God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

: Sheet 103: Starfall Sulassi (25) belated retribution

Since he betrayed the old master, the messenger of **** has not received retribution. When he was a child, his mother often threatened him, and the retribution of betrayal made the messenger of **** rise to glory.

Sure enough, there will be retribution for betrayal, just to deceive children, right?

Thinking back then, I was just an under-appreciated partisan in the farm, a marginal figure who lost his father since childhood. Although he didn't get attention, at least he was a run-down aristocrat with no worries about food and clothing.

However, with the aftermath of the Aix tsunami in 1116, the farm where he was located was destroyed. At that time, the messenger of **** fell to the ground and was dying. Like the countless corpses next to him, he was about to become one of the negligible casualties of the disaster. one.

At that time, his first master, the first devil appeared. He took a fancy to his business knowledge and chose himself to be the messenger of hell.

In order not to die and to live, the messenger of **** lost his former name, put on a goat mask that symbolized the devil, and became an apostle of hell, beguiling the Sulassians to sell their souls to the devil.

And the biggest thing I have done is to teach the Surasi people what blood sacrifices are, and tell them that after being robbed, they will not be the same as before, only robbing your property and food, and now they will kill you.

The first big business that the messenger of **** did was with the current ruler of Ge Xiuge, Xiuge, and therefore, the messenger of **** got on the line with the other party.

However, there is no **** messenger who often stands by the river without wet shoes and wants to play with fire. Actually being stared at by the abyss, the demon of the abyss! That kind of horror, after one battle, the messenger of **** doesn't want to try again.

This can't blame the messenger of hell, because his master has never mentioned the abyss to himself before, so the messenger of **** was caught off guard this time.

But the master doesn't listen. In the devil's world, there is no such word as forgiveness. Even though this matter, the root cause still lies with the master.

Fortunately, before the master wanted to kill him, he found out that he had a child of mixed blood with a human being. Out of curiosity, the master spared his life and let himself take care of the child.

That child, if it hadn't been mentioned by the master, the messenger of **** would have no impression. After all, it was just a product left after the momentary desire was vented.

The **** messenger, who thinks he has an infinite lifespan, doesn't care much about the bloodline anymore. It doesn't matter to the **** messenger whether the child exists or not, but since it is the master's order, the **** messenger can only do it.

Before going to take care of the child, the messenger of **** took a new task from the master and asked him to pick a profiteer and create a second messenger of hell.

For the next few years, the messenger of **** spent his days in a state of anger. He was actually monitoring this little kid during his good times?

Hell messenger himself is low in strength. Even after wearing a mask, it is impossible to increase his strength to a high level because it is quick. Therefore, if **** messenger only looks at attack power, a fire phosphorus level can fight him. Comparable.

In addition to the trading aspect, the real strength of the Hellbringer lies in the speed, endurance and vitality.

The speed of the messenger of **** is extremely fast, especially after the black atomization, in the words of those who have seen him: it is like a black gale hung over, and then there is nothing left.

Moreover, the energy of the **** messenger is not his own, but comes from hell, so the **** messenger hardly has to worry about the endurance.

Vitality is also as scary as endurance.

When the **** messenger encounters danger, it will turn itself into a black fog. The black fog is not only ineffective for physical attacks, but also terrifyingly high in magic resistance to various attributes.

Therefore, within a few years of caring for his son, the messenger of **** hid in the room where the forgiveness was worshipped.

Although there are a large number of extraordinary legends in this academy, the powerful concealment effect, coupled with the fact that the messenger of **** does not do things, deliberately conceals, and the lack of spells to detect **** in this world at present.

The three reasons are added together. The messenger of hell, whose direct attack power is only fire phosphorus, has been hiding there for several years, and no one has found it.

Although he was not found, the messenger of **** didn't dare to die to test how good his concealment was, so he tightly locked himself in a room of forgiveness for a while.

In this room, only David could vaguely feel that the **** messenger was around because of his blood, but because he was still young and he had hardly seen the **** messenger, he didn't find the **** messenger in the end.

During this period of time, the only person who can bring happiness to the messenger of **** is that girl named Niguer, see? The messengers of **** have remembered this woman's name, which shows how grateful the messengers of **** are to this girl!

The days of misery are finally coming to an end, but it doesn't mean that you will end your hardships and usher in bright days, and you may also fall into the abyss even more.

My master, because he privately opened a passage between **** and the world, he was taken advantage of by the abyss to enter, and now he is blaming him, as if he wants to use his master as a scapegoat?

Will there be any eggs under the nest? Hearing this news, the **** messenger's heart thumped wildly in an instant, and after knowing that his master had ignored him and escaped, the **** messenger had a momentary moment, ushered in boundless despair.

However, although the messenger of **** is not a good person, he is ruthless, black eats black, and has no face or skin. But the messengers of **** are not incompetent people.

After a short period of panic, the messenger of **** made up his mind and decided to seek wealth and wealth at risk. So he left the suburbs, opened the gate of **** on his own, and entered **** for the first time.

After that, it was an adventure of nine deaths and a lifetime. At the end of the adventure, the messenger of **** abandoned the original owner and succeeded in gaining the favor of a fallen deity, the God of the Stars, who was higher than the devil. Not only was he pardoned, he was also promoted to become the star. God of the devil.

After safety, under the instigation of **** messengers who wanted to go further, and with the acquiescence of the **** king of hell, a group of fallen gods headed by the **** of stars decided to use the devil to do business in the war-torn Sulassi.

And the most experienced messengers of **** became the leaders of the devils who went to the world. Of course, messengers from **** only had incomplete leadership. The actions of this group of devils only in the world would be influenced by messengers of hell.

Many of Surasi's blood sacrifice incidents in the past few years were the work of the messengers of hell.

And the two biggest transactions of the messenger of hell, one is when the second snow disaster in the south was completed, and Xiuge completed the transaction. Xiuge used Ge Xiuge as the executive force, and premeditatedly offered blood sacrifices to the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled in the whole country, and then in exchange for necessary food.

The second one is Hippari here. In fact, the messengers of **** have already used Hippari as a training ground. Those fledgling devils have come to Hippari to exercise their profit-making abilities.

Therefore, in the past few years, many terms have become confused, and the most important one is the messenger of hell.

The messenger of **** originally refers to a person, referring to himself alone, the earliest messenger of hell.

But later, because the number of **** messengers increased, the word **** messenger became a profession, not just referring to oneself.

Up to now, with the improvement of **** gate spells, the help of **** messengers is no longer needed. Hell messengers with good performance have turned into devils, and **** messengers with poor performance have become slaves. The profession of **** messenger, Not long after birth, it began to perish, and the word **** messenger became its own special name again.

However, **** does not have so much thought to explain so many things to mortals, and with a devil, using the fact that the referee of the messenger of **** has changed, he slapped a deal on the contract. After that, all The devils are very tacit not to mention this.

Therefore, the names of various regions are very messy now, and it is obvious that the devil has directly traded, but some people still habitually refer to the devil as the messenger of hell.

At this time, the messenger of **** is running spiritual practice. Reviewing documents is done as early as the morning, the afternoon is the time to go to **** to learn business techniques from profiteers, and the evening is the time to practice.

However, just when the messenger of **** began to find his feelings, he found that the talisman he had distributed was activated, which meant that someone had summoned him.

"Humph! If it wasn't something important, I would definitely make those untouchables look good!" Although it was very unpleasant to be disturbed in his practice, the messenger of **** got up quickly and read the news from the other party.

After all, as a devil, the most important thing is credibility. Cunning can be used to distort the interpretation of the provisions, but the contract written in plain text must still be abided by.

A few months ago, the devil just passed a series of guidelines to regulate the behavior of the devil~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the provisions on breach of contract are:

Once the treaty has come into effect, in the absence of the interference of the gods (including the heavens and hell), the devil has the power but intentionally fails to complete it, then the direct defaulter will be deprived of the right to trade for life, and the law enforcement fallen gods who are on duty will sentence the death sentence to death.

I don't want to be the first devil to die under this rule, especially since this rule was formulated by myself.

"What? An emerald-level mage? This is interesting...Isn't it a lie to me? No, no, it's impossible for that group of mud-legged people to do such a thing."

Seeing the message sent by the other party, although there are some doubts about the authenticity, the messenger of **** still believes in deciding on that group of people, and believes that they have no courage to attack themselves.

"Would you like to report it to the master... Forget it, when I confirm the authenticity of the news first, it will not be too late to report it to the master." After setting attention, the messenger of **** began to respond to the call of the other party, and the spiritual power was connected with the call. .

"Come! Come! Lord Devil is here!" Facing the slowly opening gate of hell, the people of this village began to excitedly consider how much supplies this emerald-level mage could bring to them.

Facing the opened gate of hell, Mayi stood up slowly. However, the villagers were not worried at all about Mayi's actions. After all, in their opinion, the gate of **** has been opened and the devil is about to come out. No matter how strong Mayi is, it is useless.

The gate of **** opened, and the messenger of **** floated out from the gate.

Seeing the familiar appearance of the messenger of hell, the unforgettable appearance, and the disgusting breath, they are all the same as in my memory.

And this also awakened Mei Yi's memory that had been sealed for nearly ten years. The memory that she didn't want to be recalled, stimulated by this, resurfaced in Mei Yi's mind.

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