Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 811: Promoted to Undead

"Get up!" Su Han said lightly, and tossed it casually, one after another, the top-quality spirit crystals flew into the undead demon flag.

Every time the Immortal Demon Banner devours a top-quality spirit crystal, it immediately extracts the laws of life and death frantically from the space between heaven and earth, and then quickly transforms them into black rays of light containing the laws of life and death, sinking into a soul named Yuanshen below. In the body of the horned demon master at the peak of the Nine Heavens.

After absorbing a black light containing the law of life and death, every master of the Horned Demon Race who was at the peak of the Ninth Layer of Primordial Spirit Realm let out a sharp roar, and his aura suddenly surged, and he began to attack the Immortal Realm.

A series of extremely tyrannical auras rose up, and a number of famous demon masters broke through the most difficult bottleneck, and most of them were promoted to become the powerhouses of the first layer of immortality.

However, the laws of life and death are not omnipotent treasures. Among the more than 2,000 masters at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Primordial Spirit Realm, only 1,200 have broken through and been promoted to the masters of the First Layer of the Immortal Realm.

The other 800 or so experts who were at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Primordial Spirit Realm were still unable to break through the bottleneck and were promoted to become masters of the Immortal Realm.

If so, the more than 1,200 masters of the first level of the undead realm also directly increased Su Han's power by a large amount.

The number of more than 1,200 undead masters already exceeds the sum of the number of undead masters in the remaining 34 states and counties of Leijiaozhou.

With more than 1,200 undead masters who are loyal to Su Han, it will be easier for Su Han to grasp and attack Leijiaozhou. However, Su Han also paid a price of more than 2,000 top-grade spirit crystals.

In the treasure house of Leijiaozhou, Su Han only got more than a thousand top-quality spirit crystals. If he hadn't obtained the horned demon Changtian's treasury, even if he had obtained the undead demon flag, he would never have dared to bestow so many laws of life and death on his subordinates at once, allowing them to directly break through and become a strong man in the undead realm.

"Thank you sir for giving me strength! I am willing to die for you!"

The more than 2,000 strong men who came out respectfully knelt in front of Su Han. The sound was loud and filled with fanatical worship.

The warriors who originally cultivated the military way of killing array will subtly and subtly worship and respect Su Han more and more. This process is a gradual and unchangeable process.

Now Su Han bestowed strength on those two thousand fighters, making the worship and admiration of those two thousand fighters reach the peak.

"This is a reward for you! Work hard!" Su Han flicked his fingers, and a black law of life and death immediately flew towards the commander-level master who had a cultivation base of the fourth level of immortality.

The commander-level master of the fourth level of the undead realm absorbed the law of life and death. A look of ecstasy flashed in his eyes immediately, he could feel the infinite mystery contained in the law of life and death, in this way, it would be smooth sailing for him to advance to the fifth level of immortality.

"Thank you for giving me strength, sir! I am willing to die for you!" the commander-level master of the fourth level of immortality also knelt down on one knee in front of Su Han, full of excitement and piety.

Su Han swept over the more than 30,000 elite fighters present, and said in a deep voice: "All of you, as long as you make enough meritorious deeds, I will give you great strength in the future."

Those more than 30,000 elite soldiers knelt down on one knee, and their voice shook the sky: "I am willing to die for my lord!"

Su Han has more than 30,000 elite fighters. A look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, his figure flickered, and he disappeared from the spot with Shu Wu Ruo Han.

Around Leijiao Lingshan.

In the depths of the big camps, inside the commanding camp, Jiao Moying suddenly felt a slight movement in her heart, she stood up and looked at Su Han who was coming from the entrance of the camp, her figure flickered. Kneeling on one knee in front of Su Han, he said, "I have seen the Lord!"

Su Han smiled slightly and said, "Get up! Gather the army immediately."

Jiao Moying responded. Quick action: "Yes! My lord!"

Not long after, the 40,000 elite fighters quickly assembled on the square.

Su Han said indifferently: "The peak realm of the Nine Heavens of the Yuanshen Realm is on the list!"

From among the 40,000 elite fighters, more than 5,600 elite masters at the peak of the Ninth Heavenly Realm came out at once.

The cultivation speed of the military killing formation is extremely fast. With the help of a large amount of resources provided by Su Han, after several battles, many horned demon warriors who were originally in the sixth and seventh heavens of the Yuanshen Realm have been promoted to the peak of the Ninth Heavens in the Yuanshen Realm territory.

Those horned demon warriors who can be promoted to the sixth and seventh heavens of the primordial spirit realm are martial arts geniuses of the horned demon tribe, and their aptitude is above the horned demon's long sky. Just don't have the resources. This is a slow increase. As soon as they turned to the cultivation of the military path, their potential exploded, and they were able to advance by leaps and bounds, and they were promoted to the peak of the Nine Heavens of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Su Han took out the undead demon flag and stuck it on the ground. Immediately, one after another top-quality spirit crystals flew into the undead demon banner, and black rays of light containing the law of life and death immediately submerged into the bodies of more than five thousand masters at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Primordial Spirit Realm below.

After absorbing the black rays of light containing the law of life and death, more than five thousand masters at the peak of the Ninth Heaven Realm of the Primordial Spirit Realm also let out terrifying roars one after another, and one after another advanced to become one of the Undead Realm A strong man of the first level.

Jiao Moying saw that a strong man at the peak of the Ninth Heaven Realm of Yuanshen Realm was directly promoted to a master of the Immortal Realm, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes: "Awesome! What kind of treasure is that? It can make people break through the bottleneck. Promoted to become a master of the undead realm. That's amazing!"

Before Jiao Moying was promoted to become a master of the Immortal Realm, she had stayed at the peak of the Nine Heavens of the Yuanshen Realm for hundreds of years. If Su Han hadn't taught him the peerless martial arts known as Dao Sha Formation, and provided him with a large number of high-grade spirit crystals for him to practice, he would definitely not be able to break through the bottleneck and become a master of the immortal realm.

Now those martial artists who were named at the ninth level of the primordial spirit realm broke through one after another and became masters at the first level of the undead state, which naturally filled that Jiao Moying's heart with shock.

A quarter of an hour later, the more than 5,000 masters at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Primordial Spirit Realm had refined the law of life and death, and everyone's aura surged and their strength increased greatly. A total of more than 3,000 immortal masters were born.

"Thank you, sir, for giving me strength! I am willing to die for my lord!" Excitement flashed in the eyes of each of the more than 5,000 soldiers, and they knelt down in front of Su Han, saying with great excitement.

After absorbing the law of life and death, the strength of each of the more than 5,000 fighters has greatly improved. In addition to the powerhouse who broke through to the undead state on the spot, the other 2,000 masters at the peak of the primordial spirit state and the peak of the ninth heaven also made breakthroughs and became undead. A master's grasp. No longer at a loss.

"This is a reward for you, Jiao Moying, work hard!" Su Han waved his hand, and the ten laws of life and death immediately turned into black rays of light and entered Jiao Moying's body.

Jiao Moying was the first hero who followed Su Han to fight among the Horned Demon Clan. Su Han naturally wanted to give him a huge reward to greatly improve his strength.

Su Han is the only one who wants to master Leijiaozhou. It can't be done at all, and a large number of powerful subordinates are indispensable.

Those ten laws of life and death were enough for Jiao Moying to have no bottlenecks and practice until she reached the Immortal Realm Fifth Layer.

Jiao Moying felt the changes of the ten laws of life and death in her body, and a look of ecstasy flashed in her eyes, she knelt down on one knee in front of Su Han and respectfully said: "Thank you, my lord! May I die for my lord!"

"Get up, work hard!" Su Han smiled slightly, performed Void Step, took a step forward, and disappeared from the spot immediately.

After Su Han returned to Prince Leijiao's mansion. A look of heartache flashed in his eyes: "At this moment, nearly 8,000 top-quality spirit crystals disappeared! If it weren't for the horned demon Changtian's wealth, I would not be able to improve their strength so easily. Now it's time for me to hit the undead state! "

Every piece of the best spirit crystal is extremely precious. Before Su Han came to the Horned Demon Realm, he didn't have any. Among the ancient sword sects, the heavenly sword geniuses can only exchange for ten yuan. In the treasure house of Leijiao Continent, there are only a thousand top-grade spirit crystals, and the preciousness of the top-grade spirit crystals can be imagined.

A look of relief flashed in Su Han's eyes: "However, in this way, the process of conquering Leijiaozhou will be much easier. This price is still worthwhile."

So many loyal and powerful subordinates were born at once. This made Su Han feel more at ease. More than 4,000 undead masters are enough to dominate the thirty-four states of Leijiao Continent.

Su Han took a look at the Immortal Demon Flag, and smiled slightly: "As expected of a heavenly magic weapon, each of them possesses unfathomable power. Especially this kind of heavenly magic weapon, which can assist warriors in their cultivation, is even more strategic. A treasure of the highest level. Falling into the hands of that horned demon Changtian, it is simply a hidden gem."

After the Horned Demon Changtian took control of the Undead Demon Banner. He just used the Immortal Banner to improve his martial arts cultivation, and he didn't have any interest in improving the strength of his subordinates.

If the horned demon Changtian uses this undead demon flag to cultivate it with all his strength, he can easily cultivate more than 100,000 undead masters. But there is also a price of more than 200,000 top-grade spirit crystals.

The horned demon is very skilled in searching, and it took hundreds of years to collect more than one million top-quality spirit crystals, which is equivalent to collecting thousands of top-quality spirit crystals every year. It is naturally unwilling to use its top-quality spirit crystals to cultivate masters of the Horned Demon Race Immortal Realm.

Even Su Han. If it weren't for the lack of masters under his command, he would not easily use the undead flag to cultivate so many masters in the undead state.

The further behind the cultivation of martial arts, the greater the resources needed. Those who are strong in the Sky Profound Realm and Heavenly King Realm levels need to consume a lot of resources in their daily practice in order to progress.

The value of a strong person at the Profound Sky Realm is much greater than a hundred thousand masters at the first level of the Immortal Realm. The top-grade spirit crystals are used to train a large number of undead first-level masters. It is better to concentrate on a few monstrous geniuses and train them to become strong in the Sky Profound Realm.

Su Han took a deep breath, waved his big hand, and countless top-quality spirit crystals immediately turned into torrents of spirit crystals, submerging into the undead demon flag.

From within the Immortal Demon Banner, streaks of magic light containing the law of life and death immediately turned into torrents and submerged into Su Han's body.

Su Han's body is like a huge black hole, frantically devouring the magic light that contains the law of life and death. The sky wheel of wisdom appeared in his left eye, comparable to the deduction wisdom of an old monster at the Profound Sky Realm, constantly analyzing the mysteries contained in the laws of life and death.

Ordinary warriors at the peak of the Ninth Heaven Realm of the Yuanshen Realm can already break through the bottleneck of the Immortal Realm by refining a law of life and death. But Su Han's body is like a huge black hole, and the crazy devourer contains countless black rays of light containing the mystery of the law of life and death.

One swallowed one hundred thousand black rays of light containing the mysteries of the law of life and death, and an incomparably bright light erupted in Su Han's eyes immediately, and an incomparably powerful force rose from his body, breaking through many bottlenecks at once, In one fell swoop, he stepped into the realm of immortality and heaven.

Just after Su Han stepped into the Immortal Realm 1st Heaven Realm, within a radius of 100,000 li, the spiritual energy and the law of heaven and earth were all taken away. In the endless sky, dark clouds rolled, silver snakes danced wildly, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, exuding a horror. The breath seemed to be giving birth to a peerless beast.

"Heavenly Tribulation? It really appeared!" Su Han looked up at the endless thunder in the sky, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Su Han's body flickered, and he used Void Step, and several ups and downs immediately appeared on a mountain peak three hundred miles west of Leijiao City.

Feng Tianhe, who was practicing in seclusion, suddenly raised his head, looked at the sky, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "That's Heavenly Tribulation! It can trigger Heavenly Tribulation! Could it be Su Han!"

Even in the ancient sword sect, there are very few warriors who have advanced to the realm of martial arts and caused a catastrophe.

Feng Tianhe's body flickered, and then disappeared from the spot, flying towards the center of the spiritual vortex.

Feng Tianhe had just approached the scope of the spiritual vortex, and immediately saw an army of 30,000 people stationed in a military killing formation, he swept his spiritual sense, UU reading www.uukanshu. Immediately, com was dumbfounded, his eyes filled with horror: "That's it! There are so many experts in the undead state! How come there are so many undead state masters in Leijiao City!"

Among the more than 30,000 fighters, the number of undead masters exceeds 1,000. In addition, there is an undead quadruple sky-horned demon master who holds a top-grade magic weapon-level magic horned battle flag to guard him. The masters of bone regeneration level and blood drop regeneration level dare not enter this place.

"More than a thousand undead masters! What's going on? How could Su Han have so many undead master guards all at once!"

"How come there are so many undead masters appearing, what happened?"


A kendo genius from the ancient sword sect who was training hard in Leijiao City also appeared one after another. Everyone's face changed drastically when they saw the undead master with more than a thousand people.

Originally, due to Su Han's shallow foundation, there were very few undead masters who took refuge in him. After defeating Jiao Tianxiong, there were no more than a hundred undead masters under his command. Now there are more than a thousand undead masters at once, which shocked the sword geniuses of the ancient sword sect. (To be continued..)

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