God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 133: : The Journey of the Saints (1) The Beginning of the Journey

In the year 1150 of the calendar year, in the mainland of Middle-earth, the southern province of Suhi, Shipari.

At this time, the surrounding area has been guarded by soldiers sent by the provincial priests of Shipari, who have driven away all the stray people and ensured the peace inside.

Of course, the provincial priest did not have any unreasonable thoughts about the things in the circle. The reason for doing this was just to show loyalty to the people in the circle, which showed that I was serious about serving you.

After all, when I first saw people in that circle, it was a man in his thirties who was full of the charm of a middle-aged uncle [I think], but now it has been thirty years, and he was leading him back then. Look at that person's father, who has already entered the loess, and himself has become the supreme leader of Shipari in name.

However, the appearance of the person in the circle is still not aging. What is even more terrifying is that not only is it not aging, but I am afraid it is getting more and more beautiful. Those who came into contact with this woman later may not be clear, but they have seen this woman for 30 years and will not admit their mistakes.

That beautiful woman of eternal youth, Saint May.

What is Saint May's last name? from where? How long can you live? No one knew about this, they only knew that she was an extremely beautiful woman, and she had the means to exorcise demons, and could be valued by the Star God. For this woman, the Star God could send a servant to guide her.

More than 30 years ago, the Star God sent an oracle, telling his father to treat this girl kindly. First, it was because of the Star God's order, and second, the woman was very sensible and did not use the power of the Star God to **** Shipari. power, so until now everyone is at peace.

But this is also risky.

When her father was in power, she didn't need to say much, and she was fine when she was in power, but Mei Yi has been here for thirty years. Although she did not deliberately make friends, her students have gradually formed a force.

Relying on the orders of the Star God, he was really worried that after his generation grew old and died, who else could suppress this woman.

Fortunately, I don't have to worry about this problem anymore, because this woman is going to leave, not by himself, but by the Star God's order to let her leave, so no one can say anything.

The provincial priest of Shipari, who is already an old politician in his sixties, after approaching May, skillfully showed a look of nostalgia on his face, and tears filled his eyes.

"Respected Lord Mayi, you have lived here since I was in my prime. It has been thirty years, and you are leaving today. Although it is the order of the great Star God, I also understand, but understanding is understanding. ,I am still,"

Just as the provincial priest of Shipari was rushing to make the earth's little fresh flesh ashamed, Mayi showed an embarrassed but polite smile, a very discordant voice interrupted the provincial priest of Shipari. Performance.

"Knowing your heart, you can't wait for the other party to leave soon, so don't delay time here, saying that you don't believe these ghosts, if you don't believe it...Aha, it seems that there are no ghosts yet?"

If it is an ordinary person, no, even if the other party is an envoy of Su Xi, the priest of the province of Shipari has already had a seizure. Although he knows that he is talking nonsense, it is really uncivilized to interrupt the speech when the high-level is speaking!

It's a pity that this terrifying existence with a smiling face all the time [because it's very full], the provincial priest can't afford to offend.

He is a divine servant sent by the Star God. Although due to the existence of the slashing world and the gap, his current strength is only an extraordinary legend. If the army is swarmed, he will definitely make this nasty **** shut up, but the next thing, it can be Hard to do.

Provincial priests, who have been involved in politics for more than 30 years, naturally know when to bend and stretch, not to mention that when they submit to the servant of God, no one dares to accuse him of losing face: "Since the servant of God is tired of me, then I will Retire first, don't disturb the servant of God."

Before leaving, the provincial priest did not forget to bid farewell to several important people present.

Ignoring the noise of the provincial priests, the servants who were incarnated by the God of Slashing World looked at him casually.

With the fall of the ancestral gods, according to the arrangement of Leng Yi, the **** of world-slashing, whose combat power has been greatly reduced, has no way to convene a meeting of all the gods like the ancestors did in the age of the ancestral gods, and the gods with hard wings rarely gather again.

But now, small meetings are popular in the heavens, that is, some important organizations send representatives to participate in the meeting.

Not long ago, the realm of the gods (yes, both heaven and **** have sent representatives, so it is the realm of the gods. If only the gods of the heavenly realm will hold a meeting in the future, the meeting will be specifically named the realm of the heavens) and held another meeting to discuss the issue of the passage to hell. .

In this day and age, only Surasi has so many priests, which is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket for the whole world, so the gods in the heavens feel unhappy.

Devils have no faith, do not need faith, they only need naked souls to trade, and then feed back to the fallen gods to provide them with power.

It's not the most troublesome thing. The troublesome thing for the gods is that after making a deal with the devil, believers usually have some confusion about their beliefs, and then start to reflect.

If it’s a simple belief, it’s fine. Some believers will start to supplement their own brains. Brain supplements without guidance are the most terrifying. This kind of thing is used to change the priesthood, which is equivalent to actively helping the gods to change the priesthood.

However, there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people. The ghost knows what the believers will make up the gods’ brains when they don’t have the rhythm of the priests. If everything is stained a little, it will become four different things, and the priests will conflict, then the gods will be true. is about to cry.

In the face of the angry accusations of the gods, the fallen gods said indifferently that everything is for a better fight against the abyss, otherwise we will change, you will fight against the abyss, and we will not send the devil to the main world?

At the beginning, after negotiation, the fallen gods agreed to let the priest exorcise the devil and achieve a balance for the mortal world. Unfortunately, only Sulassie has this kind of priest. Can I stay somewhere else?

So, starting from thirty years ago, under the leadership of the messenger of hell, the devil began to spread to the world at a very fast speed, especially those lands that were in disorder, and it was the worst disaster area for the devil.

Since the pastor has never been able to mass-produce quickly, he can only renegotiate, but fortunately, the gods have time to grind slowly, so the heaven and **** have been grinding from thirty years ago to today, and finally the results have been grinded.

The gods and the fallen gods signed an agreement to provide energy from **** to create a time-space gate that can travel to the whole world for Mei to travel through. The key to the door is in charge of the servant of the God of Slashing Realms.

This is mainly to limit the time for Mei Yi to reach each place - the devil has signed a mercenary treaty with many forces, which is limited in number of years, and now the devil intends to use the time interval of this time-space gate to start cutting the meat and stop the loss.

At this time, Leng Yi transformed into the **** servant of the world-slicing **** [Xing God did not explain too much to the provincial priest, the provincial priest thought Leng Yi was the servant of the star god], and he was here with Mei Yi, When waiting for twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, open the door of time and space through time - twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the devil's feature.

Of course, the people who are waiting to cross in this empty space with Mei Yi now are not just cold games. Mei Yi has lived in seclusion for 30 years, and various noble temperaments have also developed. Mei Yi now brings more than 30 priests with her Students, as well as more than 60 servants who are responsible for carrying things, plus Mei and Leng Yi, a total of 99 people are waiting.

"You are really big-hearted, tell me these things word for word, aren't you afraid of punishment from the gods?" Cold, but also interested in the servants of gods, after all, they are servants of gods.

Hearing the teacher's question, Mei Yi's students pretended to be nothing but nonsense, but in fact they all focused and listened to the answers on the tape.

Only those servants who were carrying things, after hearing Mayi's question, tidied up their things and retreated to the back of the open space to make sure they wouldn't hear them.

Sometimes, knowing less is a blessing.

【Who dares to tell me? Those gods were also stunned that the God of Slashing Realms actually had a servant.] Leng Yi snickered in his heart, but of course he didn't say it directly. Now I don't know how many gods and fallen gods are letting the servants. stare at yourself.

"Well... Anyway, you can't be sure how much of me is the truth, right?" I have to admit, it's really comfortable to chat with beautiful women, especially Mayi.

In the past, Mei Yi was only a little pretty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the group of shabby aristocrats, she would feel the beauty of the country, but she has become more and more beautiful these years.

Mei Yi didn't answer this sentence, and changed the topic: "I always feel as if I have seen you before."

Hearing this sentence, Leng Yi remembered that when he was lying on the sofa and watching Mayi's exorcism, he really said some words that were not in line with this era. Some noticed.

Hmm, I don't know I don't know.

"You think too much. The only person who can directly connect with you spiritually can only be the gods. I'm just a **** servant, how can I contact you."


"Similar, maybe just similar."

Fortunately, at this time, it was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. As the gate of **** appeared with the gloomy wind, everyone's attention was drawn there, and Leng Yi didn't need to think of a way to divert the topic.

Unexpectedly, the person responsible for opening the gate to **** this time was actually an old acquaintance—Mei’s old acquaintance, Leng Yi has seen it several times, the messenger of hell.

In this way, although **** is responsible for generating energy, **** also has done enough homework. I specially recruited this guy who is very capable of brushing off Mayi's hatred. This is to disgust the heavens.

Sure enough, as soon as the messenger of **** appeared from the gate of hell, Mei Yi's frivolous temperament suddenly sank and turned into a lion that started to get angry.

But there was one more thing that surprised Leng Yi. The first question that Mei Yi saw when she saw the messenger of **** was not to greet her daughter's death, but to ask a question that Leng Yi had forgotten.

"The small mountain village where you and I first met was slaughtered more than 20 years ago. Did you do it?" When she said this, Mei Yi released her spirit without reservation. pressure, expressing his hostility to the messenger of hell.

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