God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 282: : The collapse of the empire (19) The great noble Lul continues to deteriorate

Our war of punishment against Mysheka and the war of intervention against the Diaspora Alliance lasted for one year. No matter which battlefield progressed in this year, the progress was quite unfavorable. Therefore, two opinions appeared in the Assembly Palace. One was to release The other is to let Mishika be the main target of the Overseas Chinese Alliance.

As always, the views of the members of the two parties are very reasonable, making it difficult for me to choose which motion should be followed, so I can only put this proposal on hold for the time being, hoping to delay the time to see if the war situation can improve. , Maybe dragging and dragging the plane to come?

As a result, it has been dragged on for a year, and there is still no turnaround. However, some unpleasant voices in the old waterway, such as petitions for lowering taxes, have become bigger and bigger. Had no choice but to hold an emergency meeting in the Assembly Palace again to discuss how to deal with it.

The result was once again the same as before. In the absence of a clear statement from me as the chief executive, those members could not argue for a reason, so they argued for a few more months. The solution, I can only let all the members of the Assembly Palace vote, relying on democratic principles to decide the action.

After all, the collective responsibility system is collective irresponsibility. After a democratic vote, it is convenient for me to dump the blame.

The result of the vote was that the option of abandoning the Diaspora and attacking Mysika prevailed, so I acted on that option as good as I could.

Of course, before the action, I told the negotiators to slow down as much as possible. Maybe if they persist for a while, things will turn around? So the peace negotiators moved slowly for a few months, trying to wait for the turn of the war situation to come. Unfortunately, the turnaround did not come until the end of the peace talks in early 1430.

As President of the Palais des Congrès, I represent Bourbon once again in signing the Armada Agreement with Kutumat I, the odious ally of the Diaspora.

According to the provisions of the Armada Agreement, the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance re-established itself as an administrative district of Bourbon, paid tribute taxes to Bourbon, and reduced or exempted due customs duties, and promised not to go to Bourbon again within 10 years. or rebellion; however, in exchange, the Bourbon Diaspora has the right to appoint their bureaucrats independently, the Ombudsman sent by Bourbon to the Diaspora will lose a bunch of power (which means the position is almost a decoration), and the Tamron Colonial Guard will remove the Except for Mada and Shaowei, the bureaucratic appointments in the rest of the districts will be assigned by the Bourbon Diaspora Alliance.

Although the negotiation process dragged on for 3 years, it didn't end until 1430, but at least the negotiation was successful, and the troops we had withdrawn from the Tamron Colonial Guard could be dispatched to Myshica to fight.

In addition, the action to aid the radicals in Ingona has temporarily come to an end. The radicals have successfully gained independence from Ingona, and the country's name is Indiana for short. Although Indiana desperately wanted to continue receiving Bourbon's aid, I still refused Indiana's request and slashed aid to Indiana to ease the financial crisis.

The thought of having a large army and a large sum of money invested in the disciplinary war made me feel relaxed. Since Bourbon can deal with Myshka with all his strength, then the next war must be raging, right?

"Dong Dong Dong!!"

At the beginning of February, when I was sitting in the office of the Congress Palace and processing documents, I heard the familiar alarm bell again. I knew that it was definitely a bad thing. After taking a deep breath and calming down, I pretended to be calm and connected the alarm bell. .

"What's going on this time? Did you guys get defeated again in Mysika? Do you need more support?" Before connecting to the alarm bell, I muttered in my heart, and used the most sinister mentality to guess the alarm. Ling, "Fortunately, a new batch of reinforcements is about to arrive, so no matter how badly you are defeated by Mysheka, I am mentally prepared."

"Chairman, urgent report! Most of the troops in the Tenglong Colonial Guards mutinied after hearing that they were not going back to the old waterway to repair, but to go to the Merami Peninsula to continue fighting. One meal! Now we are setting up camps in the wild! Please give instructions immediately from the Assembly Palace!"

"My God, the army mutiny..." Hearing this news, I was stunned again and again, feeling the unspeakable malice of the whole world towards Bourbon.

"Notify all the MPs to hold an emergency meeting in the Assembly Palace." Why is this sentence I am so proficient in now!

At another emergency meeting, I discussed the issue of the army mutiny with the legislators, and after several days of intense discussions, we set the tone for our handling of this incident.

"After the mutiny army surrenders the mutiny leader to accept the punishment of the General Assembly Palace, the army can get three months of rest without military pay, but after three months, it will still be put into battle on the Merami Peninsula battlefield."

This is the compromise solution that the General Assembly Palace came up with after several quarrels, and it is the minimum compromise that the General Assembly Palace can make. "There is no other way, because of those ungrateful soldiers, our large-scale attack plan against Myshica can only be launched three months or more later."

Three months passed in a flash, and in the meantime, Mysika didn't have any big counterattacks. It was a quiet life, except for one small incident.

That was a little thing that happened a month ago. When I went from the mansion to work in the Assembly Palace, I found an old man who was blind and broke his leg, begging to a nobleman in Meath Square.

"Honorable noble, villain, I am a Bourbon citizen from Bourbon. Since 3 years ago, no, since the Bourbon war, I have followed the banner of the adults and fought for the glory of Bourbon. Thirty years, even though I lost an eye and suffered seven wounds, I have never complained about Bourbon, and I have never felt sorry for Bourbon, I did my best for Bourbon!"

The blind old man was holding the nobleman's thigh tightly. At first, the nobleman did not intend to push him away roughly, so even though he wanted to get rid of the old man, he couldn't get rid of him for a while.

At this time, many people had gathered in the square, watching the conversation between the old man and the nobles in a circle. Unlike usual, the atmosphere at this time was so strangely silent. Looking at the silent crowd, I couldn't help but feel A chill.

"However, I was called away from the counter-insurgency on the Southern Channel. Even during the two-year truce in between, I spent it in Dis (one of the only two remaining major cities in the Enlightenment District). After returning home, 27 years later, I went to the Tenglong Colonial Guard Station non-stop to fight foreigners. Even though my legs were disabled during the war, I never flinched and became a deserter.”

"That's because you are a Kangbo man who has nowhere to run in Amada," the nobleman who was trying to shirk him angrily scolded, and it was obvious that the nobleman, who was watched by so many silent beasts, felt ashamed and impatient. .

But the old man did not answer the nobles, and continued to talk to himself: "But two years ago, my eldest son and third son were recruited by you to Amada, and a year ago, my second son and a grandson were also recruited by you. Amada, considering the three grandsons who have been recruited by you as sailors, our family is already empty! Not to mention that in the war, my... mine, died, before my eyes... "

When he said this, the old man's throat choked up, tears kept streaming down, and there were more or less sobbing in the crowd of onlookers.

"Thanks to the grace of the General Assembly Palace, there is a three-month recuperation period this year, but when I went home, I saw that two of the mother-in-law had starved to death! The remaining ones are also yellow-faced, skinny and destitute."

"It's not that I didn't know that the tax increase order of the Congress Palace was also for Bourbon, but my family was originally in Kangbo, and the accumulation of several tax increases has become exaggerated. Noble lord, do it well, do it well, at least let us keep a male in our family, so that we will not go home after the war and find that the family has run out of food!"

Hearing the old man's howl, the crowd of onlookers also burst into sobbing sounds one after another, as if they were deeply sympathetic to the old man's accusation.

However, the nobleman who was hugged by the old man didn't think so. Seeing that he couldn't push the old man away with elegant means, the noble finally became impatient. He used his spiritual power to knock the old man into the air with one kick, and also knocked him down by the way. a few onlookers.

Seeing this scene, my heart fluttered, and no matter what the nobleman had to say, I walked straight to the Grand Palace.

It has been a month since the incident, but it is still clearly remembered in my mind. I even remember every word the old man said, and the most frustrating thing is the silent onlookers. You know, the usual Meath Square is full of noise, but that day was eerily quiet.

"Hey, it's probably nothing, it should be my allergic reaction. Don't think about it, because starting from today, the soldiers' March rest period has arrived, and the next important thing in the General Assembly Palace is the last thing for Mysheka. Great conquest, no time to think about this mess."

"Dong Dong Dong!!"

"Access," I answered calmly before connecting as always, and at this time I also vaguely have experience and feeling in my heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Every time I feel that I have the ability to bear, new The alarm bell that comes always surprises me.

"Sorcerer, urgent report! The soldiers in the southern district refused to recruit and beat the recruiting officer. After the recruiting officer called the army, **** clashes broke out between the two sides, which soon led to a riot in the main city. The southern area is spreading, please issue an order from the Assembly Palace immediately! Issue an order immediately!"

boom! I crushed the cup in my hand, and the fragments of the cup cut my hand, but I still couldn't feel it, my hands kept shaking, riot, riot, riot, riot again!

"Call the members of the Assembly Palace and hold an emergency meeting at the Assembly Palace," I skillfully conveyed this instruction to the clerk. After the clerk went out, I roared, and then shredded everything that could be chopped in the room.

Arriving at the General Assembly Palace, before the emergency meeting was held, I secretly found the elder member of the family, trembling like a 63-year-old child, and prayed to the member: "I want to take the blame and resign, even if I leave a lot of infamy, I don't care. Well, this job is not for me."

After hearing my plea, the elder of my parents rolled his eyes and shouted at me sharply.

"Idiot! Do you think that since you started the disciplinary and interfering war 3 years ago, you can still get down in this position by taking the blame and resigning! If you go down now and leave this mess, our entire family will be implicated by you. When the time comes, see if the family spends a lot of effort to protect you as a waste, or join the angry crowd to stink and kill you!"

After saying that, the elder councilor turned around and left, leaving me with cold hands and feet.

"The first half of the rosy life, and the second half of this cold rainy life, what the **** did I do! I shouldn't have been this governor from the beginning!"

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