Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 840: Enlightenment of the Sword Classic

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Countless combat methods were engraved in Su Han's body, and various sword principles poured into his heart within every inch of his skin.

Whenever Su Han fully mastered a kendo, a kendo practitioner would disappear.

Time passed, thousands of years later.

In that wilderness, the last swordsman was beheaded by Su Han with a single sword.

The whole world collapsed immediately, and Su Han returned to the real world in an instant.

At this time, Su Han was still standing in front of the spiritual stele of Dao Yin that recorded the sword scriptures, reaching out his hand to touch the spiritual stele of Dao Yin, as if nothing had happened.

Su Han raised his head to look at the Daoyin Lingbei, and immediately printed all the sword scriptures recorded on the Daoyin Lingbei, and recorded them in his mind.

The memory of the thousands of years of fierce battle, the real battle engraved in Su Han's bones, gave him a deep understanding of the mysterious and difficult to understand sword scriptures.

The sword scriptures recorded by the ancient sword emperor on this spiritual tablet are indeed a supreme swordsmanship classic, recording the essence of his life's swordsmanship.

However, that sword scripture is different from other Wushen scriptures, and there is no basic practice method at all. Although the ancient sword emperor's fighting power was astonishing, his comprehension of the way of the sword was unrivaled. However, the sword scriptures he created lacked basic methods, and only described the changes, mysteries, and comprehension methods in various sword ways.

This sword scripture is difficult to comprehend even a strong person in the Heavenly King Realm. If Su Han hadn't been assisted by the Daoyin Lingbei, he would have been fighting fiercely for thousands of years in that weird world of swordsmanship, and it would have been difficult for him to comprehend the mysteries of the sword scriptures.

Su Han looked at the sword scripture, and the wheel of wisdom appeared in his left eye. He continued to deduce and memorize the sword scripture, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes: "Sure enough, it is a scripture without God. It contains infinite mysteries. It is a door to be able to read the sword scripture." No God Sutra. In less than a hundred years, I will be able to push my sword intent to the late stage of Sword Intent Tongxuan."

The further back the sword intent is, the harder it is to advance. Martial arts geniuses who have sword intent in the middle stage of the sword intent are extremely rare in that ancient sword sect, and even all the elders combined are less than twenty. Those swordsmen who possessed the terrifying sword intent in the later stage of the Sword Intent Tongxuan are also extremely rare, there are only a handful of them. Less than five people.

If Su Han hadn't been able to comprehend the sword scriptures this time, it would have taken him a lot of time to advance to the late stage of Sword Intent Tongxuan.

A day passed quickly, and with a flash of inspiration, Su Han and the three disappeared from the Jianjing Mountain immediately.

Within a breath, the three of Su Han immediately appeared inside the ancient sword sect.

"Junior Brother Su Han, you really surprised me. I didn't expect you to catch up with me in less than three years!" A voice sounded from the side. Su Han turned around and saw Lu Jianming immediately.

Su Han said: "Senior Brother Lu, where are the powerful members of the Xuantianying clan I brought?"

"Come with me! I'll take you there." Lu Jianming smiled slightly, and led Su Han into a teleportation array.

The spiritual light flashed, and Su Han and Lu Jianming immediately appeared in a wide, huge, aura-filled mountain range with a powerful barrier.

Lu Jianming pointed at the mountain range, and said with a slight smile: "This is the monster mountain range opened up by our ancient sword sect. There are many powerful monsters here. It can let the genius disciples of our ancient sword sect enter the experience. Hunt and kill Monster beast, exercise yourself."

Actual combat is the best way to improve the combat effectiveness of warriors. Therefore, among the big forces like the ancient sword sect, they will open up places for actual combat to exercise the strength of their disciples.

With a flash of Lu Jianming's figure, he brought Su Han and the two directly into the monster mountain range, and found the Xuantianying family in a valley.

"I've seen you!" Xuantian Yingyi saw Su Han. Immediately a look of joy flashed in his eyes, he flew up from the valley, and saluted Su Han.

"I've seen the master!" Xuantian Yingcai also flew out of the valley immediately, and came to Su Han with a sweet smile on his face. He bowed to Su Han.

Su Han said in a deep voice: "Xuantian Eagle Wing, have you read the information about Qiankun Great World? I can set you free right now. It's okay to be within the sphere of influence of my ancient sword sect. If the forces of other human races meet You guys won't show mercy. Are you ready?"

The Xuantianying clan are all masters of the undead realm, and their strength is extremely powerful. In a place like the Sky Blue Domain, everyone can walk sideways.

But this place is the great world of heaven and earth, with countless powerful forces, hiding a terrifying giant-level powerhouse. Some peerless powerhouses at the Heavenly King Realm can easily capture this Xuantian Eagle War Department.

Xuantian Yingyi bowed deeply to Su Han, and there was a firmness in his words: "My lord, our Xuantianying family is the darling of the wind, and it is not so easy to be caught by others. We have made up our minds to Leave this place, and ask your lord to complete it."

A cold light flashed in Su Han's eyes, he glanced at the Xuantian Eagle Wing, his voice was cold, and a murderous intent enveloped the Xuantian Eagle Wing: "Very good! If this is the case, I will take you away! But since From now on, Yingcai will have nothing to do with you. Do you understand? If I find out that you come to Yingcai again, then don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Xuantian Yingcai is an incomparable warrior who will be the focus of Su Han's cultivation in the future. He didn't want the Yingcai he had cultivated so hard to worry and worry about people like Xuantian Yingyi. Although the fighters who practice the military way of killing will be loyal to Su Han, they have not lost their hearts, and they will also have their own emotions.

If guys like Xuantian Yingyi come to get entangled with Xuantian Yingcai, it will also affect her mood.

"Yes!" Xuantian Yingyi's body trembled slightly, a chill was born in his heart, and he replied respectfully. Even though Su Han only possessed the seventh level of Immortality Realm, the courage he radiated still oppressed the Xuantian Eagle Wing a little bit out of breath.

After negotiating, Su Han immediately took the Xuantianying clan out of the monster mountain range created by the ancient sword sect, and left the sphere of influence of the ancient sword sect.

As soon as the Xuantianying family left the sphere of influence of the ancient sword sect, they immediately flickered and flew into the sky one by one, as if they were integrated with the wind and disappeared into the sky.

After Lu Jianming watched the Xuantianying clan leave, there was a flash of sarcasm in his eyes, and he smiled contemptuously: "Those guys from the Xuantianying clan are really stupid. If they choose to follow you now, they will wait for you to become a saint in the future." After taking the position of honor, they will definitely be able to obtain huge benefits. They will definitely regret today's choice in the future."

Xuantian Yingcai, who was at the side, heard the words, her beautiful eyes darkened slightly. After all, the Xuantianying clan is where she was born, even though Xuantianyingyi gave her to Su Han as a slave, she still has a lot of affection for the Xuantianying clan.

"Everyone has their own aspirations. And I am very satisfied to get Yingcai." Su Han stretched out his arms, and immediately put Xuantian Yingcai in his arms, smelling the faint fragrance of her body, a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes .

Lu Jianming glanced at Su Han and said, "Su Han, what are your plans now? With your current cultivation, it is enough to walk in the universe, travel around the world, and increase your knowledge."

In that Qiankun Xuanyu, masters are like clouds, and strong people are like rain. Warriors whose cultivation level is below the Immortal Realm are all weaklings like small ants. Su Han's cultivation has reached the seventh level of the Immortal Realm, and he already has the qualifications to practice in the profound realm of the universe.

Su Han smiled and said: "I still need to consolidate my cultivation and swordsmanship in the ancient sword sect."

In the talent training camp that day, Su Han obtained huge benefits, his cultivation base increased dramatically, and he grew to the seventh level of immortality. To fully master this powerful force, he still needs to practice for a while.

"The Zongnei has allocated a spiritual peak for you, and I will take you there."

"Then there will be Senior Brother Lao!"

Under the leadership of Lu Jianming, Su Han hugged Xuantian Yingcai, flew into the interior of the ancient sword sect, passed through many spiritual mountains, and finally came to a spiritual mountain next to a very prosperous human kingdom.

Lu Jianming pointed at the mortal country on the side, and said with a slight smile: "That country is called Shuilan Country, and it is your vassal country. If you have any mortal things you want to play, you can get them through that Shuilan Country." .”

Warriors are not gods, they also have their own desires. Some like wine, some like chasing power, some like reading books, and some like women. In addition to cultivation, many male warriors like beautiful women. Female warriors like handsome men. Those mortal kingdoms are dedicated to providing enjoyment for those warriors.

Su Han glanced at the Shuilan Country, smiled lightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and flew towards the Lingshan Mountain.

On the top of Naling Mountain, there are luxurious and luxurious palaces, and in each palace, there are many beautiful and moving maids.

With a little investigation, the ancient sword sect can find out that Su Han is not a person who is dedicated to practicing swordsmanship and does not pretend to be foreign. Therefore, most of the palaces used beautiful women as maids.

Lu Jianming's voice echoed in the spiritual mountain: "Everyone listen, come and meet your new master, Su Han."

In the Lingshan Mountain, a beautiful maid came out of the palace, orderly, led by a girl with snow-white skin, a head of water-blue long hair, a bright and charming girl with a stunning face, towards the Su Han came.

The girl with a stunning face bowed to Su Han, her voice was soft and full of endless charm: "The third princess of the Shuilan Kingdom, Yu Duo'er, has seen her master!"

The beautiful maids also bowed to Su Hanying, and respectfully said: "I have seen the master!" (to be continued...)

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