God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 248: : The unfortunate lucky man (8) the barbarian king who invaded south

"I am a noble, you can't kill me, I can give you a ransom, nobles can't kill nobles, ah!!"

Ruth woke up from a daze, and before he could realize what he had experienced before, this pig-like howl came from his eardrums.

Ruth seems to have heard this voice before, and it seems that he is also a bureaucrat in Haixi, and the answer to the bureaucratic words is a person who speaks half-baked Audi language. Listening to the voice, you can tell that it is an Okami barbarian.

"Take ten and one, and say it right from the beginning." When the Okme barbarian spoke, he always had a dog-like "mouth" sound, and Ruth almost laughed at this rude custom. , but then Ruth remembered that he had become the captive of this barbarian.

Because of the chaos caused by his fleet's entry into the port, it was given to the Okme barbarians—in fact, not only the Okme barbarians, but also many of Odi's landless refugees and mountain bandits, who all joined the siege. In fact, even if Ruth didn't come, Haixi wouldn't be able to keep it for long.

Seeing that because of the chaos he brought, the Okme barbarians attacked Haixi, the guilty Ruth could only rush to the front line with his servants and wash his shame with blood. As a result, after a fight to the death, Ruth was knocked unconscious by a punch from a strong Okme man. After that, he didn't know anything until he woke up in a daze.

When Ruth woke up, he was surrounded by barbarians with other noble people. At this time, there was only one senior servant from the family. The other servants were not sure where they were, either dead or dead. Run away.

Ruth tried to move around, trying to see how many people he knew around him. During the search, he saw more or less people he knew, but the chief guard of the city, Maxie, was nowhere to be seen. Now the scene It's so messy, it's impossible to figure out whether Maxie has been killed or escaped.

At this time, the nobles in the circle in front of Ruth had basically been slaughtered after the eleventh, and the remaining Okme barbarians began to look at Ruth's circle with bad intentions.

"Aren't they running? Are they just killed one by one?" Ruth asked his attendants dazedly. Ruth was beaten to a concussion in the previous battle, and he was completely awake.

"Cough, sire, those who could resist have already run away, and now the people who are hit in the circle are basically the ones who are injured and cannot resist," the attendant replied to Lu, supporting his severely injured body. s problem.

When Ruth was dizzy, the leader of the besieged Okme people, who Ruth didn't know his name, stood on a high stone and started shouting to the entire venue with loudspeaker.

"Two hundred years ago, your Audi nobles came to Maledo! A hundred years ago, your Audi nobles were raging in Liwen! Fifty years ago, your Audi nobles began to invade Haixi! Three years ago, your Audi nobles The nobles started to try to survey Titus! You are moving forward little by little, and we Okami can only move again and again!"

"However, your progress is over until today! We Okome people, the free Okme people, will beat you back hard!"

Speaking of this, the field became jubilant, and upon hearing the barbarian leader's foul language, the nobles and noble servants who were with Ruth either panicked or cursed.

"Heh! The leader of the barbarian! You are destroying civilization! O people of Audi! Don't hurry up and get together to expel this barbarian! Escort me out!"

A person who could not clearly see the scene at this time stood up and started to incite the surrounding people. Unfortunately, the effect was not ideal. Those Audi civilians who followed the Okme barbarians had no intention of fighting to the death at all.

"Don't Odi people mean nobles?" Not only did the commoners not fight to the death for the nobles and the Okami barbarians, but they began to whisper, "When the nobles beat me before, they didn't say that we are all Odi compatriots. What, I thought Audi people were limited to nobles."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense with these defeated dogs, the second round of the ten live starts!"

In the circle at this time, all the nobles were like defeated roosters. Some refused to accept this humiliation. They cursed all the way, but they were killed in advance by the barbarians who couldn’t wait. The legs trembled, and the performance was not enough.

Ten to one, but in the end, 4 people made up less than ten, so the barbarian leader waved his hand, "Then kill them all," and then they died on the spot, without even having a chance to draw lots.

Ruth was very lucky to survive the terrifying draw, but his last servant was not so lucky and was killed by the barbarians on the spot. In the process, Ruth couldn't do anything but shed a few tears.

After all the nobles and their attendants were killed, the entire main city of Haixi - now called the ruins of Haixi - burst into appalling cheers. The victory of the barbarians came to an end, and many Okami barbarian tribes and Odi bandits began to return home after looting Haixi, but the leader of the siege stayed in Haixi City with another group of people, seemingly ready to start. Rebuild Hercynian.

Therefore, those who survived in the ten live and one life will be used as slaves to carry out the arduous reconstruction of the main city of Haixi, or even worse, go to the mines to dig. You must know that most of the nobles who did not escape and were captured were severely injured, but the Okme barbarians did not give the captives any medical measures, and forced them to continue to work.

In hard labor, only a few lucky ones escaped from the unbearable former noble slaves.

Ruth was one of the slaves who endured the torture, because Ruth was only 30 years old and was in the golden age of life. In addition, the degree of injury was not deep, and he recovered quickly, but he was tired enough from the labor. And the timid Ruth felt that he could hold on, and did not choose to flee.

After working in Haixi for a long time, Russ also heard the name of the leader of the Okami barbarian who stayed in Haixi.

It is said that Rustot was so proud of himself after capturing Haixi that he decided to change his surname to Haixi, that is, Haixi Rustot Wild Boar.

Since Rusduo chose to stay in Haixi, Ruth knew that this tough barbarian leader was not the kind of easy man, and he could put down his hatred and attack Haixi with Audi rebels, which could be seen by his means.

Sure enough, after capturing Hercynian, Rustot took Haixi as the base and began to unite allies to annex the surrounding areas, and deal with those Okami tribes and mountain bandits who were unwilling to belong to him.

In the war between Rustod and his barbarian compatriots, Russ was a slave of Hercyn many times and was recruited to transport food supplies, repair roads and other work, which can be said to have suffered a lot.

As an Audi noble, Ruth could only look sadly at the relics of the former Audi, marked with the mark of the Okme barbarian, and became ugly, but now Ruth, who has become a slave, the only thing he can do is to himself The **** of the gods, the **** of dust, prayed that this barbarian leader named Rustot could return to heaven as soon as possible.

After all, what we pray for is just a dream. After just 4 years of fighting against differences, Rustot has changed from the former military leader of Okme during the war to a military leader recognized by all the barbarians of Okme. Add the title of Shanghai Xitong Angel by yourself.

Six years after the fall of Hercynian, this ambitious leader had restored the territory he controlled to the former area of ​​Hercynian, and with greedy eyes aimed at Yu Liwen, who was blocked by the jungle.

In the year 1394 of the Dali calendar, Russ, who had become a slave leader from a Haixi tax official and nobleman, accidentally heard a long-lost term from his overseer, Yu Liwen, according to the overseer, their great leader, Hai. Lord Rustode, the angel of the west, is going to conquer Yu Liwen, so Russ needs to act again and lead the slaves in this camp to serve labor.

"It's not unpredictable that Haixi was attacked. After all, before being attacked by Lord Tong Angel, half of their military strength had been transferred, but Yu Liwen, built between the mountains, was a fortress main city. It's extremely dangerous, can you beat it?"

Hearing the order to attack Yu Liwen, Ruth asked worriedly, not because he was worried that Ruth would be too much to fight, but worried that if Liwen lost his troops and lost his generals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ruth is very likely All the slaves in his camp will be thrown into the war.

This is not an ordinary slave, but a slave leader, so if it is not too stupid, the overseer should maintain a good relationship with the leader as much as possible, so the overseer replied graciously: "Lord Tong Angel has already told our warrior, Yu Liwen Fortress. Most of the army has been siphoned off by the right-wing Slu family and is now very empty."

"Take it away? Why? Yu Liwen is the most important fortress to defend the north!" Ruth was even more puzzled by this answer.

"Oh, the right-wing Slu family is busy going to the bird body area to compete for the bird king of the sky, how can they care about Yu Liwen fortress! And this is the best time for us Okami people to attack Yu Liwen! Yu Liwen that The Okomi tribe on the side has sent an invitation to the adults and can provide us with guides, so we will definitely win this attack! Please explain this to your subordinates too! The adults have already promised, wait for the fight Yu Liwen, you veteran slaves can also qualify for robbery! Cheers! Rejoice! Thank you, my lord!"

After Ruth repeated this sentence to the slaves he managed, he was indeed cheered by the group of slaves. The slaves in this camp immediately boosted their morale without any scruples. The defenders far away from Liwen were also from Audi. .

Lying in bed at night and thinking for a long time, Ruth finally figured out Ruth's plan.

You must know that the main city of Yu Liwen is a fortress city. For a hundred years, the Okami people have almost drained their blood in this fortress, but the fortress still stands still, causing the Okami people to talk about Yu Liwen. In order to improve the morale of his subordinates and make these cowards interesting to fight against Liwen's courage, Rust had to announce this hard-earned news to the entire battalion.

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