Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 834: Xuantian Yingcai

All the fighters in the thirteen war clans have cultivations above the Immortal Realm Fifth Layer, and each of them is either a giant monster or an ancient alien species, with incomparable strength and unlimited potential. Moreover, the number of each war clan exceeds two thousand, which is not a small force.

The thirteen war clans were all big monsters and ancient alien species, but at this time all of them had turned into human races, leaving only some spirit patterns and characteristics representing monsters on their bodies.

The pride and self-esteem of the big monster is nothing in front of a supreme emperor like the ancient sword emperor. As early as when their ancestors were captured and suppressed in the nine-story sword tower by the ancient sword emperor, their pride and self-esteem had disappeared.

Su Han glanced at the thirteen war clans, and said calmly: "I am Su Han, according to the agreement between His Majesty the Sword Emperor and you. I can choose one of your thirteen war clans, and follow me Let's leave this world together. Do you remember this promise?"

Accompanied by a loud roar, a strong man who possessed the Immortal Realm Ninth Level Heaven and was reborn from a drop of blood, one foot tall, with mysterious spirit patterns engraved all over his body, strode forward with a rebellious face, and challenged Su Han: " I am Vajra Juli, and our Vajra Dragon Elephant Clan will only surrender to the strong. If we want our Vajra Dragon Elephant Clan to work for you, unless you can defeat me! So, come and fight me, if you win , our Vajra Dragon Elephant clan will surrender to you, if you lose, take our clan out of this place, go to the outside world, and set us free."

Su Han took a look at Vajra Juli, who possessed the Ninth Level of Immortality, and said coldly, "I'm not interested in your Vajra Dragon Elephant clan either, so you can go away!"

"You're looking for death!" King Kong Juli's face suddenly changed, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly became violent. A punch was thrown out, containing a barbaric spirit, the law of power, and bombarded towards Su Han.

Su Han took a look at Vajra Juli, smiled coldly, and said in an extremely cold voice, "The Vajra Dragon Elephant clan. If you break your oath and attack me, the clan should be exterminated! Extract blood!"

In an instant, from that space, from the void one by one, streaks of cyan sword energy suddenly pierced through the strong men of the Vajra Dragon Elephant Clan like meteors, and smashed those strong Vajra Dragon Elephant Clans All were nailed to the ground.

"Go away! I want to defy the sky!" King Kong Juli roared angrily, and his figure shook. Immediately, it revealed its original shape and turned into a huge monster with a body length of hundreds of feet, which was bursting with powerful spiritual light. With its nose raised, it charged towards the cyan sword energy that contained a huge law of power.

After Vajra Juli transforms into a Vajra Dragon Elephant, the power of that nose thrust can cause serious injury to even a strong person in the Profound Sky Realm.

That cyan sword energy pierced into King Kong Juli's nose like cutting tofu, and pierced King Kong Juli's body along the way.

In an instant. The more than 2,000 undead-level vajra dragon elephants were immediately drawn out of their blood and submerged into the void. Disappear.

Almost at the same time, streaks of cyan sword energy lit up in the distance, pierced into the mountains, and suppressed and killed all the big monsters in the mountains, leaving only some young children. The body of the Vajra Dragon Elephant.

Seeing this scene, the remaining twelve war clans were filled with chills in their hearts. He has a little understanding of the methods of the ancient sword emperor.

The ancient sword emperor has fallen for more than hundreds of thousands of years, and the agreement he made with the thirteen war clans has also been passed down from generation to generation.

But those hundreds of thousands of years are enough to wipe away all awe. Even though the thirteen war clans knew the power of the ancient sword emperor, they didn't think that the power left by the ancient sword emperor was so terrifying. The incomparably powerful Vajra Dragon Elephant family was easily wiped out, only some of the juveniles remained.

Su Han glanced at the twelve war clans, and said calmly: "The war clans who don't want to go out with me can leave this place, I won't make things difficult for you."

The leader of the raccoon clan saluted Su Han, and then left the place with the strong members of the raccoon clan: "Sorry, our clan has lived here for hundreds of thousands of years, and we don't want to leave. Let's leave now!"

The Yanxi clan, the Thunder War Eagle clan, the Wuma clan, the Horned Tiger clan, and the Magic Ghost Eye clan all bowed to Su Han before leaving one after another. They were also unwilling to follow Su Han and leave this place.

Soon, there were only four warrior clans left here, the Guidie clan, Xuantian Eagle clan, Chiyan fierce ape clan, and Thunder magic leopard clan.

A top beauty of the Guidie tribe with a pair of butterfly tentacles on her forehead, snow-white skin as crystal as jade, and long pink hair bowed to Su Han and said, "Master Su Han, I am Guidiedieying. We Your ancestors once made an agreement with His Majesty the Sword Emperor. If we make a contract with you to assist you to become a strong man in the Holy Realm in the future, you will be able to return us to freedom. Does this agreement still count?"

The eyes of the other three major clans were also focused on Su Han. Their residual self-esteem as a big monster made them unwilling to become Su Han's subordinates and servants forever.

Su Han said in a deep voice: "It counts! As long as you can help me become a strong man in the holy state, I will come here as agreed, and return your family's freedom."

Each of the saint-level powerhouses is the most powerful existence of a race, supporting the existence of a race. If Su Han can become a strong man at the level of a saint, then by then, he will have many experts around him to help him. These war clans brought out from the nine-story sword tower are no longer important.

Gui Die Die Ying bowed to Su Han and said, "Then I, Gui Die Clan, are willing to sign a contract with you, leave this place with you, and assist you to become a strong man at the level of a saint."

The leaders of the other three major clans also saluted Su Han respectfully and said, "Lord Su Han, I, the Xuantianying (Red Flame Fierce Ape, Thunder Demon Leopard) clan, are also willing to enter into a contract with you and leave with you." Here, I will assist you to become a powerhouse of the holy rank."

"No! I've changed my mind now!" Su Han glanced casually across the Xuantian Eagle clan, and then stopped suddenly, a scorching light flashed in his eyes, and turned towards the Xuantian Eagle clan. Pointing, said in a deep voice: "I want her! Xuantian Yingyi, as long as you give her to me, then I can take your Xuantianying clan away from this place as much as possible. Once you leave this nine-story sword tower, I will set you free."

Xuantian Yingyi, the patriarch of the Xuantianying clan, turned his head, and immediately found that the target Su Han was pointing at was a man standing in the Xuantianying clan, a man with bronze skin, tall and tall, about 1.92 meters, She has a plump and **** body, shoulder-length black hair, a beautiful face, and a stunning beauty exuding a heroic aura.

Xuantian Yingyi glanced at that Xuantian Yingcai, and ordered coldly: "Xuantian Yingcai, from today onwards, you are Master Su Han's slave. No matter what the Lord says, you must obey completely. It is related to the fate of our family, do you understand?"

"Yes! Lord Patriarch!" Xuantian Yingcai responded, her beautiful eyes dimmed, and she quickly walked out from the Xuantianying warrior clan, knelt down on one knee in front of Su Han, lowered her head and kissed Su Han's shoe Jian, respectfully said: "Lord Su Han, from today onwards, you are my master!"

Gui Die Dieying, the patriarch of the Gui Die clan, suddenly changed his face, took a step forward, knelt down in front of Su Han, looked at Su Han with a pitiful look, and at the same time stretched out his hand to move back: "Wait a minute, Lord Su Han! These are the top ten beauties of our Guidie clan. As long as you are willing to take our Guidie clan out, they are all your slaves. I can guarantee that they will definitely satisfy you. Please take us Let the Guidie clan go out and give us back our freedom."

Ten beautiful and charming girls of the Guidie clan with peerless faces immediately flew out from the Guidie Zhan clan and stood in front of Su Han, looking at Su Han pitifully.

The Guidie clan is known for producing peerless beauties. None of the ten stunning beauties who belonged to the Butterfly Clan had the same appearance and temperament as Xuantian Yingcai. Moreover, the leading three are bright and charming, full of temperament and charm, making people fall in love at first sight. Compared with the peerless beauties of Shi Zibing and Jiang Feng'er, they are only slightly inferior.

"Since I have made a promise, it must be fulfilled. You three clans can leave now. Let's sign a contract now." Su Han stretched out his hand to grab the void, and said in a deep voice: "I want to make a contract with the Xuantianying clan. "

A flash of inspiration~www.wuxiaspot.com~A piece of ancient contract paper full of ancient, desolate and mysterious atmosphere appeared in Su Han's hand immediately. His words were all engraved on the contract.

"If there is no problem, sign it!" Su Han glanced at the contract, flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood immediately fell into the contract.

Xuantian Yingyi took over the contract and carefully looked at it for a long time. His spiritual sense scanned the contract several times to confirm that there was nothing unusual, and then he flicked his fingers and submerged a drop of blood into the contract. .

The spiritual light of the ancient contract flickered, and immediately turned into dots of starlight and submerged into the eyebrows of Su Han and the strong man of the Xuantian Eagle Wing clan.

Su Han smiled slightly, hugged Xuantian Yingcai who was prostrate at his feet, and kissed her pretty face, his eyes were full of satisfaction and excitement.

Xuantian Yingcai is not only a strong member of the big monster Xuantianying family, but also has the physique of a unparalleled warrior, and is the strongest unparalleled warrior in air combat. Moreover, her own cultivation is as high as the fifth level of the undead realm. To Su Han, she is more than a hundred times more important than Xuan Tianying, a warrior clan. (To be continued..)

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