In that hall, the atmosphere was solemn, Yan Yinghan's face was frosty, very calm, and he handled all kinds of military affairs in an orderly manner. Although Yan Yinghan is not very old, he is already a strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles and has commanded countless armies. He is naturally very clear about how to handle military affairs.

Wu Shuang Zhan generals have extraordinary aptitude, as long as they are given a suitable stage, they will grow rapidly and become very tyrannical. Yan Yinghan and the other four unparalleled generals also each played the role of marshal when suppressing the Shura world. In terms of dispatching troops, only Yan Luoyan could surpass the four of them in Zihua Realm.

"Master, you are back!"

As soon as Su Han stepped into the meeting hall, Yan Yinghan immediately raised his head, was slightly taken aback for a moment, then the frost on his pretty face thawed, revealing a shockingly beautiful smile, and greeted Su Han with a scent of fragrance come over.

Jiao Li took a look at Yan Yinghan, then turned his eyes and landed on Su Han, with a look of envy flashing in his eyes: "So that's how it is! Your lord is so beautiful!"

Those high-level members of the Holy Horn Legion also looked at Su Han with envious eyes.

Among the horned demons, there are a lot of mixed races. Those mixed-race beauties of horned demons and human races are tall, **** and plump, and beautiful in appearance. Those high-level members of the Holy Horn Legion have seen many beautiful women, but they have never seen a beautiful woman with outstanding temperament and extraordinary martial arts like Yan Yinghan.

Su Han smiled slightly, followed Yan Yinghan to the central seat of the conference hall and sat down, and asked Yan Yinghan: "General Yan, I'm not here for a few days, how is our situation?"

A flash of splendor flashed in Yan Yinghan's beautiful eyes, and he quickly said: "My lord! Our Holy Horn Legion has completed the reorganization of the seven major legions, and captured fifty Spirit Horn warships. And we will attack the enemy troops in Hujiao Niuzhou Total annihilation. We are currently suppressing the rebel forces in Leijiao Niu State. Most of the forces in Leijiao Niu State have contacted us and are willing to submit to us and serve us."

The Eight Legions of Leijiao Niuzhou were annihilated by Su Han's Holy Horn Legion, and the fifty Spirit Horn Warships owned by the Eight Great Legions also fell into Su Shengjiao Legion.

With the fifty Spirit Horn Warships, the Holy Horn Legion can mobilize the army more freely and quickly. Conquer the rebels.

In the Leijiao Niu State, many families saw that the situation was not good, and immediately made choices, handing over a large number of territories and masters, and surrendering to Su Han.

However, there are also some families who are unwilling to surrender, and those families are the targets of the Holy Horn Legion.

Su Han said in a deep voice: "Call back Yan Xiaoxue, Gongyang Lei'er, and Wang Pojun. I have prepared a lot of resources to let you hit a higher level of martial arts. Suppress the rebels and mobilize more The reorganized army, let them integrate into us as soon as possible."

Yan Yinghan and the other four unparalleled warriors made breakthroughs in the battle not long ago. But only the Yuanshen Realm and the Quadruple Heaven Realm. Su Han has already prepared a lot of information about Leijiaozhou, and he wants Yan Yinghan and the other four unparalleled generals to have an impact on the realm of martial arts. The cultivation base of the fourth heaven of Yuanshen Realm is still too low in this great world.

Under the blessing of the military killing formation, the four of Yan Yinghan can compete with the masters of the sixth and seventh heavens of the immortal realm. In normal times, an assassin in the Ninth Heaven of Yuanshen Realm could easily kill the four of them. This is too dangerous in this horned demon world.

Yan Yinghan responded bluntly: "Yes! I understand! My lord!"

Su Han smiled slightly and said, "Next, I'll leave it to you!"

Yan Yinghan once commanded an army to conquer the Asura Realm. She also did a very good job, only slightly inferior to Yan Luoyan. Handling military affairs is very easy.

Su Han watched Yan Yinghan handle all kinds of military affairs in an orderly manner, and there was a hint of satisfaction and admiration in his eyes. This little slave girl who was auctioned off in the past has finally grown into a very important and indispensable minister to Su Han.

A few days later, Yan Xiaoxue and the other three unparalleled generals returned immediately, and entered the background of the Leijiao Niuzhou prepared by Su Han for them to practice.

The Horned Demon Realm is the stage where Yan Yinghan and the other Four Warriors will shine. Although Su Han also dispatched experts from the Shadow Clan as personal guards for the four of Yan Yinghan, it was the best way to protect them. Let them improve their martial arts cultivation.

The pure blood horned demons have colluded with the sky demons. The assassins of the Sky Demon Clan are also indescribably weird and powerful. Yan Yinghan and the others will definitely be targeted by the Sky Demon Clan, so the best way is to improve their own strength.

Leijiao City is the capital of Leijiao Niuzhou, extremely prosperous.

Su Han strolled in the Leijiao City. Looking at all the living beings around him, there was one person beside him, which was his personal maid, Jiao Zhitao.

Su Han frowned slightly, and thought in his heart: "If the four of them have the power to protect themselves, the best way is to get four top-grade magic weapons! After they cultivate to the eighth level of Yuanshen Realm, So I should barely have the strength to use the top-grade magic weapon to protect myself. But the top-grade magic weapon is extremely precious, and I don’t have many in my hand. It’s really troublesome!”

Yan Yinghan's four unparalleled warriors, with the support of Leijiaozhou's foundation, will not have any problem being promoted to the powerhouse of the Ninth Heaven of Yuanshen Realm in a short period of time. As for the promotion to the undead realm, it still needs to accumulate for a period of time, or in other words, after a period of fighting and comprehending the laws of life and death, one can break through and become a master of the undead realm.

Before Yan Yinghan and the four of them advanced to the Undead Realm, they were all very weak. After the four of Yan Yinghan and the others have cultivated to the ninth level of the Yuanshen Realm, if they don't have powerful magic weapons, they can barely compete with the strong ones at the first level of the Immortal Realm at best. Warriors who have been in the Immortal Realm for two days can easily defeat them. At that time, it was their most dangerous time.

Su Han thought for a while, then smiled lightly, and thought in relief: "Forget it! Let them stay in the legion and conquer the Quartet before they are promoted to undead masters! Anyway, the four of them are basically dumb Inside the barracks."

High-grade magic weapons are very rare, and among the horned demons, there is only the magic-horned battle flag, which is a top-grade magic weapon and an extremely high-grade magic weapon. In addition, only the Horned Demon Clan has a large number of extremely powerful magic weapons.

After all, the royal family of the Horned Demon Clan used to be the heirs of the Yin-Yang Demon Emperor, even though they were not the best among the Yin-Yang Demon Emperor's heirs. However, the Yin-Yang Devil Emperor was rich all over the world and dominated the heavens and worlds. The number of people in the harem alone was already comparable to the population of a small thousand worlds. Moreover, the Yin-Yang Devil Emperor was a well-known Xian Emperor back then, and he was very generous with his heirs who he did not favor.

It is precisely because of this that the horned demon royal family was able to occupy a dominant position as soon as they returned to the horned demons, dominating the horned demons for tens of thousands of years, and transformed the horned demons from a small clan that dominated the small world. , and gradually turned into a big clan occupying a middle-thousand world.

It's just that people's hearts are not enough, those pure-blood horned demon families have grown ambitions under the temptation of the heavenly demons with many big families over the long years. After thousands of years of fermentation, this rebellion was finally brewed.

Moreover, the horned demon royal family is full of geniuses, but there are also many stupid, arrogant, and corrupt existences like pigs. Those elite geniuses among the pure-blood horned demons thought that An Xie, who was as corrupt and depraved as a pig, could actually stand above them and surpass them. They were very unwilling in their hearts.

The fierce battle half a month ago did not have a big impact on Leijiao City. There are still people coming and going on the street, and it is extremely prosperous. There are pure-blooded horned demons and mixed-race children everywhere. The horned demon warrior.

The main force of Su Han's holy horned army is pure-blood horned demon masters. Within his rule, he treats pure-blood horned demon warriors and mixed-blood horned demon warriors equally. Therefore, Thunder Point City was not affected.

Of course, Leijiao City was able to avoid being destroyed in the flames of war, mainly because of its poor defense, Jiao Tianxiong did not choose to use it as the place for the decisive battle.

If it is a human race, every famous city has countless defensive magic circles, and any strong person will need to pay a huge price to attack, almost completely smashing the city, and only then can a human city be destroyed.

During the race war, the cities of the human race were like fortresses of war, which would be uprooted one by one.

"Su Han, it's getting harder and harder to see you now." With a chuckle, Feng Tianhe, Wang Lanlan, and Shuwu Ruohan walked towards Su Han together.

There was a sincere smile on Su Han's face, and he greeted him: "It's true that there are a lot of things It will be better after a while."

Wang Lanlan apologized, and said with some guilt: "Senior Brother Su, I was really sorry that day."

During the decisive battle with the seven major armies, the genius disciples of the ancient sword sect left the battlefield one after another and fled towards the distance. Only Feng Tianhe and Shuwu Ruohan stood firmly by Su Han's side. So guilty.

Su Han smiled slightly and said sincerely: "Junior Sister Wang, that's just human nature, why should you feel guilty. I never blamed you at all."

If Su Han was in the same situation as the genius of the ancient sword sect, he would also choose to run away. But he didn't mean to blame the genius of the ancient sword sect.

Only then did Wang Lanlan breathe a sigh of relief, and regained her cheerfulness.

Su Han smiled slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the two jade bottles immediately flew towards Feng Tianhe and Shuwu Ruohan: "Senior Brother Feng, Junior Sister Shuwu, I found a few jade bottles in the treasure house of Leijiaozhou. The seventh-level holy pills of wisdom. I have taken these seventh-level holy pills before, and they are of no great use to me. I give them to you, I hope you will like them. If you don’t mind, when you swallow the wisdom pills, I can Help you protect the law." (To be continued...)

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