The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea looked at Su Han with a rebellious face, and said with a cold smile: \"Impossible! Su Han, even the Endless Sea Emperor didn't let me surrender back then! If you want me to surrender to you, it is absolutely impossible!\ "

Su Han pondered for a while, with a flash of light in his eyes, he said slowly: \"Let's do this! You have worked for me for a hundred years, and then I will give you back your freedom. What do you think?"

Su Han's voice was full of temptation and said: \"Black Sea Devil Emperor, life is the most beautiful and the most precious thing for a person. Your lifespan should exceed two thousand years, and you only need one-twentieth of it for me Time. You will be able to gain freedom and become a giant in the universe. Such a deal is very cost-effective!\"

The Black Sea Demon Emperor was taken aback for a moment, a strange light flashed in his eyes, he was silent for a while, then shook his head slightly and said: "Impossible! It is absolutely impossible for me to serve you for a hundred years. I, the Black Sea Demon Emperor, will never become anyone's Subordinate! My self-esteem does not allow me to be inferior to others!\"

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea was also the overlord back then, dominating the Endless Demon Sea, and a peerless master who once fought against the Endless Sea Emperor. He was full of arrogance in his bones, and he did not want to be used by the Endless Sea Emperor, so he was suppressed and sealed, and fell into a deep sleep with secret techniques hundreds of thousands of years.

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea pondered for a while, and then said: \"Let's do this! Su Han, as long as you let me leave this place! In the future, you can let me do three things for you!\"

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea used to be a peerless master of the Ninth Layer of the Heavenly King Realm. He used to compete with the Endless Sea Emperor in the same generation, but he was defeated miserably in the hands of the Endless Sea Emperor, and was captured and suppressed by the Endless Sea Emperor.

However, under the erosion of time for hundreds of thousands of years, most of the powerhouses have fallen, but the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea is still able to survive. It is conceivable that he is strong and supernatural.

Su Han pondered for a while, and then said: \"Fifteen things! And after I let you go, you can't take action against me! You can't tell my secret.\"

The Black Sea Demon Emperor said in a deep voice: "No! Three things! I can only do three things for you! And I guarantee that after you let me go, I will not do anything to you, nor will I tell your secrets .\"

Su Han glanced at the Black Sea Demon Emperor, and said calmly: "I can help you recover your strength quickly! The Black Sea Demon Emperor. In your current situation, if you want to quickly restore your full strength, you need at least one million The ultimate spirit crystal. There is no ultimate spirit crystal. Once you are born, you will only become the prey of others.\"

The Black Sea Demon Emperor pondered for a while, and then said: \"Six things! I can help you with six things!\"

As Su Han said, the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea has been in a deep sleep for hundreds of thousands of years. Most of his power has been drawn away, and after waking up, he has only recovered his strength at the fourth level of the Profound Sky Realm.

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea back then was a powerful existence comparable to that of a semi-saint. If he hadn't been defeated by the Endless Sea Emperor, with his talent back then, he might have even been promoted to become a powerhouse at the Saint level. In his heart, he had done six things for Su Han, already It's an incredible price.

As a matter of fact, invite any Heavenly King Realm Ninth Heavenly Layer expert to make a move. The price is extremely high, far exceeding one million top-quality spirit crystals.

\"Thirteen things! Black Sea Demon Emperor, without me, you would not be able to recover so quickly!\"

\"Seven things! Su Han. Even without you! I can recover to the Heavenly King Realm!\"

\"Eleven things! But it will take at least a few decades. For you, those few decades are not short! Without those few decades, maybe you may not be able to hit the holy realm !\"

\"Eight things! Su Han, with my talent, I will definitely become a strong man in the holy state in the future! At that time, you can make a lot of money if you ask me to do it!\"


In a period of tit-for-tat bargaining, it was finally decided that the Black Sea Demon Emperor would help Su Han to do nine things, and Su Han would return the Black Sea Demon Emperor to his freedom and help the Black Sea Demon Emperor to restore his full strength.

after a few days.

Su Han came in front of the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea, flicked his fingers, and an ancient covenant immediately flew in front of the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea: "This is an ancient covenant, which stipulates the agreement between us. Sign this After the covenant, we are allies.\"

The ancient covenant is a treasure that Su Han spent a drop of dragon marrow to refine it. Even the powerhouses of the Heavenly King Realm cannot escape the shackles of the covenant. Only the powerhouses above the holy level can break free The **** of the covenant.

If Su Han hadn't obtained the dragon marrow, he wouldn't be able to refine such an ancient covenant that even the strongest of the Heavenly King Realm could restrain.

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea took a careful look at the covenant, swept his spiritual sense, and after confirming that there was no problem, he flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood immediately flew out of his hand, submerged in the covenant, and then looked at Su Han. go.

Su Han smiled slightly, flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood flew out of his hand and fell into the covenant.

After absorbing the blood essence of Su Han and the Black Sea Demon Emperor, that ancient covenant immediately burned directly, turning into two stars and submerging into the eyebrows of Su Han and the Black Sea Demon Emperor respectively.

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea looked at Su Han and said indifferently: "Can you open the seal compass now?"

Before the covenant was signed, even though Su Han and the Black Sea Demon Emperor had reached an agreement, Su Han still did not release the Black Sea Demon Emperor from the sealed compass.

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea was a peerless powerhouse at the half-step holy level in ancient times, possessing countless supernatural powers. If he hadn't been suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years, in his heyday, one finger could crush the current Su cold.

\"Senior Black Sea Demon Emperor, please forgive me for offending me a lot before.\" Su Han smiled slightly, flicked his fingers, his mana surged, and he sank into the sealed compass.

The sealed compass burst into incomparably brilliant aura, and fell into Su Han's hands at once.

\"Humph!\".[,! ] The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea escaped from the sealed compass, let out a cold snort, and then sucked in forcefully, an incomparably pure spiritual energy in the hole dzi bead rushed from all directions and fell into his mouth.

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea just took a breath, and his cultivation base rose again, and he jumped to the fifth level of the Profound Sky Realm.

With a wave of Su Han's hand, a Lingjing mountain formed by top-quality spirit crystals immediately flew in front of the Black Sea Demon Emperor: "Senior Black Sea Demon Emperor, here are a million top-quality spirit crystals, with these one million top-quality spirit crystals, Presumably, the senior will surely be able to regain his full glory and dominate the endless sea of ​​magic. He will be invincible in the world!\"

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea looked at the one million top-quality spirit crystals that flew in front of him, and smiled slightly: "Hey! You can bend and stretch! Su Han, I'm afraid your achievements will surpass mine in the future!"

Su Han said politely: \"Where!\"

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea said lightly: \"Okay! I want to retreat and practice! There is nothing important, so don't bother me.\"

For the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea, the most urgent task is to cultivate as soon as possible to restore his cultivation to the ninth level of the Heavenly King Realm. Once his cultivation level returns to the ninth level of the Heavenly King Realm, the whole world will be at his mercy.

\"Yes! Senior Demon Emperor of the Black Sea!\" Su Han smiled slightly, his figure flickered, and he left the place immediately.

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea took a deep look at Su Han's back, then grabbed a piece of top-quality spirit crystal, performed his exercises, and absorbed the pure spiritual power contained in that piece of top-quality spirit crystal.

For a peak powerhouse like the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea, only treasures like the top-grade spirit crystal can allow them to recover their strength quickly.

\"We must make some preparations!\" Su Han flickered, and immediately came to a palace of Dongtianzhu.

Su Han's mind was concentrated, the wisdom wheel in his left eye, and the mysterious rune in his right eye appeared. He held a high-grade magic weapon-level talisman pen and began to draw a series of mysterious runes on the talisman.

After Su Han's Immortal Physique of Gods and Demons was promoted to the seventh stage, his martial arts aptitude underwent another earth-shaking evolution. Coupled with the powerful wisdom he cultivated from the Great Wisdom Sutra, those ninth-level talismans had no mystery at all in his eyes .

One by one, the extremely precious ninth-level talismans with different uses were drawn from Su Han's hands like flowing clouds.

Whenever Su Han felt mentally exhausted, he would drink a cup of tea of ​​wisdom, practice the Great Wisdom Sutra, and he would soon regain his energy, allowing him to continue drawing those extremely precious ninth-level talismans.

Half a year passed by.

On the square of the Sea Palace, a spiritual light shone, and a master of the royal family immediately flew out of the Haidi Island and appeared on the square of the Sea Palace.

Not long after, more than 3,000 royal clans and their accompanying guards appeared on the square of the Nahai Palace.

The trials on Haidi Island were extremely cruel, and more than three-quarters of the royal family and their guards fell on Haidi Island.

But the surviving more than 3,000 masters of the royal clan all had bright eyes and a strong aura, obviously they all got huge benefits from the Haidi Island.

On the Haidi Island, there are countless powerful monsters and all kinds of secret treasures. As long as the strength is strong, they can get infinite benefits from the Haidi Island. Just hunting the undead beasts can make them unstoppable. A small fortune.

With a flash of inspiration, Su Han also appeared on the square of the Hai Palace along with Hailong Bibo.

As soon as he appeared on the square of the Hai Palace, Su Han glanced at the crowd, and his eyes immediately fell on the Son of Heaven beside the sixth prince, Hai Longstorm.

The handsome and unrestrained Son of Heaven also smiled at Su Han, as if nothing happened on the Haidi Island trial.

Seeing this scene, Su Han's heart sank slightly, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind.

At this moment, above the square, a terrifying aura of the Heavenly King Realm spread out, covering the entire square, making everyone quiet.

The old man who opened the passage to Haidi Island walked out slowly, looked down at the many royal families below, and said slowly: "Now I announce that the first trial of Haidi Island this time is Hailong Bibo! She is also Among our Hailong clan, the new prince!\"

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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