God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 105: : Starfall Surasi (27) Priest Exorcism

Although the messenger of **** did not know at all who the other party was talking about Sally, the messenger of **** was not a fool. From the look of the other party's posture, it was clear that the other party had come to fight on purpose and had planned it for a long time.

But the messenger of **** didn't panic, his own perception and the instruments sent to the villagers told him that the other party was just an emerald-level mage - well, he called himself a priest, and it was a rare emerald-level mage...

But so what? With his normal attack power alone, he has reached the fire phosphorus level. How can he be afraid of an emerald? Even so, the prudent **** messenger didn't care because the other party was an "emerald-level priest".

In the face of Mayi's attack, the messenger of **** activated a magic circle on his arm, then raised his hand and swung his hand, the muscles vibrated in a short period of time, speeding up the activation of the magic circle.

In an instant, the left hand of the **** messenger turned black and became deep and deep. The **** messenger knew that this was the entrance to the summoning space, and inside was the storage space, and many of the **** messenger's equipment were placed in the space.

Then, the messenger of **** reached in with his right hand and took out a burning long sword from the black mist in his left hand.

Pulling out the long sword, the messenger of **** drove his spiritual power to slash at Mei Yi with all his strength, and decided to deal with this daring person who dared to provoke himself as quickly as possible.

The long sword slipped, sparks and lightning all the way, and it fell like a sky fire.

Facing the attack of the messenger of hell, Mei Yi raised her hands, and a golden six-pointed star array appeared on Mei Yi's palm, and kept turning, revealing bright tassels on the star feet.

When this hexagram appeared, the **** messenger smelled very uncomfortable, but the attack had already started, and the **** messenger could not stop.

With the rotation of the six-pointed star, a golden energy shield appeared in front of Mei, and the speed of turning from transparency into a solid body was so fast that it was completed before the long sword of the messenger of **** slashed down.


The long sword slammed heavily on the shield, and Mayi seemed to be stepping on soap on the soles of her feet. After being attacked by the messenger of hell, she floated back like she was sliding, not like she was repelled at all.

Seeing that the attack failed many times, the messenger of **** couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. He converted his real body and mirror image to release stronger attack power.

"I see how long you can hold on!" After that, the messenger of **** attacked Mayi again.

When the messenger of **** and Mayi fought, the villagers present vaguely realized that things were not very good. Even if the messenger of **** solves this matter, with his temper, he will definitely anger the villagers.

The villagers are not all stupid, at least the one-eyed leader has seen that something is not good, and began to prepare.

"I'm the leader, I can't go, I can't leave, someone has to be responsible for this matter," the one-eyed leader was about to lose his words, but he still tried his best to persevere, directing the people in the village to move, "Just One thing, my son, please."

"Leader! For your heart, as long as I have a bite to eat, your son will not be missing!" Seeing that the one-eyed leader took the initiative to take things down by himself, the others were very grateful and patted their chests one after another. Assure him.

Let go of this side and talk about the battle situation on the other side. The messengers of **** kept attacking Mayi, but she was blocked by Mayi's shield. Moreover, Mayi was in a very strange state at this time. After being attacked, she was like a feather. Gone with the wind.

【Damn! What exactly is going on? Even if it is a normal fire phosphorus shield, after suffering an attack of this intensity, it is almost the same now, right? Why is she still so relaxed? 】

Yes, it's easy, although the battle situation seems to be in an unfavorable situation for Mei Yi, but Mei Yi's expression is a look of contentment, as if it is not Mei Yi who is at a disadvantage, but the messenger of hell.

This strange situation made the messenger of **** suspect: This woman can really kill me, right?

Although it's not clear what Mayi is going to do, it's always right to go first, so the messenger of hell, who cherishes his life, decides to save his life first.

"Humph! If I can't take care of you, I can live longer than you!"

Hearing this sentence, Mayi knew that the messenger of **** was going to run, so she made a decisive decision: "Although it didn't reach the predetermined position, it's not much worse here."

The messenger of **** didn't care what Mei Yi said. After all, in the previous battle, Mei Yi was always on the defensive. She was faster. If she ran away, the woman should not be able to catch up. Seconds, this distance does not need to be mirrored, and runs directly back to the gate of hell.

Ignoring the distant messenger of hell, Mayi put her hands together, put her hands in front of her lips, and prayed quickly and concisely—in fact, she said the words to communicate with the heavens, and then her interlocking fingers did not loosen, but only pulled the palm of her hand. Open, press down to the ground, and summon a magic circle that is larger than before.

The messenger of **** felt that the strange woman behind him summoned a golden light, but the messenger of **** did not care what the golden light was for, as long as he returned to hell, he would have a lot of time to study.

However, within a short while, the messenger of **** understood what the magic circle represented by the golden light was doing: the connection between himself and **** began to weaken!

In the earliest days, the devils were not familiar with the passage from **** to the human world, so they used the messengers of **** as an intermediary; after the passage was familiar, the devils kicked away a large number of messengers from **** and used their mirror images to go directly to the world.

Only fallen gods can come directly with a safe projection. It's not that the devils can't use a projection, but they come with a projection. The strength of the projection can't even sign a contract. What are they used for?

After the devils brainstormed and researched, they finally found a suitable method. They modified the original mirror magic and created a new hell-specific mirror magic to solve this problem.

The first difference between **** mirror magic and ordinary mirror magic is that the mirror image in the human world has the same upper limit of strength as the deity.

The mirror image is not the real body, so even if it falls in the human world, it will not hurt the root of the devil. The biggest advantage of the mirror image is that when the devil needs it, the position of the real body and the mirror image can be quickly exchanged.

However, a mirror is a mirror after all.

As mentioned earlier, the upper limit of the strength of the mirror image is the same as the deity. However, how much power the mirror image can exert all depends on the efficiency of the energy delivered from the deity **** to the world. At this time, the power of the mirror image has nothing to do with the power of the deity, but is related to the efficiency of energy transmission.

Besides, the human beings in this world now know almost nothing about the devil. I didn't see that the messenger of **** was not a devil a few years ago. There are often so many extraordinary legends and violets, but none of them have found the messenger of hell. Isn't this very telling?

And if the devil encounters something that interests him very much in the human world, and the mirror image cannot solve it, such as the case of the messenger of **** this time, then the transformation between the mirror image and the deity can be started, and the deity who is in **** can come to the human world.

The second subtlety of **** mirror magic is reflected here. When the devil's deity is in the human world and the mirror image is in hell, the hell's mirror image can be assisted by other sub-magic circles to achieve the strength of the devil's deity.

And when the devil deity is in the human world, the speed of absorbing **** energy is better than the mirror image, so the devil deity will be more powerful.

Having said so much, the most important thing can be summed up in one point: the intensity of the devil in the world is determined by the energy efficiency from hell.

Therefore, when the gods created the profession of priest, it was aimed at this point. The responsibilities of priest and dnd priest in Leng Yi's memory are not the same.

One of the most important differences is that the pastor of this world, at least the first pastor, does not rely on faith and prayer as energy, although there is some relationship.

Priests, through the guidance of gods, obtain the energy between the two worlds (human world and hell) after cutting the world to complete the action. What Mei Yi has to do now is to use the energy of the world to cut off the connection between the messenger of **** and hell.

After that tragic night, Mei Yi was sitting on the grass in the farm with her daughter's inhuman corpse in her arms. Anyone who dared to approach Mei Yi would be driven away by Mei Yi roaring, like a mother beast protecting her calf. It is a pity that her calf has died, and it died tragically.

In addition to guarding her daughter's body, Mayi also wants to go a step further and save her daughter. Mei Yi, who has attended some schools, understands that the high priest will not care about this humble woman, and she must do it herself.

To save people, there is only therapy, right? As long as the healing skill is high enough, then Sally can definitely be rescued, right? With this kind of simple thought, Mayi began to act.

However, Mei Yi's solidification meditation model was originally due to the lack of talent and the poor knowledge of the person guiding her solidification, which led to some failures in the solidification of the model.

In addition, Mei Yi's solidified meditation model was originally inclined to earth magic, but Mei Yi insisted on changing the model. Originally, there was no fundamental conflict between the earth element and the light element. If it was done properly, it would not be impossible to change the meditation model, but Mayi herself did not have this ability.

In the end, Mayi failed as a matter of course. Not only did it fail, but Mayi's meditation model was also permanently damaged due to random operations.

However, it was because of this kind of damage that Mei Yi was favored by the Star God.

There are many wonders in the world. For a normal mage, just relying on Mei's meditation model with a big hole, the efficiency of spellcasting will drop terribly, and it is considered a waste.

However, the meditation model of Mei Yi, by accident, has formed an undiscovered, automatically-running space magic circle, which can communicate with gaps.

The gap, which was not presented in detail before, did not officially appear until after the birth of the God of World Slashing. He represented the space separated by the three worlds of heaven, man, and underworld.

Normal human beings cannot spy on and use this power unless they reach extraordinary legend, but isn't there a star god?

With the presence of the Star God, and the unique module like Mayi, just by adding a little magic circle that doesn't require much effort, Mayi can move the gap.

Of course, it is impossible to use the power of the gap to attack, but to cut off the group of guys who use the gap to smuggle in, then you can~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the method of Mayi's exorcism, cut off The devil's passage in the gap.

Demons can manifest in the human world, all relying on the maintenance of interstitial passages, and Mayi uses this method to exorcise demons.

Last but not least, talent is something that cannot be controlled by the gods.

Mei Yi's slow cultivation speed in the past could also be interpreted as poor conditions. After all, Mei Yi was just a run-down nobleman and did not receive good resources.

But after the Star God started cultivating Mei, the things she used can be said to be the best in the world, but even so, Mei reached the emerald level only 4 years ago, stabilizing her weird meditation model. Indefinitely.

If it weren't for the fact that the Star God couldn't find a way to mass-produce priests, he wouldn't have cooperated with someone with such a low talent.

"Damn! What's going on!" The strength of the **** messenger is getting weaker and weaker, and now he has no way to maintain the flight - or the energy consumption of maintaining the flight is too high, considering the duration, it is not worth the loss, so the **** messenger landed on the ground. Come up, run forward.

At this time, Mei Yi's eyes were already filled with golden light, and the golden light seemed to replace the pupil, because where she really was was the gap between the world, and Mei Yi was constantly attacking the channel through which the messengers of **** entered from hell.

"The gods often tell me that this is a crazy era," Mei Yi raised her hand towards the air and slashed down. If it seems to ordinary people, this seems silly, but the messenger of **** knows that Mei Yi is a In cutting off the passage between the gaps, every time Mayi attacks, she will make herself weaker, but she has no way to fight back in the gap.

"You, are you ready for an even crazier future? Pack... my revenge."...

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