Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 861: Kill the Sea Demon King

\"Destroy the sword!\" A cold light flashed in Su Han's eyes, the sword in his hand contained a terrifying law of destruction, and it slashed fiercely at the body of the sea demon king.

Under the erosion of the sword energy of the law of destruction, the sea demon king's physical body and primordial spirit began to be quickly destroyed and shattered.

\"Damn bastard! Little bastard, you want to kill me! Then die with me!\" The fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Sea Demon King, and with a roar, he spewed out a blood arrow transformed from the blood of his own life, and fell into the into the sea demon battle halberd.

The sea demon war halberd suddenly burst out with brilliant aura, which contained the power of endless magic law. It turned into a stream of light and pierced Su Han's abdomen at once. The terrifying force exploded, blowing the flesh and blood of Su Han's abdomen to pieces. .

The extremely violent law of death spewed out from the sea demon halberd, eroding the vitality of Su Han's body.

After bombarding that lore-killing halberd, the Sea Demon King was also turned into ashes by Su Han's destructive sword energy, and disappeared without a trace, leaving only a sea demon war halberd with a level of magic weapon of heaven rank stabbed in it. On Su Han's abdomen.

\"The Sea Demon King has fallen!\"

\"How is that possible!\"

\"That kid, was able to kill the Sea Demon King? How is it possible! How could he kill the Sea Demon King in such a short time!\"


After the four surviving masters of the Sky Profound Realm felt that the Sea Demon King's aura disappeared, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they glanced in the direction where Su Han was, their eyes filled with coldness.

The Sea Demon King is a powerhouse at the peak of the first level of the Profound Sky Realm, and with the celestial magic weapon in his hand, the Sea Demon Battle Halberd, even an ordinary strongman at the fourth level of the Profound Sky Realm is no match for him. Even if it is invincible to a strong man in the sky, it can still escape with the supernatural power of the Sea Demon War Halberd. Such a powerful Sea Demon King was killed by Su Han in such a short period of time. The strong are terrified.

General Fuhai retreated violently. While resisting the supernatural power of General Spirit Turtle, he smiled lightly and said: "Hey! General Spirit Turtle, my Patriarch is so powerful that he can kill even the Sea Demon King! You have no chance of winning! You There is still time to surrender! As long as you surrender now, besiege the three of them together with me. After beheading the three of them, the Lord will definitely give you great benefits.\"

\"Shut up!\" General Turtle's complexion changed several times, and he let out a deep drink. His eyes fell on General Haijian and the other three undead masters.

After Su Han beheaded the Sea Demon King, his face turned pale, and with a wave of his hand, two extremely precious ninth-level spirit pills were swallowed directly into his stomach.

After Su Han swallowed the two incomparably precious Ninth-Rank Spirit Pills, he turned his head and glanced at the General Haijian, with an extremely cold and murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

General Sea Arrow saw Su Han's murderous look in his eyes, and felt a chill in his heart. His archery supernatural power is super powerful, but his melee combat strength is relatively weak. If it is a melee combat, he can even do thirty moves with the Sea Demon King who is holding the Sea Demon War Halberd. Unable to take it, facing Su Han, he was naturally full of fear.

Su Han took a step forward, stepping on the void. Through the void, he appeared in front of the general Haijian.

The pretty face of the spirit bone general suddenly changed, and he activated his supernatural powers. The sharp bone spurs contained the law of bones. They stabbed towards Su Han with terrifying power.

\"Heavenly Yu Qiankun Sword!\" Su Han slashed out with a sword, a sword circle shrouded the sharp bone spurs, and the supernatural powers of the sharp bone spurs immediately stabbed towards the sea arrow general.

General Haijian's complexion suddenly changed, and his figure retreated violently, activating the law of space, stepping into the layers of space.

As soon as those extremely sharp bony spurs pierced into the layers of space, they were immediately lost in the layers of space and disappeared.

Su Han took a step forward, the four levels of artistic conception merged, and a five-element shattering sword energy suddenly slashed out, passed through the layers of space, and pierced the body of the general Haijian with a sword. There was a terrible sword wound on the general.

\"Indestructible body of gods and demons!\" Su Han cut and wounded General Haijian with a single sword, the mana in his body boiled, running the indestructible body of gods and demons crazily, countless runes emerged in the cells, gushing out powerful power, A vision of the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons that seems to contain the demons of ten thousand demons suddenly appeared, and on top of the vision of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, there was a huge immortal vine. Thunder Arrow.

As soon as the vision of the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons appeared, a huge demonic hand suddenly stretched out like a demon god, tearing apart the void, passing through the layers of space in front of General Haijian, and slamming at General Haijian Grasp.

General Haijian's face suddenly changed, and with a wave of his hand, a bronze-colored tortoise-shell magic weapon of the top grade magic weapon suddenly flew out, blocking his body and blooming a blue aura shield.

The demonic hand stretched out by the vision of the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons grabbed it hard, and with a click, the cyan aura shield immediately collapsed.

Taking advantage of the bronze-colored tortoise-shell magic weapon to block the blow of Su Han's vision, the general Haijian retreated violently and performed the water escape technique. In an instant, he swept away dozens of miles without looking back. fled away into the distance.

If there is a strong man like the Sea Demon King standing in front, General Sea Arrow will be able to fully display his own terrifying strength, and severely injure Su Han with his elusive archery skills.

But the Sea Demon King had already been beheaded by Su Han, General Haijian knew very well that he was definitely not Su Han's opponent, so he made a decisive decision to flee in embarrassment.

After seeing the sea demon king fleeing in embarrassment, Su Han's eyes flashed, and he stepped on the void, and flew out from behind the seahorse general. A five-element destruction sword energy contained four layers of artistic conception, and slashed at the seahorse general. .

\"General Haijian, you are such a bastard!\" General Haima is angry. [,! ] With a curse, his figure flickered, and he also used the water escape technique to turn into a stream of light and fled to the distance.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the general spirit turtle flickered, and also used the water escape technique to escape into the distance.

\"A group of idiots! He can't stand it anymore if he persists a little longer! What a bunch of trash!\" General Linggu took a deep look at Su Han, cursed angrily, swayed his figure, and also used the water escape technique flee to the distance.

Although the Spirit Bone General could see that Su Han and the Sea Demon King were in a situation where both sides would be hurt, she was unwilling to stay here and fight against the three of Su Han. No matter how weak Su Han was, she didn't want to be the victim The idiot who killed with his trump card.

After the four great Sky Profound Realm powerhouses all escaped from this place, Hai Long Bibo spat out a mouthful of blood, and her whole body became extremely pale without a trace of blood. The magic weapon, the blue halberd, also fell to the ground.

In order to resist the siege of the three powerful men in the Profound Sky Realm, Hailong Bibo fought desperately, burned a lot of blood, and her vitality was seriously injured, which has already hurt her origin. If there is no peerless panacea, it will be difficult for her to regain her full glory within a hundred years. Capital.

At this time, Hailong Bibo was extremely weak, even a strong man in the Yuanshen realm, he didn't even have the strength to lift a finger. A warrior in the Yuanshen realm could easily play with her.

Su Han's body flickered, and he picked up the sea dragon Bibo who was limp on the ground, and performed the water escape technique, and under the protection of the sea-covering general, he fled towards the distance.

Hailong Bibo leaned weakly in Su Han's arms, took a deep look at Su Han, felt soft in his heart, closed his beautiful eyes and fell asleep deeply.

Su Han held Hailong Bibo in his arms and swept thousands of miles away, found a cave on the seabed, and went directly into it.

As soon as he entered the seabed cave, Su Han immediately waved his hand, and chess formations flew out one after another, and defensive formations were arranged to defend against the detection of spiritual senses.

After arranging the magic circle to isolate other warriors from spiritual detection, Su Han loosened his hands and placed the sea dragon Bibo on the ground.

As soon as Hailong Bibo fell to the ground, he opened his eyes immediately, and his eyes fell on the sea demon war halberd of that day's magic weapon level rubbing on Su Han's abdomen, and a look of worry flashed in his beautiful eyes.

The Sea Demon War Halberd was a desperate blow from the Sea Demon King before he died, and it was infused with the strongest power of the Sea Demon King, the power of the strongest law. Su Han did not dare to pull out the Sea Demon War Halberd all the way, so he It's because once he pulls out the sea demon war halberd, he doesn't know what to do if he falls to the ground.

Su Han took a deep breath, took out two ninth-level recovery spirit pills and swallowed them in one gulp, then grabbed the Sea Demon War Halberd and pulled it out forcefully.

The moment the sea demon war halberd left Su Han's abdomen, an extremely violent power of the law of death exploded in his wound, bursting Su Han's abdomen at once, and blood spattered. Huge and incomparable The power of the law of death eroded desperately into Su Han's body.

If it is an ordinary strong person at the first level of the Profound Sky Realm, under the erosion of the incomparably terrifying power of the law of death, he will also suffer serious dao injuries, and he will not be able to recover for hundreds, or even thousands of years.

\"Fortunately, I am an alchemist, and I have recovered a lot of ninth-level elixir!" Su Han's face changed suddenly, and with a flick of his fingers, more than twenty grains of ninth-level healing elixir flew into his mouth.

As soon as the twenty or so nine-level healing elixir fell into Su Han's mouth, he immediately activated the Undead Scripture crazily, and an incomparably powerful vitality surged out of his body, and took the twenty-odd nine-level healing elixir Refining, frantically melting the power of the law of death.

The Immortal Scripture is one of the three godless scriptures for wound healing in the Xuanyu of Qiankun. Su Han runs the Immortal Scripture with all his strength, and with the help of the ninth-level elixir, he can gradually eliminate the law of death in his body.

General Fu Hai looked at the defenseless Su Han, and suddenly there was a murderous intent in his eyes: \"He is healing now, and Hailong Bibo is also healing, isn't it the best time to act? Just kill him! The imprint is on The prohibition in my primordial spirit will not have any effect.\"

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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