Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 820: Moon Nether

Please remember the URL of this site:; Please recommend the promotional introduction to your QQ group [Weibo/WeChat] forum post bar! Su Han dominated a continent in the Horned Demon Realm. This kind of achievement is placed in the ancient sword sect. It is also very huge. The power controlled by many masters of the Sword Palace in the Profound Sky Realm is not as powerful as that of Su Han.

Naleijiaozhou provides a large amount of resources to Su Han every year, and Old Monster Ding naturally appreciates Su Han very much.

Old Monster Chi snorted coldly: "Hmph! That's just a crooked way! For a swordsman, improving one's own swordsmanship is the right way. Yue Youming of our Aurora Sword Palace is a swordsman who is rare in a thousand years. In the future, he may even be promoted to a sword master at the Heavenly King Realm. Once he is promoted to a Heavenly King Realm master, what Su Han has achieved now is nothing at all."

The masters of the Heavenly King Realm, each one is extremely powerful, placed in an immortal dynasty, and they are also peerless kings, very rare. In a sect with profound foundation and long history like the Ancient Sword Sect, a master of the Heavenly King Realm is also extremely important and has a high status.

The old monster sarcastically said: "Heavenly King Realm? It's too far away! By the time Yue Youming of your Laser Sword Hall is promoted to Heavenly King Realm, we, Su Han, may have already become a powerhouse at the Saint level."

Old Monster Chi said with a cold smile: "Old monster, since you have so much confidence in Su Han, how about we take a gamble? If the first person in the genius training camp this time is Yue Youming, I want the top-grade magic weapon Xuan in your hand." Jade futon. If Su Han is the first person in the talent training camp this time, I will give you the top-grade magic treasure in my hand, the Concentration Buddha Bead."

Although the Xuanyu Futuan and the Concentrating Buddha Beads are only top-grade magic weapons, these two magic weapons can assist warriors in their cultivation, and their value is extremely precious. Even the masters of the Profound Sky Realm, these two magic weapons can increase their cultivation speed.

These two magic treasures are the hearts and minds of Old Monster Chi and Old Monster, and each top-quality magic weapon is so precious that even old monsters in the Profound Sky Realm are hard to get their hands on.

The old monster's face changed several times, and he glanced at the sword tablet that day. Looking at Su Han who was ranked 21st at this time, he pondered for a while, then gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! I'll bet with you!"

Old Monster Chi smiled slightly and said, "The bet is established! Old Monster Ding, please be a witness for us."

Old Freak Ding smiled slightly and said, "Okay!"

There was a flash of sarcasm in Old Monster Chi's eyes, and he smiled slightly: "That's right! The Old Monster has a piece of information that he forgot to tell you. The cultivation level of Yue Youming in our Laser Sword Palace has just been upgraded to the Undead Realm of the Fourth Heaven Realm! It should be It can break the record set by Gu Bamo, a genius in the previous world."

The voice of that old monster Chi just fell, on the sword tablet that day. The name of Yue Youming, who ranked first, had a great aura, and it burst into incomparable brilliance. The mileage of the 6,700 miles suddenly changed to 8,900 miles.

"Eight thousand nine hundred miles! This mileage has already broken the record of No. 1 Gubamo in the previous world!"

"So strong! Is Yue Youming stronger than Gu Bamo?"

"It's amazing, 8,900 miles! This record has already broken the record of our suzerain Jian Wuyi, and it is only 400 miles away from the record of 9,300 miles set by Lord Yang Ye, the Destroyer Sword Master!"

"Awesome! Yue Youming is really too strong!"


Seeing the change in the mileage on the sword stele that day, the faces of many talented disciples of the ancient sword sect present suddenly changed, and there were many discussions.

Whether it is Yang Ye or Jian Wuyi. Back then, among the ancient sword sects, they were all monster-like geniuses. The records they created are almost unbeatable. Now that Yue Youming actually broke through that Jian Wuyi's record in one fell swoop, which proves that Yue Youming at this time is better than Jian Wuyi back then.

When Old Monster Chi saw the change in distance there, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes. He looked at the old monster and smiled sarcastically: "Haha! The suzerain's record was also broken by Yue Youming! Haha, old monster, you admit defeat!"

The old monster's expression turned very ugly, and he snorted coldly: "The winner hasn't been officially decided yet! Let's wait and see."

Old Monster Ding looked at the sword stele that day, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes: "The record of the suzerain has been broken. This Yue Youming is really amazing! It is indeed a genius that is rare in the Aurora Sword Palace in a thousand years."

If every kendo genius who can break the record of the Heavenly Sword Monument has not fallen while growing up. Most of them were able to achieve great achievements, and many of them were able to become experts at the Profound Sky Realm, or even at the level of the Heavenly King Realm.

The old man stared at the sword stele with a very ugly expression, and thought silently in his heart: "Su Han, it's up to you now. Don't let me down!"

In the ocean of sword intent, Su Han urged the powerful sword intent that penetrates the profound. Go straight ahead and come to the place of three thousand miles.

When Su Han came to the three-thousand-mile land, countless sword intents stabbed at him like shooting stars, and were immediately smashed to pieces by his sword intent.

"The sword intent here is already equivalent to the sword intent of the peak state of the sword heart in the late stage of enlightenment, and it can be enlightened by me!" Su Han was thinking. Immediately after running the Great Wisdom Sutra, the Wisdom Sky Wheel in the left eye suddenly appeared, looking towards the countless sword intents.

As soon as the Wisdom Sky Wheel appeared, the essence of the sword way and the principles of the way of the sword contained in the countless powerful sword intents immediately flooded into Su Han's eyes.

Countless masters of swordsmanship seemed to be showing the essence of their swordsmanship, displaying their swordsmanship one by one.

Su Han wandered among countless sword intents, and saw countless exquisite sword techniques under the deduction of the wisdom sky wheel. Many of the sword techniques contained in those sword intents are far worse than those mastered by Su Han, but each set of sword techniques contains the mystery of that set of sword techniques, and there is always a trace of it. Merit.

Su Han immediately absorbed nutrients from the countless sword skills, and the sword light in his hand flickered, and he continued to use his five-element destruction sword, Tianyu Qiankun sword, Tianyu space sword, Tianyu magic sword, Aurora sword, Thunder sword, etc. The deduction is perfect, and it evolves towards a more perfect level.

In the ocean of sword intent, Su Han strolled forward, and the sky wheel of wisdom in his left eye appeared, absorbing the essence of swordsmanship from countless swordsmanship geniuses, his own swordsmanship was also constantly improving, and his whole body seemed to have been continuously polished Like the divine sword, it gradually transformed, and the sword intent became stronger and more stable.

In the endless ocean of sword intent, an ancient and powerful weapon spirit overlooked everything, and a look of admiration flashed in his eyes: "Amazing! That little guy is really amazing! He can absorb all kinds of swords so easily!" The essence of swordsmanship that you can imagine. In this talent training camp, three amazing little guys appeared. I don’t know which one of them is better.”

This planet covered with countless seas of sword intent is an ancient and powerful magic weapon in the ancient sword sect, and it is also one of the foundations of the ancient sword sect, which has cultivated countless geniuses of the ancient sword sect.

Su Han walked in the ocean of sword intent, and the sword intent of the early stage of the sword intent gushed out. On the top of his head, a huge long sword with a length of twenty feet was condensed, and in the sea of ​​sword intents, countless sword intents were condensed and formed, and they were slashed towards Su Han, and they were easily defeated by the two-foot long sword. The ten-foot-long sword was chopped into pieces, and with a turn of his wisdom sky wheel, he immediately absorbed the essence of swordsmanship contained in the strands of sword intent, letting the twenty-foot-long sword. Become more and more pure and powerful.

One month later, in front of the Heavenly Sword Monument, a large number of ancient sword sect ken dao geniuses gathered. Their eyes were fixed on the Tiantian Sword Monument, and their eyes were full of horror.

"Nine thousand and five hundred miles, a breakthrough! Yue Youming finally broke through the record of Destroyer Sword Master Yang Ye and created a new record."

"Amazing! As expected of the most monstrous genius in Laser Sword Palace!"


Before the sword monument that day. Looking at the records in the sword tablet that day, their eyes were full of jealousy. When Yue Youming was able to be in the talent training camp. Just broke through Yang Ye's record, and I'm afraid that his achievements may surpass Yang Ye, the Destroyer Sword Master.

Within a dozen or so breaths, the spiritual light flashed, and a terrifying sword intent shot up into the sky, flew out of the sea of ​​swords, and directly split the sea of ​​swords. Electric fire came towards this small town.

"That's the sword intent of the third sword intent in the middle stage of Tongxuan!"

"The third level of sword intent, the middle stage of the sword intent, is too terrifying! Even the masters of many sword palaces don't have such a terrifying sword intent!"

"too strong!"

"Is that Yue Youming! It's too powerful!"


In that small town, the faces of the talented disciples named Ancient Sword Sect changed greatly. There was a lot of discussion, and a look of admiration flashed in Nayue Youming's eyes.

Feeling the terrifying sword intent, Old Monster Ding had a flash of admiration in his eyes: "It's amazing, Yue Youming is really amazing!"

If you don't care about cultivation, just talk about sword intent. Old Monster Ding's sword intent was slightly inferior to Yue Youming's. It is conceivable that Yue Youming's swordsmanship was so strong that year.

In this ancient sword sect genius training camp, some monsters will be born every session. The sword intent of most monsters is at most polished to the early stage of the sword intent of the third heavy sword intent.

Even when Yang Ye and Jian Wuyi, the two great kendo geniuses of the ancient sword sect, left the training camp for geniuses of the ancient sword sect, they only possessed the peak kendo cultivation base of the early days of Jianyi Tongxuan.

Old Monster Chi smiled proudly: "Of course, Yue Youming of our Aurora Sword Palace will definitely be able to carry forward the ancient sword sect in the future, and let all the heavens and all worlds know the prestige of my ancient sword sect."

The old monster's face was a bit ugly, but he had to admit that Yue Youming was one of the most outstanding geniuses in the history of the ancient sword sect.

After Yue Youming flew out of the sea of ​​sword intent, he immediately fell into the cave where he lived, practiced in closed doors, and comprehended the true meaning he had comprehended from the sea of ​​sword intent.

"Breakthrough! Jian Caiying broke through to seven thousand miles! It's amazing!"

"It's too strong! Jian Caiying broke through to seven thousand miles, it's too powerful!"


All of a sudden, those talented swordsmen of the ancient sword sect who were staring at the Heavenly Sword Monument cheered one after another.

All eyes immediately fell on the Tiantian Sword Stele, seeing the sudden change of numbers on the Tiantian Sword Stele, everyone's eyes flashed with excitement.

In just one month, Jian Caiying had already broken Yue Youming's two-month record, her strength can be imagined.

Old Freak Ding smiled proudly, unspeakably happy: "Haha, the young lady is more talented. This year, the first person in the talent training camp seems to be my young lady."

The old monster looked at the sword stele that day, and the haze on his face slowly dissipated, and he smiled slightly: "That may not be the case, Su Han, who we destroyed the sword palace, seems to be stronger."

"Six thousand seven hundred miles!" Seeing the number, Old Monster Chi's expression changed slightly.

Su Han has already reached the land of 6,700 miles in just one month, that speed is simply appalling, even surpassing that of Yue Youming back then.

"Six thousand and eight hundred miles! He's still making progress! He's still making progress!"

"Six thousand nine hundred miles, he is still advancing!"

"Seven thousand miles, he broke through seven thousand miles!"

"Seven thousand one hundred miles! He broke through seven thousand miles and became the second place!"


Those ancient sword sect masters surrounded by the Heavenly Sword Monument watched Su Han continue to advance, all of them were stunned, with disbelief flashing in their eyes.

Generally, the geniuses of the ancient sword sect will activate the greatest sword intent, reach their limit position at once, and then temper their sword intent through various methods. After their sword intent is promoted, they will continue to move forward once again , reaching a limit position. There are almost no strong men who are as methodical and constantly improving as Su Han.

Seeing that Su Han's mileage surpassed Jian Caiying's, the old monster's eyes flashed with joy, and he laughed loudly: "Haha! Su Han, who we destroyed the Sword Palace, is the first person in this talent training camp."

With a gloomy face, Old Monster Chi said slowly: "The further back the Sword Intent Ocean is, the harder it is to make progress! Old monster, you are too happy."

At this moment, the old monster Chi also felt the threat from Su Han, and his confident look had disappeared. Looking at the Tianjian monument, his heart was full of apprehension.

Old Monster Ding looked at the sword monument that day, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes: "Awesome! The geniuses in this talent training camp are really more monsters than monsters, and one is stronger than the other. I don't know who is the one. The first person in a talent training camp."

A few days later ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ eight thousand eight hundred miles! He is still breaking through! "

"Nine thousand miles! He broke through nine thousand miles!"

"Nine thousand one hundred miles, he broke through to nine thousand one hundred miles!"


Those talented disciples of the ancient sword sect looked at the changes in the numbers on the sword tablet that day, and there was a flash of horror in the eyes of each of them. As if there was no obstacle in the sea of ​​sword intent, Su Han moved forward at a constant speed, and the distance there was also increasing rapidly. Within a few days, he had already broken through the limit of nine thousand miles.

Nervous eyes focused on the sword tablet that day, wanting to see if Su Han could break through the record set by Yue Youming, which was 9,500 miles away.

The three powerhouses, Old Monster, Old Monster Chi, and Old Monster Ding, all stared at the sword tablet that day, holding their breath and concentrating on it. The old monster in the pool was already covered in cold sweat, his body was trembling slightly, and an ominous premonition flashed in his eyes. (to be continued...)

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