Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 886: Kill the Sea Dragon Emperor

Hai Longhuang took out the Biyou Fairy Fruit, and with a wave of his hand, the two stored treasures immediately flew back to the hands of Su Han and the Son of Heaven. With his identity and wealth, the wealth of Su Han and the Son of Heaven is nothing to him at all.

A strange light flashed in Hai Longhuang's eyes and said slowly: "Both of you don't have real dragon bones!"

The Son of Heaven's expression changed suddenly, and he pointed at Su Han and said in a deep voice, "Impossible! His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, he has indeed taken away the bone of the real dragon!"

Su Han imitated the example, pointing to the Son of Heaven and said: "Impossible! His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, he did take away the bone of the real dragon!"

Hai Longhuang looked at Su Han and Tiandao Shengzi who were accusing each other, a strange light flashed in his eyes, he took out a jade card, flicked his fingers, and a spiritual light immediately sank into the jade card.

In an instant, from the depths of the sea palace, a cyan light descended from the sky, shining on Su Han and the Son of Heaven respectively.

The Holy Son of Heaven was slightly startled, but he is also a peerless genius, after not feeling any threat from the blue divine light, he let the blue divine light shine on him.

The cyan divine light shone on the Son of Heaven without any change. But as soon as it irradiated on Su Han's body, Su Han's body was distorted immediately under the irradiance of the blue light, revealing the body of the Ninth Layer of Immortal Flying Corpse King.

Hai Longhuang's eyes were cold, and with a wave of his hand, the cyan light immediately shone on Hai Long Bibo: "It turned out to be a supernatural power of incarnation outside the body! Su Han, come out! What do you want to hide in my daughter's body?" when?"

A jet-black aura immediately flew out from Hailong Bibo's body, landed on the ground, and turned into Su Han.

Su Han glanced at the aging and dying Sea Dragon Emperor and said with a slight smile, "As expected of the Sea Dragon Emperor! Sure enough, he has great powers!"

Sea Dragon Emperor looked at Su Han, with a flash of light in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I offer you the bone of a real dragon! I can give you Bibo, Bitao, and Jasper as wives. And let Bibo inherit my Sea Dragon Empire." The position of prince."

The bone of the real dragon is a treasure that even the emperor-level powerhouses desire to possess. Moreover, the true dragon's marrow has the ability to prolong life, if Hai Longhuang can take 10,000 drops of the real dragon's marrow. Then you can live two more lives and prolong your life for thousands of years.

Su Han smiled faintly, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I don't have a real dragon bone in my hand! All that is just the Son of Heaven framed me!"

Sea Dragon Emperor glanced at Su Han, full of majesty, and commanded condescendingly: "That's good! Hand over all the magic treasures stored on your body, and let me check them once! If there is no real dragon bone, then forget it."

The bone of the real dragon is extremely important to Sea Dragon Emperor, so he has to find out even if he offends such a monstrous genius as Su Han. Moreover, the Sea Dragon Emperor has ruled the world for an unknown number of years, dominating the entire endless sea of ​​demons, and is not afraid of anyone at all. Even the ancient sword sect, he is only slightly scruples, not fear.

Su Han looked straight at Hailonghuang and said indifferently: "His Majesty Hailonghuang, I am not your subordinate! I have no obligation to obey your orders!"

A fierce light flashed in Hai Longhuang's eyes, and he ordered in a cold voice: "What a bold man! Take him down for me! If there is any resistance, shoot and kill!"

A icy look flashed in the eyes of the white-haired old man in the Heavenly King Realm, and he stretched out his hand to grab it, forming a huge claw, and grabbed Su Han fiercely.

An incomparably terrifying coercion enveloped Su Han in an instant, and the strong man in the king realm made a full blow. With Su Han's current strength, even if he condensed a perfect magic bone, he would definitely not be able to withstand the full blow of the strong man in the king realm that day. hit.

"The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea!" Su Han yelled angrily, and his thoughts moved. Immediately, the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea was released from the Dongtian Pearl.

As soon as the Black Sea Demon Emperor appeared. A mighty and tyrannical terrifying aura immediately spread in all directions. He punched casually, and a black dragon soared into the sky, tearing the claws of the white-haired old man in the Heavenly King Realm, and bombarded the white-haired old man in the Heavenly King Realm. on the old man. The white-haired old man in that day's king realm was sent flying upside down, and hit the palace wall of the Haihuang Palace fiercely like a catfish, spurting out a big mouthful of blood.

"A master of the Heavenly King Realm!"

"Elder Hai was blown away by his punch! What level of master is he?"

"What a scary guy!"

"Is this Su Han's helper? How could he find such a powerful expert guard!"


On that square, the faces of the masters of the royal clan of the Sea Dragon Empire suddenly changed when they saw the Black Sea Demon Emperor. With a shake of his figure, he fled in all directions.

In the confrontation between the powerhouses of the Heavenly King Realm, the aftermath of a force can kill those powerhouses of the Undead Realm. Those masters of the royal clan of the Sea Dragon Empire are as shrewd as ghosts, so naturally they don't want to stay here and wait to die.

The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea turned around and glanced at Su Han, "Su Han, what's the matter with you asking me to come out?"

Su Han smiled slightly, and wrote lightly: "The throne of the Sea Dragon Empire! I need you to help my woman win the throne of the Sea Dragon Empire! Kill all the rebels who oppose her!"

After Su Han obtained the bone of the real dragon, he knew very well that the two powerful men, the Heavenly Dao Son and the Void Assassin Qingpao, would never let him go so easily! Only then did he sign an agreement with the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea.

Otherwise, according to Su Han's temperament, he will definitely suppress the Black Sea Demon Emperor, and when necessary, he will be directly sacrificed as a sacrificial offering.

"Very good, I haven't fought for a long time! Those guys, just let me go on a killing spree! Hahaha!" The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea glanced at the master of the Heavenly King Realm of the Sea Dragon Empire who was severely injured, smiled ferociously, and suddenly burst into tears He came out, displayed his supernatural powers, turned into an extremely ferocious dragon, and rushed towards the master of the king realm that day.


Accompanied by a roaring sound, the three peerless masters of the Heavenly King Realm burst out from behind the Sea Dragon Emperor, and rushed towards the Black Sea Demon Emperor.

The mobilizing supernatural powers of the three heavenly kings condensed three ten-foot-long snow-white sea dragons roaring wildly, bombarding the Black Sea Demon Emperor with incomparably terrifying coercion.

The snow-white sea dragon supernatural power condensed by the three powerful men of the Heavenly King Realm is infinitely powerful. Just a touch of a strong man like Su Han can completely crush Su Han, and even the immortal bones will be completely blasted to pieces. smash.

"Idiot! Let me defeat you!" The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea smiled ferociously, crushing a snow-white sea dragon with one claw. With a sway of his figure, a claw bombarded the chest of a strong man in the Heavenly King Realm, and directly dug out the heart of that strong man in the Heavenly King Realm, crushing it to burst.

A strong man of the Sea Dragon Clan in the Heavenly King Realm roared with grief and anger, and the evolved snow-white sea dragon grabbed the Black Sea Dragon Emperor: "Baker!"

"Crush me!" The Dragon Emperor of the Black Sea grinned ferociously, and his punch was accompanied by dragon roars. It bombarded the snow-white sea dragon, smashed the snow-white sea dragon with one blow, and then slammed into the strong man of the sea dragon clan like a tyrannosaurus, knocking the strong man of the heavenly king realm of the sea dragon clan into the air.

Without waiting for the Black Sea Dragon King to continue chasing and killing, another strong man of the Heavenly King Realm of the Sea Dragon Clan suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the Black Sea Dragon King.

The master of the Heavenly King Realm of the Sea Dragon Clan who was injured by the first blow of the Black Sea Dragon King also flickered, and rushed towards the Black Sea Dragon King.

The powerful members of the Heavenly King Realm of the four sea dragon clans joined forces to besiege the Black Sea Dragon King, but the Black Sea Dragon King also showed the terrifying strength that could compete with the Endless Sea Emperor back then.

Under the joint siege of the four strong men of the Heavenly King Realm of the Sea Dragon Clan, the Black Sea Dragon Emperor activated his supernatural powers. Turning into an extremely ferocious dragon, it bombarded the four strong men of the Heavenly King Realm of the Sea Dragon Clan until they vomited blood again and again. After a short fight, they were already severely injured.

Sea Dragon Emperor sat on the throne, looked at Su Han indifferently, with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes, and said coldly: "Su Han, do you think he alone can help you win the throne of Sea Dragon Empire? You It’s too small to underestimate our Sea Dragon Empire! Give it to me. Kill him! Together with Hailong Bibo, shoot and kill!”

Under Hai Longhuang's order. Five Sea Dragon Clan powerhouses who possessed the eighth level of the Profound Sky Realm and above suddenly burst out, rushing towards Su Han with a terrifying aura.

Any expert above the eighth level of the Profound Sky Realm is an extremely terrifying giant-level existence. Even if Su Han has cultivated a perfect magic bone, with his cultivation base of the eighth level of the Immortal Realm, he can match any eighth level of the Profound Sky Realm. Warriors have no chance of winning.

The five masters of the eighth level of the Sky Profound Realm of the Sea Dragon Clan moved, and suddenly stretched out a snow-white dagger from behind the figure of the Sea Dragon Emperor. Like a shooting star, it stabbed at the madness of Hai Longhuang.

The sea emperor's robe, the heavenly magic treasure, that Hai Longhuang was wearing suddenly burst into incomparably brilliant aura, forming a blue shield in front of him.

The Sea Dragon Emperor is the emperor of the Sea Dragon Empire, and possesses countless treasures, the day-level magic treasure, the Sea Emperor's Robe, is just one of them.

The dagger pierced the blue shield. It pierced into the blue shield as easily as cutting tofu, pierced into Hai Longhuang's body, and sucked wildly, absorbing the flesh and blood of Hai Longhuang.

"No! Help! Quickly help!" Sea Dragon Emperor roared frantically with a flash of fear in his eyes.

In just one breath, the Sea Dragon Emperor who had been seriously injured was immediately sucked into a mummy by the dagger transformed by the phantom holy blood, turned into dust, and scattered in this world.

With a quick grab, Shadow Blade quickly grabbed Sea Dragon Emperor's storage ring and many heavenly magic weapons worn by Sea Dragon Emperor.

"How dare you assassinate His Majesty! You are courting death!" A look of shock and anger flashed in the eyes of the two ninth-level masters of the Profound Sky Realm behind the Sea Dragon Emperor, holding a halberd with a heaven-level magic weapon that contained terrifying power, and they moved towards the shadow. The blade stabs away.

Facing the attacks of the two ninth-tier Sky Profound Realm powerhouses, Shadow Blade directly crushed a large random teleportation talisman, and an incomparably powerful spatial force enveloped her body, causing her to disappear instantly from where she was.

"I want to leave! Go to hell!" A master of the ninth level of the Profound Sky Realm let out a roar, stabbed with the halberd in his hand, and slashed into the void.

A stream of blood scattered from midair, and the shadow blade disappeared instantly.

"Your Majesty!" The five masters above the eighth level of the Sky Profound Realm let out an earth-shattering mournful cry when they saw the assassination of the Sea Dragon Emperor, and mana spewed out from their bodies. With a flicker of shape, he went to kill Su Han.

Su Han grabbed the sea dragon Bibo and retreated violently, shouting loudly: "The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea, the second thing! Protect me and Bibo in this battle."

"Haha! The second thing! You ants, die to me!" The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea smiled wildly, opened his **** mouth, endless black light condensed in his mouth, and suddenly exploded, turning into a The black light with a diameter of up to thirty feet bombarded the five masters of the Sea Dragon Clan in the eighth level of the Sky Profound Realm.

The faces of the five Sea Dragon Clan masters at the eighth level of the Sky Profound Realm suddenly changed, and they activated their supernatural powers, and spiritual shields suddenly appeared one by one, blocking them.

Under the shadow of the black beam of light, the shields of spiritual light collapsed and shattered instantly. The five eighth-layers of the Sky Profound Realm directly vaporized in the black beam of light, and all their flesh and blood souls disappeared and perished immediately.

"Awesome! This is the demeanor of a peerless strongman who was able to compete with the Endless Sea Emperor in the past!" Su Han glanced at the Black Sea Demon Emperor, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

When he was in the endless Haidi's bedroom, the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea was beaten into a mess by the Son of Heaven, and was even directly sealed. That's because he just got out of trouble, his strength has been greatly weakened, and he doesn't have a powerful magic weapon in his hand. The Son of Heaven has countless secret treasures, so he was able to use all kinds of treasures to severely injure and suppress the Black Sea Demon Emperor.

The horror in Su Han's heart disappeared in a flash, his spiritual sense swept away, and immediately locked on the sixth prince Hai Longfeng and the Son of Heaven.

The Holy Son of the Dao of Heaven is a peerless evildoer possessing an innate Dao body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His strength is extremely powerful, his cultivation speed is astonishingly fast, and he possesses countless magic weapons. To Su Han, he was a peerless enemy. Such an enemy, if given the chance, Su Han would not mind eradicating him directly.

As if sensing Su Han's gaze, the Son of Heaven looked back at Su Han deeply, took out a talisman and flicked it, a blue aura surged, and an extremely powerful spatial fluctuation enveloped the body of the Son of Heaven , let him disappear immediately.

"Small random teleportation talisman! The Son of Heaven really deserves to be the Son of Heaven's Immortal Palace. It's not that easy to kill him!"

A cold light flashed in Su Han's eyes, he stepped on the Void Step, and in an instant, he appeared in front of the sixth prince, Hai Long Fengfeng. He took a step forward, and pierced towards Hai Long Fengfeng with a little bit of sword light like a shooting star.

Sea Dragon Storm's face suddenly changed, and a halberd with a heaven-level magic weapon in his hand burst out, turning into a sea dragon storm and sweeping towards Su Han, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Su Han, I have no grievances with you! Hatred! Why are you against me? Let me go!"

Su Hanhan said in a loud voice: "You are the biggest obstacle for Bibo to reach the throne! Bibo can reach the top only if you die! Therefore, you must die!" (To be continued...)

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