God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 271: : The Collapse of the Empire (9) Borrowing Teachers to Suppress Bandits

"I once imagined, if I am the Merami camp, how should I rise?"

Contrary to Gu Geduo's expectations, the first sentence Hades said to himself was this? Don't think about it if you don't understand why, this may make the other party think you understand. This is the experience left to Gu Geduo in the previous life. So Gu Ge Duo continued to remain silent, watching what Hades said next.

"Among so many forces, the situation faced by the Marami survivors is undoubtedly the worst. There are countless Bourbon leading parties inside, Bourbon's repression outside, and the Mysheka in the east is always eyeing. So I don't care how to deduce it. Given the situation, I found that none of the factions of the Marami survivors could win."

"Can't you even take the first step," Gu Ge Duo laughed at himself, "You came all the way here to find me just to break my confidence?"

"Your confidence still needs to be attacked? The remnants of Mailami want to be independent, but it is a dead end with almost no solution. Besides, you and your companions are not particularly good at military, right?"

Thinking of the evasive military level of Napolika and Suriwell, Gu Geduo couldn't help sighing when comparing himself, but immediately, Gu Geduo grasped the key point in Hades' words, so he lifted Get up.

"You said before, yourself?" Gu Geduo put special emphasis on the syllable "self".

Hades smiled and nodded: "I believe, whether it's my camp, the Tamron Colonial Guard camp, the Overseas Chinese Alliance camp, or even the camps of Ingona and Mysika, they will all support your independent actions. ."

After pondering for a while, Gu Ge Duo understood what Hades meant: "Because the Melamie camp is the weakest, it won't hurt even if it loses, and it can attract Bourbon's attention to a certain extent, right? After all, Beimei Lamy's indoctrination area is an important stronghold for Bourbon's attack on Myshica."

Hades nodded: "You understand what I mean. In fact, I have heard your name. Hundreds of years ago, you were the Oro Nuolai who wandered over the border and successfully killed Bafik. The unruly separatist forces of the Southern Dominion Confederacy have turned you from a puppet who can be pushed out as a scapegoat at any time to a puppet that must be respected on the surface as a local legitimacy for Euronor."

"And now, a hundred years later, you can also repeat the original deeds, with our support, to achieve the independence of Mylamy, so that you will not be a spectator from beginning to end in this competition."

"It sounds very nice to say, but in fact, as long as my Merami camp doesn't move, those of you who fund our independence won't move, right? You just want us to be pawns to pry open the Bourbon Empire, Forerunner of the king, opposite?" Gu Ge Duo asked with a wry smile, in fact Gu Ge Duo already knew the answer.

"Sure enough, none of the heroic spirits who can be selected into the competition is a real idiot. Although your ability is not as good as ours, you are still very keen to see things," Hades generously admitted Gu Geduo's conjecture, "but except for What other ways do you have for this path? Are you really willing to be a spectator from start to finish?"

Gu Ge Duo lowered his head and was silent for a long time before he raised his head again and made his choice: "Yes, I will not be willing to be just a spectator, even though my intelligence is mediocre, at least I have to take action. "

Seeing that Gu Geduo agreed to cooperate, Hades smiled and shook hands with Gu Geduo: "I will introduce you to the heroic spirits of other camps, please rest assured, there will definitely be many camps providing supplies to support you. , oh, the independent operation of the Merami."

"Besides, you must pay attention to one thing. We only want your wealth in the southern waterway. The Tenglong Colonial Guard is too entangled with the Overseas Chinese Alliance and the Ingona camp to get out of it, so it only wants wealth mildly. Myshka, east of Rami, they want not only your wealth, but your land, your life."

Gu Geduo nodded and said: "I know this naturally, after all, I am a Meramite nobleman. In Bourbon's North Meramy Civilization District, the Meramite nobleman is only a second-class noble, but in Myshica's On the land, the Merami nobles either turned to follow Myshka, or were deprived of their noble status, and Myshka was the deadliest enemy of Merami."

With a way out, Gu Geduo is extraordinarily powerful. And after receiving the support of countless other factions of heroic spirits, Gu Ge Duo's career began to flourish.

Under the leadership of Gu Geduo, the Southern Channel, Tenglong Colonial Guard, Bourbon Diaspora Alliance, Ingona forces, and even the Maisika camp began to support Gu Geduo, which gradually formed an undercurrent in the educational area. , and Gu Ge Duo is the leader of this undercurrent.

Of course, Gu Geduo, who is in his early twenties, has no power, no power and no foundation (this is not the lack of foundation compared to the commoners, but the lack of foundation compared to those old men in their 50s and 60s), it is impossible for this undercurrent. The real promoter, but it is precisely because of this that Gu Geduo has become a leader.

At least, if in the future, after Gu Geduo's career fails, Bourbon will be held accountable, then the Meramy nobles will push Gu Geduo out as the leader. As for the other nobles, they are naturally innocent, and they can still be guaranteed. of nobility and status.

Just an investment, isn't it? What's more, Bourbon's recent blackmail has become more and more excessive, and a little resistance is also in line with the wishes of many Meramy nobles.

After Gu Ge Duo made a career, he began to be a little proud, but he did not expect that he could make such a career at his level. After being complacent, Gu Ge Duo wanted to show off to his teammate, Saiflifu, who had not been with him and was in the same camp.

However, because Saiflifu is located in a remote suburb, and Gu Geduo has been busy contacting various forces recently, time is very tight. Therefore, it was not until 1403 that Gu Geduo contacted Saiflifu, and after a lot of hard work, he found Saiflifu, who had not been seen for a long time, in an abandoned altar.

Because of the anguish of being unable to save the Merami people, it was accompanied by the reincarnation of the first Xiaguang sage, Saiflifu, for many years. It was not until 1403 that he found a way out and was relieved to some extent.

Saiflifu is even worse than Gu Geduo. Gu Geduo was ignored by the family because of his mediocre intelligence, and Saiflifu has been abandoned by the family.

Saiflif resigned from the marriage arranged by the family, resigned from the official position assigned by the academy, and wandered alone in the Merami Peninsula for a long time, and sometimes ran to Mysheka's territory. The reason he did this was to seek salvation. The Mailami method.

Saiflifu, who behaved in this way, was considered by the family to have a weird thinking and could not be saved, and he had already cut off contact with the family, but Saiflifu was not depressed at all because of this.

In 1403, Seifliffe found the unburned tome of the Myshka sect in an abandoned altar in Mata. Through these fortunately surviving books, Saiflifu learned about this strange religion that has disappeared for a hundred years.

And Saiflif believes that the way to rescue the Merami people is contained in this strange religion, at least this is the only way that Saiflif has found so far.

The Merami people are unfortunate, but also unique, because of their premature birth and a series of factors that cannot be replicated, two unique and different religions in this world were born on the land of the Mailami people. Religion, that is the Dolgoism of the caste system and the Myshkaism of the godless idolatry.

The history of Dolgoism and Myshkaism runs through almost the entire rise and fall of Merami and Myshka, and there is an inseparable connection to the birth and growth of these two countries. It can be said that without these two religions, It is impossible to explain the fate of these two countries in this.

However, no matter how brilliant these two religions were in the past, by the year 1200 of the calendar year, these two religions had completely disappeared from the world, and even their creators, the Merami people, no longer believed in this religion. Both religions, the Meramians and the Myshekas, both converted to the Bourbon sea **** worship.

Dolgoism is a caste religion born within the closed Merami peninsula, while Myshkaism was born from those who tried to rebel against the caste.

However, when the Merami people have been reduced to Bourbon's protectorate, when Myshka has defeated Mailami and controlled the eastern part of the former Mailami, there is no need for these two religions to exist~www.wuxiaspot .com~ What's more, these two religions once tried to compete with the nobles for power.

Therefore, after 1000 years of the Dali, whether it was the protectorate of Bourbon, Merami, or the barbarian country of Myshica in the east, they all began to cleanse the territory of these two outdated religions.

After countless **** massacres, the creation of countless unjust souls, and the foundation of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of corpses, these two religions finally disappeared into the long river of history. By 1200 Dali According to the temple statistics (in fact, system statistics), no one believes in these two religions without gods anymore.

Hundred years have passed, and there are only a few dilapidated relics in remote areas of the famous and powerful religions of the past. Except for those who are particularly knowledgeable, most people have forgotten the prestige of these two religions.

In 1403, however, Seflif unearthed the remains of these two religions—mainly the Myshka religion—in the ruins, and immediately began to study them as treasures.

When Gu Geduo found Saifulif, Saifulif lay on the table and studied the scraps. Even if Gu Geduo came, he would just snort, even if he said hello.

With a show-off mentality, Gu Geduo coughed: "Cough cough, Saiflifu, what I want to say is that I have found a way to win the Melami remnant camp, uh... It can't be so absolute, but at least not Let the Melami remnant camp play the soy sauce road from beginning to end."

Saiflifu still didn't look up: "Gu Geduo, I have also found a way to save Saiflifu, no, to be precise, if we study thoroughly, it is a way to save everyone in the world!"

Gu Ge Duo: What should I do if the bull's head is completely wrong with the horse's mouth...?

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