God’s Empire

Chapter 288: : Asymmetric warfare

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Right now, somewhere in the void.

In a huge high-level plane of science and technology, the scene of prosperity and peace was replaced by cruel war.

Mobi civilization, the civilization that rules this high-level plane, has a population of about one trillion, with thousands of life planets and tens of thousands of resource stars, as well as a large number of starry sky wonders. It is a standard fourth-level civilization.

The permanent army is about 20 billion, with an average level of seven. It has a small number of eight-level elite troops and nine-level special forces, and ten fleets composed of tens of thousands of warships built with four-level technology. Among the surrounding high-level planes Combat is at the top!

But at this moment, this plane has suffered an unprecedented blow.

Thousands of huge and gorgeous warships suddenly appeared in the ruling area of ​​Mobi Civilization, and a direct round of shelling knocked out dozens of life planets, hundreds of resource stars and military death stars.

A fleet that was left behind was killed by focusing fire before it even had time to react.

By the time Mobi civilization reacted and assembled the army, a quarter of the Mobi plane had already fallen into the hands of this mysterious invader.

But it's not a frontal war. This war made the hearts of the top officials of Mobi Civilization shattered. All the troops were wearing the fifth-level peak civilization technology equipment!

This is an insurmountable moat for the Mobi civilization of the fourth-level civilization!

Without the slightest accident, the several attacks of Mobi Civilization were easily extinguished, not only did not cause any casualties to this mysterious invader, but also caused huge casualties to their own army.

So far, more than half of the territory of the Mobi plane has fallen into the hands of this mysterious army.


On the original high-level ruling star of Mobi civilization, the buildings in the style of the star dome were pulled up in place, and a large number of magical plants grew rapidly, turning this originally polluted planet into a beautiful wheel in a short time. beautiful.

Some of the captured Mobi soldiers and civilians could not help but be surprised. Although I have long heard that the higher the civilization, the more emphasis on all-round development, but this is too exaggerated?

Inside a huge mountain range that was hollowed out, an extremely spacious and advanced military base was built and put into use at an unknown time.

Porosi looked at the huge strategic star map in front of him and couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of the star map given by the lord, this is too detailed, and there are some surrounding air maps..."

"Report, the frontline command post is calling."

A staff officer came in and reported.

Porosi raised his hand, and a virtual screen appeared directly. Inside the same white metal base, the difference was that a large amount of artillery fire was constantly roaring outside the base opposite the screen, and the sound was dull.

"Report Commander, the four combat groups divided into two billion mobile suits have all broken through the target galaxy. The casualties are not yet clear, but they should be small."

The frontline commander reported with a serious face.

Porosi nodded: "Yes, continue to attack, no matter how much we counterattack with the military technology of the enemy's fourth-level civilization, we don't need to care about the casualties of mobile suits, and strengthen the attack as much as possible.

What we want is not domination. Even if the planet is blown up, the total amount of energy in this plane will not change, and there is no loss to us! "

The frontline commander stood at attention instantly: "Yes!"

At this moment, in a large galaxy, Mobi Civilization, which relies on hundreds of death stars and more than a dozen life planets, has started the last self-examination before the war.

"Report Commander, the self-check is completed, all the planetary railguns and galaxy railguns and a large number of star war ordnance have no problems at all, and there are no problems with the fifth to tenth fleets!" 2k Novel Network

The adjutant touched the black fire ash on his face and reported loudly.

He had just returned from the last breached line.

The slightly older general nodded, his tone full of helplessness: "We have lost half of our civilized warships and 60 percent of our territory, and our army has only a total strength of over 12 billion.

We can't go back any further. "

The surrounding officers were all silent.


Just when the atmosphere was silent, a loud and harsh alarm suddenly rang through the defense line and the starry sky (the basic rules of each plane are a bit different), making everyone's complexion change.

"The enemy is attacking! All rail guns and naval guns, prepare to intercept enemy warships and troop carriers from a distance!"

As the staff issued an order, tens of thousands of huge orbital gun muzzles slowly turned their direction, and more than 5,000 warships quickly dispersed, and the weapon insurance was closed.

The violent energy storage fluctuations spread in an instant, and a large number of interstellar missiles also began to be launched one by one, aiming at the unobstructed Star Vault Fleet.

Just as the expedition fleet composed of the two fleets of Star Dome approached this large galaxy, one after another orbital guns fired at once.

Thick energy beams and attack waves densely enveloped the Star Vault Fleet, and then collided with the outermost battleship shield of the fleet.

The huge attack was quickly engulfed, assimilated and released by the energy shield, without any aftermath such as an explosion, but visible to the naked eye, the color of the shield was slightly dim.

In the first round of attacks, even the shields of the outermost k1 series battleships were not broken, and they were resolved in an instant.

Before the second round of the Mobi Civilization attack came, in the Star Vault Fleet, an energy cannon, a proton cannon, and even a neutron cannon began to roar instantly.

Thousands of splendid condensed beams of solid light instantly crossed the super long distance at a speed of ten times the speed of light, directly breaking the anti-interception system of the defense line, and directly blasting thousands of mobile battleships.

The violent explosion swept through a large number of asteroid bases and space stations in the area where the fleet was stationed, and countless makeshift platforms were involved in the explosion.

Hundreds of millions of soldiers and staff were instantly reduced to icy corpses.

Before Mobi Civilization's emergency measures could take action, the distant Star Vault fleet disappeared instantly and entered the short-distance space jump mode.

The complexion of Mobi Civilization's senior management changed dramatically in an instant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This strategic-level technology has been used by the Star Vault Fleet before, and each use represents the breaking of the line of defense.

But even if I have seen it a few times, Mobi Civilization has no countermeasures, because this is the technology and technology of the civilization level gap, which cannot be surpassed at all.

Sure enough, the next moment, the Star Vault Fleet appeared directly in the center of the defense line. Before the rail gun had time to turn the muzzle, the goddess's scattered flower-like naval artillery beams and nether energy missiles started shelling continuously towards the surroundings.

Tens of thousands of railguns exploded instantly, and the Death Stars used as fixed fortresses were also blown up by powerful secondary and main cannons, turning them into cosmic dust.

In just an instant, the long-range and powerful defense facilities of Mobi Civilization declared that the entire army was wiped out, followed by countless ghost wolf drones, fighter planes, and various war machines, all pouring out of the battleship fleet and pounced on it. The surrounding Mobi fighters and battleships, as well as the fragile low-level mechs.

There are also countless figures flying out-they are the star vault guards and mobile warriors with short-term interstellar flight, they quickly fly into the nearest military base built on asteroids or the resource star life planet, and resist the enemy. The slaughter unfolded.

This is an asymmetric war!

PS: ask for a ticket

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