God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 130: : After the Meteor (5) Battle of Shipari, and the Final Peace

The Battle of Shipari [note that the two are not the same place], it was a battle of great significance for this area of ​​Shipari, and he was the first battle that broke out in this area Great battles that go down in history.

Of course, this news was not pleasant for the masses of Shipari, and even affected their lives because of the battle.

Instead of deploying an army to defend the fortress, Suriville went south with the aim of destroying Dom's army.

While Dom was gathering reinforcements from Sullasi, he still hid in the city and did not confront Suriville.

Because Dom knows that time is on his side. As long as the reinforcements arrive and the two sides will attack, Souriville will not be able to escape. At that time, Souriville will have to retreat, otherwise he may face the danger of annihilation. territory.

And this strategy was also a helpless move that Dom made when the military was unwilling to launch a full-scale war. After all, Souriwell was really difficult to deal with.

Therefore, in the early days of the battle, Dom hid in the main city of Shipari for defense, and let Suriville raged in the suburbs. Letters from Sulassi nobles asking for help were sent out one after another, and Dom still sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

After desperately asking for help to no avail, a Sulasi nobleman who was looted by Suriville gathered his allies, and despite Dom's obstruction, he led a group of troops to forcibly send out troops, only to be beaten by Suriville on the outskirts of the country. Big defeat.

After returning, the Surassi nobles were furious, thinking that Dom was entrenched in the city with so many troops, and his heart was punishable, and he shouted that Dom would be impeached.

At the same time, Dom's allies in China also sent messengers to remind Dom that he lost the fortress because of his previous mistakes, which has already caused criticism in the country, so this time in Shipari, Souriwell can retreat at any time, But Dom can't come back without success, not only that, Dom must also give an explanation with a victory.

In the face of such a solemn reply from his domestic allies, Dom finally couldn't sit still. Dom knew that if Souriwell was allowed to loot outside the city, and then fluttered away before his reinforcements arrived, then the family property would be burned. The nobles will definitely impeach themselves.

And in this failed war, Su Xi will definitely launch a person in charge. At that time, he will be the best scapegoat. The initial reason for this defeat is because of his own mistakes, which led to the loss of the fortress.

At this time, Souriwell chose to retreat, and Dom really couldn't sit still, so he could only follow the wishes of his subordinate Sulassie nobles and pursued Souriwell.

When chasing, Dom still had a bit of luck in his heart, thinking that he could delay the battle for a while, and when the reinforcements from the north arrived, it would be the time when Suriville was defeated.

Therefore, on the one hand, he prepared to assemble his army to go out, and on the other hand, he sent a messenger to order the reinforcements in the north to abandon their supplies and march forward in a hurry. The sooner the better.

At this point, the Battle of Shipari ended the pre-contact garbage time and entered the most intense fighting phase.

Due to the gathering of the local Sulassie reinforcements, the number of Dom's troops has exceeded that of Suuriville, so the Sulassi nobles maintained a very optimistic attitude towards the victory of this battle, and asked to take the initiative to attack.

In this regard, Dom's deployment is to let the largest number of Sulassi noble troops serve as the arrows of the shock as the center line troops, and the elite soldiers brought by him will flank on the left flank, and the miscellaneous Susie soldiers will flank on the right flank.

In addition, the long-range shooters and the mage legion stayed in the center to provide support, and the shield soldiers who were good at defense protected the legion in front from the back and prevented them from being pinched.

Dom's tactical intention was to take advantage of his own strength and crush it in a dignified manner. As long as he can complete the flanking of the two flanks before the Sulassi army in the middle is defeated, he will win.

However, in this battle, Suriwell, as a student, repaid Su Xi with the animal master system he learned from Su Xi, and taught Su Xi a good lesson with cavalry.

In the past, Dom only heard about the cavalry of Suriville in the two battles of Spary; the previous snowy night attack on the fortress only saw the speed of the cavalry, but today, Dom saw the cavalry for the first time in the battlefield. use.

Not only Dom, but also the Sulassians who have covered Antium and Shipari, and the Sulassians who have seen the miraculous weapon for the first time and are familiar with it and are good at cavalry charges. , all in the plains of Doleman, based on the experience accumulated from the two Spary fiascoes.

Because the cavalry charge of the beastmaster system is the only one developed in this world so far, specially used for warfare [Hammador's fighter system has a new method, but the Star God did not spread it to the Soviet Union out of scruples. Lacy].

As those peasants and soldiers who work in the fields on weekdays and are temporarily pulled into the battlefield, relying on spiritual power and the support of their companions to fight against humans like themselves, they can still barely fight a dozen if they muster the courage.

However, now, you are no longer facing humans. You are facing soldiers on horses. When you are riding a horse, dust is flying, and the sun is clearly visible through the spiritual power that permeates your body. Every time the horse's hoof goes up and down, It will bring the ground vibration, and the feeling is different from other times.

The beast group summoned by Su Xi's beast division unit was defeated much faster than Dom expected, so halfway through the battle he expected, the mage camp was already raided by cavalry.

However, the main force of the cavalry raid was not the mage camp, but the miscellaneous Suzy soldiers on the right flank.

When he found out that the other party had raided Suzy's rogue soldiers, at first Dom didn't know why he would attack there first, instead of the most populated center wing or the most elite left wing. After a while, Dom understood.

The impacted right flank collapsed quite fast in the face of the unseen cavalry charge, and then it became a rout, and broke towards the middle flank.

The soldiers of the Sulassi nobles were scattered, and they themselves did not know about this, so many inspectors were set up to supervise the team.

When the rout troops on the right flank attacked, the inspector was very responsible for stabilizing the team at first, and instructed his subordinates to hack and kill these rout troops, but as the number of rout troops increased, the line of defense was still swept away by the rout troops on the right wing. mouth.

It was only after the war that Dom realized that the other party was using his own soldiers to punch the largest number of Chinese wings.

In less than a while, the Suriville cavalry regiment rushed in through this opening, and after a while, the entire central wing collapsed.

The Battle of Shipari ended with the victory of Souriwell and the defeat of Dom, but this battle is not yet completely over, and a small ending is needed.

As in the first Battle of Spari more than a decade ago, the soldiers of the Shipari nobles became routed, causing a major defeat, causing more troops to be routed, being beaten by far fewer than theirs. The cavalry regiment pursued and drove into the city of Shipari.

However, the difference is that this time only the infantry of Goshoug chased the routed soldiers. Because Dom was defeated too quickly, he could let Suriwell play a time lag and transfer all his remaining troops to the front. Lay out traps.

Souriwell won the bet.

After waiting for a while, the reinforcements that Dom was looking forward to came late. They were forcibly marching, thinking that Dom was at war with Suriville, and ended up entering the ambush of Suriville, almost completely annihilated.

At this point, the Battle of Shipari officially ended, and Souriwell won a great victory. After the victory, Souriwell looted the place and swaggered away from Antium.

Soon after, this embarrassing defeat of Susie soon spread throughout the country, and the menacing Susie broke out several clashes with Goshoug in Aix, Turabi, and Kale. Because neither side wanted to make things bigger, they didn't take advantage of it.

After the Battle of Shipari, Dom returned to the country and became the first responsible person. He was deprived of all positions and put in prison. Especially the group of Sulassi nobles in Antium thought that the defeat of the battle was so bad, there must be many. Dom's responsibility, they firmly want Dom to be hanged.

Fortunately, at this time, Dom's benefactor Reynor stepped in to save him. At the meeting, he impassively listed Dom's contribution to saving Mia Sena during the civil war, thinking that Dom was just an old fool.

In the end, thanks to Dom's contributions during the Civil War, the confused old Dom was released from prison as a civilian in 1139.

And the following year, in 1140 of the calendar year, Su Xi and Goshoug, who were already very tired of the skirmishes on the border, signed the "Napolica Agreement" in Napolika.

In the "Napolika Agreement", Goshoggi recognized that Susie had the power to confer provincial priests over Antium and Shipari, and Susi also recognized the status of Goshoggi as the star king.

Because Su Xi's chief priest was also dissatisfied with his current title, he always felt that his force should be higher.

So also in 1140, in order to be equal to Ge Xiuge in terms of force, the name of Su Xi's country was changed from "Su Xi" to "the country under the rule of Su Xi's star god".

Suxi's country was officially divided into three chief priests areas, namely Mia Sena, Seleuriad and Sennama. Although these areas were also capitals before, they were all high priests and were indistinguishable from other high priests. As the leader's name became the Suhi Star King, their titles were also promoted to become chief priests.

With the signing of the agreement, this land that had been chaotic since 1111, finally stopped large-scale wars in 1140, and the two countries began to enter a stable period~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The so-called "" Peace for our generation".

According to the data from the system's response to Leng Yi, in the 29 years of chaos, Ge Xiuge's land has directly lost 31% of the population. Su Xi is better, but there is also a terrible figure of 19%, which is equivalent to every 5 people. , there will be 1 death.

After the turmoil ended, Xiuge continued to serve as the star king until his death in 1153.

Before that, Dom, a famous general of Su Xi's generation, died on purpose because of the recurrence of old injuries 8 years after he was released from prison, because Dom knew that his imprisonment was inseparable from his benefactor.

"Everyone is a murderer," was the last word that Dom had inscribed on his tomb, perhaps out of guilt. This sentence remained on Dom's tombstone while Lenoir was alive.

Two years after Xiuge's death, Solitt also resigned from his position as the chief priest, and served as a special offering of Xingqimu Academy for three years. He spent the last five years of his life in his hometown and died in 1165 at the age of 75.

And these more than 20 years are called the peace of the era of revisionism.

As for Suriville? He can live more than 20 years, watching his grandchildren active in politics after all the friends and opponents of the past have left.

He continues to live alone as the last witness of that chaotic age. For the last seven years of his life, Souriwell hardly spoke much, and only talked about his past when he was visited by Nivel, who was of his generation.

The letter written by Xiu Ge to Li Ren, which appeared in the Battle of Spari earlier, was written by Suriwell to Niguer, and it was passed down by luck to this day.

Suriwell lived until his death in 1185, only three years before Nigel.

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