God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 119: : Starfall Sulassi (41) Clues and Surroundings

Originally, Niguer thought that it would take a long time to find out about Dante's birth mother. Before setting off, she plans to spend about ten years looking for it.

So before really starting to look for it, Niguer first completed what he wanted to do—for example, returning to Xingqimu, going to his hometown, and after wanting to do what he wanted to do, he devoted himself to Dante’s work, However, the reality gave him a surprise.

Because Dante's birth mother was pregnant, not within his own clan, the area was very famous, and some elderly people clearly remembered it, so when Dante himself arrived in front of this person, this People also looked at Dante curiously and were amazed.

"I haven't seen it myself. At that time, I was captured by Suzy barbarians and then pulled to repair Aix. Fortunately, I escaped halfway, and it took me many years to return to Myrdal. As for that child, Dante ? He was born when I was fleeing, and I listened to my mother-in-law."

"What about your wife?" Nigel looked at the room, where there was only a half-year-old child, who was looking at the wooden board that recorded the meditation model.

The man shook his head: "Dead, died when Myrdal took back the battle, that child is not mine, but my brother's seed... My brother and my sons were dragged to the south, and they haven't come back yet, I don’t know if it’s dead or alive; I have three children left, and now this is the only one left alive; all the daughters are married off, and the house is just me and him.”

Hearing this, looking at the house that couldn't straighten up, Niguer didn't continue.

Niguer, who has been traveling all over the world for the past few years, naturally knows the current situation of Su Laxi, not to mention that so many people died in the two Spari combined, even if his younger brother did not die in Spari, Su Laxi alone Xi's current state of security is not something that someone like his younger brother can bring back.

It's not that he can't come back, it's just that there is little hope, and at least so far, the other party's younger brother has not come back, and may never come back.

"I heard that there was a gust of black wind, and then the girl was swept away. Zhuangli didn't notice it at first. When he did, he was going to look for it. It took a few days to find it."

"How many times did that black wind come?"

"Just once, but our family has been hanged many times. My mother-in-law said that the black wind was picked up by girls who were good-looking. It came and went like the wind, and it smelled like a sheep."

Hearing this, Niguer was enlightened for a while, and the hand holding Dante's shoulder couldn't help but heavier, causing Dante's brows to frown, and Niguer realized that something was wrong and let go of Dante.

"Yang Saowei, I think I know what that black wind is... Thank you, it's so late, I have to leave first, you can take this money first."

Having said that, Niguer dragged Dante to leave. The other party wanted to politely keep him, but he remembered that his old house was gone, and it was no longer the same as before, so he could only look at melancholy. , watching Niguer leave here with Dante.

Not long after she left the "house", Niguer noticed that someone was staring at her.

It was impossible for the original Niguer to be so sensitive, but now Niguer has been active in the wild for more than a year, and is naturally sensitive to this kind of thing. And Niguer has noticed it, and Dante, who is more sensitive than Niguer, naturally also notices it.

Although the sin of the slums hindered Dante's specific detection, Dante only now realizes that someone is eyeing the two, but it is not too late.

After realizing that someone was staring at them, the two didn't ask why. After all, this is a slum, and anything is possible. I don't know, and Niguer doesn't want to know why the other party is looking for him.

Niguer and Dante, who had developed a tacit understanding, looked at each other, and then Niguer followed the hint in Dante's eyes and immediately retreated in the direction of the hint.

The people staring at Niguer saw Niguer start to run, and knowing that Niguer had found herself, they looked at the leader.

The leader thought that since he had agreed to the civil officer, he should collect money to do things, so he blew a sharp sound and let his men start to surround the target according to the plan.

There was no way for Dante to judge the maliciousness before, because it was too far away. Now the maliciousness is less than 100 meters around Dante. Dante can clearly judge where the maliciousness is distributed.

"Ukra!" Dante called, and Niguer stopped immediately.

These are some secret codes agreed upon by Niguer and Dante. Ukra means that there is an ambush ahead and a detour is needed.

"Where are you going?"

At this time, Dante closed his eyes and began to feel the specific distribution of the nearest malice from the heavy malice.

Niguer knew that Dante would not move at this time, so he picked up Dante and started to flee in the original direction, running at a normal speed. Fortunately, the hooligans who were staring at Niguer were not far behind. It seems that their role is only to block the road.

When Niguer was surrounded, everyone on the street knew that it seemed that someone had provoked Chenghushe again. However, there are no righteous people here to come to the rescue. They returned to their houses one by one, watching the progress of the events on the street through the cracks of the window, even the person from the Dante mother clan in front of them.

"There is only one direction left, go there! Hurry up, they are about to block that side!" Dante finally sensed the right direction, so he hurriedly reminded Niguer.

Hearing the urgency in Dante's tone, Niguer knew that time was short, so he let go of the hand holding Dante and went in that direction with Dante.

[That direction... is to the depths of the slum... No matter, go first, I can't beat so many people]

Seeing that Niguer rushed out of the unblocked place in time and went to the slum before being surrounded by his own side, the face of the gang leader immediately turned pale.

This nobleman—well, even if she has become an honorary nobleman, she is still a nobleman, so why did she go to the slum without hesitation!

According to the impression of the gang leader, normally speaking, every nobleman hesitates when he goes to the slum, so when he arranges the encirclement, he has someone block it in the end.

As a result, when this woman was surrounded, she rushed into the slum without hesitation, and finally the gangsters who blocked the slum did not have time to block it.

This time it's troublesome, if it's outside, it's all nobles, and the leader of the gang beats Niguer, and it won't be too insulting.

In this way, even if he has successfully completed the commission, the gang leader believes that the low-level civil official will not want to make things bigger, so this matter can still be operated in theory.

However, now, the target woman ran into the slum and was fine. What if she bumped into something shameful and was killed? If there is a second provincial aristocratic incident, it will be called death!

If it was in other regions, of course, they would not care about the death of an ordinary honorable noble, but this is Myrdal. Myrdal, who just killed Solitt's friend because of an "accident", would have already died if an "accident" happened. Solitt, who is very sensitive to Myrdal, will definitely take the opportunity to get angry.

After that, if Myrdal's bosses investigate layer by layer, and finally find the gang leader... The leader shuddered and dared not think further. On the one hand, he hurriedly ordered his subordinates to catch up, on the other hand The gang that sent people to rule this area.

This slum is also an affiliated organization of the gangster gang, so people should be able to come soon.

Although they are in different worlds, and there are differences in whether they have spiritual power or not, there are still some things in common between Sulassi and the earth's contemporaries, such as - the imperial power has not been sent to the countryside since ancient times.

The city of Sulassi is roughly divided into three areas, the noble area, the civilian area and the slum area.

The commoners were the earliest city-state people, and the poor did not live in the city-state at the beginning, but when the city of Sulassi expanded, they built it outside, summarizing the farmland there.

The poor in the city-state, except for some bankruptcy due to certain things, most of them were merged into the city-state because of the area they were in, and then they were driven into the slums.

Surasi's control over the grassroots is very weak. It's not that he can't manage it, or he doesn't want to manage it. At least for those slums in the city, Surasi - and the country of his contemporaries, think that managing slums is not worth the loss. The sheriff, who is mainly responsible for the security, is still a civilian area that can provide tax revenue to Sulassie.

But power is like this. If you don't fight for this piece, other people will naturally fight for it. Therefore, those areas that Sulassie disdain to fight for are monopolized by gangs of various sizes.

The specific model is like this. Sulassi’s grass-roots organization appoints various gangs to exercise specific rule over those low-level civilians and the poor. When the gangs pay protection fees, the gangs help them protect the law and order.

Surasi's security agency has very loose requirements here, and only requires three things:

First, the quarterly tax can be handed in on time; second, the slums can provide logistical troops when Sulashi goes to war; third, the security of the slums can be ensured.

Gangs, for those lower-level civilians who are better officials, are mainly managed by some high-level gangsters, such as this one who is chasing Niguer, his own mother is an honorary noble.

And the gangs that manage the poor are usually born lowly themselves. For example, the Gosul gang where Suriwell once stayed is this type of gang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This kind of gang, such management will lead to slums If you become a sieve, you will never know who is squatting in the slum. For example, the one who assassinated the nobles from other provinces a few years ago is a killer from the slum.

Therefore, seeing Niguer running to the slum, the gang leader couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Why are the brows twitching all the time, the Star God is on top, it won't happen, right?" While the gang leader was muttering a few words, the leader of the gang in this area came.

Wait, it's not the person in charge, it's just an envoy sent by the person in charge. Hmph, my mother is an honorary nobleman. Although the gang leader is not doing well now, he will not surrender his identity to talk to the envoy of the person in charge, so under his instruction, his right-hand man will talk to the other party.

"Brother, listen, we are looking for a woman, a woman who ran in, with a child, yes, and your gang has not done anything these days, accept the commission?"

Seeing the panic that flashed in the eyes of the other envoy, the gang leader felt something was wrong, but he was still comforting himself in his heart, maybe it was just a small entrustment.

However, at this time, one of his team captains ran over in a panic and told himself that he saw the corpse that was tortured and killed in the alley.

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the gang leader suddenly felt bad. The corpse that was tortured... In addition to the possibility that the other party is a pervert, there is another possibility, although this possibility, I only heard about it occasionally.

Thinking of this, the **** leader began to panic, stepped forward, grabbed the neck of the other envoy and asked, "You bastards, are you in contact with the devil trader!"...

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