Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 871: Sea Devil Bloodthirsty School

With a single sword, the seven blue sea dragons were cut into pieces. With a thought in Su Han's mind, the Starlight Gate appeared. The blue sea dragons that had been chopped into pieces were all sucked into the Dongtian Pearl.

Xiao Huang had been waiting in the dzi bead for a long time, and as soon as he saw the pieces of flesh and blood of those blue sea dragons flying into the dzi hole, he immediately opened his mouth and swallowed all the pieces of flesh and blood of the seven blue sea dragons. Keep.

After eating the seven blue sea dragons, Xiao Huang lay down on the ground in satisfaction and fell into a deep sleep.

The Blue Sea Flood Dragon at the Sky Profound Realm also struggled for more than a dozen breaths, and was finally swallowed by the evil sword of the day, leaving no flesh and blood left.

After the eight-headed Bihai Jiaolongbi was killed, a trace of spiritual light immediately lit up on the domino in the hands of the sea dragon Bibo, increasing a lot of points.

Hai Longyan looked at Su Han, her beautiful eyes were full of shock: "Amazing! This Su Han is really amazing!"

Those ten blue sea dragons teamed up, even a top master of the first level of the Sky Profound Realm holding a heavenly magic weapon like the sea demon king would have a headache, and would even be killed by the blue sea dragon if he was a little careless. Such a terrifying big monster was killed by Su Han with ease, which filled Hai Longyan's heart with shock.

The eyes of Hai Long Guang and Hai Long Mo beside Hai Long Bibo were also flickering with shock. When the Blue Sea Flood Dragon from the Heavenly Profound Realm appeared, they were already a little desperate, and even determined to cover Hailong Bibo to escape from this place even if they died in battle. Seeing those ten blue sea dragons being easily beheaded by Su Han now naturally filled their hearts with shock.

Hai Longyan looked at Su Han's back, and a look of excitement flashed in her beautiful eyes: "This person is really strong, with his help, we will definitely be able to get the first place in this Haidi Island trial!"

Hai Long Bibo looked at Su Han, his beautiful eyes also flickered, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a sweet smile.

After Su Han beheaded ten blue sea dragons. With a thought, the Starlight Gate appeared again, shrouded in the Youbi Lake, and included everything around the Youbi Lake in the Dongtian Pearl.

Near the Youbi Lake. The land is also spiritual soil, and there are many precious materials for refining magic weapons. Of course, Su Han will not let go of those treasures.

Hailong Bibo watched Su Han collect all the valuable things near the Haoyoubi Lake into the Dongtian Bead, and was also a little speechless.

Most of the strong ones who have magic weapons like caves will collect them in their caves no matter what good things they see. It is precisely because of this that during the previous wars, the caves collapsed and shattered one by one. The species in that great universe also disappeared in the long river of history one by one.

After Su Han collected all the valuable things near Youbi Lake into the Dongtian Bead, he smiled with satisfaction and said, "Let's go! The next target is the Yuanhai rhinoceros!"

finished speaking. Su Han's figure flickered, and he went straight to the next target.

Hailong Bibo smiled slightly, followed Su Han with the three masters, and swept towards the next target.

A month flies by.

Under the leadership of Su Han, the lairs of sea monsters, sea monsters, and sea monsters in the Death Mountains were continuously eliminated.

Su Han followed the information provided by Hailong Bibo. Specially looking for the lairs of sea monsters, sea monsters, and monsters in the undead state to kill each other. Apart from an accident in the blue sea dragon's lair, the rest of the strongest sea monster lairs are only at the ninth level of immortality, and they can't stop the attack of this team at all.

Every sea monster's lair is a treasury full of treasures. Every time Su Han destroys a sea monster's lair, he will get huge benefits.

As long as Hailong Bibo can win the trial of Haidi Island, he will obtain the huge wealth of Hailong Empire, and he doesn't even look down on the treasures of those sea monster lairs. Let Su Han take it away.

On a blue spiritual mountain, a team of masters from the royal family of the Sea Dragon Empire is besieging an octopus sea monster with a body length of fifty feet.

A series of incomparably powerful magical powers bombarded the body of the octopus sea monster, bombarding the body of the octopus sea monster to tremble continuously, and let out bursts of extremely shrill screams.

The fierce battle lasted for a full quarter of an hour before the octopus and sea monster was wiped out by the team of masters from the royal clan.

"Nice job, brother ninety-six!" accompanied by a chuckle. A stunningly beautiful young girl walked out from the side and looked towards the master of the royal family.

"Elder Sister, it's you!" Seeing the stunningly beautiful girl holding the blue halberd, the master of the royal family's face suddenly changed, and he took a few steps back.

The four masters of the Immortal Ninth Layer behind the ninety-six prince also stepped forward a few steps. Stimulating mana, he stared at the beautiful girl with a look of vigilance in his eyes.

Hailong Bibo glanced at the ninety-six prince, and said domineeringly: "Hand over your dominoes!"

The ninety-six prince smiled wryly, shook his head slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the domino in his hand immediately flew into the hands of Hailong Bibo: "Sister, I came to Haidi Island this time just to find my own chance. You Take my points and return the dominoes to me!"

Hailong Bibo docked the two dominoes, her mana surged, and the domino in her hand immediately flashed, absorbing all the domino points of the ninety-six princes, and then casually tossed the dominoes of the ninety-six princes to him : "Give it back to you! This place is very dangerous, be careful."

Among the princes and princesses of the Sea Dragon Empire, the top few fought for the throne of the Sea Dragon Empire, secretly fighting with each other, and the relationship was extremely bad. But the relationship between them and those princes and princesses who have given up fighting for the throne is really good.

Those princes and princesses who gave up the fight for the throne will become the royal clan of the Hai Clan after the new emperor ascends the throne in the future. It is also an important force supporting Sea Dragon Emperor. Therefore, neither Hailong Bibo nor Hailong Storm are generally too harsh on those princes and daughters who give up fighting for the throne.

The ninety-sixth prince pointed to the west and said in a deep voice: "Elder sister! I saw a group of palaces over there, which may be one of the palaces where Emperor Endless Hai lived. There may be some good treasures over there, but there are also There are many dangers. I found traces of sea monster bloodthirsty fish there. I didn't go any further, so I retreated directly."

A gleam of light flashed in Hai Long Bibo's beautiful eyes, and he said slowly: "I know!"

"I'll go first! Sister, I wish you the first place in the sea emperor island trial and become the prince!" The ninety-six prince smiled slightly, his figure flickered, and he left the place together with the four masters around him, and headed into the distance swept away.

Hailong Bibo glanced at Su Han. He asked aloud, "Su Han, are we going to explore that palace complex?"

A strange light flashed in Su Han's eyes and he said in a deep voice: "Wealth and wealth are in danger, I want to go for it."

Hailong Bibo said decisively: "If that's the case, then let's go to that palace group!"

The five people flickered, and immediately flew towards the west.

After passing through a mountain range, a group of huge palaces that are vast, occupying an area comparable to a human empire, and filled with exquisite buildings appeared in front of everyone.

Each of the palaces in the huge palace group is an exquisite work of art, full of beauty. Moreover, each palace is refined using the most top-notch magic weapon materials. Even after hundreds of thousands of years of erosion, it still maintains that beautiful and moving luster, without a trace of rust or moss.

Around the huge palace complex. There are densely packed, bloodthirsty sea monster fish with blue tentacles engraved with strange spiritual patterns on their bodies.

The sea monster bloodthirsty fish school is a kind of sea monster. Although they are only the size of a palm, their innate supernatural powers can absorb mana, and their sharp teeth can crush the protective energy of a strong person in the heavenly king realm.

A sea devil bloodthirsty fish can be easily killed by a master of nirvana. However, as long as there are millions or tens of millions of bloodthirsty sea devil fish, even a strong man at the level of a heavenly king may fall into their siege.

After Hai Longyan saw the bloodthirsty sea monster fish, she couldn't help but gasped: "The number of bloodthirsty sea monster fish is so large, I'm afraid it has exceeded 100 million. If there is no supernatural power to restrain them, Magic weapon, it is impossible for us to break through and enter the palace complex."

Hai Longmo and Huan Longguang both nodded slightly, looking at the school of bloodthirsty sea monster fish with fear in their eyes. This is the first time they have seen such a large number of sea monster bloodthirsty fish.

"I'll try it first, if it doesn't work, let's evacuate this place together!" Su Han glanced at the school of sea monster bloodthirsty fish. There was also a solemn look in his eyes.

The sea monster bloodthirsty fish are ferocious demon fish that can devour even the strongest of the heavenly kings. If Su Han hadn't possessed the supernatural power to restrain them, he would not be willing to be an enemy of this kind of sea monster.

With a flick of his body, Su Han came to a place tens of miles away from the school of bloodthirsty sea monster fish, and stretched out his hand to grab it. The mana surged, and a giant hand with hundreds of feet of mana ruthlessly grabbed at the school of sea monster bloodthirsty fish.

As soon as the hundred-foot-long magic hand appeared, countless schools of sea demon bloodthirsty fish suddenly burst out, pounced on the hundred-foot-long magic hand, and began to gnaw on it.

In just one breath, the hundred-foot-long mana giant hand was immediately swallowed up by the sea monster bloodthirsty fish.

After the sea demon bloodthirsty fish devoured Su Han's mana giant hand, as if they had been stabbed in a hornet's nest, they frantically rushed towards Su Han.

The speed of each sea devil bloodthirsty fish is not fast, but they formed an arrow-like formation, and without one more sea devil bloodthirsty fish, the speed of the arrows will be faster. The speed of the arrows formed by the condensed countless sea devil bloodthirsty fish even surpassed that of Su Han.

"Five Elements Poisonous Water!" A strange light flashed in Su Han's eyes, and with a flick of his finger, a jet of black poisonous water as black as ink flew out of his hand, covering the school of sea monster spirit-destroyed fish.

Under the cover of the pitch-black poisonous water, the arrow-like school of sea monster bloodthirsty fishes dissolved in an instant, turning into piles of poisonous water, submerged in the five-element poisonous water .

After Su Han practiced the Great Five Elements Suppressing Heaven Kung Fu, the seeds of the Five Elements absorbed countless toxins and condensed with the mana of the Nine Heavens True Water to form a new supernatural power, the Five Elements Poisonous Water. This five-element poisonous water is the nemesis of the sea monster bloodthirsty fish.

Countless sea monster bloodthirsty fish opened their mouths and gnawed vigorously at the black five-element poisonous water. As soon as they touched the five-element poisonous water, they were immediately eroded by the five-element poisonous water, their bodies decayed, and turned into the black five-element poisonous water. Part of the five elements of poisonous water.

Thousands of sea monster bloodthirsty fish rushed towards Su Han, but they were all corroded and killed by the terrifying five-element poisonous water, and they couldn't hurt Su Han at all.

Su Han screamed sharply: "Okay! Come rush with me!"

There are more than 100 million sea monster bloodthirsty fish schools outside the palace group. Su Han doesn't want to kill all those sea monster bloodthirsty fish schools. They are the best defense against other people.

Hailong Bibo and other four strong men also came to Su Han's side with a flash, and rushed into the palace complex together with Su Han.

There seems to be a mysterious power in the palace group, which makes the sea demon bloodthirsty fish very afraid. As soon as the five of Su Han entered the palace complex, they could only wander outside immediately, not daring to enter the palace complex at all.

As soon as the five of Su Han entered the palace complex, an incomparably pure water-attribute aura immediately submerged into their bodies.

Faint spiritual sounds reverberated in the palace complex like the sounds of heaven.

When Su Han and the others listened to the faint spiritual sounds, all the restlessness in their bodies subsided, and their spirits fell into an ethereal state.

Hailong Bibo looked towards the huge palace in the center of the palace group, which was thousands of feet tall, magnificent and filled with the majesty of the emperor. A gleam of excitement flashed in his beautiful eyes: "That should be the temporary bedroom of Endless Haidi~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are definitely good babies there!"

"Let's go!" Su Han looked at the huge palace that was different and filled with the majesty of the emperor, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he swayed towards the huge palace.

"Sixth brother!"


In front of the square of the huge palace, Hailong Storm appeared in front of Su Han and his party, accompanied by the Son of Heaven and three strong men from the Ninth Layer of Immortal Realm.

"Su Han, we met again! It's a pity that I couldn't see you at my banquet last time." The sixth prince smiled slightly at Su Han, and directly offered a condition, wooing him: "Su Han, come and help me Go! As long as you help me win the throne of the Sea Dragon Empire. Not only can I give you great wealth, but I can also give you my eldest sister as a slave! My eldest sister only has power in her eyes. If you follow my eldest sister, you will not be able to get it even in your lifetime she."

The complexions of Hailong Bibo and the three masters around her suddenly changed, and their eyes fell on Su Han.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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