God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 122: : Starfall Surasi (44) Unscrupulous Priest

"The priest's primary duty is to exorcise demons, so even if we exorcise them at the Emerald level like me, it's a little late, so we should be able to exorcise them earlier."

According to some things that the star **** told May, May knew that in addition to dealing with the devil, there was also the birth of the devil worshipper.

Devil worshipers are a group of people who turn their backs on the gods and worship the devil. They will build an altar for the devil to make it easier for the devil to reach this world, and develop offline to provide the devil with new trading partners.

In this way, devil worshipers will be given some devil's abilities, and when needed, they can also get coupons and discounts in dealing with devils.

The removal of demons and going to the human world can be handed over to high-level priests like May, and some superficial exorcism can be handed over to low-level priests.

Mei Yi closed her eyes and tried hard to think about the future direction. She knew that what she was thinking now would affect many people in the future, and she must be cautious and cautious.

How did you do your previous exorcism?

To do two things.

First, in the gap, cut off the devil's passage to the human world; second, in the gap, block the devil's entrance to this place, that is, prevent the gate of **** from appearing.

The former has to be done in a gap, so only priests who start at the Emerald level can do it; but the latter, even the group of beginners, as long as they follow the operation, it is not impossible.

But what method is suitable for beginners to operate? This also needs to be explored, because Mayi is a one-of-a-kind case and does not apply to others.

Now, go west to the plains of Doleman, and you can see some devils, but the devils on the Hippari side have already escaped completely - nonsense, the only person in the world who can exorcise demons is staying in Xipai. Parry, who does this kind of frown? There are so many places anyway.

After obtaining the star god's consent, Mayi decides to take a bold move.

"Ah~" A child couldn't help yawning. Although he had been sleeping before, just to maintain energy at this time, but for some reason, every time he thought that it was the early morning, he unconsciously felt sleepy.

The kid's yawn was contagious to several other kids, who also yawned a few times.

The captain of the guard next to him looked at these children so rambling, and couldn't help but feel anxious and wanted to remind them, but the main body, Mei Yi, hadn't spoken yet, and the captain of the guard couldn't help but act in his place.

"I know you're a little sleepy, but didn't I remind you long ago? The time when the old and the new meet is the best time to summon the devil." Although Mei was engaged in the drum summoning ceremony, she also heard the yawns of the children behind. .

Several noble children bowed to Mei Yi according to etiquette and apologized: "I'm sorry, Teacher Mei."

After apologizing, a girl excitedly asked, "Mr. Mei, what does the devil look like?"

Hearing the girl's question, the other children were also curious and excited. They looked at Mei Yi and wanted her to give them an answer.

After all, these aristocratic children who don't worry about food and clothing have never seen the existence of the devil. Besides, there are both the chief guards with high cultivation and the mentor Mei Yi, who is most familiar with the devil. What danger do they have? ?

After ensuring their own safety, the curiosity of the child's nature overwhelmed the timidity. After all, it is the devil, the devil from the underworld, they have never seen it before.

At this time, Mei Yi was building a high platform as an altar, and preparing to summon the devil on the altar, while a group of guards above the emerald level were guarding the surrounding area, and the children, who were Mei Yi's students, were being attacked by the strongest The big guards guarded the front of the altar.

Before Mei Yi could answer, one of the children in the group, who was incompatible with the other children, pouted and said coldly: "It exudes a disgusting smell of sheep, and there is always an endless sense of walking when walking. The cold wind can make the temperature in the air terribly low, always accompanied by blood and howling."

This child is the child of the village where Mayi fought against the messengers of hell. He was brought here by Mayi. Since he is the only civilian from a commoner background, he is not like the other children around him.

"That..." A little girl pursed her lips, "Accepting the commission, getting paid, executing the commission, coming and going like the wind, it actually feels very handsome, completely different from those stinky mercenaries,"

Mei Yi, who was about to summon the devil, suddenly stopped her hand, but she did not turn her head and still turned her back to the group of children: "I just hope that if the reward is your crying soul, you will still To speak to the devil like that."

When she said this, Mei Yi became completely different from the past, so that the chattering children immediately shut up, Jing Nuo was cold, but the child from the farm looked at Mei Yi with admiration.

After all, she was a child, and Mei Yi didn't get too angry with them. After she said the evil words, Mei Yi began to continue the ritual of summoning the devil.

How to find a way for students to perform exorcism? No one has traveled this path before, and if you want to walk it now, you must practice it. A deity on the side of the Star God told Mei Yi when she was chatting with Mei Yi that practice is the only criterion for testing the truth.

But in the case of exorcism, should it be like some professions, with the veteran Mei Yi, and this group of people who have never been exposed to exorcism, go to the field for exorcism exercises one by one?

Not to mention whether the parents of the other party agree or not, it is said that the original intention of looking for the devil is not to let these white jade or black yellow weak chickens destroy the devil itself, but to seal and erase the foundation of the devil's existence, such as the gate of hell.

However, the door to **** has a very accurate chance of appearing, or it can be directly lured, such as Mayi's first exorcism.

So how can you repeat the exorcism and find the training methods of low-level priests? Mayi thought of an idea, that is, let a devil keep calling the gate of hell, so that the group of children can practice through practice.

As for Mayi's summoning of the devil, instead of using blood sacrifices like those ordinary people, she could directly summon the devil like a devil worshipper.

But the difference between May and the devil worshipper is that the devil worshipper's method of summoning the devil is to use a devil token, and then sacrifice some wealth to summon the devil.

As a priest, Mei Yi also has a devil token, which is not obtained by praying to the devil, but picked up from the fleeing devil through exorcism, such as the devil's horn obtained from the first exorcism.

The devil token that Mayi took out now is also the devil's horn, but it's not the devil's horn of the messenger of hell, it's the devil's horn he got by attacking other devils during the exorcism of Gosug.

In this world, apart from the devil traders, Mayi is the human being who has the deepest contact with the devil, so after reading the magic of summoning the devil so many times, she will be sloppy.

Of course, there may be some omissions in these spells. For the devil traders, the omission of the summoning circle means that the devil may be able to directly attack them, but for Mei Yi, does the devil dare to attack her? Come, come, the devil, come here, and see if you attacked me or if I pioneered you.

With the official arrival of 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the stars have reached their correct positions. At this time, most people are sleeping, it is the best time for a small number of full-time nobles to practice, and it is also the most active time when the devil arrives in the world.

Mayi placed the devil's horn in the center of the altar, and then started to activate the magic circle in the order in which she remembered the devil's summoning.

As the scarlet light circulated, the red gas began to rise, and as the child said, the foul sheep smell began to spread, causing some children who asked about this smell for the first time to frown.

For devil summoners, when they summon the devil, they will naturally cause various movements. In order not to be discovered by others, they will take various protective measures before summoning, so that their summons will not be discovered by others.

It is precisely because of this special requirement of the devil summoner that the small hidden magic circle has begun to develop again, and it is only popular among various devil summoners. Not this kind of formation, unless you are in the wild where people are rare, it is very easy for the opponent to discover.

As a result, the original group of summoners became worshippers, and then contacted those who wanted to summon the devil in the city, and sold this small magic circle to make money—of course, the most important thing was the money sold by the small magic circle, and more. Divide for the devil.

Previously, Niguer and Dante had accidentally entered the Summoning Array during the process of being surrounded by gangsters. Of course, the blood of the devil in Dante's heart was constantly calling him.

However, the sorrow of the devil summoner does not apply to Mayi, she does not need to go to great lengths to hide the movement of her summoning the devil, behind her is the double endorsement of the star **** and the provincial priest of Shipari, and she herself is The strongest exorcist, who dares to care about her on this issue?

As the ceremony started, a crimson smoke rose from the devil's horn. The lower part of the smoke turned into a snake's tail, and the upper part turned into the devil's iconic goat head.

The summoned devil did not make an opening remark like before, but hesitantly paused to judge the situation on the field.

Mei Yi, who has dealt with the devil a lot, knows that the devil summoned by the devil's horn actually has no vision, he just relies on perception.

If so, then stop talking nonsense.

"Don't look at it, stupid goat, it's me," Mei Yi didn't give the other party many opportunities to be cool.

"You...? It's you!" After hesitating for a while, the devil remembered who was calling him, that woman, the only woman who could restrain herself, the **** woman who cut off her own horn!

"Cut~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Do you also want to make a deal with me? I can tell you, this is not my real body,"

"Yes, you're right, how about we make a deal?" Mei Yi's next sentence blocked all the devil's sarcasm in her stomach.

Mei Yi secretly regretted that she couldn't see the devil's expression, otherwise Mei Yi believed that the devil's expression would be very exciting now.

Mayi briefly talked about her plan, and told the devil bluntly that she needed to make this deal with the devil.

"Ha! Do you think I will help my mortal enemy?" After listening to Mayi's plan, the devil's face made of smoke showed a playful expression and mocked.

Mei Yi pointed to the top: "When I was chatting with the gods a few days ago, a **** told me that a devil who doesn't sell the rope to hang himself is not a qualified devil."

Hearing this sentence, the cloud of smoke squinted its eyes, with the Star God on top, it was the first time that Mei Yi found that the smoke could make such a complex expression.

"This **** has the potential to become a devil, but if you sell it, you have to sell it for a good price. If I open the gate of hell, what can you give me?"

"The method, the priest's system, how the priest will deal with your demons in the future, not to mention the value of these materials, your superiors must be interested," Mei said her bargaining chip, her face was calm, as if she was communicating with her partner , not the priest's mortal enemy, the devil, but other ordinary people.

There was silence for a while, and the smoke that formed the devil's head curled up naturally, until after half a sound, the smoke ghost gave a wicked smile: "Deal."

The two unscrupulous fellows have thus reached a pleasant agreement. ...

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