air, walked up to Gu Jianhe, and said with a cheerful face: "It's so easy! It's so easy. This time the battle was too easy, and the killing was so fun. Gu Jianhe, don't you think?" ?”

Gu Jianhe said lightly: "Of course. We need to consider many things before scouting, selecting enemies, retreating routes, and preventing encountering powerful enemies. But after becoming the enshrined of the Holy Horn Legion, we only need to kill The enemy, harvesting spoils, is naturally more than ten times more efficient than in the past. This is the benefit of having local strong support."

Before that, Gu Jianhe and the others had to avoid the powerful forces of the horned demons when they hunted the strong ones of the horned demons. In addition, complex matters such as reconnaissance, selection of enemies, and retreat routes must be carried out to ensure their absolute safety. But now these things have been done for them by the people of the Holy Horn Legion. Only then can they let go of killing without worrying about danger.

In this way, the hunting efficiency of Gu Jianhe and the others increased by more than ten times. And they also gained huge benefits from hunting the horned demon masters.

Luo Yan suddenly said: "I heard that Su Han applied for a delay in joining the talent training camp, and the higher-ups also agreed?"

A solemn look flashed in Gu Jianhe's eyes, and he said slowly: "Well! Originally, we could only stay in the Horned Demon Realm for three months at most, and then we would be sent to the talent training camp for further training. But Su Han He took advantage of the chaos to control Hujiao Niuzhou. He has shown great potential. The higher-ups also hope that he can turn the situation in this horned demon world. After all these years, the Zhongqian world that our ancient sword sect can directly control is becoming more and more Less and less."

For a huge force, if it wants to maintain the operation of a force, it needs huge resources. In the great world of Qiankun, whether a power is strong or not can be known by looking at how many middle-thousand worlds it occupies.

The power of the ancient sword sect was weakened. In the competition for the control of Zhongqian World, they lost one by one. The control of each of the middle thousand worlds fell into the hands of other forces. Now that Su Han was able to open up a situation in Hujiao Niuzhou, the Ancient Sword Sect naturally attached great importance to it.

You must know that every Zhongqian world has countless resources and can cultivate countless martial arts geniuses. In the headquarters of the ancient sword sect, many high-level officials are peerless geniuses from other middle-thousand worlds.

Destroyer Sword Master Yang Ye was born in the Great Sword Star. He was amazingly talented back then, even in the universe, he was also a world-renowned peerless master.

Some of the top Zhongqian worlds are like the Zihua world in ancient times. It can even give birth to a strong man at the level of a saint.

Every middle thousand world is an extremely precious treasure for any big force. The Ancient Sword Sect naturally would not reject Su Han's application.

Luo Yan suddenly asked: "Gu Jianhe, your training time is almost up. Are you going to stay here, or go to the genius training camp for further training?"

The peerless swordsmen of the four undead realms all had adventures in this horned demon world and broke through the bottleneck. However, they have been in this horned demon world for a long time, and they are about to leave.

A strange light flashed in Gu Jianhe's eyes, and he said slowly: "I heard that Su Han is already preparing to attack Chijiao Niuzhou. There are still many big battles to be fought. It is very interesting, and I am going to stay. I will hone here for a while. Time, and then go to the talent training camp for training."

Luo Yan also smiled excitedly: "That's right! Here, we can plunder a lot of wealth without any scruples, which will be very beneficial to our future cultivation."

In the Hujiao Niuzhou, many families of the Horned Demon Clan were unwilling to obey Su Han's call. Join Su Han in his chariot. Those horned demon families all have a long history and have accumulated countless wealth.

Every big family of the horned demon clan is broken, Gu Jianhe and the others will get huge wealth. Although half of that wealth is going to be handed over to the Holy Horn Legion, their personal wealth is also growing crazily.

Between the world, rob the wealth accumulated by others. It is one of the fastest ways to grow wealth.

It is precisely because of this that many strong people will attack other worlds and plunder the wealth accumulated by other races. The ancient sword sect opened portals in many worlds and sent many geniuses to other worlds for training. It is also because of this that those geniuses can plunder a lot of wealth and obtain a lot of resources, so that the speed of future cultivation will increase by leaps and bounds.

Of course, it is not uncommon for the major forces of the human race to go to the sphere of influence of other races to plunder. Similarly, other races will also send masters to sneak into the human world to kill and plunder wealth. Everyone is just each other.

Under the guidance of the Holy Horn Legion, those ancient sword masters who joined the Holy Horn Legion to fight around, directly wiped out every difficult horned demon family in the Tiger Horn Niu State, and gained countless wealth. Make them very excited and more aggressive.

At the same time, after many peerless geniuses of the ancient sword sect gained a lot of wealth, several geniuses broke through one after another and became peerless swordsmen in the first level of immortality.

As for those swordsmen of the ancient sword sect who did not join the Holy Horn Legion, once they made trouble within the sphere of influence of the Holy Horn Legion and hunted down the horned demons, they would soon be dispatched by the Immortal Realm masters of the Holy Horn Legion to suppress them together.

Hundreds of talented swordsmen from the ancient sword sect were caught by the undead masters of the Holy Horn Legion, suppressed in the cage, sealed their mana, and never saw the light of day.

At the same time, under the terror and coercion of the Holy Horn Legion, a large number of horned demon families in Hujiao Niuzhou either fled overnight to other states or counties, or surrendered obediently, donated a lot of wealth, and sent masters of the clan to join them. In Su Han's camp. Became a member of the Holy Horn Legion.

The Holy Horn Legion entrenched in the Tiger Horn Niu State is constantly expanding and becoming stronger every moment.

The headquarters of the Holy Horn Legion, in a secret room.

"Excellent spirit crystals! Sure enough, becoming the master of a major force in Zhongqian World can obtain resources a thousand times faster than before." Su Han looked at the pieces of crystal clear top-quality spirit crystals in his hand, and a gleam of excitement flashed in his eyes .

There is a small box in front of Su Han, and in that box, there are more than a thousand pieces of brilliant crystals of the highest quality.

Each of the top-grade spirit crystals contains aura and laws of heaven and earth comparable to a million low-grade spirit crystals. For warriors below Yuanshen Realm. It is impossible to absorb the power of the best spirit crystal.

But for the strong man of the Ninth Layer of the Yuanshen Realm, it is indeed a rare and precious treasure. When a martial artist in the Ninth Heaven Realm of Yuanshen Realm breaks through to become a powerhouse in the Immortal Realm, he will need to absorb powerful and pure aura and massive laws of heaven and earth.

If there is a top-grade spirit crystal, then the probability of a warrior breaking through from the ninth level of the primordial spirit state to the first level of the undead state will increase by 10%.

Moreover, after the martial artist's cultivation reaches the immortal state, the cultivation speed will become extremely slow. If you want to speed up your cultivation, you need high-grade spirit crystals to have a better effect. For those who are above the Sky Profound Realm to practice, they need to possess top-quality spirit crystals to allow their cultivation to increase rapidly.

For those many powerhouses at the top of the world, the best spirit crystals are the treasures they need for cultivation.

The reason why the ancient sword sect was able to give birth to the strong kings of heaven is because they can learn from many worlds. Mining to get a lot of top-quality spirit crystals.

Of course, in the great world of Qiankun, there are countless magic treasures, and secret treasures are like the star sand of the Ganges River, innumerable. In addition to the top-grade spirit crystals, the other major races also have various secret techniques, countless secret treasures to enhance the strength of their own warriors. For example, the Shadow Clan has the Phantom Sacred Blood, an inheritance tool, to enhance the strength of their clan.

However, among the various races, the most common cultivation treasure is still the best spirit crystal. Warriors of any race. All of them can quickly increase their strength by absorbing the best spirit crystals. Therefore, the best spirit crystal is also one of the most important strategic materials in the universe.

Hujiao Niuzhou is also a source of top-quality spirit crystals. However, the top-quality spirit stones produced in Hujiao Niuzhou for countless years have been sent to the central government for use by the masters of the magic horn royal family. Therefore, the top-quality spirit crystals that fell into Su Han's hands were only more than a thousand pieces.

But even if it is more than a thousand top-quality spirit crystals, it is a huge wealth in the outside world, enough to make the masters of the immortal realm work hard for Su Han.

Su Han looked at the countless treasures in front of him, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes: "This is a thousand-year-old dragon blood fruit that can improve the martial artist's martial arts aptitude. It can be used to cultivate the indestructible body of gods and demons. This is Ten Thousand Years Cold Moon Frost, the cream formed by absorbing the essence of Ten Thousand Years Cold Moon, can improve the cultivation base of those who are strong in the Yuanshen Realm with just one drop... If I am not the lord of Hujiao Niuzhou, I will definitely not be able to get these treasures."

The Sacred Horn Legion created by Su Han was in the Tiger Horn Niu State, all the way to wipe out those families who were unwilling to submit to him, destroyed countless families, and seized countless precious treasures.

Many treasures in front of Su Han. Many of them are the most precious heritage of each family, and they will never be revealed unless it is absolutely necessary.

With a flick of Su Han's fingers, a piece of heavenly material and earthly treasure that can increase a warrior's cultivation level immediately flew up and fell into his mouth.

Su Han grabbed a top-quality spirit crystal at once, and practiced the Great Five Elements Heaven-Suppressing Kung Fu crazily, devouring the power of that day's genius and earth treasure, and practiced quickly, his body was also soaked in a pool of Lingquan.

Under the nourishment of countless treasures from heaven and earth, Su Han's cultivation base improved by leaps and bounds.

The martial arts Su Han practiced was the Great Five Elements Suppressing Heaven Kungfu, which is profound and powerful. But the progress was originally more than ten times slower than other warriors. After he has cultivated to the sixth level of the Immortal Body of Gods and Demons, he has extraordinary aptitude and amazing combat power, but the same cultivation resources need to be consumed are more than a hundred times that of ordinary people.

The Zihua world is evolving into a middle thousand world, and once the evolution is complete, countless treasures of heaven and earth will be born. At this time, resources still cannot be compared with Hujiao Niuzhou. After Su Han occupied most of the territory of Hujiao Niuzhou, he gained a lot of resources. I don't know how many horned demon family backgrounds, and his cultivation base can make rapid progress by leaps and bounds.

Ten days later, an extremely tyrannical aura shot up into the sky, and Su Han broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop, and was promoted to the Ninth Heaven of Yuanshen Realm.

In the secret room, Su Han slowly opened his eyes, feeling the surging power in his body, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes: "Ninth Heaven of Yuanshen Realm! I originally thought that it would take a few years to advance to this realm. Now, I have to absorb more aura to stabilize this realm."

While thinking about it, Su Han closed his eyes, continued to swallow a treasure of heaven and earth, practiced frantically, and consolidated his cultivation base.

Leijiao Niuzhou is the center of Leijiao Prince Continent.

Inside the Leijiao Niuzhou Prince's Mansion, in a beautiful imperial garden full of exotic flowers and plants, there are two people sitting, one is tall and tall, with sharp magic horns growing from all joints, and a ferocious face. A pure-blood horned demon powerhouse exuding terrifying coercion. One is a peerless handsome man with a handsome appearance, noble and elegant temperament, peerless handsomeness, but exuding an evil temperament.

In the imperial garden, a girl with a very beautiful appearance, who is different from a human girl, seems to be a girl from the Horned Demon Race, who is dancing, showing her beautiful material.

Among the horned demons~www.wuxiaspot.com~, there are also some who look exactly like humans, except that there are some more magic horns in the joints of the body. Those are the hybrids of the strong Horned Demon Race and the Human Race.

The saintess that the Horned Demon Clan offered to the Yin-Yang Demon Emperor back then was a hybrid child of their race and a human woman.

After the descendants of the Yin-Yang Demon Emperor returned to the horned demons, the status of those hybrids of horned demons and humans had been greatly improved, which has always made those pure blooded horned demons very dissatisfied. Those half-bloods had always been slaves of the pure-blood horned demons in the past, but now they suddenly became equals to them, so they would naturally be dissatisfied.

The ferocious, ghost-like horned demon strong man said in a cold voice: "The horned demon has colluded with the human race to occupy Hujiao Niuzhou. Jiaohei and the others are all trash, and even a mere Ninth Level Primordial Spirit Realm Even the guys in the sky can't suppress it, it's really useless."

The peerless handsome man with a handsome appearance and an evil temperament said with a faint smile: "It's not enough to justify the suffering of a single horned devil, and the ancient sword sect behind him is a bit difficult to deal with. But that's nothing! Just an ancient sword sect Jianzong is no match for our Heavenly Demon Clan. Lord Jiao Tianxiong, you just need to rest assured to cooperate with our Heavenly Demon Clan. If a horned demon suffers, we can suppress it with our backhand." (To be continued...)

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