God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 292: : The Collapse of the Empire (28) Minor Noble Lure Incitement and Coup

On the coast in the afternoon, ships formed a fleet large for this era, sailing in a wider river. Although this fleet looks huge, if you look carefully, you can see that the fleet is seriously damaged, and it's just a chart.

According to the practice of the fleet, most sailors should have fallen asleep by this time, but this time is different. Many sailors abnormally assembled on the plate armor and listened to the speeches given by sound transmission magic. You must know that this sound transmission magic is directly Spread to every fleet, which is quite an expensive move.

The fleets were brightly lit, and the angry faces of the sailors were so obvious in the firelight. Naturally, the speech being delivered through sound transmission magic is not a sunny speech.

"It's 1441, the incompetent **** with the same name as me, the 27th year of the reign of King Lure VIII, and in those 27 years he managed to make a mess of Bourbon. That's why I'm against him. His attitude, from unfamiliar to reverent, is now gnashing of hatred."

"You may not know me yet. I am Logistic Officer Luel Gelk. I am 59 years old. It has been more than 30 years since I served as a logistics officer in the Northern Fleet. I have devoted most of my time to Bourbon. In life, it can be described as hard work, but what kind of **** is being treated now?"

"I remember that from the 1920s, I was assigned to the Northern Sea Route, and then I participated in the subsequent intervention war on the Northern Sea Route and the suppression of the rebellion in the Northern Sea Route. I have been involved in it for nearly 20 years. After countless hardships, it can be described as hard work and hard work!"

"In addition to me, all the citizens present have made countless contributions. The corpses of my colleagues who unfortunately failed to go home and stayed on the land of the Northern Waterway are so numerous, densely packed, and the corpses of every brave person are It's our contribution to our country, our sacrifice to our country."

"Faced with so many sacrifices, we have no regrets, no complaints, and silently accept all the orders given to us by the Assembly Palace, war, war, war or war! In the 27 years of King Lure VIII's reign, there is not a day that is not in the During the war, and for the first 27 years, we have been silently carrying out orders and fulfilling our duties as Bourbons.”

"And then what did Lure VIII and his mates at the Palais give us in return? Tax increase! Two tax increase! Three tax increase! Four tax increase! Five tax increase! And the treasury Order! Second fiscal order! The fiscal order that makes our country worse and worse!"

"My Gelk family is also a noble with a long history. Although it is not as good as my main family, more than 30 years ago, there were three or four manors, more than 40 members of the clan, and more than 100 servants. Family, life is not worrying about food and clothing, but do you know the current situation of our family?"

"I just received a message from my family last month that my favorite grandson had to go out to earn a living because of five tax increases, but he had an accident and died! My grandson, a noble nobleman, just died like this I am a noble, and I am also a noble with a name in the genealogy museum. They all die so easily. What is the life of the commoners!"

[Of course I won't say that the accident that caused my grandson's death was caused by an accidental death when he was extorting debts from our family's serfs. Although Lure VIII is a bastard, the group of unscrupulous people who refuse to pay taxes are bastards. Why don't they just hand over food to us? If there is no food to eat, just stay at home and starve to death! 】

"In 1938, we still shed blood for King Luer VIII in the northern waterway, but Luer VIII, who was sitting lazily in the Assembly Palace, gave us a tax increase in the stable rear! Force us Our wife and children look disheartened! Cut our supply expenditures! Let our soldiers die not from the enemy's attack, but from the lack of supplies!"

"And what happened to us a few days ago? First of all, the Northern Fleet, one of the four major fleets in the past, must be disbanded within Boris, and the commander is not allowed to disband the army in advance."

"However, because of the bastard's second financial decree, the Bourbon bureaucracy is in chaos. After we entered Boris, the warship could not be placed temporarily, so we were left at the mouth of the old river. For this reason, we still endured silently, and as a result, the Ruhl incident of the Yaiva family happened."

"Do you still remember? A few days ago, the wife of Luer of the Yaihua family came over and begged him to go home quickly, because it happened to be the autumn harvest, and the orchards at home were in urgent need of labor, and the Luer of the Yaihua family had only 2 left. The men who were not dragged to the remnants of the army, one is a 3-year-old child, and the other is an elder in his 60s who sprained his body during labor a few days ago."

"It's not unreasonable that the Yaihua family's Luer knows that the army cannot be disbanded in advance, but because his plantation is only a few miles away by the river, he can go to take care of it first and then return to the shore. However, military law It's hard to bear, there was a conflict between the law enforcement team and Lull, and a **** fight."

"My heart aches in this conflict. The law enforcement team is not wrong, they are just performing their duties. However, is Lull of the Yaihua family wrong? I swear in the name of the noble, I think Yayi Although the Ruhr of the Yihua family violated the laws and regulations, but he violated the evil law of King Luhr VIII, and it should not be considered that the Ruhr of the Yaiva family is an indecent person."

"The Luer of the Yaihua family is just an exposed example, so the silent majority in the fleet, can you guarantee that your family will be better than the Luer of the Yaihua family? Think about it, even me This noble family has been living so miserably, how can your family be any better? This is the reward that King Lure VIII gave us, the troops who fought for him for 20 years!"

"I heard people asking, even if Lure VIII made such a decision, what can he do, he is the governor of Bourbon after all. Then I will say that the evil law is illegal, and the incompetent governor is not worthy of the governor! "

"Think about it! Continue to endure the rule of Ruhl VIII, you will not get any better! Ruhl VIII's reward for you is to send you to battlefields one after another! When you are on the front line for Ruhl When the interests of the VIII group of people are fighting, Lure VIII will push your relatives to the end of the road through tax increases again and again!"

"There have been five tax increases now, and the sixth time is coming soon, and the seventh time is coming again, without draining your family's wealth, not driving your relatives into the wilderness as savages, not letting you The blood of his blood is splattered on the battlefield, and Lure VIII will not stop!"

"So, for today's plan, only for you, for your family, for the old channel, for Bourbon, for the world we know, to overthrow King Lure VIII can end all this nightmare!"

"Don't worry about you being alone, all the Bourbons in the whole Bourbon who suffered because of King Lure VIII are your allies! Don't worry about you being alone, because all the reduced troops are your natural allies! Don't worry You are alone and helpless, because many conscientious members of the Assembly Palace still stand by your side!"

"So what's your choice? Continue to be a cow and a horse for King Luer VIII, and become a corpse on the battlefield after being drained of everything, or to overthrow Luer VIII and become a hero who saves Bourbon!"

Under the fascination of my very demagoguery, the sailors gradually became unstable, while the law enforcement team, which should have played a role, watched from the sidelines.

Then, with the guide arranged by my gang as an introduction to guide the sailors, a rhythmic shout began to spread in the fleet: "Down with Lure VIII, save Bourbon! Down with the consul, save Bourbon! Save! Bourbon! Clear the villains! Save Bourbon!"

"But who can lead us to eliminate the incompetent Lure VIII?" When the first shouts faded away, the trustee I arranged raised the second question.

Then it was still the one I arranged to shout out first: "Of course it's our commander, the deputy commander of the Northern Fleet, Your Excellency Andre! That **** commander is the accomplice of King Lure VIII. In these five or six years of war, there is no one at all, only Your Honorable Andrei has accompanied us to this day!"

"Yeah! Don't forget that His Excellency Andre is the nephew of His Excellency the Eloquent Anlu! You must know that the venerable Lord Anlu was pushed out of politics by Lure VIII because of his opposition to Lure VIII."

Next, there is no need to incite and incite, the sailors consciously recount the benefits of Andre, and in the end they only merge into one name: "Andre."

"Andre!" "Andre!"

The entire fleet was stirred up. The scene was quite terrifying. I was horrified to see that even the water surface was rippling by the sound waves.

Seeing that the heat was almost over, I turned around and shouted into the room.

"Commander Andre! Listen to the voice of the citizens! You who have the noble name of Germack, you who are the nephew of the 'Eloquent' Anlu II, are still indifferent in this situation? This is not the incitement of careerists It is the cry of the people! It is a desperate counterattack against the incompetent governor! You are not the sinner who started the war! You will be the savior of Bourbon!"

Under the call of "one heart", my boss Andre finally walked out of the bedroom, and as soon as he left the bedroom, he pretended to be annoyed and said to me: "Luer, and you guys, why did you imprison me in the first place? To do such a thing at this time has put me in such an embarrassing situation!"

God, even when most ordinary sailors can't see it and the people present are insiders, Andre can not only express his voice perfectly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but also his body movements and expressions are so perfect, This level of performance is beyond me.

"Citizens, I know your grievances, but this is disloyalty to the General Assembly Palace. Maybe I can go to the General Assembly Palace to express my grievances alone. You should not participate. It is too dangerous."

In front of the others, I took the lead in persuading Andre: "Your Excellency Andre! Are you still fantasizing about a peaceful solution at this time! Before the knife was placed on the neck of Lure VIII, Lure That stupid guy of the Eighth World will never repent!"

Next, my companions and I persuaded Andre three more times. In the fourth persuasion, Andre finally pretended to be very reluctant and agreed. Amidst the cheers of all the sailors, Andre gave the order.

"Attack the Assembly Palace! Use the butcher knife to drive the incompetent King Lure VIII from power!"

When all the dust settled and I was about to attack the Grand Palace, I, who pretended to be the most radical, fell silent first, looking at the crowd cheering and frantically.

"Don't worry, there are many of our allies in the General Assembly Palace," As if seeing my hesitation, Andre patted me on the shoulder and comforted, "You did a good job this time, I mean, you all did Very well, when I become the consul, I will definitely reward your loyalty."

I thanked Andre together with my accomplices and showed my loyalty—yes, this incident was discussed in advance, and as the most basic and eloquent, I was assigned to the instigator Head mission.

In the icy cold wind, standing on the deck, I still feel uneasy. After all, no matter how we beautify our behavior, this is a military coup, which has not occurred in Bourbon for more than 600 years.

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