God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 164: : Xingqi Sulassi (3) select target

Now is the 14th century (this plane, the 14th century means the year 14XX, before the 1st century was called the first century, and after 100 years before the calendar was the first century), the Sulassi, who have been ruled by aliens for a long time, have long been Because of geographical isolation, they are divided into cultural regions with different customs.

If it weren't for the fact that the civilization of Sulassi is higher than that of the surrounding aliens (Suhi, Gosur), there would still be a sense of pride in claiming to be Sulassi, and it seems that he is higher than those in other places. The Laxi people have long been assimilated into a bad way.

Of course, with this appearance, the situation of the Surassi is still very bad.

At present, the interior of the Sulassi is divided into six major cultures and two subcultures due to geographical isolation, namely the Doleman culture, Busuk culture, Hippari culture, Mia Sena culture, Senama culture and Seleucid culture, as well as Sparian and Paleiadian cultures.

Among these six major cultures and two major subcultures, they each believe that they are the purest Sulassian culture, and the other is a heresy who has been barbaricized.

The Doleman culture originated from the Doleman Plain. Although the Sulassie city there is the oldest Sulassie city, the people are not the oldest people.

Dante clearly remembered that Sulassi, when he was in glory, colonized the east recklessly. As the priests of the leaders, a large number of ancient Sulassi aristocrats settled in the east to express their insistence on expanding eastward. , most of them are some junk, these people are the decent ancestors of the current Doleman culture.

Although most of the ancient nobles fled back to Doraiman after the Suhi invaded, but with the exception of Solitt's branch that successfully killed himself in Doraiman, the remaining aristocrats were completely ruined and lost. Power, become the so-called run-down nobles, such as the ancestors of Niguer is one of these unfortunate families.

Therefore, other places also have sufficient confidence to deal with the Sulassi nobles of Doleman: you are just taking advantage of the dangers of others. The real oldest and pure nobles have long been done by your ancestors, so what qualifications do you have now, saying that you can Representing the oldest and purest Sulassians?

Busuk is a Surasi from the south of the Spari Desert. As far as Dante's knowledge is concerned, there is already a trend of Gosurization. After all, the upper class is now monopolized by the Gosurs. It is difficult to say that he is the purest Surasi. people.

There are two subcultures, one is the Sparian culture. This group of Sulassi people sought a living in the desert in the early days. Their living customs are inevitably different from those of the Sulassi people who do not live in the desert, and they have obvious differences with people in other places. difference.

And an old land culture? The so-called old land is the area that was repeatedly contested by Sulassi and Susi during the sawing period, including Aix, Kumi, Beixing Qimu and so on.

Because this area sometimes belongs to Sulassi and sometimes to Susi, the language of the people here also belongs to the four dissimilarities. You can see them everywhere, but when you think about them carefully, there is no such thing.

As for the Sulassians on the side of Mia Sena, Senama and Seluriad, are they pure? The first one in the south, who was ruled by Su Xi for hundreds of years, was too embarrassed to compete with them for orthodoxy.

However, the north is also plausible, saying that it is because of this that they attach great importance to traditions, while the south has destroyed traditions because of its migration to the south.

Judging from Dante, an immortal who has lived for 300 years, not to mention compared with the Sulassians earlier, but compared with the Sulassians when he was a child, now the entire Sulassians are the most similar in the world. At that time, the Sulassians were the Sulassians of the Hippari culture.

The Hippari culture is a branch of the Sulassi culture with the smallest territory and the least population except for the Sparian culture.

The northern part of this culture is divided by the Turabi-Kalai Mountains and the Myasena culture, and the Surassi people, and the western part is separated by the Spari Desert and the Doleman culture, which is on the edge of the Surassi civilization.

Since Sulassi lost control in 1111, in the past few hundred years, whether it is Su Xi or Ge Xiuge, they are only content to let this place allegiance to themselves, but have no intention of more actual control, and more often they fight by themselves. Own.

Dante's most feared woman, May, when she chose to live in seclusion, she chose to live in seclusion with Shipari. Up to now, Shipari has only had one famous war, and that was the last heartwarming battle in Souriwell's life hundreds of years ago, the Battle of Shipari.

Therefore, the Sulassi language that Dante himself spoke when he was a child can still communicate without obstacles in Shipari, and has already caused comprehension obstacles in other places.

Of course, even so, Dante couldn't go to Shipari, because the population of Shipari is small and the territory is small, so it can be defended and unable to advance. If he really started a rebellion, Ge Xiuge could easily trap himself to death as soon as he closed the road.

Don't even think about Ge Xiuge's territory. Although the current Ge Xiuge organization is not as good as the era of Xiuge III, it still hasn't reached the state of Sulassie when Sulassie was destroyed.

Therefore, it is already obvious that the starting point of the Sulasxi people's recovery is already obvious, and that is Suxi's Senama Priest District!

As mentioned earlier, although Suxi barely existed after the expedition of Xiuge III, but the three chief priests in the interior, Mia Sena were all lost, Senama lost half, and Seluriade also lost the most important 's base.

Since then, the position of the Suxi Star King has only been left in vain.

Even worse, the loss of South Senama made it necessary for Senama and Seleuriad to pass through the territory of Goshug if they wanted to pass, which made the communication between the two chief priests more and more rare. Among the two chief priests, the weaker one was Senama, while Seleuriad just lost an important pass in the eastward expedition of Xiuge III, and his overall strength was still intact.

Therefore, if he raises a rebellion in Senama, the Seleucid's actions will be very slow, and even in the early stages, he will be happy to see his own rebellion.

So don't hesitate, just decide it's you, Senama! He is about to set off a rebellion of the Surasians in Senama, ahhh, restore the country!

The next day, when Dante woke up, he found a map beside him.

When he saw the map beside his neck, Dante broke out in a cold sweat, because since the other party could send the map to him unknowingly, he could also erase it unknowingly. own neck.

You know, you are an extraordinary legend! But he was actually unaware of the opponent's actions at night. Dante knew that this was Mei Yi's warning to himself not to play some unawares.

"Damn, she's obviously just a woman who can't reach the violet level, but she's actually getting stronger and stronger," Dante used his spiritual power to disperse the cold sweat on his body, and opened the map to read.

When he saw the map for the first time, Dante was stunned. The level of detail of this map was too high. He clearly marked the nearby mountains and rivers, and the most precious thing was that Dante would bet The scale above is absolutely correct, and it is many times higher than the technology I have seen on maps before.

With a sense of excitement, Dante watched every corner of the map nervously and carefully.

On the map, Ge Xiuge's current territory is surprisingly huge, like a bloated tadpole, and only two pitiful pieces in the north and east are left by squeezing Su Xi. The representative color of Ge Xiuge is orange, Su Xi It's pink, and their boundaries are clearly marked on the map.

At this time, Su Xi's Senama was nowhere to be defended, and Ria and Tallindun, which used to be barriers, had long been taken into the bag by Goshoggi, which meant that Goshoggi could threaten Senama at any time.

The map is really detailed, and even the mountains and rivers around each area are carefully drawn.

Senama, the center of the Senama Priest District, is backed by a not high Senama Mountain. On the east side, there is a small river originating from the Lundisin Swamp. The flow of the river can only be said to be small and pitiful.

Although the surrounding environment of Senama is not dangerous, Senama has unparalleled terrain advantages. Not only is the land fertile, it has been fully developed, and more importantly, it can be connected to any corner through official roads.

Yes, the map clearly marked the location of the official road, telling Dante that some places could allow the army to pass.

When the South Senama has not been lost, the Senama Priest Chief District is a hexagon composed of Senama and the six surrounding areas, namely Vignon in the east, Reis in the northeast, Carter in the northwest, Dunkirk in the west, Ria in the southwest, and Tallinton in the southeast.

However, after Goshug annexed South Senama, Ria in the southwest and Tallinton in the southeast changed hands, which meant that once Senama was attacked, it was likely to be attacked from both sides.

The previous generations of high priests of Senama were not hopeless mediocrities. It was not that they did not think of a way to save this phenomenon. For example, after South Senama changed hands, they began to vigorously build a building on the road from Senama to Tallinton. Ordinary city, Li Erfan.

After decades of investment and construction by the priests of Senama~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lierfan has changed from an ordinary city to a metropolis comparable to other cities, becoming the three cities of Senama, Vignon and Tallinton At the same time, it also prevented Tallinton from attacking Senama directly, and there was a crucial barrier to prevent Senama from being attacked from both sides.

What's more, Vignon is the only place in Susie that has large-scale domesticated horses. After Souriville pioneered cavalry tactics, horses have become more and more important, so Vignon is also a key protected area by Senama. .

Dante used his finger to draw a line in the south of the map, from Senama to Lierfan to Vignon, this is the key protection object of Suxi's Senama Priestess District, which cannot be competed with.

Since the south cannot do it, then the place where the restoration of the country can be initiated can only be in the north. To the north of Senama, there are three other places, from east to west, Reis, Carter and Dunker.

Dante ultimately chose Carter.

One of the reasons is that Reis has only one official road leading to Senama, and it does not border other areas. However, in addition to the official road leading to Senama, Carter also has an official road leading south to Dunker. Much more developed than Reis.

As for the second reason, it is Niguer.

Niguer's full name is Niguer Sue New Myrdal Kart Tallindun Kalai Myrdal Doleman, and her long surname shows that Niguer's ancestors visited Tallinton and Carter.

Before the Suhi invasion, Niguel's ancestors were the rulers of Karth.

"Going to Karth, the hometown of your ancestors you always nagging about, my mother," stared for a moment towards the south where Nivel's tomb was buried, but Dante smiled and set off towards Karth, north.

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