God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 154: : Chaos Land Group Iraq War (2) Wrong Path

[Respected superiors, please forgive me, the old man, I forgot the specific time when these things happened. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that some things were well known, such as the time of Saint May's coming, I might have less specific time to remember, after all, I haven't read these materials for more than 30 years.

As I said before, I followed the Nogodek family to attack St. Arrion and failed. I was captured by the opponent. As a prisoner of war, I was transferred to the west to fight against the Kalets.

I also knew at the beginning that I was going to fight against the Kalets, but one day, I forgot when, the general of my army suddenly took us and joined forces with the Kalets against the Sabeiba.

Since then, the war has been chaotic. I often don't know who to fight with. My unit is sometimes united with the Kalets, sometimes with the Sabeiba, and the ally one moment may change the next time. It was an era of chaos.

After fighting in the west for seven or eight years, suddenly one day, my general suddenly called a few of us and said that we could go home, arranged for us to change into new equipment and weapons, and led us east.

I know the man Nogodek sent, and I have seen it before, so at first we believed the promise of the other party, and then we were very happy and could go home.

Your Excellency, you know that I have never been assertive, otherwise it would be impossible for me to be a second-in-command all my life, watching one after another young people with less seniority than me, stepping on my head.

So, since the guy told me to go and the boss told me to go, then I went, and I didn't even realize what I was doing, what our team was doing, before I left. 】

"Suriville Special Action Team, the predecessor of the Paddin Riders," the priest interrupted Oder for the second time, and he looked at Oder with an unbelievable expression, "You actually joined this organization? Ever? "

As if the priest saw Ode for the first time, he looked at each other again from top to bottom. It was the first time he knew that he had ruled this old man and had such a distinguished past. Isn't it surprising that the collection of Evan Knudo's strongest cavalry?

Hearing the priest's praise, Oud bowed his head slightly uneasy: "Respected priest, although I have participated in this wrong, haven't I joined in the end?"

"Ah, oh, that's right," the priest nodded with a sudden realization, but now he looked at Oder with a bit of kindness in his eyes, "cough, servants, don't give this Uncle Oder, Get a glass of water."

After thanking the priest for the clean water and drenching his mouth with water, Oud continued to talk about his past.

[I remember that before our operation, the commander of that operation also came to the camp to check our troops, and he especially praised me, saying that I was very practical and hardworking, and I was a pillar of talent.

It's not a commander sent by Nogodek, but a... I still think it's a very strange commander when I think about it.

Well, that Commander, I don't know his name from the beginning to the end, I just remember that he looks too young, but he has an old age that doesn't match his age, I feel older than me.

He was still a Fire Phosphorus-level Beast Master, but when he brought his troops, he reached the Purple Radish level. Respected priests and superiors, let me tell you, back then, I saw that the cavalry he commanded was the most powerful cavalry I have ever seen. Compared to him.

For example, I was a fighter system at the time, and I was able to resonate with other armies in the cavalry team. I remember this skill that no one of us Evan Knudo knew before. Yes, the Patin cavalry club, But Paddin was born much later than him. 】

"Suriville...a character from more than two hundred years ago, how could he be too young..." Hearing Oder's story, the woman in black said thoughtfully.

"Yes, Suriville, the saint's disciples said that he was one of the most powerful generals in the saint's hometown. If you limit the scope and only pay attention to the cavalry, there will be no one, there is no doubt that it is the number one in the ages. The reason why the Patin Riders was formerly called the Souriville Special Operations Team is to commemorate this great general."

Speaking of Souriwell, the priest was a little interested, and he introduced the woman in black with great interest, as if he knew Souriwell, but unfortunately the woman in black was not attracted by the priest's Amway.

"Special operations team, this strange tone, I seem to have a clue... Forget it, Mr. Oud, what did you do with that young man?"

[Ok, respected priests and superiors, when I was in the returning army, I followed the Nogodek noble and strange young man, and I walked on the road at night, walking a few times. Yue only came to Moss, and on the way they said it was to prevent an ambush.

Halfway through, some people said something was wrong and wanted to retreat, but they were executed by that young man in a thunderous way. Fortunately, I never thought of it.

After arriving at Moss, they didn't even greet us at that time, so they began to prepare for the formation, and they were still preparing to attack the formation against Moss.

At that time, all the soldiers in my camp were stunned, didn't they say they were going home? How is this going to beat Moss? Can you go back? Then a few of my adjutants came to ask me, do you want to carry out the order? Can you run? Now the other party has no time to control us, as long as we kill those few people, we can run away.

At that time, my camp was like this, only two adjutants were airborne, and the rest dared not boast that they were all my people, but at least they were not of the same mind.

I told the group at the time, we came back with them, and now they are going to fight Moss, although we didn't fight, but you think Nogodek can still believe us? After a while, the situation will be chaotic, and our group of lone soldiers will not be thankful for both sides?

After my persuasion, my camp stayed, but I didn't play a striker. Not only our camp, but also several camps were ready to watch the show.

But the young man clearly didn't count on us, they did it themselves.

Honorable priests and high-ranking people, you see, I was in this place at that time, the door was over there, the young cavalry was there, no, a little back, yes, right here.

I remember it, the young man gave an order, the cavalry regiment began to gather, the beastmaster would be like that... The spiritual power seemed to resonate, and then the spiritual pressure was released, the wind was blowing, and a few high-level leaders led a group of low-level ones. , but made it look like an extraordinary legend, and many of us were shocked at the time.

I swear in the name of the **** of swamp reeds, that's the first time I've seen such a fierce raid, relying on resonance to exhale a spear of such a large spiritual power, and then praise him, praise him, and slam him, Moss' door smashed.

At this time, and no one else wants to escape, the rest of us swarmed up and poured into Moss]

"Is Moss lost like this forty years ago?" A look of disbelief flashed in the priest's eyes.

"Forty years ago?"

"Yes, forty years ago. If I'm not mistaken, what this old man just said was the flashpoint of the Nogodek Civil War, Moss Burning Night, just forty years from this year," the priest began to search himself hard. The documents I have read in the past recall the information on the Nogodek Civil War.

"An under-appreciated son of the Nogodek family, a few years before the outbreak of the civil war, he suddenly received advice from an expert. Heir to the Goldeck family,"

"Maybe another acquaintance..." The woman in black twisted her body unnaturally.

"As a sign that the heir was valued, the family gave Moss to him to govern. As a result, this aroused the dissatisfaction of others. As a result, the ruler of Nogodek changed in 1200. Those who were excluded did not get the benefits they deserved. , so I borrowed prisoners of war from the west who were taken away a few years ago, and started the civil war..."

"That's us, right?" Uncle Oder bowed to the priest.

[Sir Priest, what are you talking about about the Nogodek civil war, I didn’t understand it at all at the time, I had been away from Nogodek for more than ten years, and I was suddenly brought back to Nogodek, and suddenly started fighting again, I didn’t know at all What to do, in order to survive, I can only chop down all those who stand in my way.

After that night in Moss, I was called to fight a few more battles. During that time, I was dizzy and wanted to send a messenger to contact the family several times, but I was afraid of involving them.

Another day, during that time, we were in a fierce battle in Moss, and at a critical moment, but that young general, who was too young, suddenly sent someone to come to me, and told me that he was going to leave here with his team and let me go with him.

Some of my adjutants are very interested in this proposal, but I don't think so, and I must go back to the west with him. I have stayed in the west for almost ten years, and I am going to vomit after fighting all day long, so I refused.]

The woman in black interjected: "If you had promised him at the time, you would now be one of the founders of Paddin's cavalry, instead of staying in an ordinary village and being called by a priest half your age. drink."

When May said this comment, the priest's face showed a bit of displeasure, but there was no attack: "The young man, who returned by a miracle, showed up with the army that was supposed to fight in Moss, facing the The Sabeiba people who invaded the western border attacked back and forth and played a beautiful battle of annihilation."

[It's useless to say this now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In short, I refused at the time, but a person I knew went, and now he is one of the elders of the Paddin cavalry, and retired a few years ago ...Well, I'm afraid he has long forgotten about me.

In short, I refused the invitation of the other party, but I didn't report it, because I thought our rebellion would fail at first, so I... And that person I admire very much, don't go with him, even if, I leak... Alas, forgive me This old man couldn't explain clearly what I thought at the time, which was a move that I regretted.

Alas, then because the young man's army suddenly disappeared, the rebellion did not succeed in the end, did not bring back Nogodek, but also did not fail, and we still occupy Moss. Although Nogodek is torn in two, it is none of my business.

Right after that, I was rewarded for merit and deeds and became a minor official in Moss, and my family members were sent away because of my betrayal. come over.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long, and I was quickly arrested. The reason why I was arrested is very simple. I knew that the young man was going to leave, but I didn't report this information to my boss. Now I don't know who disclosed it, so I was arrested by the angry leaders and locked in the environment. in the worst dungeon. 】

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