God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 117: : Starfall Surasi (39) Search

In order to explore Dante's life experience, Niguer took Dante away from his safe farm, and walked in the dangerous wild until now, and finally reached Myrdal, only to find that the genealogy hall was burned down.

According to the guidance of the passer-by who kindly answered Niguer, Niguer went to a residential house and asked an old man who was said to have been staying here.

According to the description of the old man, during the war, in order to gather materials for defense, most of the exterior walls of the genealogy hall were demolished by the Suhi people.

Of course, these previous encounters only seriously damaged the genealogy hall, and the genealogy hall is still there. What really gave the genealogy hall the last and most fatal blow was the battle with Susie in the city after Sulassie entered the city.

In the inn at night, Dante had already slept, and Niguer used the convenience of being a mage to maintain lighting magic with one hand, and the other hand began to write about today's experiences in "Furthermore".

Originally, with Niguer's financial resources, it was impossible for Niguer to have enough paper to write such diary-type miscellaneous notes as "The Rest of Your Life". At the time, by the way, he also inherited some papers that he left behind.

The worshiper who wrote "The Rest of His Life" had already made a will when his physical condition deteriorated, saying that his property would not be left to the family, but only to his fellow travelers, that is to say, the property that was actually enshrined. , it should be all given to Dante's adoptive father.

However, after the death of this worshiper, the family did not obey his will, and his descendants still divided up his inheritance - as for the two unfinished books that the worshipers valued the most? No one wanted this, so it was taken by Dante's adoptive father, and Dante's adoptive father didn't care about the enshrined wealth, so he didn't fight.

Finally, a few months ago, when Niguer went to Xingqimu Academy, the children who were enshrined suddenly found out in their conscience that they felt completely contrary to their father's intentions, and felt guilty in their hearts.

Finally, after deliberation, they decided to send Niguer some paper left over from the offering property to express their guilt for offering offerings.

ah? Some paper was used? [Record something casually for the servant] Oh, let’s do this, I’ll help you widen the space ring and give you some ink as compensation.

As a result, although Niguer did not obtain property, he obtained a lot of writing tools.

Niguer did not enshrine the convenience of looking up information, so he couldn't write "Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Records". Niguer is almost thirty years old. He has never even been out of the Doleman Plain in his life, and his own knowledge is also very poor. Unlike worship, he can write a lot of past events in "The Rest of His Life".

Therefore, Niguer's "Remainder of Life: Continuation" was written as a diary and interview record. After all, he was given so much paper, and it was empty when he had nothing to do, so he could relieve his boredom by writing something when he had nothing to do.

"On the xxth day of 1128 in Dali and Sulassi, David and I arrived at the main city of Myrdal. We had to pay a fee to enter the city. There was a chamber of commerce who wanted to remodel and was caught by the Accountability Investigation Bureau. David was fascinated by it."

"Ask passers-by where the genealogy museum is, and the old man knows, the old man, the old man recalls."

"When Myrdal was recaptured in the past, the outer wall was demolished by Su Xi, and it was also affected by arrow waves [bow, arrow and magic shock wave], and most of it was gone before the war was over."

"After entering the city, the battle to seize the city started, and there were fights everywhere. Two extraordinary legends battled to this pavilion. It was only half a sound, and this pavilion was in ruins."

"This old man said that he was a prisoner of Su Ximan that day. He saw the savage fighting in the genealogy hall, and he had no time to care, and just escaped with his accomplices, so he was deeply impressed."

"I don't know if it's true or not, but it's true that the genealogy hall was destroyed. I personally went there and saw its original site. It has been in ruins for 6 years, but no one has repaired it so far. The nest has lost its appearance, which is really embarrassing."

"Since the genealogy hall has been destroyed, and the sun has been tilted to the west, the magistrates must return home, so they have to find an inn now and discuss it in the future."

When Niguer clicked the last dot, it means that today's diary is finished, the whole person can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, so he hurriedly went to bed.

The next day, Niguer took Dante to look for the civil judge.

Civilian, although when Solitt's New Deal was established, Soliter claimed that he wanted to let the Civilian coordinate the relationship between the various people, but it's actually implemented... Of course, it is not the public.

For the Sulassi nobles, are the commoners and the nobles the same species?

The magistrates were mainly held by honorary nobles, usually only established in city-states, and their main responsibility was to receive the nobles and honorable nobles visiting from the farm, and to guide them as to where the various nobles in the city were distributed. And because of the difference in the reception object, the magistrates will also be divided into grades.

According to his own rank, honorary nobles, honorable nobles without patrons, Niguer went to the low-level civil magistrates.

I came early in the morning, and none of the nobles in front of me were nobles, so Niguer took David and swaggered directly to the front of the line. Gu Er was the same, but he was timid and did not dare to stop him, and the security guards outside the door also turned a blind eye to the phenomenon of Ni Gu Er's queue jumping.

When the low-ranking civil official saw Niguer's family crest, he immediately closed his eyes and thought about whether this was a famous family. After confirming that this family was not very famous, his face suddenly put on a somewhat disdainful expression.

"Heh, another honorable noble with low ability. Was it because of his low ability that he was kicked out by the patron. Well, maybe you couldn't find a new patron in the original place, so you decided to try your luck here. ?"

"What are you talking about." Niguer calmly looked at this low-level civil officer, this low-level civil officer who seemed familiar, did not mean that people were similar, but that this kind of behavior was similar.

Having said that, the low-ranking civil official squinted his eyes and looked at Niguer: "Although it is not so beautiful, yes, beautiful will not come out, if you sleep with me for a few nights, I may not... ·"


Hearing the ill-intentioned words of the magistrate, Dante's throat let out a murmur of a beast, but it finally stopped.

Seeing that Dante was angry, but he was not as violent as before, Niguer nodded secretly, this child finally grew up, the last time he was provoked and rushed out, the price was the scar on his back, and it still hurts now .

Niguer took out a few things and slapped them heavily on the table: "This is a certificate issued by my asylum master. It was notarized by the magistrate of Myrdal. I am a qualified, no, an excellent honor. Nobles, the farmland I manage and the material circulation I audit are the best ones."

"This one is the travel permission letter given to me by my patron!"

[Damn, I made a judgment too early] Seeing the proof that Niguer brought out, the corners of the low-level civil officer's mouth twitched.

[It's not impossible to open a certificate for this thing, but to open this certificate, you have to prepare the paper yourself. Which patrons would be so kind, and how busy this woman is, she came here without staying in a safe farm. 】

[Also, since this woman has a travel permit, why did she come to me as a low-level civil officer? Shouldn't she be going to the middle-level civil officer to deal with the problem! Harmful Lao Tzu thought you were ownerless. 】

"And this, the graduation certificate of Xingqimu College! There is also an excellent certificate! I don't have any professional deficiencies, and I was expelled by the patron."

Although the low-level sheriff already knew that he had misunderstood this time, but if he admits it like this, he will not become the laughing stock of his colleagues, so he insists on fighting back.

"Humph! I know that the last few years of the academy's graduation certificate has no gold content at all, and the tutors have all run away. Anyone can graduate."

"Open your eyes and see the time of my graduation. It's 23 years! And I've been educated in Xingqimu for 10 years. If you graduate in this year, you dare to pat your chest and say, there is no quality?"

Low-ranking magistrates dare not.

If he dares to open his eyes and talk nonsense about this kind of issue, then there will be no one or two people who see him unhappy, and he will offend an entire group. You know, this is a 23-year graduation certificate, not to mention this woman's graduation certificate, which was obtained from the Myrdal recapture campaign.

"Okay, can you answer my question now? This family crest, this kid next to me, this family crest, can you go check who else has this family crest in the city?"

"Okay, please wait a moment." Like a defeated rooster, the magistrate shrunk his head, accompanied by the laughter of the others, and began to work in humiliation.

When the sun went down, the low-ranking civilian officials returned home, and the more they thought about it, the more unhappy they became. The more they thought about it, the more unhappy they became.

I'm so mad, is that woman sick? For an honorary nobleman (David) who has no blood relationship with him, leaving the patron saint and running back to Myrdal all the way?

[If you are asking about Niguer, Niguer can go to the middle-level magistrate, but ask David, an unrecorded honorary noble (according to the description of the enshrinement, David's mother is a woman from the farm), Then you can only go to the low-level magistrates. 】

In the past, every time they were wronged at work, the low-level civilian officials would whip the serf's whip. After a while, listening to the serf's screams, the civilian officials would relieve their anger. However, this time, this method failed. The official whipped the serf dozens of whips, but he couldn't understand it, and was scolded to death by his wife.

"You idiot! You're about to kill little Luca! Do you know how much a serf is worth now! You prodigal son, do you think the serf is dead no matter how much you spend it? Little Luca is not yet an adult! This When we are beaten to death, we will be at a loss, do you understand!"

He had only whipped a few whips, this stingy woman was crying like a dead parent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The magistrate who was already excited was suddenly angry and raised the whip.

The magistrate originally wanted to slap this woman with her temperament to strengthen her husband's gang, but when she thought of this woman's family background—the illegitimate daughter who sheltered the master's family, the hand holding the rope couldn't help but soften.

How clever is this woman, looking at the posture of the civil official, she knew what he wanted to do, so she sat down and cried: "You heartless man, how dare you do this to me, I want to go back to my mother's house!"

Seeing this woman, she started to make trouble again without reason, and the people's official was upset, but this stingy woman felt sorry for the serfs (every serf is property), and she didn't allow herself to smoke serfs. He nodded his head: "Noisy woman!"

After saying that, the public officer pushed open the door, leaving behind a stunned woman.

After going out for dozens of meters under the starry sky, the justice of the people fell into the same mental state as a woman, stunned, and wondered how he could be so naive today.

[It's over, that **** mother-in-law will definitely go back to her mother's house. If I really make my patron saint angry, my life will be difficult, and I may even lose the position of civil officer and return to the house to do chores...]

Thinking of this, the civil officer was anxious and angry, but there was nothing he could do. After returning home, he heard from the serf that the woman had returned to her parents' home. Upon hearing the news, the civil officer immediately slumped on the ground.

Looking at the timid servant next to him, the civil servant no longer had the desire to whip him. After much deliberation, the civil servant felt that his bad luck today must be caused by that **** woman named Niguer.

right! It was that **** woman who made it happen! I need her to eat and walk around! ...

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