Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 805: waste prince

The horned demon Liya calmly analyzed: "The masters of the Tianmo clan are not idiots! As long as they mobilize the masters of the sixth level of immortality to surround and kill that little guy. That little guy will only have a dead end. The difference in realm between the two sides It's too big. If he has any hole cards, he will never make it through.\"

Just as the horned demon sharp teeth were analyzing calmly, the eyes of the three undead level seven Heavenly Demon masters had a flash of murderous intent, and they stepped on the Heavenly Demon Step like ghosts, and quickly approached Su Han.

\"I can't go on anymore!\" Su Han casually blasted and killed the three undead realm first-level powerhouses who surrounded and killed him, his eyes froze, and he used Void Step, took a step forward, and his figure disappeared from the spot in an instant .

The three masters of the Heavenly Demon Race who were in the Seventh Layer of Immortal Realm were taken aback for a moment, and the next moment, Su Han had already appeared in front of the Jiejiao Spirit City, and with a powerful leap, he jumped onto the two hundred-foot city wall.

As soon as Su Han jumped onto the city wall, the horned demon Liya and the black-haired horned demon who had been reborn from a drop of blood immediately appeared in front of him.

The horned demon Liya glanced at Su Han, and an extremely powerful coercion immediately swept towards Su Han: \"Who are you?\"

The horned demon Liya is a strong man in the immortal realm of the ninth level. His coercion is almost endless like the ocean, and it is suffocating. He will only tell all the information about himself tremblingly.

Facing the coercion of the Immortal Ninth Heavenly Layer expert, Su Han's face remained unchanged, and with a flip of his hand, the top-grade magic weapon, the King of Thunder Horn Battle Banner, immediately appeared in his hand, surging with incomparably powerful fluctuations :\"I am the protagonist of Thunder Horn Continent, Moku. I came here to support after I received the Horned Demon Yuer's request for help. This is the battle flag of the King of Thunder Horn!\"

Among the many magic-horned battle flags in Leijiao Continent, the battle banner of the King of Thunderhorn is the most powerful, and it is the most top-notch treasure among the top-grade magic weapons. When its power is exerted to the limit, it can even summon battle power comparable to that of the Profound Sky Realm King of Thunderhorn.

When the horned demon Liya and the blood-dropping rebirth-level powerhouse beside him saw the battle flag of the King of Thunder Horn, their eyes flashed with scorching color.

If the power of the Thunder Horn King's Battle Banner is exerted to the limit, it can even summon a Thunder Horn King comparable to the Sky Profound Realm level. Such a magic weapon, the Horned Demon Fang is naturally very coveted.

The face of the black-haired horned demon who had been reborn from a drop of blood changed. He stared at Su Han, and asked in a deep voice: \"Where is the horned demon Yu'er?\"

The Horned Demon Liya also looked up at Su Han. A strange light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Su Han's heart moved slightly: \"Could it be that the horned demon Yu'er is a big shot? But if she is a big shot, why would she come to report the letter in person?\"

While thinking, Su Han waved his hand, and the spiritual light flashed. The Horned Demon Yu'er and her two guards immediately flew out of the hole dzi beads and landed on the city wall.

With a flick of his fingers, Su Han pierced the horned demon Yu'er and the two guards' bodies one after another with magic power, lifting their physical restraints at once.

The horned demon Yu'er is a master of the first level of the undead realm. As soon as the restriction was lifted, she immediately woke up, and her delicate body trembled slightly. She kept her fighting posture very vigilantly, and looked around.

\"Horned Demon Liya, Uncle Horned Demon Chiyang!\" Horned Demon Yu'er saw the horned Demon Liya and other two blood-dropping rebirth-level powerhouses, a touch of excitement immediately surged in her beautiful eyes!

The horned demon Liya raised his brows, and his voice was full of helplessness: \"Yu'er, you are too nonsense this time! How could you risk going to other continents alone without notifying us? If you were careless, have you thought about the consequences like that?"\"

The horned demon Yu'er elf smiled, and introduced to the horned demon Li Ya: "Uncle Li Ya, I know! I won't dare in the future. By the way, Uncle Li Ya, this one is the protagonist of Leijiao Continent, Mo Ku. \"

After the ruler of Leijiaozhou, Jiao Tianxiong, was defeated by Su Han, the news spread all over the high-level people in the horned demon world. Lord.

Of course, Su Han, the Lord of Leijiaozhou, is not worthy of his name. Among the thirty-six states and counties, he only controls two states and counties. But everyone knows that since Su Han defeated the main force of that Jiao Tianxiong and occupied Leijiao If there is no accident, it is only a matter of time before the Raiders go on to become the real master of Leijiao Continent.

The Horned Demon Liya smiled gracefully, and thanked: \"The Horned Demon is suffering, I am very sorry! Please forgive me for the crime of rudeness before. I am the Horned Demon Liya, the commander of the Liya Legion. This is the Horned Demon Chiyang, the commander of the Chiyang Legion. Thank you very much for coming to support our Jiejiaozhou.\"

Although Su Han's realm is only the Ninth Heaven of Yuanshen Realm, the Horned Demon Liya knows that Su Han was able to gain control of Leijiaozhou in a short period of time, and he is definitely not a simple person. Although he is not afraid, However, such a genius would not be offended.

A flash of solemnity flashed in Su Han's eyes and he said quickly: "Your Excellency Horned Demon Liya, when I infiltrated from the Heavenly Demons, I got a piece of information! Three days later, the Heavenly Demons will hold an advent ceremony to let the Heavenly Demons One of the big figures came to this world, destroyed the Jiejiao Lingcheng in one fell swoop, and seized the magic weapon that can open the gate of the two worlds! Please prepare early!\"

\"What?\" The faces of Horned Demon Liya and others suddenly changed, and waves of turbulence arose in their hearts.

The horned demon Liya's face was gloomy, and he said slowly: "Sure enough, the strength of the Heavenly Demons in Jiejiaozhou is only slightly stronger than ours. They launched rashly, even if they can catch us by surprise, but if they want to defeat us It's not that simple either. It turns out they have that kind of idea in mind! If you let a big shot from the Heavenly Demon Race come down, you'll be in trouble!\"

Su Han suggested: "The great man of the Heavenly Demon Clan will descend in three days. [,!] It will not last long in the Horned Demon Realm. We will bring the one that can open the gate of the two realms in advance. How does the magic weapon break out from here?"\"

If the great figures of the Demon Race were able to come to the Horned Demon Realm so easily and existed for a long time, the Horned Demon Race would have presided over the ceremony to summon the great figures of the Demon Race from the Heavenly Demon Realm and swept the world directly.

The ritual altar was actually placed within a hundred miles of Jiejiao Spirit City. Obviously, the existence summoned by the demons that day was extremely powerful, and it didn't last long.

As long as the master of the horned demons leaves here with that magic weapon, the plan of the demons will come to naught.

When the reinforcements from all over the horned demons arrive, the masters of the heavenly demons here will become street rats that everyone shouts to kill. It's not worth mentioning.

The horned demon Liya and the horned demon Chiyang looked at each other, and immediately showed a wry smile, pondered for a while, and then said: \"We can ask His Royal Highness to hold a meeting to discuss this matter.\"

The horned demon Liya glanced at the horned demon Yu'er and said in a deep voice: \"Yu'er, I will leave this matter to you!\"

\"Yes! I understand!\" The horned demon Yu'er also knew the importance of the matter, her figure flickered slightly, and then disappeared.

An hour later, the meeting hall in the Jiejiao Spirit City was filled with high-ranking and important figures in the Jiejiao Spirit City.

Su Han sat in a corner, looking at the masters in the conference hall. His heart shivered: \"Amazing! Jiejiaozhou really has a profound foundation and is extremely powerful, which is not comparable to Leijiaozhou!\"

In the meeting hall, there were gathered the top masters in the spirit city of Jiejiao. Among them, there were as many as six strong people who were reborn from a drop of blood, and as many as eighteen people who were reborn with dry bones. Everyone exudes a terrifying and powerful aura. Those twenty-four masters are the big figures who rule the Jiejiao Spirit City.

In that conference hall, besides the twenty-four big figures, there were two other people present, one was Su Han, and the other was the horned demon Yu'er with mysterious origins.

The main seat in the conference hall was vacant. The twenty-four big figures were communicating with each other about the battle situation, and at the same time, all their eyes with great interest fell on Su Han.

A master of the horned demon tribe with the eighth level of immortal bone regeneration level glanced at Su Han contemptuously, looked at the sharp teeth of the horned demon and said sarcastically: "The sharp teeth of the horned demon! I want to know why a mere ninth level of primordial spirit My little guy, can he participate in our meeting? He is not your illegitimate son, is he? Even if he is your illegitimate son, he is not eligible to participate in our meeting.\"

Although the horned demon master with the bone regeneration level is not the opponent of the horned demon's tooth, but the horned demon's tooth can't kill him, so he is naturally not very afraid of the horned demon's tooth.

Withered bone regeneration, the powerhouses of blood regeneration series truly interpret the mystery of the undead realm. The powerhouses of these two secret realms are all monsters, and they are very difficult to kill. The strong men of withered bone regeneration series are not so good either. Warriors who are afraid of rebirth from a drop of blood, and those with bone regeneration levels can become one of the big names in the conference hall.

Doubtful eyes also focused on the horned demon Li Ya, they all wanted to know Su Han's identity.

The horned demon Liya said lightly: "The horned demon gray! The protagonist of Leijiao Continent, Moku, he came all the way to support our Jiejiao Lingcheng. With his status, I think he is enough to attend this meeting.\"

As soon as the horned demon's teeth uttered the words, the twenty or so old monsters of the horned demon tribe looked at Su Han, and a complex look flashed in their eyes. There were jealousy, envy, resentment, and even a trace of gloominess. An extremely cold killer.

Under the gaze of those gazes, Su Han sat calmly on his seat, without the slightest fear, as if the one move in front of him could seriously injure or even kill him. There is no such thing as a super strong person.

At this moment, a demon beauty with a first-level primordial spirit, extremely glamorous appearance, wearing black leather armor, and a **** and alluring figure, stepped into the meeting hall proudly. Sit under the main seat representing the master.

The glamorous horned demon beauty looked down proudly at the old monster in the undead state below, and said domineeringly: "I am the envoy of His Royal Highness, Prince Changtian, the horned demon. Okay, what nonsense is there?" Just say it. I will go back and dance for His Royal Highness later.\"

\"What is this? This kind of woman is actually allowed to preside over such an important meeting! Does the Horned Demon Changtian have worms on his head?\" Su Han saw that Jiao Mu Lan was so domineering, his face remained unchanged, and his heart was agitated stormy sea.

Su Han calmly glanced at the old monsters in the undead realm around him, and found that the faces of the old monsters in the immortal realm remained unchanged, but there was obviously a hint of undetectable anger in their eyes.

Those old monsters in the undead realm are all masters of bone regeneration and blood dripping regeneration, and they are all respected and respected figures outside. Even the powerhouses of the Profound Sky Realm will give them enough respect. The Horned Demon It is an insult to them that Chang Tian sent such a woman to preside over the meeting.

The horned demon Liya said in a deep voice: \"According to the information brought by His Excellency Jiaomoku, the Heavenly Demons will hold an advent ceremony three days later, allowing the adults of the Heavenly Demons to descend on the Horned Demon Realm, defeat our main force in one fell swoop, and seize the item Magic weapon! Your Excellency Horned Demon Ku suggested that we carry that magic weapon to break out from Jiejiao Spirit City and go to other places. I am sure this proposal is very wise, and I hope His Royal Highness can agree.\"

After the horned demon finished speaking sharply, the faces of all the old monsters in the meeting hall changed slightly, and they nodded slightly in their hearts. The strength of the demon clan is so powerful, if it is not a last resort, they don't want to fight with the masters of the demon clan that day It's life and death, everyone knows anyway, as long as the Heavenly Demons can't. [,! ] Get that magic weapon, all their actions will be meaningless.

Jiao Mulan's complexion suddenly changed, like a shrew, and arrogantly cursed: "No! Absolutely not! His Royal Highness is attacking the Profound Sky Realm, this is the best chance for His Royal Highness to attack the Profound Sky Realm. Absolutely not possible Leaving Jiejiao Lingcheng. You Xingwu, the great prince has raised you for so long, is this how you repay the great prince? Use your brains to think carefully and come up with a way! Within three days, give I smashed the conspiracy of the Heavenly Demons. Otherwise, His Royal Highness will never let you go!\"

Jiao Mulan left a faint sentence, stood up with a scent of fragrance, and strode outside: "Okay! Within three days, you must smash the conspiracy of the demon clan. Let the meeting be over, I have to go to the prince Your Highness is dancing!\"

Su Han looked at the arrogant, domineering and stupid Jiao Mulan, and thought quietly in his heart: "So domineering! So arrogant! This is the prince of the Horned Demon Clan, what a waste! No wonder those pure-blooded Horned Demons would Launch a rebellion. If I were a pure-blood horned demon, I would not be willing to submit to such waste.\"

The Horned Demon Clan royal family has ruled the Horned Demon Realm for more than ten thousand years. During those ten thousand years, countless geniuses appeared in the Horned Demon Clan royal family, and they also began to slowly decay. When the Horned Demon Realm was at its strongest, there were once There are five masters of the Heavenly King Realm, but now there is only one.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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