Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 836: The mighty ancient sword emperor

The ancient sword emperor Xu Ying finally flashed a touch of emotion: "Time Sword Dao, you can comprehend the Time Sword Dao! Amazing! Really amazing! Time Sword Dao, I also comprehended time after I cultivated to the Sky Profound Realm. Kendo, and it is applied in actual combat. Su Han, your martial arts comprehension really surprises me!"

The law of time is one of the most powerful and terrifying laws in this world, which is difficult to comprehend. Even among the great emperors of all dynasties, there are still only a handful of strong men who can comprehend the laws of the world. However, the great emperors who have comprehended the law of time are all the top emperor-level powerhouses.

After finishing speaking, the ancient sword emperor casually slashed out a sword, endless mysteries appeared, and an incomparably strange power immediately enveloped Su Han's body.

As soon as that strange power shrouded Su Han's body, Su Han's left eye wisdom sky wheel appeared, a flash of inspiration flashed, and the powerful spiritual consciousness twisted, immediately crushing that strange and incomparable power.

"Phantom swordsmanship? Unfortunately, this kind of swordsmanship is ineffective for me." Su Han's figure flickered, and he appeared in front of the ancient sword emperor. The incomparably bright sword light stabbed wildly towards the ancient sword emperor.

The Five Elements Sword in Su Han's hand has evolved into a heaven-level magic weapon. With the blessing of the Five Elements Sword, his casual strike will have great power, which can just make up for the weakness of the fast sword technique.

The light of the sword in the hands of the ancient sword emperor changed, and countless strange force fields appeared. Su Han's sword light was instantly distorted by the countless force fields, turned back and stabbed Su Han himself.

In an instant, countless sword wounds appeared on Su Han's body, and blood spurted out.

As soon as Su Han activated the Scripture of Immortality, the injuries on his body disappeared in an instant. All healed, the wisdom sky wheel appeared in the left eye, and the sword light continued to stab the ancient sword emperor like raindrops.

Although the phantom of the ancient sword emperor only used the cultivation base of the seventh level of the undead realm to fight Su Han, but his swordsmanship was exquisite and desperately strong. The kind of sword skill that can rebound the martial artist's martial arts supernatural power has the power of ghosts and gods. Let Su Han give birth to the heart of stealing.

In the light of the heavy swords, sword wounds appeared on Su Han's body one by one, blood spattered everywhere, and then healed. Repeatedly, no matter how many swords Su Han stabbed, none of them hurt the ancient sword emperor.

After fighting thousands of moves, Su Han's body retreated suddenly, hundreds of feet away. With a big wave of his hand, a ninth-level elixir that replenished qi and blood immediately sank into his mouth, and the scriptures of immortality were activated to quickly heal the wounds on his body.

Although Su Han was able to activate the Immortal Scripture to heal any injuries in an instant, the qi and blood lost in the battle could not be replenished automatically so quickly. Only by relying on the power of the elixir could he recover quickly.

The phantom of the ancient sword emperor did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but stood with his sword. He looked at Su Han quietly.

After Su Han recovered, his figure flickered. Once again, like a shooting star, he swept towards the phantom of the ancient sword emperor, and used all the sword techniques he had mastered to attack the ancient sword emperor.

That ancient sword emperor is worthy of being a peerless swordsman genius, no matter what kind of swordsmanship Su Han uses, he will break it at will and imitate the same at the same time. But the more powerful swordsmanship attacked Su Han.

All kinds of tyrannical and peerless swordsmanship that are rarely seen by the outside world appear here. In the fight with the ancient sword emperor, Su Han really honed his swordsmanship, allowing himself to comprehend all the mysteries of swordsmanship from the ocean of sword intent.

Gui Die Die Ying looked at Su Han with a solemn look in his eyes: "Terrible! That Su Han is really scary! He was able to even fight with the ancient sword emperor, so powerful! Among us, I'm afraid no one is his. opponent."

Xuantian Yingyi looked at Su Han, his eyes flickered, and there were waves of turmoil in his heart: "So strong! Too strong, he is indeed a peerless genius of the ancient sword sect who can reach the eighth floor! His swordsmanship is beyond compare. Compared to the ancient sword emperor, he is only inferior. It’s too scary, that’s the ancient sword emperor! Even I can’t stop the ancient sword emperor’s destructive swordsmanship. He was able to dodge it again and again, it’s really terrifying ! If you assist him, it will not be difficult to ascend to the position of Holy Venerable."

The warriors of the other two great clans are all masters, so they are naturally aware of the terrifying strength of the ancient sword emperor. Even though the ancient sword emperor's is just a phantom of will, he still has profound sword skills and is terrifyingly powerful. If everyone in this place went to challenge the phantom of the ancient sword emperor, they would definitely not be able to block the sword of the ancient sword emperor.

Time passed, and two months passed in a blink of an eye.

During those two months, Su Han kept fighting against the ancient sword emperor who was guarding the entrance to the ninth floor passage. During those two months of training, Su Han's swordsmanship has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has truly mastered the swordsmanship that swordsmanship should have in the middle stage of Jianyi Tongxuan. At the same time, in the fight with the ancient sword emperor, he also secretly learned countless exquisite sword techniques. Completely turned the countless sword techniques he had comprehended in the ocean of sword intent into his own, and integrated them into his own sword techniques.

During those two months, the passageway was surrounded by masters of the surviving twelve warrior clans, and they watched the fierce battle between Su Han and the ancient sword emperor every day. Watching the battle between the series masters is also of great benefit to them.

Leading to the entrance of the ninth floor passage.

Su Han retreated tens of feet, looked at the ancient sword emperor guarding the entrance of the passage, his eyes flashed solemnly, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty Sword Emperor, it seems that if I use swordsmanship, I will never be able to defeat you. Now I It's time to use the magic weapon!"

The ancient sword emperor's understanding of the way of the sword has reached the level of the fourth tier of sword intent, and he has mastered all kinds of sword skills and is at his fingertips. Any kind of sword technique in his hands has the power to turn decay into magic. He is the incarnation of the sword, the **** of the sword.

If Su Han wants to rely on his own swordsmanship within half a year, he will definitely not be able to defeat the phantom of the ancient sword emperor.

The ancient sword emperor said indifferently: "Come on! No matter what method you use, as long as you can enter this passage under my protection, it will be considered your victory."

"The Immortal Body of Gods and Demons!"

A strange light flickered in Su Han's eyes, urging mana, and countless mysterious runes emerged from every cell in his body. That one was filled with dense demonic energy, surrounded by a huge undead vine, and a huge thunderbolt on top of his head. The vision of the Spear's Pantheon of Demons suddenly appeared.

As soon as the vision of the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons appeared, Su Han's body flickered immediately, and he stepped on the void, and suddenly appeared in front of the ancient sword emperor.

The ancient sword emperor continued to be indifferent, and slashed out with a sword, which contained four layers of artistic conception, cut through the space, and slashed towards Su Han like a stream of light, reaching the extreme point, making Su Han unavoidable.

With a wave of Su Han's hand, the heaven-ranked magic weapon, the White Jade Gate, rises up, suspended in the void, and emits an incomparably bright light.

The ancient sword emperor slashed down with his sword, the four great artistic conceptions condensed, and the sword energy was extremely sharp, forcibly cutting through the defensive aura of the white jade gate of the day-level magic weapon, and on the body of the white jade gate, a thin line was cut Sword marks.

The ancient sword emperor Xu Ying has no magic weapon, and using the spirit sword formed by the condensed mana, even if the four great artistic conceptions are condensed, it still cannot break through the defense of the heaven-level magic weapon. If the spirit sword in his hand is a spirit sword of the heaven-level magic weapon series, this sword can cut the Baiyumen and Su Han in half.

"Time Kendo!"

When the ancient Sword Emperor Xuying's sword was blocked, Su Han's eyes flashed coldly, and the mana in his body boiled, and the sword light turned into mysterious and incomparable tracks, containing the law of time, which swept him within a radius of one zhang. , everything was completely still.

"Time swordsmanship!" The ancient sword emperor's phantom sword light turned, containing the mystery of endless time, and the static time field around Su Han was completely shattered with one blow.

At that moment, from above the vision of the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons, the spear of lightning exploded into a dazzling thunder light, shooting towards the phantom of the ancient sword emperor.

A huge demonic hand stretched out from the hall of ten thousand demons, grabbing at the ancient sword emperor.

An incomparably huge undead vine descended from the sky, turned into countless wooden dragons, stabbed out from the back of the ancient sword emperor, and devoured it towards the ancient sword emperor.

The ancient sword emperor was in the mood of running fast, and the light of the sword in his hand flashed, drawing a circular trajectory, rolling the thunder and lightning spear, and the thunder light that the thunder and lightning spear turned into was immediately reflected and bombarded on the huge devil's hand.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the extremely violent thunder and lightning spear bombarded the huge demonic hand, and the terrifying power of lightning exploded, blowing the huge demonic hand apart and purifying it.

The incomparably huge immortal vine took advantage of the trend and strangled towards the ancient sword emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The ancient sword emperor's eyes were indifferent, and he stabbed out with a sword casually, little stars flickered, and one after another flame dragons shot out from the starlight. It spewed out from the air and enveloped the undead vines, burning and purifying the undead vines one by one, turning them into ashes.

That visionary attack, which was powerful enough to suppress the powerhouses of the Profound Sky Realm, was immediately smashed by the ancient sword emperor lightly.

"Heaven collapse!" With the cover of the vision attack, Su Han also lost his footsteps to within five steps of the ancient sword emperor. Endless magic power boiled out of his body, and his punch shattered the vacuum. , the terrifying aura that destroyed all things bombarded the ancient sword emperor.

The phantom of the ancient sword emperor flashed the light of the sword, and a circular sword circle suddenly appeared, rolling Su Han's fist, trying to reflect that Su Han's power back to himself.

"Your Majesty the Sword Emperor, in terms of swordsmanship alone, you are truly invincible. However, even if you break through ten thousand spells with one force, even if you are as tyrannical as you, with the power of the seventh heaven of immortality, you will definitely not be able to stop my blow. Shatter!" Su Han roared angrily, and the power of the physical body comparable to the ninth level of the Profound Sky Realm poured out like an explosion, smashed the vacuum with one punch, and forcibly smashed the sword circle of the ancient sword emperor into pieces. The fist hit the ancient sword emperor phantom's body. (To be continued..)

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