Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 814: Control Thunder Point

One hundred kilometers outside Hejiao City, the center of Hejiao Niuzhou.

A large number of horned demon warriors collapsed in all directions, escaping frantically, and fled in all directions.

The horned demon warriors of the Holy Horn Legion chased after them crazily, killing all the powerful men belonging to Hejiao Niuzhou collapsed and fled in all directions.

Wang Pojun was covered in armor, and with a flick of his spear, he flew aside the corpse of an Immortal Level 1 Heavenly Expert, looked at the collapsed Hejiao Niuzhou army, and said coldly: "Too weak! These guys are so weak!" "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

The delicate and lovely Ram Lei'er, who was covered in armor, walked towards this side, her beautiful eyes also flashed with a bloodthirsty light: "That's because the Lord sent us 1,500 undead masters. That's why it's so easy to defeat them."

A scorching fighting intent flashed in Wang Pojun's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "You recruit them here! I will continue to charge for a while! Next time, I will recruit the enemy, and you go after them!"

Gongyang Lei'er's eyes flickered for a while, and immediately agreed: "Okay!"

The main force of Hejiao City had been defeated by Wang Pojun and Gongyang Lei'er, and a large number of Yuanshen Realm Horned Demon Race masters had their will to fight collapsed and immediately surrendered. Someone needs to suppress them from behind, subdue those surrendered soldiers, and quickly reorganize the troops, so that those prisoners can practice military skills and integrate into their own troops as soon as possible.

A bloodthirsty war intent flashed in Wang Pojun's eyes. He led a horned demon army and continued to chase and kill the crumbling horned demon army.

Three hundred miles west of Baojiao City in Niuzhou, Baojiao.

An incomparably bright halberd light flashed and struck a horned demon master of the fifth level of immortality, instantly splitting the master of the horned demon of the fifth level of immortality in half, blood splattered everywhere.

"Monster! You **** monster..."

Accompanied by an incomparably shrill scream, the horned demon master Primordial Spirit of the Immortal Fifth Layer Heaven was immediately strangled by the murderous aura of the surging army, and directly collapsed.

Seeing the death of the horned demon master of the fifth heaven of immortality. The legions in the Leopard Horn Niu State immediately began to collapse, and countless fighters of the Horned Demon Race fled in all directions.

A bloodthirsty light flashed in Yan Yinghan's beautiful eyes, and with a wave of the middle-grade magic weapon in his hand, the halberds were like sharp crescents cutting on the fleeing horned demon warriors, killing those The horned demon warriors beheaded one by one.

"Sure enough, my sister is the best! Killed Jiao Sen! If that's the case, this time, let me clean up the battlefield!" Yan Xiaoxue looked at Yan Yinghan who had already entered the enemy line, smiled sweetly, licked her lips, and casually With a wave, the war halberd in his hand turned into streamers of light and directly beheaded more than a dozen masters of the Horned Demon Race who were fleeing.

The three armies sent by Su Han each had 1,500 undead strongmen leading the formation, attacking the city and plundering the land all the way, like a broken bamboo, like soup pouring snow. No force can stop the attack of the three-way army.

At the same time, among the army in the middle of Su Han's commander, from time to time, horned demon masters rose to the peak of the Ninth Heaven Realm of the Yuanshen Realm, and then received Su Han's reward, directly promoted to become masters of the Immortal Realm.

In every battle, hundreds of horned demon masters from the Holy Horn Legion will be promoted to become warriors in the first level of the undead realm. Attack the resistance forces in all directions.

The rear will continuously provide a large number of Horned Demon troops from the Nirvana Realm, the Holy Pill Realm, and the Yin-Yang Realm to come to those states and counties to reorganize the troops and form a large network. Let Su Han better grasp the places in each state and county.

With the undead flag, Su Han's undead masters are fighting more and more. After he easily smashed the main force of the Wolf Horn Niu State, he left 800 undead masters to suppress the rebellion everywhere in the Wolf Horn Niu State.

Originally, the six main armies of Wolfhorn and Niuzhou gathered some folk masters to maintain a luxurious lineup of more than 130 immortal masters.

After Su Han defeated the main force of the Wolf Horn Niu State, he left 800 undead masters in the Wolf Horn Niu State, completely surpassing the remaining resistance force in the Wolf Horn Niu State.

Those 800 immortal masters could calmly mobilize troops, suppress the rebels everywhere, and kill the rebels in the wolf horned cow state to the point of bleeding. So that Su Han can continue to attack the rest of the states and counties without worrying about the future.

Possessing the Immortal Demon Banner, a heaven-level magic weapon that can mass-produce undead masters, made it relatively easier for Su Han to conquer every state and county.

In the Horned Demon Realm, Su Han's biggest weakness is his shallow foundation. There are few masters who are willing to rely on him. Those masters in the Immortal Realm are arrogant and arrogant, how could they be willing to take refuge in a little Juese who is in the Ninth Heaven of Primordial Spirit Realm.

Those warriors at the peak of the Ninth Heaven Realm of the Yuanshen Realm can't restrain the local forces at all. Only the masters of the Immortal Realm can make those local forces extremely fearful and dare not defy them.

After Su Han was able to produce undead masters in batches, his biggest weakness was immediately solved. The main force of each state and county was directly defeated by him, and then left a large number of undead masters to suppress the rebellion forces in those states and counties.

After Su Han produced a large number of undead masters in batches, he also continued to send them to the Yan Yinghan and Wang Pojun armies, so that the Yan Yinghan and Wang Pojun armies could continue to fight and move forward after defeating those states and counties. .

Along the way, like soup filling snow, the main force of each state and county was immediately defeated by the three-way army commanded by Su Han.

In the back, even some states and counties directly surrendered upon hearing the news. As soon as Su Han's army arrived, those states and counties immediately surrendered and surrendered to Su Han.

Soon, the thirty-six states of Leijiao Continent were all under the control of Su Han, and only three states were still under the control of the Royalist faction.

Su Han still needed to rely on the big card of the royalist party, so he didn't attack the remaining three counties. However, the remaining three states and counties are also very acquainted. After Su Han promised to give them an independent status, they also expressed their submission to Su Han, willing to pay tribute to Su Han, and willing to pay the previous taxes to Su Han as usual.

After the thirty-six prefectures of Leijiaozhou fell into Su Han's hands, he became the master of Leijiaozhou, and he controlled tens of trillions of intelligent creatures in Leijiaozhou. There are also more than 30,000 undead masters under his command. As a price, the top-quality spirit crystals in Su Han's hands also disappeared like a stream of water, shrinking to only 800,000 top-quality spirit crystals left.

However, the thirty-six states of Leijiao Continent also have veins of top-quality spirit crystals, and an average of more than 10,000 pieces of top-quality spirit crystals can be dug out every year. It's just that in the past, more than 90% of the top-grade spirit crystals in Leijiaozhou were supplied to the Horned Demon Emperor's Court, and the remaining less than 10% were controlled by the Lord of Leijiaozhou.

The previous Lords of Leijiao Continent also needed a large number of top-quality spirit crystals for cultivation. Therefore, in the treasury of Prince Leijiao's Mansion, there are only a pitiful one thousand top-grade spirit crystals left.

Now Leijiaozhou is completely under Su Han's control, which means that he can get 10,000 pieces of top-grade spirit crystals every year. its number.

Moreover, after Su Han truly mastered Leijiaozhou, he also jumped to become one of the most important figures in the Horned Demon Realm.

In the entire Horned Demon Realm, there are only 172 Prince Continents. Although the Leijiao Continent controlled by Su Han is the third-to-last small continent among the 31 Prince Continents in the Northern Continent, it is the master of the continent. Su Han also leapt to become one of the most important figures in the entire Horned Demon Realm.

After Su Han mastered the Leijiaozhou, he did not act rashly, but began to practice hard to improve his cultivation. And sent his masters to suppress and hunt those rebels everywhere.

Su Han controls the entire Leijiaozhou in name, but in fact, there are still countless rebels in various places. Many families also disobeyed Su Han's rule. He had to send countless undead strongmen to suppress those rebellious families everywhere, and appease those horned demon family forces who were willing to surrender.

While constantly suppressing the rebellion. Su Han tempered a powerful army that was loyal to him only.

A few months later, in a secret room in Prince Leijiao's Mansion, Su Han slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and his eyes flashed: "Finally promoted to the Third Heaven of Immortality! But the top-grade spirit crystal in my hand is less than 100,000 yuan left."

Su Han glanced at the undead flag planted on the ground in front of him, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, he immediately took the undead flag into his hand.

In the past few months, Su Han frantically devoured the law of life and death spewed out by refining the Immortal Demon Banner. And frantically absorbing the mysterious and incomparable white breath, his cultivation base increased rapidly, he broke through two small realms one after another, and was promoted to become a master of the third layer of the undead realm.

However, as a price, Su Han consumed all of the 700,000 top-grade spirit crystals, and absorbed the white breath of tens of billions of low-grade spirit crystals.

The 700,000 top-grade spirit crystals are a huge wealth, enough to support a martial arts talent all the way to the immortal state and the eighth-level heavenly bone regeneration state.

However, Su Han's accumulation is incomparably thick, and his combat power is far superior to those of the same rank, and it is also much more difficult to promote than other warriors.

Su Han frowned slightly, and fell into thinking: "If you want to advance quickly, it seems that you can only attack other continents. But now is not a good time to attack other continents!"

At this time, the rebels and the Royalists had fallen into a stalemate. The 172 Prince Continent rebels in the Horned Demon Realm occupied a total of 102 Prince Continents, and their forces were connected as one, helping each other. On the royalist side, there are only seventy Prince Continents, which are at a disadvantage.

Now that the rebel army is strong and they are helping each other, Su Han attacks a rebel continent. If he is not careful, some Keneng will be destroyed by several rebel continents.

As long as the four Prince Continent rebels with strong Sky Profound Realm join forces, it will be enough to destroy all of Su Han's foundations.

Su Han thought, and immediately made a decision: "The best way now is to attack the ninth-level alchemy master and refine the ninth-level holy pill of great wisdom. Once the ninth-level holy pill of great wisdom is refined, It can greatly improve my comprehension, and it is not impossible to be enlightened again."

While thinking about it, Su Han immediately stepped into the Dongtian Orb, took out the heaven-rank magic treasure Jade Dragon Cauldron, concentrated his mind, and threw the ninth-rank spiritual grass and spirit fruit into the Jade Dragon Cauldron. Start refining the ninth-order panacea.

Ninth-order spirit pills are usually refined only by those in the undead realm. Su Han is now a master of the third heaven in the undead realm. He is powerful and can easily master the medicinal properties. With the help of the mysterious right eye, after hundreds of failures, he finally refined the first batch of ninth-level alchemy pills, and was promoted to become a ninth-level alchemy master.

After Su Han was promoted to be the ninth-level alchemy master, he did not start to refine the ninth-level holy pills and great wisdom pills, but began to refine the ninth-level alchemy pills he made one by one according to the alchemy formula he knew, so as to improve his alchemy skills. Level. Moreover, each of the ninth-level elixir is extremely precious and possesses terrifying magical effects. A single 9th-level elixir may be able to turn the tide of the battle.

Su Han possesses the sky wheel of wisdom and the mysterious right eye. Even the success rate of refining the ninth-level elixir is as high as 90%, and the ninth-level elixir full of various magical effects is refined by him.

After Su Han had been immersed in alchemy for a month, he fully mastered the secret of refining the ninth-level elixir.

After bathing and changing clothes, Su Han drank a cup of tea of ​​wisdom to keep his mind peaceful, and then his eyes fixed, and he threw all the extremely precious materials such as Soul Eater and Wisdom Fruit into the Within the Jade Dragon Cauldron.

Su Han's mind was concentrated, the wisdom sky wheel in his left eye, and the mysterious rune appeared in his right eye. He looked into the Jade Dragon Cauldron, and with the help of that mysterious right eye ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ clearly grasped the Various changes within the Jade Dragon Cauldron.

With a flick of Su Han's fingers, Lieyang Emperor Fire appeared out of thin air, submerged into the Jade Dragon Cauldron, and turned into terrifying flames that could incinerate all kinds of materials, burning the impurities in the various materials. Purify all kinds of impurities.

Seven days and seven nights, Su Han spent seven days and seven nights to completely purify the impurities of various materials in the Jade Dragon Cauldron. If it weren't for Su Han's promotion to the third level of the undead realm, there would be absolutely no way to support the powerful release of mana for seven days and seven nights so easily.

Su Han performed the ancient alchemy technique, and formed countless seals, which penetrated into the Jade Dragon Cauldron, and an incomparably rich alchemy fragrance immediately diffused from the Jade Dragon Cauldron.

All of a sudden, Sisi heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered from all directions, forming a small vortex of spiritual power, which took shape on the Jade Dragon Cauldron.

"Heavenly Tribulation! This Great Wisdom Pill has to go through the Heavenly Tribulation before it can truly take shape, possessing unfathomable power!" Su Han grabbed the Jade Dragon Cauldron with a flash of his body, and immediately jumped out of the hole dzi bead. Flying out of it, came to the Horned Demon Realm. (to be continued...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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