Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 831: Monsters of the Profound Sky Realm

Su Han was also beheading wolf-headed monsters at the sixth level of the undead state everywhere on the sixth floor.

The wolf-headed monster in the sixth level of immortality already had the strength to threaten Su Han, and it happened to be Su Han's target to hone his sword skills.

Every day, Su Han would look for a large group of wolf-headed monsters, and use all kinds of sword techniques he had learned in the ocean of sword intent to kill those wolf-headed monsters.

In that actual combat, Su Han's swordsmanship was honed to be more perfect, constantly evolving, transforming the various swordsmanship he learned from the ocean of sword intent into something that belonged to him.

In the ancient sword sect training camp, Jianyi Haiyang is a holy place for those swordsmen to hone their swordsmanship and improve their understanding of the principles of swordsmanship. And this nine-story sword tower is the supreme holy place for those kendo geniuses to enhance their strength, absorb the law of life and death, and hone their swordsmanship.

It is precisely because of such a perfect training method that among the ancient sword sects, swordsmanship geniuses emerge in endlessly. Even after the ancient sword emperor, the ancient sword sect began to decline slowly. But after hundreds of thousands of years of inheritance, they are still so powerful, and they can occupy a place in the universe because of their profound heritage.

Those hundreds of thousands of years is an extremely long time, and even a strong man at the emperor level can hardly live for ten thousand years. Countless powerful forces, once glorious supreme religions, and immortal dynasties have all been reduced to ashes under the erosion of time.

The ancient sword sect was able to be passed down in that long time, so it is naturally profound and powerful.

"Not enough! The monsters of the sixth level of the undead state, unless I spend all the rest of my time on this level, killing the monsters of the sixth level of the undead state will not allow me to advance to the sixth level of the undead state in a short time God! We must go to the next floor!" After Su Han casually beheaded more than a dozen undead sixth-level monsters, he immediately led the Shadow Clan Legion, which had evolved to a terrifying level, to move towards the entrance of the next floor.

After an hour. Su Han immediately appeared at the entrance leading to the seventh-floor sword tower.

At the entrance of the passageway on the seventh floor, there were four tiger-headed monsters who were half-stepping up to the Profound Sky Realm and one tiger-headed monster exuding the terrifying aura of the first level of the Profound Sky Realm.

Around the five tiger-headed monsters stood four hundred wolf-headed monsters in the sixth level of immortality.

This force alone surpassed the power of the top sects in remote places like Tianqiao Palace. Of course, the prerequisite is that the masters of Tianqiao Palace come out from the old lair of Tianqiao Palace. If all the masters of Tianqiao Palace hide in Tianqiao Palace, gather the strength of the entire Tianqiao Palace. This force was also unable to break through the defense of Tianqiao Palace.

Su Han glanced at the monster with the first level of the Profound Sky Realm, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes: "That is a monster of the Profound Sky Realm level. The strength must be terrifying! My current strength, I don't know how to match it. A strong player of that level has a slight chance of winning."

"But before that, we need to get rid of the miscellaneous fish first!" Su Han thought, pushing forward with the peerless sword intent of the middle stage of the sword intent, and slashed down towards the entrance of the passage.

A five-element shattering sword energy that combines sharpness, speed, and slowness descended from the sky, and slashed at those wolf-headed monsters in the sixth level of immortality.

The tiger-head monster in the Profound Sky Realm's eyes flashed fiercely, and he activated the power of law, flicking his fingers. A burst of black magic light exploded and bombarded Su Han's Five Elements Destroyer sword energy in an instant, completely shattering Su Han's attack in one blow.

The tiger-headed monster in the Profound Sky Realm glanced at Su Han's direction, opened its huge mouth, and a black magic light immediately condensed in its mouth, and the next moment, it turned into a black beam of light and bombarded towards Su Han. .

"Heavenly Yu Qiankun Sword!" Su Han crazily stimulated his mana, and the sword technique changed, driven by the terrifying sword intent in the middle stage of the sword intent. Countless sword circles filled with distorting force fields suddenly appeared, condensing the void. stood in front of him.

That black magic light bombarded the sword circle in an instant, shattering countless sword circles, and then was deflected and distorted at a slight angle, and shot to the side.

Before Su Han had time to rejoice, another black beam of light spewed out from the mouth of the tiger-headed monster in the Profound Sky Realm. It bombarded him instantly, vaporizing half of his body.

The other four tiger-headed monsters with half-stepped Sky Profound Realm also flickered one by one, stepped on the void, and shot towards Su Han's location.

"Awesome! Is this the strength of monsters in the Profound Sky Realm? It is indeed terrifyingly powerful. But the power of the law is far inferior to the real old monsters in the Profound Sky Realm!" Su Han thought, and stepped on the void. . Stepping over dozens of miles in one step, at the same time activating the Undead Scripture, quickly recovering the body.

Under the urging of the Immortal Scripture, the magic power in Su Han's body surged, and his physical body quickly regenerated, and the directly vaporized physical body also quickly recovered.

In addition to the four tiger-head monsters at the half-step Sky Profound Realm, the tiger-head monster at the Sky Profound Realm also flickered, shooting up, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards Su Han.

The four hundred wolf-headed demon monsters in the fifth level of immortality were left behind by the five powerhouses.

The speed of high-level warriors is far higher than that of low-level warriors. Therefore, in the pursuit battle, if there is no special magic weapon to survive and fly magical powers, innate abilities, low-level warriors cannot participate in the chase battle of high-level warriors.

High-level warriors can completely hunt and kill low-level warriors one by one by fighting. It is precisely because of this that the value of those high-level warriors is far above that of low-level warriors. All forces will devote a lot of resources to the most outstanding martial arts geniuses. A martial artist at the Profound Sky Realm is much more valuable than a hundred thousand first-level martial artists at the Immortal Realm.

The five strongest monsters were lured away by Su Han, and suddenly, from the shadow, one arm suddenly stretched out, holding a dagger into the hearts of those monsters, destroying the hearts of those monsters at once. Heart, kill those monsters one by one.

"Five-headed monsters team up, I have no chance of winning! The monsters at the first level of the Profound Realm that day are not so easy to kill! What should we do now?" Su Han stepped on the Void Step, walking through the void, avoiding the five-headed monsters The joint attack of monsters.

If he was fighting a monster at the Profound Sky Realm, Su Han still had some confidence, but after adding four monsters at half a step of the Profound Sky Realm, he had no chance of winning at all.

"It seems that we can only take one risk!" After countless calculations, Su Han focused his eyes and took a step forward. In an instant, he appeared around the body of the four-headed half-step Sky Profound Realm monster. The Gate of Starlight suddenly appeared, and the Dongtian Orb contained in the Gate of Starlight suddenly erupted with a huge absorbing power, covering the four monsters who were half-stepping up to the Sky Profound Realm, swallowing the four monsters in one go. into the Starlight Gate.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the tiger-head monster in the Profound Sky Realm, and it burst out suddenly, appearing in front of Su Han in an instant, with one claw digging towards Su Han's heart with the sound of cracking wind.

"Idiot! If you are better than supernatural powers, I may not be your opponent at this time. You are fighting me with meat, you are looking for death! The sky is falling!" Su Han's eyes flashed with joy, and he activated the indestructible body of the gods and demons. Countless runes appeared, and the berserk physical body erupted instantly, and a fist blasted out, containing the power to destroy all things, bombarded on the right claw of the tiger-headed monster.

The terrifying power of apocalypse erupted instantly, covering the tiger-headed monster's right claw, smashing the tiger-headed monster's right claw into pieces, and bombarding the tiger-headed monster's heart. Break through the heart of the tiger-headed monster.

As soon as the tiger-headed monster's heart was shattered, huge and pure spiritual power as well as an incomparably pure law of life and death, the law of heaven and earth immediately submerged into Su Han's body.

After Su Han devoured the incomparably pure law of life and death, his body seemed to turn into a black hole, absorbing huge spiritual power crazily, pieces of top-grade spirit crystals flew out of the hole dzi beads and fell into him. A large amount of pure spiritual energy spewed out from his side, submerged into his body, allowing his cultivation base to rise steadily, and finally broke through the bottleneck, and was promoted to the sixth level of the immortal state in one fell swoop.

As soon as Su Han was promoted to the sixth level of the immortal state, he immediately stepped into the Dongtian Pearl one step at a time.

At this time, within the hole dzi, the master of the sea of ​​ghosts held the top-grade magic weapon, the black lotus real jade bowl, and turned it into a sea of ​​black lotus, forming black lotus arrays, dividing the four tiger-headed monsters from each other, and sealing them into the world. into the four magic circles.

The four tiger-headed monsters activated their supernatural powers, continuously jetting out streaks of black magic light, smashing large pieces of black lotus to pieces, and almost smashing the black lotus circles into pieces.

However, the Lord of the Ghost Sea has been promoted to the sixth level of the undead state, and his mana is extremely profound, comparable to some weak powerhouses of the eighth level of the undead state. Trapping those four tiger-headed monsters firmly~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Black Lotus Jade Bowl is at the top of the list even among the best magic weapons. In the hands of the master of the ghost sea who has been promoted to the sixth level of the undead state, the power is infinite, and the four tiger-headed monsters cannot break out at all.

Su Han said in a deep voice: "Put one end out!"

A flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Ghost Sea, and with a flick of his fingers, a black lotus formation immediately collapsed: "Yes! Your lord!"

As soon as the black lotus magic circle collapsed, a tiger-headed monster that was half a step up from the Profound Sky Realm immediately broke out from the magic circle, exuding an incomparably fierce aura, opened its mouth wide, and a black magic light Crazy concentration of supernatural powers.

The tiger-head monster's attack method is very simple, and its supernatural power is only the black magic light, but the black magic light supernatural power is extremely powerful, even if it is a master of the Sky Profound Realm who is hit by the black magic light supernatural power Will suffer a lot of damage.

"The attack method is too monotonous, and the supernatural power is too single. These are the huge weaknesses of these monsters. You can die!" Su Han stabbed forward with a sword, pierced into the void, and then shot from behind the tiger-headed monster. stabbed out of the void, and pierced through the head of the tiger-headed monster. (To be continued..)

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