Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 867: Sword defeated sea dragon 1

Hailong Bibo raised his willow eyebrows, and said coldly: "Sixth brother, do you still have the face to come and see me?"

Hai Long Fengfeng smiled and said: "Sister, we are siblings, why can't I come to see you?"

Hailong Bibo's pretty face darkened, and said coldly: "You sent someone to assassinate me, and you still have the face to see me?"

"Sister, evidence. If you can't come up with conclusive evidence, please don't talk nonsense." Hai Long Fengfeng smiled and said lightly: "I have also heard about your experience, and it is very sad. But those six generals are not mine. .”

Hailong Bibo was furious, her pretty face was cold, and she said to Su Han: "Su Han, let's go!"

Hailong Storm handed over a golden invitation to Su Han: "Su Han, there will be a feast in my mansion tonight, and please come and tell us about it."

Hai Long Bibo's pretty face suddenly changed, but he had no choice but to clenched his fists and glared at Hai Long Storm angrily.

Su Han is not Hailong Bibo's subordinate, but her friend. She also has no right to interfere with Su Han, otherwise she will only disgust Su Han.

Hailong Bibo took a deep breath, regained his composure, and said with a sweet smile: "Sixth brother, please give me an invitation too! I am also very interested in that banquet. You will not refuse to give it to me, right?" ?”

Hailong Storm looked at Hailong Bibo who had regained his calm, a look of fear flashed in his eyes, smiled slightly, and handed a golden invitation card to Hailong Bibo, saying: "I'm joking! Elder sister, since you have spoken, I will Why didn't you answer your request?"

Hai Long Fengfeng smiled gently, and walked outside in a cool manner: "I'll go first! Su Han, see you tonight!"

Su Han took a look at Hai Longfeng, a strange light flashed in his eyes and said slowly: "If we are not enemies, he is really a good person."

Hailong Bibo looked at the back of Hailong Storm, and a complicated look flashed in her beautiful eyes: "That's right! Among the younger generations of the entire Hailong Empire royal family, he is the only one who is my opponent. The rest of the alliance also Excellent, but nothing to compare to him.”

Although there are many dudes among the royal family of the Hailong Empire, there are lots of trash. But there are also many top talents. Sea Dragon Bibo and Sea Dragon Storm are the best of them.

"Su Han, are you planning to go to this banquet?" Hailong Bibo hesitated for a moment before saying, "If you go, I will go too."

Su Han flicked it casually. A ball of flame rose up and burned the invitation card in his hand: "Forget it! Since they are all enemies, I still won't see him."

There is only one throne in the Sea Dragon Empire. Su Han and Hailong Bibo used to fight together, and even saved Hailong Bibo's life. The two sides have a deep friendship. He naturally chose to help Hailong Bibo instead of Hailong Storm.

The corner of Hailong Bibo's mouth slightly raised, revealing a happy expression, he pinched it casually, and immediately crushed the golden invitation: "Then I won't go either!"

Around the Nahai Palace, there are thousands of large and small palaces. It seems that the stars are arching the moon, guarding the imperial palace of the Haihuang Palace. Those thousands of large and small palaces are the residences of the royal family of the Hailong Empire.

Bibo Palace is the palace where Hailong Bibo lives.

In the Bibo Palace, the aura is full, beautiful and full of elegance. Hailong Bibo is not only a martial artist with extraordinary strength, but also an elegant scholar, different from Su Han who only knows how to practice and fight.

Hailong Bibo introduced to Su Han: "Su Han, let me introduce. These three are the commanders of my guards. Hai Longmo, Hai Longyi, and Hailongyan. After ten days, we will go to the trial of Haidi Island together. .”

Su Han looked towards Hailong Bibo, and saw two men and one woman standing beside Hailong Bibo, three masters. Among them, Hai Longmo was a burly man holding a black halberd. Hai Longyi was holding a black spear. A strong man with a rebellious face. Hai Longyan was a tall, strong man wearing a red battle armor, with a gorgeous appearance but an indifferent face, holding a red battle halberd. The three masters under Hailong Bibo's command are all peerless masters of the ninth level of immortality who have been reborn with blood dripping, exuding an incomparably domineering aura.

Su Han looked at the three masters beside Hailong Bibo. The three masters were also watching Su Han.

Hai Long glanced at Su Han with a rebellious face, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Your Highness! He wants to participate in the trial of Haidi Island with us? This man is just a mere undead martial artist of the Seventh Layer. What qualifications do you have to enter the Sea Emperor Island trial with us? His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince and the Nineteenth Princess will definitely bring the top undead Ninth Heaven experts to Sea Emperor Island. If there is such a burden as him, our chances of winning will be low. got lower."

Hai Longmo and Hai Longyan, two strong rebirth-level powerhouses from a drop of blood, looked at Su Han. There was also a look of doubt in the eyes. The Haidi Island trial is related to the wealth and lives of all the masters in Hailong Bibo's lineage. Once they fail, the consequences will be disastrous.

Once Hailong Storm wins the throne of the Hailong Empire, then Hailong Bibo can only have a glimmer of life if he escapes from the endless sea of ​​magic, leaves his hometown, and goes to other places before he proclaims himself emperor.

In the history of the Sea Dragon Empire, most of the losers who competed for the throne ended up miserable. The best end for those defeated is to escape from the endless sea of ​​demons after being chased and killed for thousands of miles. However, even if they escaped from the Endless Demon Sea, under the pursuit of the masters of the Sea Dragon Empire, they would generally lose more than 90% of their members. The families and relatives of those defeated will also be purged.

It was precisely because the trial on Haidi Island was so important that Hai Longmo and Hai Longyan also had some doubts about Hailong Bibo's order.

Hai Long Bibo raised his willow eyebrows, his pretty face turned cold, and scolded coquettishly: "Shut up, Hai Longyi, do you want to disobey my order?"

"Subordinates dare not!" Hai Longyi was startled, and quickly bowed to Hai Long Bibo. Hai Long Bibo is strict in running the army and has strict rules. If he dares to challenge Hai Long Bibo's authority in public, he will only die.

Su Han smiled slightly and said: "Your Highness, you don't need to be in trouble. He actually wants to see my strength. Then let him see it. How about it! Hai Longyi, as long as you can catch my sword, it's fine. If you have the ability, you can join this Sea Emperor Island trial. If you can't catch my sword, then you will automatically withdraw and let other people participate in this Sea Emperor Island trial."

Hai Long laughed back in anger, his eyes were full of anger and said: "What a big tone! You mean, I can't even catch your sword? How arrogant! Your Royal Highness, please let me teach this arrogant person a lesson. .”

Hai Long Bibo looked at Su Han and Hai Long and made a decisive decision: "Okay!"

In the Bibo Palace martial arts arena.

As soon as Hai Long stood in the arena, he held a black spear with the highest level magic weapon, pointed at Su Han, and said in a cold voice: "Su Han, you admit defeat and apologize now, there is still time! Otherwise, the sword will have no eyes, don't Blame me for not showing mercy."

Su Han said lightly: "Don't worry, because you are the subordinate of Her Royal Highness, I will show mercy. I won't kill you!"

The referee, Hailong Bibo, quickly said: "The competition begins!"

"Hai Long's Nine Strikes!" A cold light flashed across Hai Long's eyes, his qi and blood billowed, and his body exploded, as if he had turned into a ferocious Hai Long who wanted to eat someone, and bit Su Han.

Hailong Nine Strikes is a secret martial skill handed down by the royal family in the Hailong Empire, and its power is extraordinary. With the peerless martial skill of Hailong Nine Strikes, Hai Longyi ranks among the top among the warriors in the Immortal Realm Nine Heavens.

Su Han stood still with the Five Elements Sword in his hand, and when the fierce sea dragon rushed in front of him, the light of the sword in his hand flashed, and a huge sword circle enveloped the sea dragon.

The ferocious sea dragon's supernatural power was twisted by Su Han's sword light, and immediately bounced back, bombarding Hai Longyi's body, and the terrifying power burst out instantly, smashing half of Hai Longyi's body like a catfish. Generally, it flew upside down and hit the wall of the arena.

Seeing this scene, Hai Longmo took a breath, and his heart was filled with shock: "Instakill! Hai Longyi was unexpectedly killed by him in one move!"

Shock also flashed in Hai Longyan's beautiful eyes: "Such exquisite swordsmanship! It can actually rebound supernatural powers! Only the ancient sword emperor in the legend has cultivated this kind of supernatural powers of swordsmanship! Could it be that he also practiced that kind of supernatural powers? Unsurpassed swordsmanship?"

It is not unusual for Su Han to defeat Hai Longyi. After Su Han agreed to a duel, Hai Longmo and the two also expected it. After all, Hailong Bibo has always been very accurate in seeing people. However, Su Han's swordsmanship was so powerful that it still far exceeded their expectations. This kind of kendo supernatural power was only possessed by the young sword emperor of the ancient sword sect when he debuted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was also a flash of excitement in Hai Long Bibo's beautiful eyes: "Amazing! Such a terrifying sword technique, worthy of Su Han!"

"Awesome! Such a powerful swordsmanship! I'm defeated!" Hai Longyi swayed from the wall of the arena, and immediately came to the arena. He looked at Su Han with complicated eyes, and countless flesh and blood flew out from the side, and quickly sank into his wound, allowing him to quickly repair the flesh.

Hai Long gave a deep salute to Hai Long Bibo and said, "Your Highness, Hai Long is not strong enough to block Master Su Han's move. According to the agreement, I will withdraw from the Haidi Island trial this time."

Hai Long Bibo also said without hesitation: "Okay!"

Hailong Bibo has countless masters, and even the masters of the Profound Sky Realm can mobilize seven or eight masters. If it weren't for the fact that the Haidi Island trial could only bring experts from the Immortal Realm, Hailong Bibo could even mobilize three experts from the Sky Profound Realm to join her in the Haidi Island trial. As soon as Hai Long was unable to participate in the Haidi Island trial, Hai Long Bibo could easily mobilize other strong men to fill his vacancy.

After defeating Hai Longyi, Su Han and his party immediately returned to Hai Long Bibo's study to discuss the details of the Haidi Island trial. (To be continued..)

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