God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 364: : Phase 2 Liquidation (5) Tenglong West Bank

Among the three camps of Ingona, the orthodox camp lost the most and became the first country to be subjugated.

Indian land is undoubtedly the most profitable of the three camps. In the first life, it successfully became independent. In the second life, it won part of the northern core through the second unification war, and then destroyed itself through the Ingona War. The enemy of life and death swallowed the central core of Ingona, the richest area in the past.

As for the neutral camp, that is, the Western Partition, it is a bit more complicated. Since the two heroic spirits of this camp, Hodgewa and Salta, are not easy to get along with, so before the first reincarnation, the two used the special area of ​​the neutral camp to draw lots to decide who went where.

The result of the lottery was that Hodgewa went to the western core, and Salta went to the Western Frontier Alliance. Their neutral camp and the Middle-earth Colonial Guard camp were the only two camps that opened.

Up to now, the result of their choice is clear. Salta, who chose the Western Frontier Alliance camp, has now lost his fortune because of his encounter with Gross. And Hodgwart, who chose the western core, has been looted many times in the war because the western core has no danger to defend, but relying on both sides, Hodgwa still maintains considerable independence today, and was selected by Portloo as the leader Ingona rebalanced pawn.

After the Second Unification War and the Ingona War, Portloo ensured the rebalancing of Ingona and solved the problem of the Ingona market, and began to sharpen the knife to the pigs and sheep. The pigs and sheep here refer to the south. of Mishika.

Because Portloo has solved the problem in the north and has no intention of breaking the newly established balance, expanding to the south has become the only option for Portloo.

Seven years ago, in 1613, when all the heroic spirits had died, Portloo launched a war against Mysika, which was also the first time Portloo took the initiative to wage a war against Mysika.

The reason for launching the war in Portloo this time is to retake the lost indoctrination area and save the Bourbon compatriots who fell on the Merami Peninsula. Erki also declared war on Myshica the following week, "to support justice in Portloo."

All of the above reasons can be regarded as nonsense. You only need to know one thing. Myshica is about to suffer a double-sided attack, and at this time Porterloo's nightmare.

This war has been going on for 7 years to this day. When Leng Yi gathered the heroic spirits in the silver-white room, the third war in the indoctrination area was still going on. The victory of Lu and Ulchi is only a matter of time. What follows is not the time of war, but the time of Myshica's struggle.

And why did this war break out?

The reason why Portrew wants to fight Mysika is very simple. The hatred between the two countries is like a sea. The reason is that the issue of the indoctrination area has been fought twice before. This time it is just a comeback. The hegemony war between the two countries It will not end until one party falls.

What's more, Portloo has always had the ambition to restore the power of Bourbon in the Merami Peninsula. In recent years, the voice of "Tanglong Continent is the Tenglong Continent of the Tenglong people, and Bourbon Island is out of the Tenglong Continent", in Portloo's voice. The academy has been getting louder.

As for Wurqi in the south to declare war, without him, interests dictate.

Since 20 years ago, in the year 1600 of the calendar year, Gross helped Mysika to successfully hunt down the immortal epic monster beasts in the south, the immortal epic monsters that had plagued the traffic between the two countries for hundreds of years disappeared, and the two countries began to Linked by land, this provided the basis for a military offensive between the two countries.

Of course, if there is only this aspect, there will be no war between the two sides, and it is Braasson who really prompts Ulqi and Mysheka to tear their faces.

Brajasson stimulated Ulch in two ways, one was Brajasson's trade, and the other was Brajasson's threat.

As early as the end of the 15th century, sporadic news about Brajazon appeared on the border of Ulch again, which surprised Ulch. After more than ten years of exploration, finally in 1611, the two countries officially announced The establishment of diplomatic relations marks that Braasson, which has disappeared for hundreds of years, finally returns to the sea world of Bourbon.

The re-emergence of Brajasson also solved a pressing need for Ulchi, the fading of Ulchi's trade.

Rare things are precious. After hundreds of years of trade between Wurch and Bourbon, the goods have gradually become unsellable. The profit of Wurch's trade has begun to change from huge profits to small profits. Considering the road between the two countries , and the Boris family dominated, and the trade surplus began to fall.

This made Ulch a dog, and they were used to taking a lot of money from the Bourbons, and it was difficult to handle a lot of things this fall.

Fortunately, at this time, Brajasson appeared. Brajasson's new products have a fresh appeal to Bourbon's Haike, and Ulci can change his identity as a second-order dealer, reselling Brajasson's products.

After all, Braasson is located in the southernmost part of Tenglong Continent, and it is most convenient for Ulqi to border him. Even if other countries include Boris, they only have some embassies in Ulqi, and they did not go south to explore the sea. It is even more difficult to get to Brajazon.

Therefore, the sky sage of Ulchi came up with a new way to make money, monopolized the trade with Brajasson by official means, and prohibited Brajasson from coming to Ulchi by sea, so as to prevent Brajasson from colliding with Boris superior. Then, sell it to Boris in official trade, so that you can start the price and get revenge on Boris.

Since Boris was beyond the reach of Ulqi, and he was busy with the Edonan war for a long time, he could only grit his teeth and resent, and then vowed in his heart that he would punish Ulqi sooner or later.

This matter must not be left alone, and it is definitely necessary to retaliate, so Boris developed a smuggling route, allowing people to negotiate with the nobles of Ulchi, and let them smuggle goods to Mysheka, and Mysheka transports it to South Myra Mi Bay, Boris smuggled here, and the price is countless times cheaper.

In this way, Ulch is naturally unpleasant when he sees Mysheka. Sooner or later, he will pull out the South Merami Gulf, and if he pulls it out sooner, he will be able to stop the loss one day earlier.

The second point is the threat of Brajasson, although Brajasson keeps claiming that he is a harmonious country that is good to neighbors and friendly neighbors, and will never attack the northern countries. But to save others by himself, Ulch didn't believe Braasson's words no matter how he thought about it.

So Ulci settled on a strategy to solve the problem of the north first, and then the south before Braasson threatened him—a point similar to Portloo.

Some people may have doubts, why not solve the South? After all, there is still Potloo in the north of Mysika. Even if Mysika is eliminated, he may still be attacked by Potloo and Braasson.

In Ulchi's view, even if the Mysheka in the north is eliminated, there is no need to be careful when it is adjacent to Potloo. After all, if Potloo annexes himself, then Potloo will really go to heaven. As long as it is digested, it will still be Not stepping on Braasson, punching Boris, and invincible in the sea of ​​Bourbon?

Anyway, I have had so much experience with Boris, and Ulch understands the principle of balance of power, so in Ulch's view, even if he and Portloo carve up Mysika, it will be fine. In order to balance the power of Tamron, Rees will definitely come to his rescue.

The big deal, the big deal is really attacked by Portloo, then Ulch also bet that the main battlefield must be on the Merami Peninsula, because it is a prominent peninsula, where the navy is used, and it is impossible for Portloo to take the mainland. Throw it to Boris to loot to raid Ulchi's native land.

So even if the war starts, and the land swallowed by Mysika is spit out, it will be a piece of smashed and smashed land, and there is still no loss of Ulchi's homeland.

And think about it on the other hand, after swallowing Mysika, wouldn't it be beautiful to go back and annex Braasson? Wouldn't the annexation of Brajazon be easier then?

So looking at it this way, isn't it very wise to fight Mysheka first? Anyway, the Ulchi people happily passed the plan. Just as Potelo declared war, the Ulchi people would attack Portero from the north and the south.

Myshica was attacked by the north and the south, and the first reaction was to find support, and the best support was of course the successor of Bourbon, the beacon of civilization, Boris.

But Boris said that the third Edonan War has been fought for seven or eight years, and he is in a state of anxiety. And even if the two sides of Bourbon are fighting at the same time, they are printing Goner and beating you at the same time. You are separated by North Merami Gulf, but my main force is now on the Edonan Peninsula, which is separated by a Bourbon Island!

From this, it can be seen that Porterloo has also carefully considered the timing of launching the war.

In addition, the third war of indoctrination zone that Ulqi participated in is about to be won, but the score counted on Wulqi's heroic spirits is pitiful, because this war was not planned by them, but in the second phase of the heroic spirit game. , when Ulqi's heroic spirit was finally liquidated, he relied on this extra point to barely deduct points.

The heroic spirits of Ulqi's camp are Batty and Deqiang. They are unfortunate heroic spirits who are envied by Gu Geduo.

Said they were unfortunate because their first reincarnation was in 1380. Ulqi was in troubled times. When they were about to prepare to end the troubled times with their whole lives, the troubled times had already been solved by their grandparents and fathers. The only thing is how to give a decent ending to the troubled times - the transformation of Shutanagi.

Therefore, after they became leaders, they knew that for Ulqi, who had gone through hundreds of years of troubled times, not tossing was the best move. In the first life, the two heroic spirits could only rule by doing nothing.

In the second world, Ulqi was an "isolated island" again, and it was not adjacent to other countries by land. There were immortal epic monsters blocking the way on Myshka Road. When Gross was cleared, both of them had died. The sea route has long been monopolized by Boris, and he has no strength but nowhere to use it.

If you can't fight outside, you can only fight inward. In the second world, the most discussed issue between the two of them was how to end Ulchi's three-lord alliance system. This system may be played when the country plays on a single player. Very cool, but now that the foreign country is getting closer and closer, something will happen sooner or later.

In the first life, the two people's approach was to unite with each other and run on a third party. This approach successfully led to the Alina Rebellion from 1499 to 1515. Since Ulch was still playing on a single player, this rebellion was eventually defeated by other The two major families joined forces to settle down, and then chose a Zeidil family to replace Alina's vacancy as the background board.

This has defeated a large airspace lord, but the problem is that this makes the remaining two airspace lords even stronger. By the time of the second generation, these two airspace lords have already grown to an extremely terrifying level. Which one to lose? Both will lead to major changes in Ulch's political situation, triggering a civil war.

There was no other way but to act, so in 1584, two years before the end of the Bourbon Island War, Deqiang of Ulch led the Sorger family to declare war on the Batty Joshua family, provoking a tragic civil war in Ulch .

During the civil war, Deqiang kept providing information to Bharti, which led to the failure of the Solger family's military operations. The family was madly catching the traitor, but no one thought that the biggest traitor was the one sitting in the highest position. . However, Deqiang was dismissed, and was ousted on the grounds that he was responsible for repeated failures.

The Sorge after returning to normal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ made the subsequent Ulchi civil war cruel, but due to the early fiasco, the Sorge family fell into decline, and Barty squeezed the Sorge family little by little. space to exterminate them.

It’s not that the Sorger family has not surrendered. After all, in their opinion, this war is an inexplicable war. Although there are contradictions between the two families, it will not intensify to such an extent. Deqiang and Bharti "inexplicably hostile" ("General History" language).

The Sorg family was willing to give in, but Barty refused to accept it, because he knew that the hidden dangers of the dispersal of the Ulchi regime had to be solved in his own generation, so he insisted on going his own way.

Barty's insistence on going his own way has long dissatisfied many nobles. For more than a hundred years, the Sorg family and the Joshua family have been closely linked, and very few people support Barty's idea of ​​completely solving the Sorg family.

Since Barty is determined to go his own way, then the nobles will gather under the command of nobles who are willing to listen to their opinions. Don’t forget that Ulqi is the union of the three lords! After receiving the support of most of the aristocrats in the country, the Zeidil family, who had been watching the play before, descended from the sky, asking to intervene and mediate this war that should never have broken out.

After realizing that he had been betrayed and separated for 2 years, Bati finally gave up his actions in despair, and reluctantly agreed to Zeyidir's demands and passed the "Zeedir Peace Agreement".

At this point, the new round of Ulci civil war that lasted for 11 years ended, and Barty resigned and died a few years later.

This war did not end the situation in which the Sorg family and the Joshua family stood side by side, but instead allowed the Zeyi Dill family to gain real power and restore the situation of the Big Three.

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