God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 152: : God's Game Heroes Paradise

Goshoggi's war **** Surivere woke up from his slumber. He found that his body was so young again, full of vitality again, that endless vitality.

The fatigue has disappeared, the fatigue has disappeared, I remember the last ten years of my life, every step I took, I felt like a mountain pressing on my back.

However, it is gone now. It seems that I have returned to that era, and I have returned to the most prosperous era. Now my physical fitness seems to be the same as the Gosul kid who returned to his hometown through the Spari Oasis Passage.

"Shouldn't I fall into the Styx, or go to the palace of the Star God?" After thinking for a while, Souriwell finally gave up on understanding his physical state and decided to explore where he was first.

It's very good to operate spiritual power. From the perspective of the speed of spiritual power, he is still at the fire phosphorus level. Unfortunately, there is no army here, and he can't become a violet-level, which is a bit dangerous.

The place where Souriwell is located is not large, much smaller than the residence he lived in before his death, but the degree of strangeness is not comparable to the residence he lived in during his lifetime.

The place where he was standing was a snow-white room. Rao had the experience of Suriwell for nearly a hundred years, and he had never seen any kind of material that could make the room so white and flawless, and there were no gaps in the connection.

Fortunately, this house still has windows. After Suriwell got up, he got acquainted with this new and energetic body as quickly as possible, and then opened the window to check the outside world.

At the moment when the window was opened, Rao Yi Suriwell's nearly 100-year-old knowledge was shocked by the scene outside.

I was sitting on a tower that towered into the sky—although there were no clouds here—underneath the tower were skyscrapers that were only slightly lower than the tower, and in the distance, there was another tower higher than where I was. and perhaps the tallest tower in the complex.

What is even more terrifying is that the above buildings are all built with the kind of white and silver material that cannot be seen. This is a terrible silver city.

"You'll get snow blindness," Souriwell didn't keep staring at the building complex, and opened his eyes after a while to prevent his eyes from failing.

Snow blindness, Suriwell also encountered several times during the march and war.

"Is this the God Realm? The Valhalla of the Star Gods really lives up to its reputation, but why isn't there an Apostle of God to guide me forward?"

After thinking for a while, Souriwell couldn't speculate on the thoughts of the Star God that he had only seen in the literature, so he had to give up thinking about why he was here and think about how he could get out of this tower.

Although the tower where Suriwell is located is not the tallest tower in this silver city, it is still terrifyingly tall. Suriwell estimated and felt that with the strength of a Fire Phosphorus-level beastmaster, he could have grown from such a high place. Jumping down, can only be ten dead.

If the cliff is fine, I can still grab some protrusions, but the outside of this tower looks the same as the inside, and it is all made of this smooth and scary material. How to grab it?

So, after giving up the method of jumping out of the window to escape, Souriwell decided to find some new methods. After carefully observing the room, Souriwell found that there were several door-like gaps on the wall directly opposite the window.

"That's the only way, right? Try that... door?"

Suriwell walked towards the wall and tried to dig his fingers into the gap in the wall. This is not an easy task, the gap made of this material is very small.

It is very small, but it is still there. With the help of the fire phosphorus-level strength, Souriwell successfully seized the gap. Finally, with a little more force, the "door" moved to the left, and the passage opened to Souriwell.

The passage in front of Souriwell reminded Souriwell of the passage of the Mage Tower, the same narrowness - only one person can pass through, the same curved spiral, and there is only one road leading to the bottom.

"Anyway, I don't have anything to lose now, so let's see what the person who transported me here wants to do."

After saying that, Souriwell moved towards the bottom of the passage.

When going forward, the spiraling stairs, the narrow environment, and the fact that everything was white, made Souriwell feel like vomiting, and began to worry about whether he should go back.

Immediately, Souriwell closed his eyes, supported the wall with his hands, and walked down firmly.


I don't know how long it took, Souriwell finally reached the end of the stairs, his nose was hit by the wall. Suriwell, who was bumped, was not angry, but a feeling of relief, and it finally came to an end.

Souriwell opened his eyes, and there was a door in front of him. No matter what was behind the door, as long as there was a result, Souriwell didn't want to be trapped in this weird place all the time.

When the door was opened, Souriwell fell into a state of surprise for the second time. Behind the door was a conference room. There was a round table in the middle of the room. The chairs were evenly released around the round table. Some people, but not full.

Most of the people sitting at the round table don't know him, but the one on the left, I remember clearly, isn't he Xiuge? And it wasn't the one with the deepest impression on him, the one with white hair, but the youngest one, as if he was the one who had followed him when he set out on the expedition.

When Xiuge saw Souriwell, he was also a little surprised, but the degree of surprise was obviously not as big as Souriwell: "Long time no see, old friend, sit down, there are many interesting people here."

"Like?" Souriwell said as he walked to the chair corresponding to his door and sat down beside Hugh. It's really strange to see an old friend who has been dead for more than 30 years again.

"This one is Napolika, not the cowardly **** of Busuk, but the war **** from a thousand years ago," Xiu Ge pointed to the young man beside him, and said to Suriwell with a smile.

Hearing Xiuge mentioning himself, the man smiled shyly at Xiuge in some obscure Surasi language: "Sorry, my title is the savior, not the war god."

"In the eyes of our descendants, you are a well-deserved military god." When Napolika was humble, a person farther away from Napolika spoke. Suriwell looked closely and found that he had been dead for more than 20 years. Soliter.

"Is this the place where the dead are revived?" Seeing this scene, the dead gathered here again across time and space, and Souriwell couldn't accept it.

"And just me and you, the two Gosur people, that's Sulassi, that's Susi's, and that group of people opposite, we don't understand each other's words at all."

Although in the last ten years of their lives, Xiuge and Suriwell had some filthiness, but that has passed. Now when the heroic spirits gather, as the only two heroic spirits of the Gosul people, the two of them still have to stick together first.

bang bang bang...

There was a sudden sound from the ceiling, which made Suriwell a little alert, but was appeased by Xiuge: "Don't be afraid, another mage floated down from the tower using levitation magic."

Sure enough, after a while, a mage flew down from the exposed ceiling, and then the ceiling quickly closed.

After a while, as other people expired one after another, the tables around the round table were finally filled. At this time, the owner of the meeting also appeared.

When the owner of the meeting appeared, Souriwell's mind was excited for a while, and his pupils instantly enlarged. Fortunately, even though Souriwell suppressed himself, he did not lose his temper.

Because the owner of this appearance was the mysterious person who gave him a passage back then and let him escape from Doleman.

【This person is stronger than I imagined】

However, the wise Suriwell chose to keep his mouth shut and did not directly tell the news that he had seen this person in the past.

"Heroic spirits, you are all characters who have left immortal poems in your own country, and I am calling you here for a competition."

The owner of the meeting spoke, and it was unclear what language he was speaking. However, it was strange that Souriwell felt that he could understand the words of this person without any difficulty.

And this person only speaks once at a time, in other words, everyone present can understand his words, which is really weird.

"When I traveled around the world before, I always heard people arguing, 'Who is better, Napolika or Suriville?' 'If it wasn't too late, Moxie would definitely kill Fokodo' and so on."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Suriwell noticed that there was a young man he didn't know on the opposite side. When he heard that Moxie had killed Fokodo, he suddenly coughed.

Isn't that guy the legendary great sage Moxi?

Suriwell turned his head to look at Napolika next to him, saying that the **** of war was so shy, completely different from the statues in the academy, which was really unexpected.

"So, I will launch this competition. Heroes from different times can start the competition in a region at the same time, and choose the strongest one. If the winner, I can fulfill his wish. Who wants to come? By the way, It's not an omnipotent wish, this is a prohibited wish item."

The conference host took out a thin book from his sleeve, snapped his fingers, and the book appeared in front of everyone's desk in an instant.

"Give you free time for discussion. If you want to go, just tick the book. The time is ten minutes."

Souriwell opened the book on his desk, and found that it was something called a search engine, which was much more convenient than a book.

"Suriville! I must defeat you this time! Where are you? You must be here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I know!" Before Suriwell opened the book, a young man stood up I don't know who to shout to.

"Dom? Okay, I know," Souriwell raised his hand with the book and told the man who had forgotten his face that he was Souriwell.

In other words, I forgot what Dom looked like. After all, most of the time the two were in contact, they were fighting with the army. Who remembers what his face looked like.

"Okay, ten minutes are up," the host of the meeting clapped his hands, and everyone's books disappeared instantly, "Let's talk about the competition arrangement first, it is divided into preliminaries and official competitions. The official competitions begin to compete at will, and the preliminary competitions are just to play casually. Operation, so that after the official game, someone loses and says that it is caused by my unfamiliarity."

"It's the 1200th year of the calendar, and the preliminaries will be held in a place called Evan Knudo. You will know the specific situation there. You can form a team freely and choose a faction. You don't have to unify Evan Knudo to complete the camp. Mission is victory."

"The official game is centered on Bourbon, and it will be divided into two camps. There are various small forces under the two camps. The unit is a hundred years. I guess you will have a lot of fun, that's all."

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