Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 843: Sword defeated Gongsun Juexin

"Really?" Su Han smiled lightly, his sword intent changed, and a powerful space sword intent burst out instantly, piercing into the folded space between his hands, passing through countless voids.

Behind that Gongsun Juexin, the void suddenly split open, and a beam of aurora pierced towards that Gongsun Juexin's head like a shooting star.

Gongsun Juexin is a swordsman genius who has experienced many battles. As soon as the void crack appeared, his body twisted slightly immediately, and the sword in his hand turned into an aurora pointing backwards. Swing that sword light away.

A stream of blood spattered, although Gongsun Juexin barely avoided the sword strike, there was an extra sword mark on his handsome face.

"Amazing! What a terrifying sword technique!"

"It's too strong, is this Su Han's swordsmanship? It's terrible!"


After seeing a sword mark on Gongsun Juexin's face, the kendo geniuses of the ancient sword sect gasped and couldn't believe their eyes.

Not long ago, Gongsun Juexin was aboveboard, and with his peerless swordsmanship, he defeated Luo Wei and Gu Bamo, two peerless swordsmen, but now he was stabbed by Su Han with a single strike. Naturally, the kendo geniuses of the ancient sword sect gasped and couldn't believe their eyes.

After stabbing Gongsun Juexin with a sword, Su Han took a step forward, and the sword in his hand suddenly burst into countless sword lights, piercing into different spaces like shooting stars.

In an instant, the void behind Gongsun Juexin was torn apart, and countless sword lights suddenly appeared, stabbing towards Gongsun Juexin.

Gongsun Juexin's face suddenly changed, and the artistic conception of space surged. The sword in his hand slashed towards the void, and a terrifying crack in space suddenly appeared. Opened his **** mouth wide, and devoured that bit of sword light.

That bit of sword light sank into the crack in space, then tore through the void, shuttled out of the crack in space, and stabbed at Gongsun Juexin.

"A fusion of four levels of artistic conception?" Gongsun Juexin's face suddenly changed, and his sword intent changed. It evolved into a fast artistic conception, and a little bit of sword light suddenly exploded, turning into countless streamers to block the countless sword lights that Su Han pierced.

when! when! when! when! when!

Every time Gongsun Juexin blocked Su Han's sword light, there was a heavy roar like a mountain, and the terrifying power sent him flying tens of feet away every time.

In just one breath, Gongsun Juexin's body was immediately shrouded in that bit of sword light, blood spattered, and there were more than a dozen terrifying sword wounds with deep bone visible. Those horrible sword wounds were all located on unimportant parts of Gongsun Juexin's body. No harm was done.

"So strong! This Su Han's swordsmanship is so strong!" After Gongsun Juexin swung all the sword light away, he retreated violently and glanced at Su Han, his eyes full of fear.

Suddenly, Gongsun Juexin's face changed drastically, and the sword in his hand trembled slightly, turning into an aurora and piercing towards the rear.

At that moment, a long sword stabbed out from behind Gongsun Juexin. It pierced through Gongsun Juexin's right chest, and drops of blood dripped from the tip of the Five Elements Sword.

There was no sound in the hall.

The kendo geniuses of the ancient sword sect saw this scene. Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. That Gongsun Juexin, one of the Eight Divine Swords of the Qiankun Xuanyu, was defeated by Su Han so easily, and the defeat was so terribly, it is unbelievable.

Su Han who appeared behind Gongsun Juexin drew out the Five Elements Sword that had pierced into Gongsun Juexin's right chest. Immediately, a large amount of blood gushed out from Gongsun Juexin's right chest.

Gongsun Juexin circulated his magic power, activated the physical supernatural powers of the seventh heaven of immortality, and the wounds in his body healed quickly.

Gongsun Juexin took a deep look at Su Han, and smiled slightly: "This time, I lost! Su Han, your sword skills are really amazing! I will challenge you again after I go back and study sword skills!"

Gongsun Juexin bowed to Zhang Gu, turned around and walked outside with big strides: "Senior Zhang Gu, I lost this time! The ancient sword sect is really extraordinary, and there is such a peerless sword genius like Su Han. It really opened my eyes I have learned a lot from my vision. I will leave now. Farewell!"

The old servant, who was very old and seemed to die at any moment, followed behind Gongsun Juexin, taking his time, walking slowly at a distance of five steps away from Gongsun Juexin.

Not long after, Gongsun Juexin and his old servant left the ancient sword sect's sphere of influence.

Suddenly, the old servant behind Gongsun Juexin said slowly: "Juexin, if you use all your strength, can you defeat Su Han?"

A solemn look flashed in Gongsun Juexin's eyes, and he said slowly: "Five to five points! No, it was June Fourth. Even if I use all my strength, the probability of defeating Su Han is no more than 40%. He and Gu Ba Modu hides his strength. And in this session of the Ancient Sword Sect, there are two peerless geniuses, Yue Youming and Jian Caiying. The Ancient Sword Sect should not be underestimated."

Gongsun Juexin was full of confidence, and his spirit was high: "However, even if I am not their opponent now, I will definitely be the only one who will stand at the pinnacle of swordsmanship in the future!"

The old servant who was following Gongsun Juexin glanced at Gongsun Juexin, a look of relief flashed in his eyes, and quietly followed behind Gongsun Juexin, like the shadow of Gongsun Juexin. Only those who are full of confidence in themselves can finally reach the pinnacle of martial arts, and those who fail once and never recover will never be able to climb to the pinnacle of martial arts.

In the sword hall of the ancient sword sect, Zhang Gu sat on the main seat, looking at Su Han below, with complex colors of appreciation and regret flashing in his eyes.

For Su Han to be so outstanding, it is naturally a great thing for the ancient sword sect. But since such a peerless genius did not come from his own sect, Zhang Gu felt a little sorry.

With a wave of Zhang Gu's hand, a jade card immediately flew into Su Han's hand: "Su Han, you repelled the challenge of the eight **** sword Gongsun Juexin and made great contributions to my ancient sword sect. This is a million The jade plaque contributed by Shimen is a reward for you."

Su Han grabbed the jade tablet, and there was a gleam of joy in his eyes: "Thank you, deputy suzerain!"

Master's contribution is only after the disciples of the ancient sword sect have made contributions to the master can they get points. In the ancient sword sect, the contributions of masters are extremely rare and precious, and the value of each master's contribution is equivalent to a top-grade spirit crystal. If Su Han went to do the contribution task of the division, it would take some time before he could get a contribution of one million divisions.

Su Han thought, and immediately made a decision: "Now it is difficult to improve my strength by cultivating behind closed doors. It is better to find the residence of the Emperor of Longevity. If I can practice the Longevity Sutra, my cultivation base will definitely be able to go further. .”

Holding the jade tablet contributed by the one million masters, Su Han came to the Sutra Pavilion of the Ancient Sword Sect, and quickly copied a lot of maps of various places in the Qiankun Xuanyu.

"This is it! This is a continent in the depths of the endless sea of ​​magic, called the Heiming Continent! The residence of the Emperor Changsheng is hidden here."

The Ancient Sword Sect was a top power that once dominated the entire Qiankun Great World. In that Ancient Sword Sect, except for some forbidden areas, it owned most of the maps in the entire Qiankun Great World.

Su Han just scanned the sky wheel with his super wisdom, and immediately found a map similar to the residence of Emperor Changsheng from among the countless maps.

Su Han glanced at the map, and suddenly frowned slightly: "Endless Demon Sea, that is the territory of the Sea Clan!"

The Endless Demon Sea, the Sea of ​​No Return, the Storm Demon Sea, and the Star Meteor Sea are called the four major oceans of the Qiankun Great World. The area of ​​these four oceans is extremely vast, and the area of ​​each ocean is equivalent to thousands, or even tens of thousands. A small domain like the sky blue domain.

In the four great oceans, there are countless powerful sea clan powerhouses.

In the ancient years, a great emperor was born in each of the four major demonic seas, who unified the four major demonic seas, suppressed the heavens and all realms, and became invincible in the world.

After the fall of the four sea emperors, the four seas of demons have never been united again. However, there are endless resources in the four major demonic seas. In the demonic seas, the sea clan strongmen can display terrifying combat power, and the land powerhouses will be greatly affected if they enter the demonic seas. weaken.

The Sea Clan basically does not participate in the struggle for the throne of the Great Emperor, and they are obedient after the Great Emperor ascends the throne, and generally do not have unresolved resentment with those powerful people of the Great Emperor level. They were rarely cleaned by the Great Emperor, so the sea clan in the four great demon seas has always remained among the top ten powerful clans, basically unshakable.

The Sea Clan in the Four Great Demonic Seas will also trade and navigate with land people, but only a small number of land people recognized by them can trade and navigate in the Four Great Demon Seas.

Those who have not been recognized by the sea clan will be attacked by them if they enter the four great demon seas~www.wuxiaspot.com~. Few people survived being besieged by the sea clan in the four great demon seas.

Su Han thought, and immediately made a judgment: "The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. As long as it enters the endless magic sea, there will be a way."

After making a decision, Su Han immediately left the ancient sword sect and walked towards the endless sea of ​​demons.

Xuantian Yingcai, the unparalleled warrior, Su Han immediately sent her into the Horned Demon Realm after getting along with her for a period of time, and she practiced.

Every unparalleled warrior needs to hone himself through countless battles before he can grow rapidly. If they practice hard behind closed doors, their talents are not much different from ordinary martial arts geniuses.

Half a month later, a horse-drawn carriage pulled by a fourth-order monster black horned horse galloped along an avenue.

A majestic and aura-filled giant city appeared in front of the carriage.

The driver of the carriage yelled into the carriage: "Guest officer, Sea Dragon City has arrived! If you go any further, you will have to pay the entrance fee!" (To be continued...)

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