God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 376: : "Shi Hai Shen Hook · Classic Books" Regional Culture and…

The third part of "Division of Regional Culture and Ethnic Group" is called "Empirical", which is the chapter with the most historical value in the book.

Considering that era, and considering the author's aristocratic status, as a noble, it was very rare in that era to be willing to inquire and investigate the lower classes in such detail. Although the author still retains some noble arrogance in the investigation, but The flaws do not hide the beauty.

The people who wrote the thesis at that time were not as standardized as later generations, and in the "empirical study", the author's investigation materials were presented in the chronological order of the author's investigation, rather than summarizing and presenting the same type of people, which led to the addition of additional information to future generations when reading this paragraph. There are a lot of difficulties, but it also allows people to infer the order of the author's investigation from the order of "evidence".

It can be confirmed from the "evidence" that the author conducted an investigation at the Middle-earth Forest Colonial Guard in the Edonan Peninsula in the early years, and provided information on the local North Boutu and Poli people, as well as some Bourbons who came here to do business. confession.

The materials that appear next are the native Polly people, the merchant Bourbons, the ancient Bourbons, and the Porcon people. In addition, the author even went to the border to investigate some Bonn people. This is the only one in the 16th century. The information of human dialogue is very precious.

The source of the re-emerging data is the lower Edonan Peninsula, where the author surveyed the local South Poutu, Edonan, and Polly, and even went to the Boris colony in the south to investigate the Bourbons there. However, the fly in the ointment is that these data are all from coastal areas, and the author did not go deep into the Edonan country to investigate.

After leaving the Lower Edonan Peninsula, the author first went to the capital of Boris, where he took a detour, and conducted investigations here. Then he went to the capital of Boris, and also visited the Napolika Palace and Hades Square. As said in the general preface, he even painted a picture locally.

After Boris, the author did not go to Portloo, but went north to Bourbon, where the author did not mention his "old Bourbon" theory, so he had a good time.

Speaking of this, I cannot help but mention an anecdote. According to the records of later visitors, in the monument erected to him by the "sage" Solitt after Luhr's death, the eulogy introduced in a joking tone that when "Gubo" After the concept of "bystanders" was proposed, several Bourbon residents traveled all the way to Hechu and threw rotten eggs at the author.

"The Wise" Soliter said proudly in the monument, "It is precisely because the father's theory is correct that the ancient Bourbons who cannot accept the facts have to try to ignore the truth by slandering the flesh."

The information after Bourbon came from Bokorn. The author made a lot of effort here. He went to the border to search for the Bonn people on the border of Bourbon, and was almost kidnapped by the Bonn people.

The author is very interested in how the concept of the Pokang people came into being. He made an in-depth excavation of the "Bonn chieftain-Bourbon aristocratic representative system" once in Pokang, which is the first systematic study of this system. This passage of the book is still very important to this day, and it is an indispensable material for understanding the evolution of the Pokang people.

According to the general preface, after Bokang's investigation was completed, the author returned to Hechu and began to organize his investigation materials, and finally compiled them into a book.

The fly in the ointment of the first edition is that the author did very little research on the Portloos and Boemis. He only saw some Portloo traders in Boris and Bourbon, and the author did not personally investigate. The Boemis, and his information on the Boemis, are all introductions from the Portloo people.

So the place at the end of the third part of the original edition where the Portloos and Boemis were introduced is very low credibility. In the fourth part, it is also very simple. The author combines all the lost ethnic groups with other ethnic groups in the Bourbon Sea in this part, and there are many hearsay places.

However, the author has an advantage. Every time he quotes an argument, he always writes down the origin of the argument in detail. Many books that have been lost today can be found out of chapters through his first edition. The first edition of , also has historical value.

Not being able to go to Tenglong Continent has always been a problem for the author. In the general preface, the author said, "Others say that I am in my 60s or 70s, and I don't have to leave my homeland to go to war-torn places. It makes sense, but it has come to this point. I have only this book in my life, if I abandon it at this time, I will be unwilling. After thinking about it for three months, I finally made up my mind and left Hechu."

There is a sentence worth noting in the article, "You don't have to leave your homeland to go to war-torn places." This sentence is related to the international environment at that time.

The Edonan Peninsula, and even Bourbon Island, were once a region of beacon fires, but in the time of the author's life, the war had been far from his hometown for a long time.

The closest war on Bourbon Island to the author was the Bourbon Island War, which lasted 15 years from 1561 to 1576. This war ended 40 years before the author was born, and secondly, it was not fought at all. In the forest guard, so the author has no impression of this war.

The closest war to the author on the Edonan Peninsula was the Third Edonan War, which lasted 14 years from 1606 to 1620. This war ended when the author was 10 years old, and the main battlefield was always the On the Lower Edonan Peninsula, there is a strait separated from the Upper Edonan Peninsula, where the Forest Guard is located.

After the end of the Third Edonan War, neither the Edonan Peninsula nor the Bourbon Island had ever fought a war and were in a state of peace. The next war of Willis occurred in 1684, at which time the author's lifespan was only 8 years left.

In addition, when the author was active, whether it was Polly or the author's forest guard, they relied on the Laventica trade to make a lot of money. During the period, the most serious conflict broke out, that is, in 1652, Polly and Polly Reese's trade war, but that's nowhere near the point of war.

Therefore, in ancient times when there were frequent wars, the author could be called the lucky one of peace, and he spent almost his whole life in peace, which is the object that countless people in troubled times long for.

Therefore, in the 16th century, peace and trade were the main themes of the Edonan Peninsula and the Bourbons. War was far away from here, but this was not the case for the west coast of the Tamron continent. The author feared to call it a "land of war". A statement is absolutely correct.

From 1632 to 1639, the Subac War between Indians and Portloo lasted for seven years.

From 1633 to 1646, it lasted for 13 years. Due to the civil war of the three lords of Ulci, the military invasion of Potloo and Myshka led to the second three-lord war of the Three Kingdoms melee.

From 1658 to 1670, it lasted for 12 years. The Brayazon civil war caused by the "internal government" (abolition of the internal country and the establishment of the post) was called the war of restructuring.

From 1661 to 1667, which lasted for 6 years, the Myshka nobles overthrew the civil war of the Neo-Tyroid Dynasty, and the Anti-Tilotic War.

From 1674 to 1688, it lasted for 14 years, and the oligarchic war in which Portloo and Ulci armed intervention (that is, only mercenaries were sent, no formal declaration of war) was triggered by the Civil War of Myshica.

Why did the Laventica trade quickly overwhelm the long-running Brajazon trade? Because in the 16th century, the entire Tenglong Continent broke out one after another, and after entering the 17th century, it not only did not weaken, but quickly evolved into a melee between the four major powers.

The long and continuous war disrupted the original old-fashioned trade projects of Tamron Continent, which made the Laventica trade emerge and quickly seize the original market. And it is precisely because Tenglong Continent is fighting that the author can enjoy "peace in our time".

When the author was going to Portloo, although Portloo did not declare war, he supported an oligarch and was sending mercenaries to Myshica to join the melee. Reasons to go to Portloo.

However, it can also be seen from the general preface that the author insisted on going. After arriving in Portloo, he was warmly welcomed by the local nobles and granted the author the qualification to view the library.

It is a pity that the author is completely old at this time, so this trip to Portloo was not able to go to the bottom to investigate the materials in person as in the past. The materials written by the author were provided by the Portloo faction.

This is why the supporters of the first edition and the full edition of this book are arguing. The supporters of the first edition have issued sharp criticisms of the full edition. They believe that the original Portloo people's information has been extensively deleted in the full edition. Rather, it is to revise the information that the Upper Potluo people think is appropriate, so the historical value of this part is very low.

The trip to Portloo, the author first went to Adasi, commenting on the restoration after the "Ebos Incident", then in Oli, the capital of Portloo, and finally went to West Isaacs to see the monuments (where the "Navigator" "Where Lure lands on the Merami Peninsula).

After browsing these three places, the author went back to his home. In the middle, he was weak due to the weather. He took a break in Dumo Liaozhong and took a break~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After returning to Hechu, the author was in the general sequence. He sighed, "The body is getting weaker and weaker. It's not far from the time of death. I can't go to the lower level as before, and I deeply regret it."

Then, the author spent more than a year revising the manuscript and established the final version of "Division of Regional Culture and Ethnic Group", and then published this masterpiece in 1686.

At the end of the general sequence, the author says so.

"When the book was finalized, I felt a lot of emotion in private, and I didn't know how to express it. Looking at the turbulent coast, I still remembered the detailed discussion with Finsu, a Laventica man. More than thirty years. Life is like a wave in the sea, and it is fleeting. If you rely on this book and the northern kingdom, you can leave a small name in the future, and it will be fortunate. "

"It's a pleasure to write a book, only a few strokes, but I don't know what to say. Recalling my life, peace is the most important thing. However, two years ago, Bokorn was a provocateur and started a war with Bourbon. Sixty years of peace on Bourbon Island, that's all. Lost. The younger generation is ignorant and thinks this is a temporary state, and it will naturally return to normal after the war."

"However, the sea **** once said, the initiator has no success. Once the border is open, who has the ability to turn the sky into a fall? I'm afraid that the fire of war will burn across the sea of ​​Bourbon!"

Judging from the time, the author Lure Schatts set a precedent before his death, predicting that a terrorist war that would sweep the entire Bourbon Sea was about to break out. Prophecy, warning, fear of the imminence of this war.

Their prophecy is helpless and correct, but their efforts to prevent the war are doomed to be futile. Before the end of the Bourbon Sea War, the war between the Bourbon sea countries is destined to become bigger and bigger, sweeping The range is getting wider and wider.

The War of Willis that broke out in 1684 was just the forerunner of a new round of war between Bourbon Island and the Edonan Peninsula.

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