God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 267: : The Collapse of the Empire (5) Academy 1st Corner When Troubled Times Rises

In 1414 of the calendar year, it represents the highest institution of Bourbon, the Boris College in Boris. Despite the intense turmoil that Bourbon is in today, the academy is still a scene of harmony.

In a classroom at the academy, a gray-haired instructor is giving students a final review.

"Our Bourbon has a vast territory and a vast territory. Can the students tell us, the various administrative regions that our Bourbon is divided into?"

After the student whose name was named stood up, he did not hesitate to name the three administrative areas: "Old Channel, Northern Channel and Southern Channel, of which the Old Channel is divided into this area, the north area and the south area. The most violent Bonn barbarians are wandering in the northern district."

The tutor nodded: "Very good, as expected of a noble born in the old channel, so familiar with the old channel. You mentioned the three channels of Bourbon, so what about other administrative regions?"

"Let me sort out my thoughts," the student told and waited, then lowered his head, stretched his fingers, and began to count the administrative districts he could remember.

After a long time, the student finally figured out how many administrative districts there are, so he began to answer.

"The entire Edonan Peninsula in Middle-earth is our territory, but the journey of the Bourbons is the sea, and there is no need to explore the inland, so the inland is handed over to our servant country Edonan. Of course, in Egypt In the Donan Peninsula, there are still some domineering chiefs of Aianxi who refuse our rule and still occupy our land in the east, but I believe that in time, we will be able to drive them away from this land. This is what the sea **** gave us. The splendid destiny!"

"Very well, this is very Bourbon. You must know that the official name of Edonan is the confederation of the Edonan who has benefited from the favor. This proves the contribution of our Bourbons to Edonan. What about the others except Edonan? ?" The instructor asked encouragingly.

"Except for the servants of Edonan, in Middle-earth, Bourbon's colonies are mainly divided into two guards, the Middle-earth Colonial House and the Middle-earth Forest Colony. The Middle-earth Colonial House is a servant of Edonan. The coastline of the country, and the colonial guard in the forest is not on the Edonan Peninsula in the strict sense, I remember that they have a strait to distinguish..."

Speaking of this, the student showed a puzzled expression, obviously it had forgotten the words. But the student can say so much, and the instructor is already very satisfied. So the instructor sat the student down and asked the other student to continue to narrate Bourbon's vast territory.

"He has already mentioned this island and the Middle-earth colonies, so can't I only say about Tenglong Continent?"

"Our great Bourbon colony on the Tamron Continent was named Tamron Colony. It mainly colonized around Merami Bay and controlled this vast bay."

"In addition to the Tenglong Colonial Guard, there is also the Great Nine Years War that was fought before I was born. We let the Bourbon diaspora who have been drifting to the barbarian land of Ingona for hundreds of years return to their hometown. It's the Bourbon Diaspora just north of Tamron Colony."

Hearing this, the tutor nodded, and then deliberately ordered the students: "But students, don't forget, after all, the group of expatriates have stayed in Ingona for hundreds of years, and they are also contaminated with some savage atmosphere. In the future, I don't appreciate the kindness of our Bourbons, but instead launched a rebellion more than ten years ago. It's an unforgivable sin! I was infected by the barbarians of Ingona! It really needs our ancient glory and the old channel to save them. what."

After the instructor said this, most of the students in the classroom nodded and agreed with the instructor's suggestion. From time to time, some people expressed their opinions, saying that this group of people no longer deserved the title of civilization like Bourbon, and they should be classified as another. an ethnic group.

Only a few students sitting in the corner showed indifference, most of them were students from the northern channel and southern channel, and those who showed anger and gritted their teeth were noble students from the colonies.

"Barbarians? Re-instructed? Expulsed from Bourbon? I'm going to **** you. If you're not a Bourbon, you're not a Bourbon, and I don't care to be your Bourbon!" In the corner, a student from the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance listened. The teacher's insult to him, gnashing his teeth, thinking in his heart, his anger is constantly burning.

However, what he thought in his mind, for most of the colleges in the classroom, it was just a weed on the side of the road, and it was not worth caring about after passing by. Anyway, these colonial nobles were never the protagonists, and all the glory went to the old channel.

"In addition to the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance, there is also the North Mailamy Indoctrination District, which is in the northern part of the Mailami Peninsula, and was once most of the territory of our other servant country, Mailami. I remember that this servant country was in the eighties. It was wiped out years ago. That's about it."

The tutor nodded: "Very good, you are generally right. North Mailami Educational District, pay attention to this indoctrination area, its suffix is ​​different from other administrative areas, he is neither a waterway nor a guard. suffix, but with the suffix of the indoctrination area."

"Because, the Merami people are a savage and weak ethnic group-of course compared to some hopeless garbage groups such as the Aianxi people and the Bonn people, the Merami people who have bathed us for hundreds of years. We are still in the ranks that can be saved, and the rulers of Meramy are ignorant, so we Bourbon can only personally rule the indoctrination area, and educate the Meramy people to make them more civilized."

"Teacher! Are we going to educate the Edonan people?" After answering, a student asked the instructor a question after being allowed to raise his hand.

And the teacher's answer was: "Of course, but certainly not now, because the Edonan are still a motivated group, actively destroying the hopeless Aianxi people. But according to the Merami people Experience, when the Edonan people wipe out the Aianxi people, they will lose their self-motivation, and at that time, we Bourbons need to further educate them and let them understand civilization."

"The glory of Bourbon! The civilized world created by Bourbon!" At this time, a student praised Bourbon without the permission of the instructor, but the instructor graciously allowed this kind of praise.

"Of course, your answer is not perfect, because you also missed an administrative division of Bourbon. But I don't blame you for that, because that administrative division is too remote and small - so small that there is only one main city. , 6 towns and 14 villages, that is the Domo Liaozhong Road in the mountains west of Bourbon Island.”

When the instructor said this, there was an exclamation of "Oh" in the classroom. The students really missed this place, because this place is really irrelevant.

The tutor also timely explained the information in this area: "I remember I mentioned this before, the establishment of Dumo Liaozhong's passage is not because there are any rare treasures there, but because of an achievement, completing a week of Bourbon Island. achievement.”

"Many students like to choose the project of circling the island for a week when they graduate and practice, and the biggest test of circling the island is that there are basically no Bourbon towns on the coastline from the northern channel to the southern channel, and Dumo Liaozhong is for this purpose. Born with a purpose."

"At the same time, the establishment of Dumo Liaozhong Road also marks that the entire coastline of Bourbon Island is controlled by Bourbon, which has strong political significance."

"Besides Dumo Liao Zhong and you didn't mention it, there is another place you didn't mention, that is the South Merami Concession. But you didn't mention this concession. I don't blame you, after all, there is no official Bourbon administrative area. This division."

"The South Meramy Concession was sporadically established in the four main cities of Shapi, Napoli, Ogilvy and Beckisio in Mysica. We Bourbons could even impose tariffs there more than ten years ago. Unfortunately, in 1403 In 2009, the contemptible Mysheka took advantage of our busy Aian Creek barbarian riots and joined forces with Ingona to abolish this power, but I believe that in my lifetime, Bourbon can regain the lost power again, And teach Mysheka an unforgettable lesson for the hyena."

At this time, another student got the opportunity to speak: "Teacher, there is a question that has been in my heart for a long time and I haven't asked it. Today I finally have the courage to ask. We Bourbons are so powerful and civilized, those who are hopeless can't be saved. The barbarians of medicine don’t matter, but why should Mysheka and Ingona keep resisting us Bourbons? Otherwise, we Bourbons will bring them civilization?”

Hearing the student's question, the instructor showed a contemptuous smile.

"Don't you look at what kind of country Ingona and Mysika are? You must know that our Bourbon is a civilized country, from the governor representing the highest power of the country, to the grand consul of the waterway, and the guards. The appointed guards and the appointed education officers of the Jiaohua District are all elected by the educated and moral nobles on the island and represent the interests of the country.”

"And Ingona? The leader of the alliance is elected in name, but it actually rotates among several families. Myshica? Myshica King's line has not changed for a hundred years. Not to mention these two foreign countries, it is said that he was chosen by Yinge. The leader of the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance, which is stained with Nasa culture, is not also appointed by them.”

"So this group of people is naturally very reluctant to accept Bourbon's rule. Their lower class is very willing to accept Bourbon's civilization, but they definitely do not include the leaders of those barbaric countries~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So we Bourbon is the beacon of civilization, the leader of the world!" The classroom cheered again, of course, only the students born in the old channel cheered, the students in the northern channel and the southern channel were still indifferent, and the students in the colony were still gnashing their teeth.

At the end, the instructor summarizes today's class.

"Old Waterway, Southern Waterway, Northern Waterway, Dumo Liaozhong Road, Middle-earth Colonial Guards, Middle-earth Forest Colonial Guards, Tenglong Colonial Guards, North Mailami Educational District, Bourbon Diaspora Alliance, Edonan Servant State, South Meramy Concession, so many administrative districts make up our Bourbon territory, this is our great Bourbon, living in this civilized country, living in this beautiful age, is the property of all of us Bourbons Glory! No one can go against Bourbon's will!"

Just as the classroom was about to set off a new wave of cheers, an alarm sound came from the college. The function of this alarm sound was that the college used to notify emergency affairs and stop all tutors from teaching.

"The worshipers, students, and helpers of the academy have received unfortunate news that Bourbon and Bonn's rebel leader, Suriville, signed the Dolomites, acknowledging the independence of Bourbon from Bourbon, so let's observe a moment of silence here. ."

The students in the classroom who were about to cheer on the content of the instructor's teaching were all excited by the cold news, and they were almost speechless.

And the student from the Overseas Chinese Alliance in the corner looked at the mixed expressions of "ecstasy in the previous moment, shock in this moment and sadness in the next moment" in most colleges. Regardless of the impact, he burst out laughing.

"Bourbons deserve to be honored forever. I am proud to be a Bourbon. No one can go against Bourbon's will."

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