God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 217: : "The Journey" (4) Ma Weiji's Fantasy Adventure

Chapter Thirteen: Crossfire

... After staying here for a long time, the female leader judged that the war would last for a long time, and was very upset. …

...it's already July 1485, and if it's winter, it's really impossible to walk, the female leader can't wait, I understand his actions, we decided to take an adventure and risk being plundered by rioters to cross the line of fire. …

...successfully passed the Ledica, thanks to the Star God...

…watching Moore in the distance, I breathed a sigh of relief, the journey of this time is really uncomfortable, but walking through another city, one step closer to leaving this land, nasty war. …

...I couldn't get to Mishulu before winter came, so I had to stop on the road. It's not easy to find food this winter, and I'm a little unwell, I'm afraid I'll get sick again, maybe because I was scared a few days ago As a result, the Star God bless me not to get sick...

…I have been sick for a winter, I haven’t kept a diary for a winter, and now my writing is rusty.

I remember the last New Year's Day I was still in Huanai, when the fireworks were so dazzling, I blamed their brightness for disturbing my sleep, but now I miss those splendid fireworks so much, the warmth color, not like now, only silver-white snow and ice accompany me.

The peasants here are also miserable, the war has crushed them, but God knows when the war will end, may I never experience war again. …

Chapter Fourteen: Fantasy Experience

While passing through Mishura, we accidentally walked into the encirclement of Amy's army, where they were preparing to ambush the rebels. As a result, they regarded us as an outpost of the rebels and launched an attack on us, which turned out to be a false alarm. After the two leaders of the caravan and their in-depth friendly exchanges, they kindly decided to let us go and prepared to withdraw.

However, just as they had just retreated, the real rioters charged them, and the scene was chaotic. After the chaos, I unfortunately became a prisoner of the rioters and left the caravan.

Now, this part of the notes was recited from memory after I came back. If there is any difference with my real experience, please forgive me.

Let me say this first, although the following experience may be hard for you to believe, I swear to the Star God in the honor of the Steindep family, this is the true story of what I experienced, and this is what happened during my entire trip. The most coincidental thing, even when I think about it now, feels unbelievable.

[By the way, how did Ma Weiji get separated. In fact, it was Dante who was too arrogant. When he was wearing fancy armor and riding a tall horse to make seven or eight people, he was ambushed by the army of Ami as the vanguard of the bandits, but he was ambushed by Dante and May. Fist communicated in simple language, and then surrendered. 】

[Just when Ami's official army was in a mess, the real rogue bandits just happened to pass by, and then rushed in while taking advantage of the chaos, smashing the official army into chaos. After harvesting the heads, they retreated with the prisoners, including Ma Weiji. 】

[Through the whole process, Leng Yixiao's body was tilted back and forth, and by the way, a ban was placed on Mei Yi, so that she could not use her extraordinary power, so Mei Yi could only helplessly watch Ma Weiji be taken away. 】

I was taken to their lair by the gangsters, where I ate for a few months in a cell. Because I am a nobleman of Ge Xiuge after all, and no matter where the nobles go, they stand out from the crowd, and the rioters quickly recognize my noble status.

They felt they had found a treasure, so they didn't abuse me too much. At first, they tried desperately to find out which aristocrat of Ami I was, probably to get the ransom. God is merciful, how do I know what kind of aristocrat Ami has!

However, in order to vent my anger when the gangsters became angry, I tactfully made up a story. This story seemed to suddenly appear in my mind, and it should be the blessing of the Star God.

I said that I was the illegitimate child of a noble noble, and that I had lived in a luxurious house and received a decent education since I was a child, so I have decent clothes and elegant etiquette.

But the nobleman never told me his identity, so I don't know what honorary title this nobleman has. Of course, if this nobleman comes to me in person, I can still recognize him - as long as you **** The bandit can invite him to me.

As for why I am in this army? Because a few days ago, a loyal servant of mine suddenly said to me that he had orders from my father to let me leave the house at once, because a great man was going against me, and he was inconvenient to appear.

So under the arrangement of this servant, I temporarily went to the army, and I met you in a few days. This is my answer to the rogue.

After listening to my story, the gangsters began to quarrel, mainly arguing whether my words were correct, some people thought it was right, some people didn't believe it.

The person who ended the quarrel was a small leader who looked like a tooth-devourer. He said that he thought of a person who fit the target. The noble was a side member of a family who married a woman from the main branch who could not give birth to children. I must be his illegitimate son outside, the big man who wants to harm me must be the jealous wife of the nobleman, so it is inconvenient for my "father" to come forward to protect me.

Then they made my story perfect, and added many details that I hadn't thought of. They made me stunned for a while, so I couldn't stop nodding.

Finally, when they made up my identity perfectly, they were finally satisfied and decided to send an emissary to demand a ransom from the hapless aristocrat of fear.

When sending the letter, I was in danger again, because they asked me to sign my name, God is sorry, how could I know how to write my name in Amy? No way, I remembered the city where I lived last winter, so I wrote the name of that city from memory.

Thanks to the blessing of the Star God, the ignorant bandits didn't realize that the name of the city was written on the paper. They happily took the letter and went to the nobleman who had suffered an innocent disaster to demand a ransom.

As their big fat sheep, before their messengers came back, I was treated very kindly, and I didn't have to worry about food and clothing. Unfortunately, I spent every day in fear. After all, this letter was In the hands of nobles, all my lies will be exposed.

The first batch of messengers did not disappear after they went out. I was more afraid than them, but they were very open to them. They felt that it was common for messengers to get stuck halfway these days, so they sent the second batch of messengers.

A few months later, in the noise of their drums, I heard voices such as "the other party has finally sent someone", and my face turned pale with fright.

The second batch of messengers came to my cell and said it to me with a bad face. In an instant, my heart raised in my throat, wondering if it was hidden, and I almost had the urge to attack him. But in the end, I managed to maintain my composure on the surface and walked out with him slowly.

After all, this person just had a bad expression, not a bad word, and I still have a bit of luck in my heart. On the way forward, I refused to listen to the Star God and blessed me, even though I knew that the other party had already come, and my lie was about to be exposed. What would happen to me then?

When I arrived at the lobby of the gangsters, I saw an old man. I didn't know him at all. I could only greet him awkwardly for the first time, but the old man glanced at me like a poisonous snake from top to bottom. "It's a fake" but "looks like a decently educated aristocrat."

How is this going? At this time, I looked calm on the surface, but in fact I was screaming madly, I might live! I might live!

Next, the old man asked me some questions, such as where I lived before.

Since the Star God has sheltered me all the way here, he should continue to shelter me, right? So I used my imagination to answer the question of the old man according to the house where I stayed in Misura before, plus the courtyard of my hometown.

When I answered the question, the old man always had a gloomy expression on his face, which made me wonder if I had answered wrong or something, but the old man didn't say anything more than the question, which made me unable to judge. .

When the old man finished asking the last question, he ignored me, turned his head and left, but the gangster smiled and let the old man go out.

As soon as the old man left the lobby, the face of the bandit leader changed, and he rushed towards me with an angry face, like a raging lion. At this time, I thought about dying with dignity, so I asked the bandit with my chest out. The leader, said that you want to kill or cut anything, and then the bandits threw a punch - hitting the man next to me, the second batch of messengers.

"*Your grandma! I asked you to send him a blackmail letter, how did you send it to his wife!"

"The boss can't do anything about it, he was called to the front line to fight with Yayokdo. It's his wife who is at home. The lame man (the first batch of messengers) was deliberately detained by her, and then waited for me to throw myself into the net! That lady's watch I'm not afraid of us tearing up the votes, I have no scruples in doing things!"

In an instant, my whole body relaxed and I knew I could live a little longer

It turned out that the old man was not the messenger of the noble, but the messenger of the noble lady. The old man didn't know me at all. The reason why he came here was just to judge whether I was a decent nobleman, not the fat sheep that the gangsters tried to find. The poor nobleman has suffered for me.

But then I became alert again, even if I got away with it the second time, what about the next time? I'm going to see the noble lady soon, what should I do next time? If this lie is spread, I can only make up for it endlessly. The only thing I can do is to ask the Star God for protection~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In a few days, the noble lady will collect enough ransom to send it over, but she asks The kidnappers sent me to their house. In response, the leader of the kidnapper who looked like a tooth-devourer clearly said that the noble lady was planning to use me as a **** to attack the nobles.

So, with a frowning face, I stood between the servants of the noble lady, to be sent to the house by the noble lady to be a tool for him to teach her husband. I can't imagine such a future.

As a result, halfway through the road, a group of "robbers" suddenly appeared, and they attacked the servants who escorted me. During the chaos, I was sent to the horse by a "robber", the robber said to me, "Let's go, young master. If you don't get caught by the madam, the master will take care of other things."

The suspicion of the emotional noble lady towards the noble is really not groundless!

I galloped away on my horse, and I was caught up by the servant of the noble lady again halfway through the ride. After all, the noble did not dare to send a competent man down to deal with his domineering lady, so this was the limit.

Just when I screamed that I was about to fall into the tiger's mouth again, the leader of the caravan appeared again, repelling the pursuers of the noble lady, and I finally returned to the caravan. The blessing of the Star God, it is really the blessing of the Star God!

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